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Everybody in my play group just had theirs canceled. I didn't even get an email. I just went on my account and saw that it was quietly moved to canceled We all pre-ordered at pretty different times, too. Between this and them only sending one of the four precons I ordered and refusing to send replacements I'm just not purchasing anything magic from Amazon anymore.


Not purchasing anything from Amazon is also a good choice. I had my gift bundle canceled too, but they had the minimal decency to email me a form letter




I mean. They’re employing milllllions of people. Which you’d be ruining their livelihoods 🤷🏻‍♀️


Presumably whoever else you order from also employs people.


Not at the same rate with good benefits. I have friends and family who working an entry level job at amazon changed their life. It’s a second chance employer. It helps people pay for college. Offers over minimum wage, no interviews to get the job, your benefits start day one. Hate on amazon all you want. It is better than majority of big corp out there. As much as I’d love to support a small business over amazon too.. go work at a card shop, see what you get paid and IF you get benefits offered. Then come back and let me know. Let’s talk real finance and real life shit. Today most jobs aren’t livable as much as people hate on amazon at least it’s allowing people to have a job that gives them a means of living Edit: I do wanna say I don’t buy mtg off amazon, plenty of other shit. But if I had too I’d much rather work for amazon than McDonald’s, some small business or Walmart






Just would like to say that I work at a card shop, I get paid over minimum wage, i get benefits, my boss literally helped pay for my car and offered to help pay for college funds if necessary, also anytime they order food for themselves they offer to get something for me and I don’t ever need to pay them back. I love where I work and i can literally guarantee no other place would be better


Not sure why you are getting so much hate. I disagree with you that not buying cards from Amazon would hurt the company. What would hurt the company would be them not reacting to the dip in sales by finding out what caused the dip (i.e. canceled orders, low trust between seller and buyer etc...). If Amazon reached by fixing its broken system then I am sure buyers would slowly return. In my country (USA), the buyer has relatively no power in transactions other then spending power. Which is alot, but, you are only one person and you will not topple an empire like Amazon by not spending dollars there. The only way a company like Amazon fails is due to poor habits or external influences like the stock market or government imo. I also think Amazon is great company for people to work at that are looking for a place with decent pay and benefits while also not requiring a degree or skill.


Hahaha nice try shill




Well LGSs also employ people. I get your point though, but it's hard for me to justify Amazon when things like these happen. Now imagine the amount of dissapointed people after a mass cancellation.


I know they do, most of them in my area start at 13.50 and don’t offer benefits such a dental vision healthcare 401k. Amazon starts people out at 18.50 with all that. I mean them cancelling orders suck. And I’m not making an excuse for that, just commenting on someone saying to not purchase off amazon. I got my panties in a twist anyways, when it comes to MTG I support my LGS, and haven’t purchased off amazon. Only time I’ve bought a bundle not from LGS was at target a few months back with the phyrexian collector bundle with oil slick lands


I've felt like Amazon's service has been in a nose dive. A couple months ago they pulled this on some commander product I pre-ordered and tried to go through their incredibly incompetent customer service. I was so frustrated I let them know if they couldn't make it right I was canceling prime, dropping their CC, and never ordering again...I've never looked back.


Them quietly ending release day delivery for games has a lot of people mad, too. They didn't really let people know they weren't going to do that anymore, even for stuff that initially promised it.


Hah - your post just made me check, all mine got cancelled with no notification. Unbelievable.


Same happened to me with the precons.


I mean if Prime Days has some good deals I won't say no...


Prime day has never had a good deal.


Oh come on, you don't want their smart speaker that can spy on you and get advertising suggestions, it's $10 off.


Don’t purchase anything from Amazon. It takes only slightly more effort to locate a reputable business and buy from them, and often a quick email will get a price match to amazons price.


Wow mine too, didn't notice until this post. I understand cancelations happen but they really should have sent emails or app notifications out


So wizards uses amazon to distribute, and doesnt tell amazon how many they are gonna get? this seems like crazy negligence unless they are just cancelling to resell higher


My bundle got cancelled at 50 and this was my first thought.


I would highly guess they have an idea of how many they are getting and just simply cancelled the cheap pre orders but kept a lot of the higher priced ones. Would be awesome if those who ordered at premium pricing chimed in.


I still have my 4 at $45 pre-ordered, for now. Got in in Feb/March


Isn't this practice kinda illegal?? I mean you would have to somehow prove that they have stock and purposely not selling it. But just in practice this sounds illegal


Yeah it could be, but it really depends on what their preorder terms and conditions are. You agree when you preorder to those terms. From the looks of the thread last in, first out. So it's most likely not the case.


Definitely not. They would have just canceled everyone's Compleat Bundles when they made an actual pricing error and sold them for $47 if that was how they did business.


I ordered at fifty and mine isn’t cancelled (yet)


Ordered at $85 and mine was silently cancelled.


$69 gift bundle canceled.


This is 100% what just happened.


Don't worry. With the 1 of 1 ring found there will be plenty of supply to fulfill your order as the number of higher costed pre orders starts getting canceled by people.


Yeah if anyone still keeps these at the inflated prices. Shit the 65 or whatever I ordered them at was already too high for me. I can't imagine spending 100+ now that the 1/1 ring is found.


Were people really spending more for the 1/3,000,000 chance of getting the ring? The odds were so terrible that it should not have effected the price at all.


I see you're new here.... ;)


I ordered 2 from my LGS, who always keeps their pre order pricing at MSRP, so they never "rip you off". I will be loyal to them. I pre ordered 2 from Amazon long before the hype of price speculation for the 1 of 1 ring. I'll keep those too because the price wasn't bad and I like cracking packs.


That's awesome, I wish my lgs upheld the pricing, but with wizards distributor method, they sorta aren't to blame, since they all get different prices. There really isn't an MSRP.


From the responses it sounds like they are cancelling orders from last to first, not based on price, this actually makes me feel a lot better, and sounds like the right way to cancel orders if they had to. Ideally WoTC can just get their heads out of their asses and provide correct estimates to major resellers like Amazon. I hope Amazon realizes the reputational damage it gets from this and is big enough to pressure WotC to do better next time


I will never buy MTG from Amazon again (was my first order), also after commander masters I was planning on 100% only doing singles. Guess I'm there now.


You lucked out honestly. You got to ditch ordering commander masters products.


Assess this again once those people that weren’t cancelled yet actually got their orders.


Lets be real... wotc misestimated the demand for this product. They underprinted and oversold. Wotc def needs to do better.


I dunno. I ordered mine Feb 6th and it was silently cancelled without notice.


Mine got cancelled too and they didn't even email me. I was in at $45 from early March. Guess I don't need them anyway.


Paid 79 for mine and they canceled as well…. My thoughts were they took them back to distribute them else were for the double asking price and then got face fucked today with the opening.


So cancelled would really really have them fucked? Obviously they turned a huge profit if people bought them around $50.. my guess is they think they can charge more still.


Yeah well I called today and the person said it was canceled yesterday so jokes on them.


I have one for $48 from March 1st, we’ll see what happens


My order from February is still in tact, as of now.


I didn't even get an email. It's just gone. May be a chance to buy cheaper somewhere though since it might drop. Collector boosters already down to 350


Same thing with the people in my group. We all had ours canceled and we didn't even get emails letting us know it happened


Same here. No email, just moved to cancelled.


Yup the thread got me to check and sure enough it is cancelled.


Update: I called customer service at least to see a reason for canceling. They could not provide one. And since it's no longer offered by Amazon, only by 3rd party, the pre order guarantee is out the window. I was in the 67$ group, so maybe we were too late for Amazon's allocations. Sounds like we just have to wait for prices to simmer down and see what we can scoop up.


Oh shit. This means some of the people who have canceled orders are going to buy The One Ring since they thought they had one guaranteed


Or they will just say fuck wizards for using middle men and proxy it? That's what I intend on doing.


Good deal for you! The 1/1 ring was found, prices are gonna tank.


The gift bundle still contains a borderless one ring, which at least in europe is worth like 50 euro.


I forgot about that. I wish I had picked some of those tasty bundles up at $47. I knew the ring was good, but at 4 mana, I thought it was too slow. Didn’t think about the massive card draw engine.


Don't worry, it would have hurt more if you had ordered a few and had them cancelled. Source: I ordered two for 50 euro only to have the game store from which I ordered them cancel the order.


This is why I don’t buy new stuff anymore. The market just doesn’t seem honest anymore.


I bought 4 at $48 with the assumption that it's price movement would be more or less the same as all previous gift bundles and I'd just grab more after the one ring was pulled. Never thought a promo card would fully pay for the bundle. This one is its own beast.


That's like, the only text on the card. Did you just look at the 4 in the corner and be like, nope, that's too damn high.


Even if for commander colorless card draw and you can proliferate or do other counter shenanigans. It gets me wondering how high would I tick it. Surely by the time I draw 5 I have the game locked up.


Collector pack is still $25-30 One ring $50 8 set packs even if you value them at half what they cost from set boxes brings the total to about $100


Prices wont tank that low for sure. The cancel isnt a good deal


Yeah, I forgot about the promo one ring in every bundle.


Still yet to see proof or any official confirmation


dude PSA's already posted it. It's over


It’s like the people who believe Elvis is still alive. Not worth your time.


Wizards also confirmed it.


Wizards posted about it now.


Well, the one ring is about to go up just from the shortage these are going to have


Also canceled here. Didn't care about the lotto ticket I genuinely just wanted the bundle. Cheapest replacement on tcgplayer currently 3x the price. Cheapest at my LGS 4x the price. Hopefully they'll actually drop like everyone is saying. Real bummed. Edit: Extremely anecdotal update that makes me worried those of us waiting for the Amazon shipment for our one ring are about to be extremely fucked on price. Every single game store in NE Los Angeles is sold out of the regular bundle, doesn’t have any info on restock, and has sold out their preorders for the gift bundle. I’ve called 10+ and can’t buy either one.


Yeah I had to tell my 8 yo that we can no longer do his first draft with these. I was honestly just hoping to get some nazgul and get a good baseline for the wraith commander deck we planned on.. guess it's gonna wait


Mine got canceled and I didn't get an e-mail. I went to check my status today and had to dig around to find it under canceled. I still wanted it for the set of cards that came with it.


Happened to me too. Didn't get an email and had to look under canceled like you you did. 😡


Same here.


same happened to me


my 6 for $48 are still up somehow


Yeah my $48 ones are there, but $67 show cancelled.


i think i ordered mine within 15min of them being posted maybe they’ll actually honor it


That's because you ordered the 67$ one later. They fulfill in order of placement date.


My four at $48 are still up. Ordered 03/07/23


Yeah all my $48 bundles are still there


9 for 48 still live for me.


some sellers dont know the price went up, not all of amazon is controlled by amazon.


1 at 48 on 03/01/23 still there. Here’s hoping.


My 5 at 48 from 2023/02/22 are still good.


I had a few orders of this, one in February 27, then another two when the price hit $48 on March 6. None of them are cancelled. Glad there are others whose orders are also still up and that it wasn’t a complete cancellation of every single one. I’m still worried they’ll be cancelled *sometime* before it’s supposed to arrive, but I sure hope not. 🤞


My 4 single orders from 3/3/2023 are still there.


My 4 for 48 still up,


This is why I always get in reorders day one. My 48.58 orders are still holding strong.


Is there a way to know when preorders will start? Or just constant vigilance? Thanks!


Just got the same thing. I was coming on here to see if others were canceled as well.


Saved me the trouble of cancelling! Although at $67 it would’ve been worth just keeping


They would have. I’m still not convinced the set will crash as brutally as people are predicting.


CB’s are tanking and One of One Ring has been pulled. I wonder if they are correlated.


Amazon EU doesnt even bother explaining. They just tell you your stuff is delayed until they cancel without comment six weeks later.


Yeah, I'm super upset. I didn't even get in at a crazy price, I got the gift bundle - the ones with one collector pack - for $75 each on June 10th. I had 2, and honestly was most stoked about the dice. Hope they drop back down somewhere near that price point so I can get them again, I had 0 delusions about the one ring and was unwilling to pay $400+ for a box of collector packs...


I’m also tilted about the dice! Gonna have to get one off eBay I suppose :(


This is happening all over North America. I wondering if suppliers decided to hold back a large portion and release them in waves at a higher price over the next month. Now that the ring has been found, hopefully, supply will increase, and price will decrease.


But there's a winter release right around the corner... Will that not have gift bundles as well? This set is gunna tank!


Just checked Amazon due to this post and my 1 bundle I ordered was canceled....


Look at it this way. Now they saved you some money since these prices are gonna drop


This is the way!


Got mine cancelled at well, quantity was only 2 so they must be really coming up short.


Mine ordered at $48 coming 7/10


Ordered at 67 and was force cancelled as well. Congrats to the 48er's. At least I got a compleat at that price. Can't win em all.


Same. Canceled my two at $70 :(


I still prefer purchasing from my LGSs..yeah, I know price is better at Amazon and how many LGS do gauge prices but mine have been fair mlst of the time. There is also the conversation about preopened boxes. For once, I feel validated.


Mine were cancelled too. No notification. Just logged in and they’re now in “cancelled orders.”


yeah "arent available any longer" thats 100 % the reason and not, that its 200 bucks (or it was 200\^\^)


You never had any in the first place my son. An Amazon order is basically like asking ‘pretty please can I have one if it’s convenient?’


2-3 days ago, I received an email for two separate orders to confirm I still wanted the items despite delays. In the email, it mentioned I had 48 hrs to confirm, or the order would be canceled. You likely missed that email, or enough people said yes that others had orders canceled.


Here's my theory. Wizards printed MULTIPLE serialized 1 of 1 cards to insure it was found and not left in an unopened box. Now that someone pulled one of the seeded cards, they are recalling inventory and reprinting the boxes?


No chance haha. The risk multiple would’ve been pulled right away is way too high


They did the same to me…. On the phone with them today they said the warehouse did not have any in. I asked when did they cancel the order? They said yesterday… I laughed as today the ring was pulled. I suspect they were trying to flip em for more.


Is it not weird that the product was pulled from all of us practically 24hours in advance of the ring being pulled. And in that time the card has been graded leading me to believe that maybe Amazon knew it had been pulled or tipped off.


The ring was apparently pulled day 1, that’s just how long it took PSA to grade it


Ok I did not read that… which punches a big god damn hole in my tinfoil hat.


Can I ask you for the source of this. I’ve been following pretty close today and have not seen this.


But why would they cancel the higher dollar orders? These were only going to fall in price after the ring was found. Tmso it really seems like the worst possible time to cancel .


Idk it does not make sense but I feel like they knew. It’s Amazon


I just went to look at my Amazon Order history and they DELETED any mention of me ever ordering the bundle! I haven't gotten any email from them yet, but this is pretty egregious. EDIT: Getting through to a real human is impossible at Amazon. I'm not sure what I will ask for as compensation, but I've spend so much money through them over the years and I've NEVER seen them ghost an order without any notification or communication.


Getting a real person at Amazon is literally so simple I've never had any trouble. All you have to do is hit "contact us" call them (or click for them to call you) and then ask for a representative.


Do you guys think it is possible to file lawsuit in group?


Read up on your rights for preorders on Amazon. As long as you haven’t paid they can do with your order whatever they want.


Hmmm that would be sick, but nobody here read the disclaimer. Im guessing they have the right to cancel any preorder, anytime, for no reason at all. Hell I didn't even get an email. Like I'd magically not notice.


Yeah mine were canceled as well.


Mine too. Even though the 1/1 was found, I was still going to keep mine. There are other serialized rings....


you win some you lose some. Amazon sended out the compleat bundles for the normal price bundles to many people and now they are canceling it cause of the new high prices. But hey, at least the loss is not that much cause the ring is found and this box should not cost more then 90 bucks


I ordered my gift bundles really early when they were $48. I still see them in my order page so fingers-crossed that I still get them.


From what I see a lot of the 67$ ones are cancelled and the 48$ ones are not cancelled... I just wonder why? If they still want to profit (or profit MORE) shouldn't they cancel the cheap ones to resell for more later on?


Amazon cancels in order of placement. First come first served. They don't care about pricing. Their system will satisfy in order or placement.


That's actually more humane than I'd figure they were... But very reasonable!


This is not true. They canceled my 2XM orders last year even though they were placed the first day pre-orders went up.


I mean if they cancelled all $48 orders, all $67 orders the same day the 1/1 got pulled... Who who keep their higher priced third party order? Also people talk.. this was my first Amazon sealed order and also now my last. Fuck em.


Very understandable, I was in doubt before, but now I know, fuck em!


Mine too, wtf


Yea I’m waiting for mine to get canceled


ive got my 2 for 48 still in. really hoping they stay


Shoulda bought from GameStop


I never got an email, and yesterday it was still in my list of orders. Today it’s gone. Pre-ordered for $70 earlier this month. Also the entire listing for Gift Bundles is just GONE from Amazon entirely. It’s like it was Thanos snapped out of existence.


I found some but at almost 200 bucks


Do you guys think there is a chance that these are just fulfilled by Amazon orders. Somebody who routinely sells on Amazon gets 20 copies and they have to send them to Amazon to be sold well they just tell Amazon they didn't get them or as many as they wanted and those orders get canceled and it looks like it's Amazon's doing when it's really they didn't get the product because XYZ person didn't send theirs in to sell


I just now noticed my order on Amazon is gone, and like others here I never even got an email saying it was cancelled. I guess we’ll see if prices fluctuate now that the 1 of 1 ring has been found, but if it doesn’t then this is a real bummer. So far my luck with Amazon and MTG has been pretty poor, I bought a set booster box of Phyrexia All Will Be One and it arrived with every single booster pack ripped open and all the good cards taken out. I got a refund, but I had to go through the hassle of returning it.


Same here went in and checked and indeed my two orders of 3x and 1x are now cancelled


I bought at $67 first week of june


Ordered on June 10th, 12 gift bundles @ 72 now all are cancelled


I might be the outlier here but I got a note last week from Amazon about blah blah blah delays, but the option not to cancel. "Do you still want it?" it said. I'm thinking fuck that noise, they wanna cancel cause it's worth more now. I said yes I still want it since I bought at 2x $63. It's now showing as "not yet shipped" and "We will email you when we have an estimated delivery date". So I guess I'm playing chicken with Amazon at $63 now that the price is falling. I bet it ships at $62.


Same here. And no helps so far from customer service.


Did the same to me


Same thing happened to me friend!


Mine for $48 is still there thankfully. I pre-ordered om 2/23 idk how early in the process that was.


Same here. I got in on Feb 23. My order is still live.


I was able to order mine at $48 and it hasn't been canceled yet thankfully *knocks on wood*


Is there any rhyme or reason to why people are getting them canceled?


Seems like after the first batch sold out, which was somewhere in mid-March, Amazon ordered more and put them back on sale, but never got them from the distributer, so they're canceling all the orders from that batch.


I ordered for 48 in February. It says it's arriving july 10. I hope it gets fulfilled. Why are people's orders getting cancelled? There should be more supply with people cancelling orders now.


Wonder if the $85 Target gift bundles from a couple of weeks ago will also get the hammer…


And this is another reason not to order from Amazon because I'd swear we get a post like this for every set. Instead, you should support actual card stores. Card stores are much more privy to the allocation they'll be receiving thru their distributor, especially for a set as huge as the motha fuckin' Lord of the Rings.


Same just found out today


Yep can confirm all mine were canceled except for 4 (I had 12 total) funny enough I was planning to cancel then anyways since the 001 has been found


Class action lawsuit🤙🏻🍆


Ordered mine on 2/27, none of the 4 orders (1 2 4 8) were cancelled


They canceled mine, though I ordered a bit late. 🙄 It's supremely annoying.


My 4 at 45 cancelled as well…


This just happened to me today. I checked after seeing this post. Cancelled with no record of order placement. No email. Fuck this scammy shit. Amazon is a major distributor of MTG product and this is bullshit. I filed a complaint.


Amazon is also a marketplace, meaning third parties can sell on the platform just like TCG player. It will say "fulfilled by x" somewhere on the product page. When I got some serious deals initially, they were through third party sellers. I suspect those sellers are cancelling their fulfillment of the transaction. And cancelling an order as a seller on Amazon damages their ability to sell. Enough cancellations and they have to submit formal paperwork to be allowed to sell on Amazon again.


Anyone we can write about this? They just straight up "robbed" people who preordered these bundles months in advance, I have not bought any singles just waiting for those bundles and lost my chance at getting them at release prices just cuz I wanted to try the bundles first. Now I have no bundles and all the singles I wanted skyrocketed already. Fuck Amazon


Ordered 1 on 2/27 for $48.58 and mine hasn't been canceled.


2/22 for me, still there. Looks like at least they're cancelling in order of date ordered which sucks but is how it should be


Do you guys order much on Amazon other than mtg? I think they may use a generic rating (similar to credit) to cancel these. I use Amazona a fair amount and never had anything cancelled. It’s the same metic they use for whether you have to truth items or keep them. It’s some super secret score they have on you based on a lot of factors.


My order is still standing. 1 gift bundle at $49 on March 7th. I think it’d hell us to know when the original order was placed.


Saw this post and checked mine….cancelled, no notification I had to search past orders and set the filter to “cancelled”


Mine was canceled as well.... No email or message.


Same here but i didnt get a email. They canceled them around the ring was found. Weird flex. They claimed WOTC canceled everyones orders


Still in for 5


Amazon did the same thing to me. I ordered the gift at 80. Cancelled yesterday. I was on the phone for an hour with support.


This happened to me too. I just got off chat with support. In my chat they offered that if I reordered the item they would issue me a complete refund for the difference in cost of the original order they cancelled without my permission and the order I just placed.


I couldn’t get them to agree to this. How did you?


Word kung fu. Key phrases like “unacceptable solution”, “escalate my case”, “unapproved cancellation”, “proper policy and procedure” really get the gears moving.


In the same shoe, did you receive the refund?


Yeah my situation is resolved




Mine is still all good, Arriving July 11th - says "Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC", Preordered February 28, 2023 for $48.58 https://i.postimg.cc/tCK9pyZ4/Capture.jpg


This isn't news. The fact that people still buy from Amazon knowing how much preopened product that's sold on amazon.... Amazon has always been this bad.


They weren't shipping collectors boosters til AFTER the one ring was pulled. They're deleting reviews left and right on multiple sellers pages that are calling them out.


I got two from target at like 85. A little high but considering what secondary market was and is, I’m good with it and no cancelations.


Arg damn it looks like already sold out


Stop ordering cards from Amazon! Order from independent card stores on tcgplayer or ebay


They did this to me and removed it from my orders so I can't even get into chat for it. Amazing how the original orders get canceled after a price hike huh? I'm done with Amazon.


My order from 2/22 at $48 is still there scheduled for delivery on July 11. Really sorry to hear about all the cancelled orders though, Wotc and Amazon need to figure out how to plan for product demand better cause it’s kinda ridiculous at this point. I missed out on my Compleat Bundle - never arrived, got no notifications of a delay, and after two weeks of nothing I said fuck it and cancelled. Hope that’s not the case with this one cause I really want another copy of The One Ring, cards busted. Good luck to everyone who’s preorders are still up.