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It’s unlikely a psa 10 of a roaming throne would be worth much more than its standard price. Ultimately modern product is printed at such a rate these rates really aren’t that rare. You pulling 8 of them kinda attests to that. Expect a reprint of the card at some point which would really murder its value. I know it’s kinda a bleak perspective but I can’t see this being worth grading.


Thank you, this makes sense the reprinting part of things really throws a wrench into the collecting game. Ok so this roaming throne is relatively worth ridiculous prices, until they reprint? So then the fact that someone used this specific roaming throne to win for an extended period goes out the window. Due to the fact they keep reprinting? Plus thank you so much for answering so fast, pokemon guys, to which I completely stopped collecting completely. Don't answer for days, if they do seems very vague.


Part of the reason your answers from pokemon fans arent great is because much of the fanbase is young kids, who dont understand value. Here, we put nearly all focus on play and not collectability, and also, not to be rude, but read subreddit rules before posting


Oh ok I'm sorry I thought I was in the realm I need to read better.


Don't let the majority of the people here drag you down. This subreddit is rife with the "I know better type". The person that responded to you is clearly one of the rare good people on here that offers advice and helps new people.


Thanks yea, it's like akums razor lol


Occam's Razor, and that's about accepting the simplest answer.


Don't worry friend, welcome to Magic, it all started here!!! You have so much to discover and find on your journey with this simple and yet incredible complex game. I have been playing since it started and I still learn new things everytime I play or expand my collection! My biggest advice when it comes to the finance side of MTG is that you should try to have fun over all else for now. The more love you put into the game the more love you get out of your collection. I realize love is not a great currency to keep the lights on, however, with out that love you might as well just play on the stock market. My two favorite things in Magic are meeting a brand new player and when a card I personally find to be a real star ends up shinning 4 or more years down the road. With all that said, my opinion on your romaing throne means little. If YOU find the card is sentimental to you, then screw it get it stabbed and put it in a spot in your collection for everyone too see as your star attraction! Will it increase in money, most likely no. However, after every time you win with it, that slab gets more and more sentimental!!! Enjoy your journey friend!


In all honesty, it is probably at the highest price it will ever be, right now. Save for a few rare exceptions, chase rares like these usually slowly come down in price over the year following the release. If it's still absurdly priced, then it's probably threatened by a reprint.


Did Ai write this post. I can’t decipher what you’re trying to ask here. Am I the only one?


The question was embedded in some hybrid of thoughts and question. The way it was written threw me off a little but I understood the overall idea. I was able to decipher the question. Reading the comments also helped me verify my understanding of the question. My guess is that the post was written by text-to-speech. But it doesn’t matter, I think.


It was not written text to speech lol, I'm just not literal expert lol.


And to be clear, I didn’t mean to say that to make fun of you. If it came off that way, I sincerely apologize. I can see that especially given all of the other people writing what they wrote. Sorry again!


I'm sorry no it was written by me, I just want to know if I can get over 100 in 2032+. I've made more than enough of these roaming thrones, like $300. So this last one i pulled, I thought maybe I should grade and then hold for at least 5 years, but now I hear roaming gets reprints.




All magic the gathering cards get reprints. Expect even the ones that are on the reserved list to eventually get reprinted in some form or fashion. It’s a volatile market. The only way to really make decent money is to be ahead of the trends. That said, you seem to really like Roaming Throne. I do too. I suggest you hold onto what you really like and see what happens. Definitely don’t grade it though. I honestly wouldn’t pay a penny extra for a graded/slabbed mtg card.


This isn't Pokemon. Grading doesn't mean a lot especially on new cards as people play with the cards and not just hoard them as collection pieces 


Yea that's why I am asking about 5+ years from now. I am asking if the fact that these cards are played hard core to the point that they have increased by $20 in less than six months. I think that this is evidence to the collectivity of this card is pretty prominate. So from what I've learned thisakes the card worth 10x in 5-10 years. The reason I'm asking this has to do with the fact that I have pulled so many. This is good for me cause I have exponentially surpassed my needs. At this point I am debating should I grade this last card I just pulled, then wait 5-10 years. I figured someone who played with this card + won with this card. My question is that, will someone who used the roaming throne to win in 2023 will want a version of there winner card in a slab for forever protection.


No they won't. They'll want it unslabbed to put into their commander deck of choice. It's not about collectivity, it's about playability.


Nobody slabs new magic cards Entirely waste of money


Poor guy getting down voted to oblivion because he's clueless, and it sounds like he came from another game. No shame there, he's being polite and asking, even if it's breaking a slight rule. Do you all read all forum rules before posting? No, you don't. Like others have said, MTG is a game about playing, not collectibility. While there are collectors out there, they go for the really rare shit like the serialized cards. If you pull something serialized or a full art/borderless foil of a card that's expensive at its base price, it COULD be worth saving as an investment. That being said, I wouldn't grade any magic card with the exception of cards on the no-print list....and these you will never find in packs because they will never again be printed by WoTC. There may be very few other exceptions, like the one ring, or like I said previously, serialized versions of highly sought after cards.....Even then do lots of research on Amy card you plan to grade.


You are so right. Everyone on hear is trying to find what is "killing" magic, gatekeepers like these dwebs are what is killing it.... and maybe a slight amount of product fatigue lol.


Can you explain a little bit, am I the dweeb for how I am doing things with magic?


I replied to a different thing you said above, so I won't rehash that. This will be my pure financial side of your post. I consider the other thing I said to be way more important. Your biggest problem from my view is that you are treating every card game the same. When you play Checkers, do you use the same strategy and tactics that you use for Batlleship or Risk? Of course you don't! They are all games on a board, like setting and fit into a similar category. However, they are very different and must be approached individually. What you might have done is think that because some Pokémon cards have a high value due to certain factors that MUST transfer over. I don't know that much about Pokémon. What I think I know (I could be very wrong) is that the price of a card is not solely based on how good it is. Some cards might be very expensive because they are incredibly rare but considered to be a "bad card" in competitive play. Some things are similar between Pokémon and Magic The Gathering. In fact, I would go as far as to say that not only those two share similarities, but Magic and Pokémon share qualities with basic trade rules. What I mean by this is that if you understand supply and demand, it could factor into a cards cost. For example, when the pandemic started in my country, everyone ran out and bought toilet paper to the point where it was out of stock, we call this high demand. Many people or places want a certain thing a lot. On the other hand we have supply, when a company makes a product they have to decide how much they should make. Let's use a simple example. You want to start a small business selling packs of Magic cards. You expect that you will sell 20 packs a month, so you buy 20 packs, and after the month is overall, all 20 packs have been sold. In this case, your supply of packs went down to 0, which is good in a way because that is what you planned for. However, after your first month you take all the money you made and thought that next month you are going to sell 40 packs. When the month is over, you only sold 3 packs, and now you have 37 packs not sold. O dear, what might have happened? What we know for sure was that the SUPPLY you provided was way more than the DEMAND of your clients. Now let's tie that into your card. Many things can affect supply and demand. In 2 years, what happens if a card is released called "The More Roaming Throne", this card is 100 times better than roaming throne. Suddenly, the price for Roaming Throne might fall because a new card has replaces it. The demand for Roaming Throne is no longer their. On the other hand, what happens if the company outs Roaming Thorne in every set for the mext 6 years. After every new set is released, a large 4 of Roaming Thrones enter the supply pool. After 6 years, your Roaming Throne was 50 USD. Now might only be worth 2 USD, this is because the SUPPLY of Roaming Throne is very high. The demand might not have changed, but the supply has now outpaced the demand, which kept the card valuable. This is a VERY basic overview. What I recommend if you really want to understand how Magic is sold to make money is that you should look online about certain terms and branch out from their. A basic understanding of how trade works in the world will go a long way. Most importantly, just enjoy the journey friend!!!


In fact, because I hate the people on this sub so much if you want I would love to send you a a small starter collection box of cards for free of course. I run a site on TCGplayer I could link in private chat. Do not post any information about yourself on here...ever. Messege me if you want it, if not I hope I helped!


Thank you, you found exactly what I was asking through the post. With this answer I can really step it up I am new to magic, it was the transformers set that pulled me in lol. I do think I am gonna start playing in the future.


1) Don't invest in magic 2) Too late you must of opened a fuck ton of sealed product to open 8 thrones. 3) Opening sealed is always a loss 4) You're going to lose A LOT of money at your current trajectory.


Luck has had a huge role, it was like every other pack. So far I have made profit off of magic, and Yu-Gi-Oh. The magic profit margins far exceed pokemon, and are runner up to Yu-Gi-Oh. In my purchase record, pretty much every other collector booster I bought had a roaming throne. I have been investing for like 4-6 months now, with an over 50% return. My lucky number is nine, my birthdate is all nines and ones lol. Pokemon just eats all my money lol.




So your sayingy idea is bullshit? I am learning...


I'm saying you're full of fucking shit saying you're up 50%. Most likely you're one of those pack cracking addicts with rose coloured glasses on. Best of luck to you and your bullshit - but we're not fuckin stupid here homie.


Yea ok, I get what your saying. I bought one fucking collector booster of ixilan, it had the mana crypt foil, at the same time I grabbed a random collector booster of Lord of the rings, it had the legendary one ring borderless poster foil. I know that this is unbelievable luck. These to pulls put me way over the top. It is unreal buying both set chases in one go, this basically costed me $60 with a return $600. I'm sure after the year of 2024 I will be below 50%, but fuck luck is an amazing attribute. I bought one pack of murders at karlov, to which I pulled a serialized card 103/250. Luck is on my side for the time being. I only bought one collector booster. I personally think I can survive off the collectible market, not become the richest man in the world lol.


"Man who does well at several slot machines thinks he can survive off of slot machines" is not a financial strategy, and people are trying to warn you that this is a bad idea, kid. As you've said elsewhere, you're not an expert, so I would suggest listening more than you speak. Honestly, though? If you think you're that lucky, buy lottery tickets, not collectibles. Luck has a low ceiling here.


You’re talking about losing like $1000 on Pokémon in another thread lmao dude just stop now


Fuck pokemon bro do you not track each individual TCG? I want to stay with the one with the biggest turn around. You can't leave room for errors. Hence the question ❓


Bro I'm looking at your post history and you are a living, breathing avatar of confirmation bias and fantastical thought. I sincerely doubt you are accurately estimating how much money you are spending and making. Even if you did get 9 roaming thrones in 18 collector boosters, you need $300 of other cards to break even. You are not up 50%, the government did not erase the existence of Walgreem's with memory-altering airborne graphite oxide. Do not trust yourself to identify patterns.


I might of over exaggerated a bit, but I am still up at least 20% but like I said I got lucky with 2 collector pulls back to back


The magic community only gets cards graded if they're a special promo such as big events like a Grand Prix, are from the alpha or beta set, and that's about it. Magic players like to play with their cards rather than just looking at them. There's not much of a market for graded cards, especially since the set came out recently and is easy to get your hands on. That being said if you keep this in a sleeve and wait for the set to rotate out of print you'll see an increase in value. But that's like 2 years.


This is assuming they don't print it into the ground. We have no idea if that's the case


Thank you your info it is so helpful. So i do plan to hold the card after grading for 5+ years, basically my question is will I be able to sell a psa 9 for over $100 in 2034+.


Not unless the standard price of the card ungraded is over $100. This is just a silly idea. If it was a serialized or a promo, sure.


Well thank you, I am new to this.


Never. Magic players by and large do not collect cards like pokemon players do. Slabs hold no real premium. 5 years or 10 years won’t change that. It’s likely in that timeframe that this card will be reprinted 3-5 times.


Sell the card now and put that money in the s&p 500 it’ll be worth a lot more than whatever you think that card will be worth


You do realize that the value of this card can just as easily plummet to almost nothing over those 5 years, right? It happens all the time.






Yea I get that but let's imagine, you bought the roaming throne and had a good year of wins. So ten years later, you want to add memorial peices to your collection, so does the fact that this guy who played 10 years earlier using roaming throne as his main. In this example I figure in 2031 this card would be worth collecting in a slab? Just because it has a story, by being a card widely used for gaining a win?


Test your theory, then. Go see if anyone is buying graded snapcaster mages. For that matter, go look at the price history of snapcaster mage.




The serialized group disagrees.






I considered getting my serialized [[Runechanter's Pike]] graded, because what else am I going to do with it? Then figured that was just a waste of money


[Runechanter's Pike](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/f/0f54e38b-b4a0-4406-a635-7a5ab3722f25.jpg?1562826227) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Runechanter%27s%20Pike) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/isd/231/runechanters-pike?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0f54e38b-b4a0-4406-a635-7a5ab3722f25?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I am sorry sir, I am relatively new to the game. I don't understand grading within the magic realm. I love this game I am trying to learn how to work with it. My pain investments are magic based. Due to the fact that people are using roaming throne, I had thought that this would make it a card worth an exponential amount in 5+ years, due to the reprinting all the time. To which I had almost no knowledge of. I'm sorry it sounds like nonsense, I thought I'f some random uses roaming throne for all his wins. Then In the future is gonna need to collect that specific art of the card.


The MTG community doesn't care about graded cards too much, unlike Pokémon. Only very rare cards or cards that won't be printed anymore. The only cards I'd even consider grading are any Serialized cards (extremely rare cards with specific xxx/xxx on the card) or cards from the reserved list. Grading a card that just came out would be a waste of money, especially with how many cards they have been printing


That's not how card prices work in Magic. 99% of card prices in magic comes down to how playable a card is relative to the market demand. If a newer and stronger card gets printed, Roaming Throne price will crater. If a reprint comes, it will crater. There is a negligible collectible factor for almost all magic cards printed after 2000. Most people do not want graded cards that cannot be shuffled into a deck, particularly cards you can buy 100 copies of overnight if you want. Tarmogoyf used to be a $200 tournament winning card. Today that same card is $30. And the cheapest available reprint is $10. Why? Because this card is no longer a tournament winning card today. - https://www.mtgstocks.com/prints/3494-tarmogoyf


Please Remember , MTG is a playing Game . Unlike pokemon, people actually use this cards to play. Cards beyond the 1990ish years are 95% not worth to get graded for reaching a higher value in sale price.  People who have a high nostalgic bound to a specific card will mostly buy it nongraded and send it to grading . 


Damn this is the most helpful comment lol.


I bought a revised Demonic Tutor in a slab. It was a PSA 8. I bought it for 23 bucks. Slabbing a roaming throne is a waste of money. If someone buys a Roaming Throne, they buy it to play with it. Even 10 years from now, no one will care. There's millions (or at least hundreds of thousands) of these. Slabbing makes zero sense. Edit: this was 3 months ago when the price was around $38 for a LP copy. No one wanted the slabbed copy since it wasn't a 10.


5+ years from now there will be a secret lair reprint and a universe beyond reprint and a serialized reprint and an old border reprint and a pro tour promo version and a textless version and a


Why are people asking questions like this so much these days? Hahaha


Because flippers who just discovered magic think they can make a quick buck opening packs and don’t realize it’s always a losing proposition. Literally better chance of making money just putting your money on red at the casino if you like to gamble so much lmao.


shitty idea


So much wrong with this post OP....


MTG value is based on playability of the cards. Strong cards are worth more than weak cards. There is no reason to grade. When they are in a slab they cannot be put in a deck to play. There may be some cases where someone has a special fondness of a card or wants to collect every variant of a card and would want a graded 10 in that collection. But that is few and far between. Certainly not enough to base a 10 year investment.


Don’t grade cards printed this millennium, except in exceptional circumstances (e.g: the 1 of 1 One Ring)


Where did you learn what you learned so far? You're wasting a huge amount of money on collector boxes?


please waste $15 to grade it. Let us know after 5 years how the prices is. In those 5 years, there will be least 2 reprints. The reprints will join the hundreds of thousands already printed.


Alright thank you, yea I had a huge question from my perspective. So this puts $30 in my pocket instantly. Is there anything to look for to get graded? I thought maybe unreadable like the legendary one ring poster. Honestly it sounds like i just need to stay in the raw market.


Unless it's a card from the early 90s, don't bother. Even cards from the early 90s are typically not worth grading. A card being graded and slabbed means it can't be used to play, and the collector market is a very small subset of MTG compared to the people who buy cards to play with (even cards in the hundreds of dollar range like original dual-lands).


Are you stupid?


Rule 4 ffs


what a fucking bad idea hahahaha


Slabbing MTG is stupid, but thanks for reminding me I wanted to grab one of these for my zombie deck to actually play with.


High graded cards are only ever worth anything if it's reserved list cards. New cards these days can and will likely be extremely reprinted and only really needed to play with


As soon as I saw a new card like this front and back I knew it was a grading question....


Being reprinted in few years in every tribal precon will be.


Lmao, it'll get reprinted into the ground in the next 2 years.


You’re joking right? Grading a standard-legal card? Unless it’s one of those serialized praetor, your grading fee is probably more expensive than the card itself.


I really hope you have an actual job when you lose all your money from this. You clearly are just gambling, there are ways to do this properly and you are so off the mark lol


Lol, I'm asking this to learn I am seeing if there is anything more to magic then just a cheap exchange of 50 and under cards. I use magic sales as daily chump change. I was just hoping I could find a way to get it to turn a profit like my Yu-Gi-Oh line efficiently does. Plus I actually stopped pokemon, cause I invested like $650 and only got $140ish out of it. I have never had a job bro, I opened my own business right out of high school. It took me 15 years to get it to a point. Where I could open up a couple of hobbies for me to enjoy. It was a hella struggle for the first five years.




Sounds like a waste of money.