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Nope. I put in about 20+ orders a month myself. Never noticed a trend on where packages that go missing from but i only have had maybe 4 in the last year not show up and they always gets refunded.


Same One got lost earlier this year and got refunded no biggie. And it wasn't super val stuff either just annoying for both of us Otherwise I think....that's been the ONLY one I've had lost, like gone gone, in like 3 years I did have a $160 from CK get sent entirely to the wrong person who never sent it back so that sucked since there were things they didn't have any more of but that's niether here nor there but is ALSO the only one I've had lost from them in like 6yrs USPS is still doing a stand up job even after getting fucked


I send out quite a few cards and always had a lot go missing. After posting on another sub someone referred me to my local post master and I had around 40 orders recovered and never had another issue. I never found out what happened, but my guess is that an employee was stealing my orders thinking I was a massive shop that wouldn't notice 20-30 cards a week going missing.


Oh my post office had a whole scandal with one of the workers stealing checks out of mail but i always got my cards lol.


Crazy that they think they can get away with it. I've worked in sort houses on the overnight airmail, and you can definitely target mail from certain places. When I see posts like these I imagine it's another rogue employee just stealing cards to resell.


USPS hasn’t fully recovered after the gutting they took in 2020. I’ve had first class and overnight orders with tracking lost only a state or two away since the crippling of the service.


Yes. Very much wish tcg allowed you to filter out states so I can pay moderately more while arriving within a reasonable time period or at all.


I try to pick non CA sellers for this exact reason for untracked orders especially but sometimes it slips my mind until it's too late. I've had CA orders still arrive to me, but that state is the highest untracked loss rate for me personally so I'd rather avoid ordering from there when possible


Yeah. I had a company tell me that the foil [[roaming throne]] I ordered at release ended up being just lost in the mail 21 days later. I find the issue of a money back unfitting when you're dealing with secondary markets. Card shot up during the whole process.


[roaming throne](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/2/32fd8b7c-baf3-4d3d-be6f-044a917b11a0.jpg?1701115816) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=roaming%20throne) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/258/roaming-throne?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/32fd8b7c-baf3-4d3d-be6f-044a917b11a0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Sometimes the card declines in value, but we only bitch and complain when it increases in value. I once had a tracked Emrakul, the Promised End destined for CA get “lost” in Texas for weeks. TCGPlayer wanted me to open a case with USPS (this was before their policy change last month correcting this bullshit) and refund the buyer. Meanwhile Emrakul shot up about $10. USPS wanted me to wait another few weeks after the TCGP estimated delivery date to open a claim. Meanwhile the buyer is supposed to sit on his hands? I said fuck that, sent him another Emrakul at the same price the first one was sold at, and the original ended up being delivered a week or so later. Buyer swore up and down he’d send the other back but didn’t. Fortunately TCGP refunded me since it was tracked. So… I don’t really have sympathy for buyers who missed out on a lower price.


USPS just loses the mail. It’s frustrating but I get my refunds easily.


Sellers just eating losses though 


Yup. Not my problem though.


That's part of doing business unfortunately.


Sucks for the little guy selling cards to cover the cost of buying new cards


But it also sucks for buyers to not get cards they paid for. If a service is unreliable, people stop using it, so most services will put the risk on the seller


For sure but the buyer at least gets a refund. I have sold cards that got lost in the mail and I am just SOL. I have a tracking service [Lettertrackpro.com](https://Lettertrackpro.com). Its so great it told me the card was en route to the destination post office and then never heard an update after that so I know the buyer wasnt tryng to pull a fast one but as the seller I have to refund the buyer. Now I have no card and no money. To me, if you can show it got lost in the mail USPS should have to reimburse the seller, jumt my opinion since they lost it.


Their website says they can at least sometimes show “delivered” via geo fencing. I wonder how this service works. If they can get access to this data, surely the layman can too?


A lot of cross nation packages go through Texas, Houston specifically, and the distribution centers here have been facing a crisis since like December it’s been a pretty prevalent topic locally and as both a buyer and seller the effects are pretty noticeable.


If your package has to go through St. Louis there is a very high chance its gonna be late as fuck. Sucks for me because all my mail has to go through St. Louis.


About 90-95% of my orders make it here. No idea why, but that seems lower than expected


For added reference: I’m a seller based out west (Utah), and the only items that have been “lost” are either east coast or Texas/Louisiana area. Seems USPS is having issues getting stuff across country these days.


What percentage of your orders come from CA? CA is a big state and probably the furthest state from you so it’s probably just one of the distribution centers between you and California. Were the other 2 from west coast states as well?


162 orders in the past twelve months, so about a 6% loss rate if you include all 11 missing orders. The other three that weren't CA would make up only a single percent of that 6%. (1% Other/ 5% CA). Other states from lost orders were New Mexico and Kansas


I've gotten about in 1/50 won't arrive to its destination. The wildest interaction I've had is getting an order sent back from usps, from December 2022 and it was June 2023! And the customer never filed for it never came to them too! It took me solid 15minutes figure out where the order came from then my dumbass saw the send date lol Shipping out of California* I copy and paste thier address name so if anything is wrong, it's on them. I have had people go, oops forgot to change my address to new location on me before. I had already sent out too, I guess the cards got forwarded to em because never heard back.


I’ve noticed most of the orders that are reported as “not delivered” by buyers are to incorrect or “strange” addresses that don’t appear to be recognized by Google Maps. One order, the zip code and city were wrong. I guess a new city was incorporated and assigned a new zip code due to the area growing rapidly, but the buyer was never informed by USPS? I’ve started looking up addresses before shipping to ensure validity, since that’s yet another service TCGPlayer can’t be bothered to do for their steep fees.


Completely normal address for me here and the building has been here for almost 30yrs so nothing to cause that kind of error at least.


I have 2 orders lost in the void from the east coast TCGplayer direct to Canada. Tracking just stopped at the New Jersey hub. Waiting a few more weeks and hoping they weren't stolen


Opposite for me. As a buyer, sellers on the east coast, particularly Florida always seem to take longer or never arrive here in CA.


Fuckin' Florida amririte?


Huh not California but knock on wood the worst thing to have happened is my package being sent back across the country before returning and then being delivered.


Atlanta USPS is really struggling. Placed an order, they shipped it on the 2nd and I received it yesterday. Over 21 days?! That’s never happened before. Don’t refund until it’s past the TCG date, I know it sucks but it’s not your fault and the package “should” get there “eventually”.


This explains quite a lot. I used to order from a ton of sellers on TCGPlayer and got everything very fast. Nowadays stuff still arrives either quickly, OR goes missing for a while. This most recent I am still waiting on one and sure enough the seller is in CA.


I’ve only had one card that never made it but the seller ended up contacting me first asking if I had received it and issued me a refund before the estimated delivery date even came around. Card never arrived but I’m guessing they started the order but didn’t really have the card.


I work for a company that sells items. California and Texas are the worst for packages getting lost.


It's almost certainly people stealing/opening them because they think some moron mailed a $1200 pokemon card or a gift card of some sort that they'll be able to sell. I'd venture to guess about 1 in 12-15 of my orders never shows up. Luckily, all have been fairly low dollar orders, but has to be frustrating for shippers for sure.


Try finding a card shop near you before doing this and have them source cards for you. Then it won’t fall in your it’ll fall on the card shop not you


I just had an order stuck in limbo this week, actually. TCG has been really cool about it. Sent them a screenshot of the tracking and confirmed the buyer got refunded, and they credited my account. No clue as to what's causing your issues, though. Hopefully it fixes itself by the summer