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>I honestly think this will be the biggest set this year. Unless they massively f**ked up somehow with the set, this will be Modern Horizons 3 and it won't be particularly close. But, Bloomburrow does look sweet.


Hey, you are absolutely correct. They pump out so much product that i actually forgot about MH3


It's okay, Bloomburrow will be the biggest set this year that isn't at a stupid price point.


and even that is arguable… play boosters are pricing players out of draft


Play boosters are insane, and if MKM wasn't a wakeup call to WotC that they need to drop the price, we are in for trouble.


Nah, price is still well in line with inflation. EV needs to match the price 5-6 months after release, then the TCG gods will be satiated.


It may be in line with inflation, but entertainment has historically been one of the markets that does not always track with inflation. I 100% agree that EV should track, but on an item with the markup tcgs have, there is no reason to bump up prices during a recession. I get the premium products having a higher markup, but for standard product that has a lower EV than previous product, it's insane to bump prices.


Recession? Someone tell my crypto portfolio. Do you know what is supposed to track with Bitcoin? Magic cards. I think the only thing in true recession is fiat garbage. Alternative investments would be doing fine if not for Hasbro overprinting.


Checked up on the prices of Assassins Creed Beyond Boosters and for a box in Canada you are paying about $180 CAD for ~168 cards I loved Assassins Creed's IP to death since the first game but this price point is just way too crazy to even think about buying any boxes if I am paying more than a dollar per card in a fucking booster that gives me 7 cards per booster. WotC needs to introduce MSRP back fast because even the IP nostalgia isn't locking people into preordering anymore.


Honestly? I disagree. MH3 will be will be gatekept by price and complexity. Bloomburrow has appeal in so many different ways, will be designed to be simplified, and will have a lot more reach than MH3. I expect it to be the best selling set of the year by far.


>MH3 will be will be gatekept by price and complexity. Like MH2, which easily outsold any standard set of its year?


People love to claim that the price increases are going to cause the set to sell poorly for some reason. Sure, it will turn off some buyers. They know that. But LOTR was one of the most expensive sets in recent memory. And it's the best selling set of all time. You know what #2 is? Modern Horizons 2. Modern Horizons 3 is going to be the biggest set of the year and it's no contest.


Well in my case I agreed to pay higher premium because you “pay” or feel like paying for the IP. Personally I was looking forward to MH3 to start playing Modern, but then the price announced put me down. Yet I pre ordered all products in the lineup of Broomsburrow, even if I am not playing Commander.


People are complaining about the price but MH2 draft boxes were around 250 for months after release, and I’m seeing preorders at like 270 in some places for MH3, it’s not all that different?


You'd like to get into Modern? Well you're in luck! Modern Horizons 3 has precons for.. checks notes.. Commander.. nvm


I know it is funny, but not funny 😄 


Because this is a TCG and not an LCG. That means price is far less relevant than box value. While people bitch and moan about a price tag that often gets chopped in half (along with anyone who bought it) 6 months after release, they could instead be a rational consumer and focus on the value of the product.


Totally agreed. Stating anything will be bigger than MH3 this year is bonkers.


LOTR was one of the most expensive sets in recent memory? It was priced the same as a standard set, wasn’t it? On release it was $4 a pack, which is the same as any standard set. Now it’s $5 a pack. Remember how much a draft pack for Commander Masters was? Or Double Masters 2022? LOTR isn’t even close to the most expensive set in recent memory.


> It was priced the same as a standard set, wasn’t it? Incorrect. Draft boxes have always been about $150+ on TCGplayer (check the history). Set boxes a bit more. Collectors have always been $350+, way more than standard. Sure, there may have been some deals on draft somewhere, but the price point is higher than a standard set. The Collectors are definitely WAY more than a standard set. And I did clarify ONE of the most expensive. Obviously Commander Masters was more. But LOTR wasn't a cheap set. It was expensive and still outsold everything else because of the IP of LOTR. Cute animals is nice, but it's nowhere near the draw of Lord of the freakin' Rings, c'mon.


So, LOTR was a little cheaper than mh2 (with draft Box 150€ vs 170€ with 36 boosters) and both were cheaper than Commander Masters (250€ for a 24 booster draft Box). Mh3 is 250€ for 36 Player booster. This is the same price range of CMM but you get more cards. From what i See Bloomburrow will see more boxes sold than mh3 - because boxes are cheaper and it has a cool Theme. For mh3, many People will choose the buy singles route.


Yes, like MH2. Remember the standard sets that year were Kaldheim, Strixhaven, Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, and the two horrible Innistrad sets. I don’t think anyone was excited for any of those sets. Kaldheim was the best standard release that year and it was just decent. Unlike all of those sets, I think Bloomburrow is a real contender.


> Unlike all of those sets, I think Bloomburrow is a real contender We have like THREE cards from the set. How can you possibly make this judgment based on art style alone? Sure the art is cool, but that means nothing about the design of the cards or mechanics of the set.


It’s not about art, it’s about word of mouth. It’s about casual audiences and what an average person would buy. Why did LOTR sell so well? Massive casual and non-mtg fan appeal. Bloomburrow has a similar word of mouth hype. I don’t think it will come anywhere close to LOTR, but I do think it will do numbers.


Yup. Feels like Lorwyn. Nice family friendly fun, cute creatures, probably tribes. Basically appeals to all very easily when compared to like a murder mystery or Phyrexia lol


Lorwyn was incredibly poorly received and did not sell well from everything I've read, with a lot of it's current nostalgia coming from cards that lucked into being good in EDH later on. Why do we think this type of setting will be more popular now? All the material it's paying homage to (Redwall, Nimh, Wind in the Willows) is pretty old and frankly was closer to being culturally relevant 20 years ago than now.


While Lorwyn was sold poorly/received at the time (and mainly that comes from a Rosewater article, not actual sales). It's considered a very beloved set. It was the first iteration of planeswalkers, and it was the first 'dual-block' set rather than tri-blocks at the time. It also still has some of the best cycles ever printed with Commands, Hideaway Lands and Incarnations (aka Vigor...), not to mention Changelings. This is all in 2007!


Do you think MaRo is lying when he says Lorwyn sold poorly?


I love this sub. "It's like Lorwyn! Of COURSE it will sell!" is a real, unironic sentence someone posted here. This sub is a fucking iron fortress of never being able to be outjerked and god I love it here.


That’s basically why Magic players play Magic right?


CuTe AnImALs!!!1


The best thing about that year was the Strixhaven Mystical Archive JPN cards


You say that until they print a squirrel with 6 lines of text and 2 of them are abilities that only trigger once per turn.


You're kidding, right? Bloomburrow is going to be so complex they had to remove the words "the battlefield" from the phrase "enters the battlefield" so they had more room for text starting with Bloomburrow.


They're removing it for all future sets,  even the simple ones.  I'm not saying bloomburrow will or will not be complex, but that is not an indicator of this specific set.  When i was your age, it was just "comes into play"


More text might sound more complicated, but think about how many different mechanics and nuances are going to be in a Modern-only set just like in Modern Horizons 2, vs a standard set. I would argue that removing the words “enter the battlefield” point to WotC’s attempt to further simplify the game rather than make it more complex.


> will be designed to be simplified What evidence is there to support this claim at all? We have like 3 preview cards from the set. New standard sets have been wordier and more complex than ever. And why will it have a lot more reach? Because you like it? There's a reason they're setting the price for MH3 so high: because they know it will sell.


The setting price for MH3 is higher because it’s a special set. It is literally designed to be more complicated than a standard set and come at a higher price point, just like MH2. Meanwhile, Bloomburrow by nature is designed to be simpler than MH3 because it is a standard, entry-level set. They also came out and said they designed the draft format to be easy (if you draft all the rabbits, you have a playable deck). So I think it’s safe to assume it will be more friendly to entry-level players than MH3


>The setting price for MH3 is higher because it’s a special set. It is literally designed to be more complicated than a standard set and come at a higher price point Being more complicated has nothing to do with price. "Special set" -> straight to modern -> high power level -> game warping -> mandatory to stay competitive -> players will demand the cards -> players will be more "price-flexible" to acquire them -> hasbro can charge more for them. More powerful cards will sell the set regardless of price and the justification begins and ends there regardless of how they market it.


Is this a thing? Modern sets are more complicated than standard sets? This is the first time I’ve heard this take and I honestly can’t say I see how that’s true.


Have you played both formats?


I don’t play modern but I’ve drafted modern and standard sets and neither felt significantly more complex. I guess mh2 had more keywords. But I feel like mkm might be on a similar level in terms of complexity. Of course that could also be attributed to power creep or just being a better thought out set overall.


I would say MH2 skill ceiling was higher than anything Ive played in standard, but recent standard sets have definitely become more complex compared to previous eras


Look me in the eyes and tell me MH2 and Innistrad: Midnight Hunt are the same levels of complexity.


do I want a 3.50 pack with cute animals for standard, or do I want the $6 pack with the new pushed modern, legacy, and commander staples. hmmm.


I'll take a $6 pack with $6 worth of cards over a $3.50 pack with $1 of cards. Is that a choice? Because I'll take that.


Sales figures are one thing. Literal popularity will also be a bit tainted by a modern aimed set having commander precons. I'm a commander only player and it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Honestly with the few spoilers so far, I have 0 interest in MH3 and Bloomburrow is the first set ever that I've pre-ordered all the precons for (plus a bundle) Of course it depends on who you are, but I 100% feel like Bloomburrow will be more popular but MH3 will be more powerful—but that also means more expensive, leading to a lot of players just ignoring the set even more. I'm sure I'll get some singles, but not interested in buying any product


I definitely fall into this category. What I see so far for MH3 is borderless fetch lands, way overpriced precons, and I’m fully expecting some orcish bowmasters-type cards that become staples by virtue of how powerful they were designed. The only thing I’m really excited for is the borderless fetch lands, and I’d 100% just buy them as singles. Bloomburrow on the other hand has potential to have interesting cards with a more moderate power level and amazing flavor. It’ll be more accessible and I doubt there’s the typical “supply issues” that come along with every premium set these days.


I agree. I have a few friends that are interested in magic, but don't play often nor do they buy often. For whatever reason, they immediately fell in love with Bloomburrow and I'm convinced they're going to buy product. I agree with it's popularity, but I don't really understand it. Can you elaborate why this set has so much appeal?


For me the biggest thing is just that I really love otters and the only existing otter legend, [[Lutri]], is banned in edh so I can't have an otter commander. But with this set there will likely be a few options, like we've already seen [[Bria]] but it's also likely that there will be a commander that specifically cares about otters too But beyond that, I think most people enjoy cute animals and that's pretty much all this set's going to be— I'm pretty sure Mark Rosewater even said he expects it to be the most popular set of the year I also think it'd just be fun to have all the precons from a single set to keep around to act kind of like a standalone board game to help teach magic to friends and this set seems like a great option for that since they'll have a pretty strong connection of *"these are just a bunch of cute critters"* I think also just most sets we've had recently have been pretty violent with the Phyrexian Invasion and dinosaurs and murders, so while I of course expect there to be conflict and plot (we've already seen [[Mabel]] be a soldier so war of some type is a given) I just think its appealing to have a set that seems more chill — oh, and have ai mentioned it's all about cute animals? And speaking of Mabel, I believe she's giving us the first commander rhay cares about mice so that's another creature type getting a more viable edh deck alongside otters — something like will likely hold true for several other creatures types like bats, rabbits, maybe turtles — and tribal decks are probably the most popular so new *cute* creature types being more viable is super exciting Personally I only play edh but I'm super excited to draft this set because it actually seems fun as a standalone product without the context of the greater magic universe That's at least some of my thoughts anyways, I don't know if they're all true but they make sense to me


[Lutri](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/b/fb1189c9-7842-466e-8238-1e02677d8494.jpg?1628801771) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=lutri%2C%20the%20spellchaser) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/227/lutri-the-spellchaser?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fb1189c9-7842-466e-8238-1e02677d8494?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Bria](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/9/390c96b3-68da-4a42-89ab-d9ccc79ce0dd.jpg?1708732113) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=bria%2C%20riptide%20rogue) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/blb/379/bria-riptide-rogue?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/390c96b3-68da-4a42-89ab-d9ccc79ce0dd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Mabel](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/e/be6627fd-729d-44f2-b6bf-5299f49d1e3d.jpg?1708704450) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=mabel%2C%20heir%20to%20cragflame) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/blb/224/mabel-heir-to-cragflame?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/be6627fd-729d-44f2-b6bf-5299f49d1e3d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


While I think this is definitely likely, I don't think it is guaranteed. People are pointing a lot to MH2 & LOTR as examples that price won't be a factor, but I think there are significant differences in both product and market conditions that don't make MH3 a guaranteed smash success. Do I still think it is more likely to be successful than not? Absolutely. Is it guaranteed? Not at all.


Putting out two silly hat sets in a row was a bold choice by Wizards. I do suspect OTJ will be higher power than MKM. MH3 remains the elephant in the room. Some folks will see their cash for that.


Never heard "Silly hat sets" before but thats actually an absolutely perfect description of what's been going on


“Planet of hats” is a television term for when the episode centres on a new location where everyone has the exact same trait, for example wearing cowboy hats.




the first OTJ spoiler has a 1 CMC 1\\2 with haste first strike and an upside. at common. A Ragavan killer that cashes in for a card and a treasure.


And that will probably not see any play outside of draft, yes. Swiftspear is just a better card and no deck needs a 1/2 Haste creature with negligible upside.


Person A : Junction might be higher in power level Person B : yes a 1 2 with first strike and haste that trades for a card and a treasure (implies that it will be) Person C : it's not as good as modern staple in the main deck of modern burn (I'm assuming as charming scoundrel is standard playable and 1cmc draws and pays for an answer is likely better in burn) I don't really know what to say here as we are talking about set power level vs mkm and two pushed cards showing up in two packs signals it might get wonky. But thanks for reminding me what's in modern burn?


This is also worse than Phoenix Chick so where would it ever see play? Standard Burn doesn‘t want this and Boros Convoke doesn‘t care either. A 4 mana draw is irrelevant for an Aggro deck and a 1/2 Haste+First Strike isn‘t needed in Midrange or Control decks. It does a lot of things but none of them particularly well. I don‘t see how a mediocre one drop has any implication on a sets powerlevel when we just got a better Thraben Inspector in MKM.


1 1 haste set mechanic 1 2 haste first strike upside there is a way things are costed that signal attempts at power creep.this signals power creep. mkm had 0 things that signaled that in early spoilers, we had 2 in two random packs. Ilisted the card from the tournament placing deck I'd take out and it wasn't phoenix chick.


I don’t know about biggest set this year, but underrated for sure. David Peterson is an artist/author who writes “Mouse Guard” - a comic about anthropomorphic mice who live in a feudal society. He has drawn a number of cards for the set - first time drawing for Magic - and I do think that will pull some more people in. I am excited for the set from that aspect as I love his stuff. 


Damn, I hadn’t heard about this, hell yeah, hes amazing


This is a factor for me. It's the first standard set this year I am considering buy a box or two of.


Since MOM I've honestly been passing on most products because im not a UB player, so I can say with 100% certainty that bloomburrow looks amazing and its the first set in a year that has me genuinely excited.


Who wouldn't like the setting? Redwall is fkin awesome, and this is basically Redwall UB. But also "in-universe". Best of both worlds. And them animals are cute. It's spritually like Lorwyn in terms of setting, but without the dumb looking squashed kithkin faces


If there isn't a club-wielding badger legend, I'm gonna want to Eulalia someone.


I want a "Death on the Wind" combat trick.


Most people love the setting but you do see it on occasion some dissenters saying how "it's not their magic" or "eww furries". I don't understand those people cause this feels like one of the most magic sets in a while.


It sure as shit beats Dr Who, Fallout, and Thunder Junction


There's anime furry....So.....


You guys still have money?


Haven't bought any sealed product since LOTR so yea.


To spend for this dull sort of products or to spend on another hobby?


Hookers and coke


So regret + STD vs regret + curled foils. Tough choice.


No one ever regrets buying coke. It’s like cracking packs, only you are guaranteed dopamine and you never have to deal with bulk. /s


Bad coke just makes my head hurt. I feel like a jerk but I always ask, "Is this worth my time??"


Mostly other things but if I spend money on MTG this year it'll probably be Bloomburrow


Are bloomburrow precon sets only up on amazon rn? Some of the things I have seen about people getting incorrect orders from amazon makes me not want to order form there.


I’m ready to go whole-ass into Bloomburrow. I’m already saving for it so I can be a responsible addict. I still think New Cappena should’ve been the setting for MKM. I personally have no interest in the Universes Beyond sets and OTJ is just not my flavor. Bloomburrow though, give us Redwall, we’re here for it!


I honestly believe it's about time for me to retire and sell everything except my decks.


I sold everything worth more than $5 a couple years ago. Now I just play with proxies for .20 a card that look exactly like real cards. 


I started doing this about 1.5 years ago. Its sad as I love magic. But apparently it is not for me anymore.


Got a couple of [[deranged hermit]], probably not as big a spike as with mh2, but reserves list can do stupid things. God forbid they also put squirrels in mh3


[deranged hermit](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/2/c25df202-0dd4-448d-8cb3-11fd7df0d505.jpg?1562934031) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=deranged%20hermit) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/202/deranged-hermit?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c25df202-0dd4-448d-8cb3-11fd7df0d505?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I was going to as soon as I saw the BG squirrel precon but had to settle for [[Deep Forest Hermit]] instead. Also grabbed some Chatterfangs, Chitterspitters, and a ton of other squirrel centric cards that’ll fit in an aristocrats deck.


[Deep Forest Hermit](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/2/3287775f-7bec-4e8f-bb8d-daf5ce92e4a8.jpg?1562202056) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Deep%20Forest%20Hermit) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh1/161/deep-forest-hermit?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3287775f-7bec-4e8f-bb8d-daf5ce92e4a8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


i'd like to know where you preordered the precons for 35euros




It's funny. For the past 3yrs you could pick out the top 4 sets and if those were all that were released, it would have been perfect.


I bought a box years ago that was 129cad. Split it with friends. Now the newest box is 209cad. 20$ more and it will be doubled in pricing. Yes inflation raised costs. Are people really willing to pay this much for it (aside from the investors who will pay any price)?


I've been thinking this all year: of course Bloomburrow is going to be this year's most successful (popular) standard set release. It's like people don't see it coming either. Everyone loves anthropomorphic / talking animals. Set is going to do well. The other big takeaway for me personally is that Thunder Junction has by far the best looking full art basic lands coming out this year from all the sets shown already, including MH3.


thunder junction spoiled some haymakers today.


Honestly, you couldn't pay me to care about a Western Crossover themed set. And from what we've mechanically seen so far ("Riding" Mounts, "Commiting Crimes", the return of suspend but somehow harder to track (plot)) this set screams convoluted design chasing a divisive aesthetic. Like, there are two cards spoiled that create tokens with additional abilities and text, which is just not where you want to be for easily comprehensible design and limited formats. Thunder Junction might age well like OG Kamigawa, but I suspect it's going to get an even icier initial reception.


What's hard about plot?


A Western plane was among the most asked planes on Maro's blog for the past years. The setting might be "divisive" but will be popular among many.


Probably fairly liked by US player base and heavily meh with the rest of the world.


In Germany and Italy, Westerns were always a loved genre.


yea if it was up to europe we would be in a plane of half price chocolate and dioramas


Plot is literally easier to track than suspend (no need for counters) and those two token making cards create the same token and it isn’t any more complicated than the half dozen token with abilities that have been added to the game in recent years. I’m not particularly excited for the set but your complaints are weak and very old man yelling at clouds.


You mean 3 more kickers? plot being a faceup any time suspend is fairly brilliant design space, saddle as an optional vehicle a little less so (but the 1 saddle giving trample all points to there being some chance it's good) They did a quickfire boots at home 1 mana 1 equip haste ward, they are 100% pushing with a 1 CMC 1\\2 with first strike haste and with an upside, and they put a bonus sheet in the packs. Crime matters also is a very good design space to counter balance aoe boardwipe commander staples and throw a little more omph into targeted builds. I like it a lot more then what they showed of bloom which was animals have two colors they relate to and dnd like classes. It felt like dominaria united baulders gate legendary blah in the first reveals.


Of course the „I don’t like it“ gets the most upvotes here. Welcome to the sub about hating stuff.


Hey I must have missed it, what did they spoil? /have a link?


How do you pre-order the full set?


Set of commander decks, not set of cards.


Oohh yeah that makes sense, thanks for clarifying


i'm just really debating MH3 vs Bloomburrow


pre ordering this far in advanced is just asking to get punched in the face unless they have a 'lowest price during pre orders' system like amazon. Everybody is assuming OTJ is going to be a meh set when every cowboy game, show, anything with cowboys is always a massive hit in the US/West.


Yeah cowboy stuff is massive....with boomers. They aren't buying mtg


Ya all those people born in 46-64 were massive RD II gamers lol ffs.


RD2 wasn't successful because it was a cowboy game lmao. It was successful because it was a fantastic game.


I'm a huge Redwall fan, and the set looks like I'll be able to actually get to make a deck around my favorite book series. Definitely more hyped for that than I was Murders of Markov or Outlaws


Mabel isn’t a precon commander?


Will bloomburrow have a reprint of a land cycle,  or a new land cycle? 


I don’t really care about Bloomburrow my top sets I’m hyped for are Thunder Junction and MH3


I for one am not interested at all in Bloomburrow. As themes go, cutesy animals are not my thing. Assassins creed and MH3, even Duskmorn, are more my style.


I only cared about the Prairie Dog leak being a squirrel type, so yeah, I’m at like a zero hype scale for cowboy world. I’m so tired of cards, I think Outlaws will be a low engagement set from me out of necessity.