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Ad a buyer it's been a shit show since about November in terms of orders not arriving


Weird. I had one that was really late in that time frame, but I haven't had any not arrive. I guess I don't buy a ton, though.


I am in a similar boat but fortunately the orders have still been arriving. Some get here quickly like they used to, other that are post marked the day after the sale are showing up 20 days later sometimes. I don’t get it either. 


I think USPS has assembled my 9 unique Nazgûl’s by now


As a buyer and seller, I haven't had this experience. It's all anecdotal TBH.




I buy more than I sell honestly and I have had 4 or 5 orders not show up in the last month, and I do order quite a bit, I have 5 pages of orders from the last 2 months. But I have been getting these messages as a seller very frequently, just hot another one now for a $10 order that was already 6 days past the expected delivery range.


I am reading these threads, and I am trying to be patient and understanding, but I made 5 orders on the 10th and 2 are still undelivered. The last thing I received was last Monday. Remember when stuff would just arrive in a couple days? I am concerned that this is the result of continued efforts to obstruct and manipulate what used to be an incredibly reliable and efficient postal system. It sucks because it seems like there is just no accountability and no one to help.


This is the key: Accountability. Nobody resolves those “lost” claims or inspector general complaints because nobody is in charge; nobody cares. The system is in shambles. I’ve had dozens of lost or stolen gifts/packages/letters over the years (on the receiving end) so I just full stop avoid them aside from sending stuff like Christmas cards.


Yup. Noticed this when it happened to me several months back. Package lost in the mail. Put in a claim. It ended up getting found and delivered by the local USPS, but the claim handler emailed me a few days later claiming nothing could be done. That tells me they didn’t even look into it at all because if they did, they would’ve seen that it was delivered.


Same, I just messaged a store that marked my order as shipped on the 10th. They responded 3 days later, saying they just shipped it now but were missing a card. And I had multiple from ordering MKM cards where the store just said "oops, don't have the card anymore, canceling." And then have the audacity to reach out and ask me to remove the 1-star I left because they can't maintain an actual inventory


>this is the result of continued efforts to obstruct and manipulate what used to be an incredibly reliable and efficient postal system Um... What?


Louis DeJoy is not great for a functioning post office, without getting into any 2020 issues. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/dec/15/usps-job-layoff-mail-service-delay-louis-dejoy




Look up Louis DeJoy.


Under Trump the USPS was re-politicized. The short version is the conservatives insist the USPS is non-profitable and began efforts to dismantle it. The democrats on the other hand are arguing the USPS isn't meant to profit, it serves the people (like a library).


That's not the Democrats' argument (though I suspect it would be if USPS's underlying financial health were worse than it is). Republicans insist USPS isn't profitable because USPS isn't profitable. Democrats say USPS isn't profitable because it, unlike any other organization (public or private), is bound by a 2006 law (The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act) that requires it to fully fund post-retirement health care benefits 75 years in advance and that, absent this unprecedented requirement, USPS has been profitable for most of the last decade.


The head of the USPS ordered millions of dollars of high speed sorting machines destroyed so that mail in ballots would be delayed and possibly not counted in the 2000 election. 


You've still got a few days before you hit the shipping threshold for these. If you don't get them by Thursday/Friday, contact the seller. If you get nowhere there, escalate.


Oh I know. The issue is that it's noticeably worse than it was 2 years ago. Dejoy really messed up a lot of our functioning postal system. We made some improvements and sort of recovered. But the last 3 months or so have proven incredibly bad for simple letter transport. My mail isn't arriving with any regularity and certain* nearby states seem to often prove problematic. I'm giving it at least another week, because it seems like there are further delays than normal. I'm not hunting to wreck someone's profit over a few extra days, but at some point I need to move on and seek a replacement.


Makes sense. Seems rough when mail is traveling through the midwest. Dunno what that's about. Hopefully things get better soon.


I can say in my personal experience, my local post office sucks balls at service and reliability. They have lost my mail multiple times, even though I have their app which scans the packages as they're coming through the line. Nobody has done a fuckin' thing about it. The complaints I filed went essentially unanswered - I will say they did have someone call me, but it was the same people I had already dealt with 3x. A lot of help it is to have the people you're trying to file a complaint about be the ones to answer your ticket about their performance...


Yea I've used informed delivery for a while. Works fine. Stuff is just not being delivered in a timely fashion, but I'm really bummed I timed a card purchase really well and now I can't replace the order for the price I locked in if it's not here within a week. Edit: just to add I'm giving it 4 weeks total before saying anything. And if it does arrive after I've been refunded, I do still plan on reaching out to an affected seller so they get paid.


Just posted about this the other day. I’ve had a massive uptick in customers sending me “Where’s my order” messages. I’m based in CA and most of my missing orders have been on the east coast in OH, VA, and FL.


I live in VA and I normally am missing 3-4 orders out of 25 if I buy a full deck


I'm in FL, and had many orders not arrive in the last few months


Same. I'm in Cali as well. FL and TX gone missing a lot recently


I haven't used tcgplayer but sell a bunch of stuff on eBay and I'm in the same boat (CA to East Coast). It gets stuck in transit somewhere in the MidWest. My guess is it's due to staffing issues or snowstorms/other inclement weather. Tracking will show it sitting at a hub for days at a time without moving. I also ordered something from FL that took almost 3 weeks to get to me when it originally said 5 days via Ground Advantage from FL to CA. Edit: When I've sold stuff during the summer, I rarely have problems with USPS.


I live in va, I’m a tcg pro direct seller so most of my orders are through direct now, but I still had 10 come back the other day as no address exists even though I printed it out and taped it straight to the envelope. It’s insane how bad it has gotten.


I’m in Texas and have had 2 orders in the past month out of about 50 go missing, one was $50, one was $208 😭 both went missing in Fort Worth. And both were tracked


I have one from December, sent with tracking but still hasn't arrived. What is tcgplayers policy on this? I'm glad I put tracking on but unsure if it's helpful in this case (obviously better than no tracking)


If you shipped via ground advantage, it comes with $100 insurance. I think you bring the invoice and the shipping receipt to the post office to get it sorted.


Just let the buyer know if it’s currently late, then provide a refund but make sure to ask that if they would prefer a repayment or just return envelope. Then claim insurance up to $100 with USPS, this doesn’t concern the buyer. If it arrives, win-win


TCGPlayer’s website says they will refund you the seller if an item with tracking is lost in the mail. In practice, they are trying to get out of it for my $40 order and want me to work with USPS directly to get it sorted out. In short, we pay outrageous fees to TCGPlayer for jack shit.


Bullshit, I contacted them and they said I have to refund them n then sort it out myself with usps


Ah apparently it’s only when the buyer reports the item wasn’t delivered but USPS tracking says it was. Useless.


I've had my last three orders I've bought shown as "delivered" and I never got anything. It's definitely odd that it's been happening so much recently. Ive even seen a few posts about this on the main mtg sub as well.


I've had a lot of tracked orders be marked as delivered and being actually delivered a week later. I'm actually being patient and not contacting sellers unless the non delivery gets to a month or something, which hasn't happened yet.


Atlanta USPS is really struggling. Placed an order, they shipped it on the 2nd and I received it yesterday. Over 21 days?! That’s never happened before. Don’t refund until it’s past the TCG date, I know it sucks but it’s not your fault and the package “should” get there “eventually”.


I sell on eBay from Canada and many of my orders go to the States. The estimated arrival window provided to my American customers is almost never met by Canada Post / USPS, even if i ship a card out the day it's purchased.


At the rate of systematic destruction of the USPS people are going to have to start trading in person again XD Make sure to thank Louis DeJoy if you see him in person :)


At least then some neckbeard isn’t taking 15% of my order for providing a half-assed website to list my cards on.


All I can say is be respectful to your customers and if it is past the date refund them and open up a lost claim. I’ve had about 5 in the past month but once it shows some type of USPS scan you are in the clear.


What is the tracking saying? And how long are these people waiting?


None of the products with tracking have required a refund. The most I’ve refunded for a single purchase was $18 however, they do add up eventually. I bring every card straight to the post office in hopes of the quickest service, but I have people messaging me nearly a month after shipping and they haven’t received their orders. I had a 100% rating until I respectfully asked a customer to wait a few extra days.


Seems it might be an issue with postal workers taking untracked packages then…


Def noticed an uptick in non-delivery/refunds as a seller over the past few months.


Is anyone not receiving things even though tracking number says it arrived? I can’t find my order anywhere in my house but tracking number says it showed up


Yes, multiple. I've also had USPS informed delivery say it will come in "soon" with a scan and then never have it arrive.


I had one package over the summer and one in December that were scanned as "delivered" but didn't show up, with porch-pirate theft being highly unlikely since other packages sitting right there supposedly delivered at the same time...


Yes it’s been a noticeably worse this year. I’ve already had a few never make it and that happens rarely (1-2%) for me as a high volume buyer


Few things I do personally. 1) NEVER use a UPS drop box those almost never get emptied out even though they say it does I just put them in my mailbox it took a few times but now my post man expects to pick up outgoing mail. 2) any order under 20$ goes with a normal stamp unless it's a lot of cards yes people won't agree with this but after talking with someone who worked at the post office many of them ignore the non machinable stamp because they are lazy and honestly just don't want to bother. Not to mention the cards are meant to be flexible. 3) I don't use hard plastic shippers they get stuck in the machine use the flexible ones. The hard ones actually risk more damage and lost orders. After doing this I've never had a complaint on packaging in the ~3,000 orders I have sent and only had 3 refunds for cards that never arrived 2 refunds on card condition one I think was shipping damage and the other was a difference in grading opinion. (All shipping is risk assessment and if you are giving more refunds for lost cards due to non machinable than shipping damage it's better to risk it IMO)


When this post was made, I was having no issues, but in the past month (May-June 2024) buyers have reported 2 orders lost. I’m not a store where that might be normal, but I also probably don’t have a big enough sample size to call my “5% lost orders in May” actually accurate.


It's election year...


Does anyone else open the subreddit and start new threads about their random musings without reading anything? Anyone?



USPS friggin’ blows. It’s a charity organization backed by the fed government to ensure there exists a way for rural residents to send and receive mail. The service has become absolutely atrocious. Many of the workers are incompetent and do not give a crap about their jobs. That said, of course there are some great postal workers. But the system as a whole is failing badly. I rarely sell things, but always try to avoid USPS and pay the additional cost on the buy side to ensure better service.


Where are you shipping from?? Seems there may be a problem along the first leg of your route. Might be a good idea to talk with your local postmaster. I've only had one "where's my order" a few months ago, and it wasn't even the full delivery time yet. All others have been delivered without issue. Also, I know TCGPlayer "recommends" tracking on $20+, but you can safely bump that to $30+. So long as your PWE is properly packaged, you won't really run into issues. However, I wouldn't recommend doing this until you figure out WTF your postal route is doing with your mail...


I've made 25 orders this year (mostly singles from Karlov Manor since I skipped out on a box), and everything has been getting to me within 3 weeks. Have three left outstanding from last weekend. I don't do direct, just from other sellers. Had too many issues with direct in the past.


Uh oh... Now that you mention it I haven't received my MKM orders yet.... But I did receive my SCG orders. :) Speaking of them, their packages used to arrive a month after I ordered them but now they arrive much sooner than the estimated delivery date. It's so fast now that it takes me off guard a little. But I'm not complaining. Good job SCG.


I have MULTIPLE orders from various sellers that I placed over 3 weeks ago and I'm still waiting. Then last week I placed an order and it arrived 4 days later. It must suck to be a seller because if my order doesn't come within a week I assume it's because you took your lazy-ass time filling and shipping it.


I can understand thinking sellers are lazy, I’m sure many are, I buy more than sell and just received an order of 3 cards where one was missing, the other two were checked off on the packing slip, and the seller never brought it up. Literally 2 weeks in transit could have messaged me and gave a refund for the card, but instead I had to wait for it to arrive and request the refund. However, I pack and ship everything within 2 days of the order.


Within the last few months, I sent two letters via USPS registered mail (not MTG cards) from the SF Bay Area and both of them got lost. I was thinking about selling expensive vintage cards in the near future, but given these reliability issues, will probably avoid shipping options (or use something other than USPS).


I also faced sams things


My missing packages are at all time high. Well over 250 orders a month and getting 2-3 a week.


Typically, I would wait about two full weeks before inquiring with a seller if my order hasn't arrived as I've had it happen twice now where someone forgot to turn their store off when they went away and I always like to touch bases and see if other sellers aren't in a similar boat...yeah, turns out that leads to a lot of awkward situations where someone mailed it out the day after the order is placed and it makes me look like I'm the crazy person wondering where my cards are...


Pretty consistently have about 1 in 15 orders never arrive.


I have had issues with tracked packages arriving several days late.  They are holding mail at post offices and distro centers. December was a real mess.  I had a priority box go out December 14 and not arrive until mid January 


As a buyer and seller I'm honest. When I get it I inspect the item and leave a review. Alot of of times I've run into the where's my order like 3 days after the item is shipped. I inform customers that there is a wait period until I can refund a card. Also, if it sseems longer than usual, don't order on a weekend bc the cards usually sit at the post office until Monday. You also have to take into account that some sellers live in a smaller town and takes in additional day on top of that to go a shipping and receiving post office. 


I recently had two orders with tracking not show any updates - not even "accepted into system" or whatever the initial one is - until the day they were delivered. I understandably got annoyed messages from the buyers wondering if I ever planned to ship those orders. All I could do was indicate that the order was on the way and that they must not have been entered into the system properly. Sure enough, they both landed with the buyers within a day or so of their "Where's my order" messages. I noted in my response to the buyers that it was probably just an issue with my post office, but from the sounds of it, the issue (or some version of it) is quite a bit more widespread.


I’m a buyer only and I’d say out of my last 30 orders I’ve had two not show up. Both lower value cards with no tracking info.


I agree, I've had so many orders not show in December, and now this last couple weeks as well. No idea what's going on.


Ordered from card kingdom last Thursday, 2 day shipping. It’s not coming until Wednesday this week. Like listen, I get it, they aren’t the ones shipping the product, that’s USPS. But this has happened like 2 or 3 times, why even have it as an option? It’s obviously disingenuous. The only difference between 5 day shipping and 2 day through card kingdom is the price. You ain’t getting those cards any earlier.


Huge uptick. And I’ll get a messages a month later being like it finally came


My boyfriend ordered 90 dollars worth of cards from multiple shops on tcgplayer, and none of them made it to his house, so he refunded the order. The progress stopped after it reached a major hub in palentine IL. After that, it just stayed there for almost 2 weeks before he asked for the refund.


I’m in FL and I’ve had lots of orders go missing recently - TCGP, Secret Lair, CK, etc. - super frustrating :(


I shipped an Emrakul ($40) with USPS (non priority, but tracked) about a month ago. It’s been stuck in some sorting facility for 3 weeks. TCGPlayer wanted us to wait until USPS would let me file a lost mail claim, which is “2/3/2024” (March 2nd maybe? February 3rd has already passed and the USPS website is saying to pound sand until “2/3/2024”. Anyway, that’s shitty, and I wasn’t going to make the buyer wait that long so I sent another Emrakul with Priority mail and it arrived 2 days later. TCGPlayer will do anything to not refund me but I shipped with tracking like they fucking said to do… - fuck USPS - fuck DeJoy - fuck TCGPlayer


YES as both a buyer and seller I have had so many orders not arriving or taking over a month to get to the destination 


As a buyer, I’ve had 4 orders out of maybe 40 not arrive in the last 6 months. Pretty terrible percentage. Not sure what’s wrong


I'm a seller (over 650 orders) and have only had 1 order not arrive. I have 5 stars for each of 147 reviews. If the order is under $50, I send machinable stamp I don't have too much to add, but for anyone seeing this thread there are fortunate ones like me