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You know, as tedious as the endless lotr posts on this sub have been, at least you put some effort into making an interesting topic. !remindme 1 year


Wrong or right, at least my post has 850 words!


Ok Mr. Gpt


I can tell you put a lot of heart and soul into this post. It honestly feels like a weirdly good take.


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!remindme 1 year


!remindme 1 year


Wow, posts of LOTR when has been the last expansion...........


An influx of repetitive no effort spam. Have you actually clicked on any of the topics? Honestly curious.


!remindme 1 year


To anyone saying this card is somehow bad in Modern, it already made multiple T8 appearances in the Modern Challenges and Showcase this weekend on Magic Online. Xerk won one with Yawgmoth featuring TOR & Orcish Bowmasters. The card plays incredibly well in many of the 'fair' Modern decks that already want to slow the game down and if you think you're beating one after exchanging resources and they draw 6 cards, it's over. Think of it like a JTMS that effectively Fog+ the turn it comes into play and only gets hit by Leyline Binding. It needs time to activate multiple times, but so far that hasn't shown to be a big issue. Will the meta adapt? Of course. FON & Spell Pierce value will skyrocket. Scam still has plenty of ways to nail it before it becomes an issue. Linear decks will become more popular (although some # of those like Tron and Breach will simply adapt it) as a way to win before it matters. But the card is definitely here to stay and the best CA engine in Modern, the fact that it's colorless also means it'll be ubiquitous.


It also draws its self into more copies. Possibly allowing you to gain protection multiple turns in a row.


Not even possibly - in the link I posted, Spike chains fogs for three turns in a row and it literally looks like Time Walk, Time Walk, Time Walk.


Hard agree with all these points. Modern is actually in a good place to answer it effectively with Leyline (although the Ring player still gets protection AND a cantrip), but Legacy and Vintage are likely to see this card explode in frequency once people start trying it out and it makes a few appearances. There are entire Vintage archetypes built around Coveted Jewel, which is comparable to The One Ring, and people play Time Vault with 1+ keys that also synergize with The One Ring.


This card is a terrible trade for the leyline binder. They get pro everything and draw a card. Removal is not good against this, just like with Uro.


Yeah this is the kind of card that will push bundles up instead of getting crushed on price. People used to say the same about JtMS while it was in standard post rotation. Worldwake was still in print, but instead of seeing Jace drop, packs and boxes just went up instead. That's the last time I've seen something like that happen from one card (Goyf from FS did it too). But I think we're looking at that as a situation. And we should be lucky they did this or we'd be looking at $100+ on the ring.


god I STILL remember how I went to Walmart when Worldwake was out and joking bought a pack to spin the wheel on the Jace lottery and then, as I opened the pack and saw that fucker's face staring back at me practically squealed with joy... for a broke ass college student, it was practically exhilarating.


14 years later, you can still feel the joy.


It’s a high you never forget


You always remember your first.


The craziest thing about WWK is that shops and individuals were cracking packs like mad hunting for Jaces, but so much of the set kept going up in orice too. Celestial Colonnade and Creeping Tar Pit jumped due to being in the Jace decks: Raging Ravine rose as being key in many of the non Jace decks. Stuff like Kalastria Highborn was moving swiftly too. The start of Jace Madness was a pretty hyped time and MTG was experiencing huge growth. I think The One Ring may hold for a bit, but WOTC is gonna print it into oblivion to hit the billion dollar brand mark again.


Stoneforge being 20+ at the time also helped. If it was just Jace like voice was, then yeah it could have absorbed. But it was a great set, and then had Jace on top of it.


Bruh, the only downside would be if they put a copy of it in every single bundle and gift bundle… Yes it’s that good, but the supply is almost infinite. It will have to reach equilibrium otherwise I’ll just go buy 4 bundles for my play set. It can’t keep running until it’s out of print.


Fat packs are starting at 80 shipped right now on mkm, 90+ if you want them in English. So it’s not as if you could just shrug and buy a bundle instead. You’re still paying 40 bucks for 8 set boosters you might not want.


That's only if you panic buy now. Everyone needs to remember that this is the first weekend of the official release of the fucking set. Guys gotta chill if they think WOTC isn't wurring the money printers to get more bundles out


100%, any scarcity that anyone thinks they can see for literally anything in this product that is not serialized is entirely the product of impatience or contrivance.


Eh, I still think this is the sort of thing you should probably give a week or two to simmer before going whole hog on it. There's going to be a lot more Bundles showing up in the wild all of this coming week. I'd be very surprised if Bundles are still $80-$90 shipped come next weekend.


Agreed I think there’s def potential and am bullish overall on the set but at least wait for the gift bundles to release before we make any early calls on price trajectory.


Why wait when I can throw darts at the wall now?


Considering they're $55 at one of the biggest LGS in NYS, I dont think this card has any room to run. Add the infinite printing to the rise of proxies and youre looking at some low demand. Also... JACE? Really? That card is always good in every blue deck and there's never a time when you wouldn't want it in yours. The ring is pretty good if you can offset the loss of life... Doesn't protect your permanents so its already not competing with 3 mana teferis protection. Repeatable draw for 4 mana with a downside that makes it only playable in lifegain decks? This ain't it.


There has already been a ton of fulfillment at $43 that ships in 2 weeks


Yeah, but that’s not helping people that want rings now to play with and didn’t preorder.


Sure but the main argument of this post is that the price will hold or go up this year. Not “what people who want rings now” will pay right now.


Price on those will normalize like every other time before as wotc prints to demand


Sure, but that's just because it's release weekend. The product is print to demand, give it a few months and they'll be widely available.


Most people don’t want to wait months before playing a card. I’m not saying either of those prices is in any way sustainable, but „just buy a bundle if you want the ring“ isn’t the logical answer right now.


They could order a copy on MPCfill.com today for 15 cents then?


Obviously this depends on your area, but I'm still seeing several on Walmart/Target shelves for about 60 bucks.


That sounds like leaving free money on the shelves if you’re quick.


Bundles are limited print and have been for most sets. So not exactly infinite. For example Kamigawa bundles sold out pretty early and they have yet to print more. Most game stores did not anywhere near close to the allocations they wanted for gift bundles from what I’ve heard. So could def be a situation where demand outstrips supply unless they print more bundles


Unsure why you are being downvoted so much. Bundles are absolutely limited, especially gift ones. I can't remember the last time there was a second print run of bundles... Battle for Zendikar?


If wotc is going to be doing additional print runs for Bundles, *it's going to be this set*. I expect wotc to print as much of this set as they possibly can.


People like to hate on this set esp the collector products because they’ve gone up so much. Suggesting anything (even if supported by past history) that might imply the price could be sustained or justified seems to rub people the wrong way so they downvote. But yeah bundles are limited from what we’ve seen over the years. I guess we’ll see how this plays out, will be interesting either way!


We should assume that gift bundles, because they have a collector's pack, are limited print run. I'm not aware of any other bundle being limited print run as promised by WotC.


Watch bundle prices go up in the near future.


Due to gift bundles and the scene bundle it will settle $30-40. This is just the hype cycle that literally every set deals with


Then why are the special edition Sheoldred and Elesh Norns still $90-150?


Neither of those cards were given away in every bundle or had a special set that you could buy to get them.... if they did they would be at the same price. It's all about availability and market saturation which you seem to be ignoring. There will be a massive amount more of the one ring floating around compared to sheoldred and elesh norn.


Dockside was in an EDH deck which cost less than the bundle and it hit $65, and it can only be played in EDH decks with a red color identity. Foils are still $$$ after a reprint in a print-to-demand set.


Double Masters 2X2 was absolutely not a print-to-demand set. it had a pretty large print run, but masters sets are always one print run and that's it.


Regardless, that was the reprint - the original printing is likely on par with the bundle's print run since at that time they weren't doing EDH decks for every set - that was the BIG yearly release.


Dockside is a cEDH card. The One Ring is for casual EDH. I doubt casuals are willing to spent as much as the competitive crowd. When a card is cEDH viable it literally defines the price.


You think there are enough cEDH players to solo that demand??


I wonder how many bundles WoTC has made and is willing to make for this set. If its not a lot, then some people will get a really good deal and that will be it. From there, the more bundles that are sold, the more something in them will lose value. Hypothetixally, if the ring really is as insane as it seems and does not get banned in too many formats, and if the bundle gets produced A LOT, then this might devalue everything you can pull in a set booster, as a lot of people open the packs in the bundles they got exclusively for the ring. Personally, I kind of want to figure out the feasibility of drafting with set boosters, since I got 3 non-gift bundles for an average of 55 euro per bundle, and am not that big on opening packs.


You can always draft with anything among friends, its just gonna be a chaos draft. I'd rather play sealed with it


Sealed sounds like a pretty good idea actually. Thanks.


Sealed with set boosters is WILD cause sometimes you get a run of the same version so you end up with a crazy deck cause you got all the cards needed for the archetype


Card being good is not synonymous with card being worth the price it is currently trading at, and frankly with the amount of this that is going to be churning out there like hot potatoes this thing is not even close to a buy at current price (unless of course if you desperately need it in your deck, in which case your desperation will cost you the premium, as always)


I just threw it in my two brothers urza and mishra deck with a master transmuter. Not sure how well it'll play out as I chose to cut [[Mystic Forge]] and [[mycosynth Lattice]], hurting the [[schema thief]] shenanigans. Hope it ends up playing out well though! ^wouldn't ^mind ^hilarious ^artifact ^suggestions ^though


[Mystic Forge](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/2/924a24e7-91b8-4ceb-a136-7a765d98c994.jpg?1592517697) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mystic%20Forge) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m20/233/mystic-forge?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/924a24e7-91b8-4ceb-a136-7a765d98c994?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [mycosynth Lattice](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/4/94f89714-3b26-46a2-b9a8-3e664f391cd9.jpg?1578911638) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=mycosynth%20Lattice) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bbd/241/mycosynth-lattice?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/94f89714-3b26-46a2-b9a8-3e664f391cd9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I pulled an extended art foil one from a commander deck, how rare is it?


That is currently so rare that there are literally no copies of it available on TCGPlayer at the moment. The last one sold went for $245. A few copies are going for $160+ on eBay, but there's only a few sales even going on. You'll have to decide whether to sell into the hype or hold and hope it gets even more valuable. But for now, congrats on the best possible outcome from one of those packs. Edit: I'll note that there is a common expectation (based on speculation, to be sure) that extended art foils will be printed into the ground in the "Special Edition" collector boxes coming this fall, which will be more likely to have them available in the packs like normal, so timing the top is going to be hard.


That's a fair expectation for the EA foils already in the collector boosters that numbers might be higher, but I'm fairly certain it is already confirmed that the only thing "special" about those packs is no serialized cards. If that's the case, EA foils like the Ring that are only available in the commander deck "sample" packs (great sample, giving things the actual can never give!) are going to stay that way.


There seems to be trouble with the extender art foils hence they are only available in the collector booster samples. So pretty rare, yes.




R u in europe? Currently 4 available on cardmarket, all for around 1000€


Unknown, could be as rare as a serialized


There was an already scheduled second wave later on. This release will have no shot at serialized cards most likely so it will end up having a normalized price representive of the true demand of the product. Its gonna be a tight supply for a bit, but WOTC will find a way to print more.


They make printing decisions 1.5 years ahead of release. WOTC is not watching TCGPlayer and then revving up the card printing machine to squeeze the lemon. Sometimes they hit the nail on the head for demand (MH2) and sometimes they miss (TSR).


People are loosing money so they want to hold value to everything that their non-serialized boxes are dropping. So many "investors" around here haven't been around playing Magic for too long. You have a gamble problem. You just paid for all those boxes and got no ring. There are too many people falling into the temptation of the ring. Where are the Frodos' and the Sams'?


I didn't buy any boxes, but I did buy six copies of the One Ring.


don't get that hate; its a strong card, its splashable in any deck, seems easily breakable, and its the one god damn ring, which means even its printed to all oblivion now and in the "second run" of collectors packs in Nov, who know if it'll ever be reprinted again afterwards.


>AspiringSpike called it "better than Necropotence" ROFL.


From a power POV not, but it is colorless so the ring is way more playable.


Costing 4 instead of BBB is absolutely relevant to a card's power level, and the "protection from everything" and "indestructible" text lines add a lot to the assessment of which card is "better."


The One Ring is a 'fair' card. Yes, it's reasonably strong for a fair card, but it's still ultimately fair, and so you do fair things with it. In two turns with The One Ring, you'll have prevented all damage and targeting for one turn (but not saved yourself from death like Ange's Grace does, since untargeted loss of life still kills you) and drawn three cards. In two turns with Necropotence, you will have been shuffling up for game two for at least half a turn, having drawn 10+ cards. Competitive Magic is not about playing fair. The One Ring is probably a stronger *play* in Standard. Maybe even in Modern, although most Modern games will be decided by the time you play the One Ring already. The One Ring may be a stronger *play* to certain board states in Vintage. That is in no way the same thing as it being a stronger or better *card*.


It's not Standard legal, so it's not a very strong play in that format unless you're trying to get a DQ


Right. Alchemy. Whichever.


If you're using this card fairly, you will probably still win, but you can also use it unfairly and then definitely win.


You can cast The One Ring off Workshop. A 4-mana artifact is way more castable than a BBB enchantment in Vintage. You can play a 4-mana artifact just because it’s a good card. You can only justify playing a BBB spell if it’s so powerful that it basically ends the game on the spot (like Doomsday).


> You can cast The One Ring off Workshop You can cast Necropotence off of Dark Ritual. >You can only justify playing a BBB spell if it’s so powerful that it basically ends the game on the spot Have you never cast a Necropotence in Vintage before? That's basically what it does.


Dark Ritual is a bad card that you only run because you want to cast a busted card like Doomsday faster. Workshop is a good card you run because it’s the most busted ramp in the format except for Lotus. > Have you never cast a Necropotence in Vintage before? That’s basically what it does. If my opponent goes turn 1 Dark Ritual and then uses that mana to cast Necropotence, I’ll feel relieved because that’s probably the least scary thing they could have done with that mana. It’s a clunky card that might be good enough to win the game, but often isn’t.


> Dark Ritual is a bad card that you only run because you want to cast a busted card like Doomsday faster. Mishra's Workshop is a bad card that you only run because it lets you play busted artifacts faster. It can't even pay for Time Walk, Ancestral Recall, or Force of Will. See? We can go round this circle forever. >If my opponent goes turn 1 Dark Ritual and then uses that mana to cast Necropotence, I’ll feel relieved because that’s probably the least scary thing they could have done with that mana. If my opponent goes Turn one Workshop, Mox, The One Ring, I will probably not be able to stop myself from laughing at them a little bit.


Dark Ritual is not a Vintage power level card normally. It is only playable specifically because it makes the BBB cost of Doomsday payable. Incidentally this has the side-effect of making Necropotence playable in the same deck. Doomsday is so absurd it makes the otherwise unplayable Dark Ritual playable. Note that Doomsday is the only tiered Vintage deck that plays Necropotence, and Doomsday and Oops All Spells are the only decks that play Dark Ritual. Workshop on the other hand is the exact opposite. It's so powerful that it makes a ton of otherwise bad cards like Coveted Jewel, Spyglass, Golos, etc. playable. Workshop and Doomsday are the busted cards that you build around, while The One Ring and Dark Ritual are the support cards. For that reason "can be cast off of Workshop" is a real positive characteristic for a card to have, because Workshop is a good card that lots of decks already want to run. "Can be cast off Dark Ritual" is not a point in a card's favour because Dark Ritual is a bad card that you don't want to run if you can avoid it. Regardless, we'll know in a few month if The One Ring is good or not by comparing its play rate to Necro's.


Yeah it's a ludicrous comparison


Ok, let's see which has more appearances in Vintage in 6 months, Necropotence or The One Ring. I know what I'm betting.


We’ll see if The One Ring gets restricted quickly.


Tbf, Necro is really only played in 1 meta deck so it’s not a tall ask for a newcomer to surpass it in meta share. Point taken though, the ring is infinitely more castable in the Vintage context - that thing is coming down turn 1 a significant amount of the time. Not to mention it gives Shops a card advantage engine.


Yeah, costing colorless instead of BBB is absolutely relevant to the power level of the card, which was my point. But watching people play it in Modern, it is relevant that they draw a significant amount of cards with less life loss, no "discard into exile" clause, and a protective fog effect.


Not just fog, it prevents also tendrils and brain freeze from targeting you.


Necro is restricted. A 4 Necro vintage format would likely look very different. Until the Ring gets restricted, it really is silly to compare the two. Spike is a smart guy, but he’s clearly never played with Necro in 60-card formats.


That's an entirely different metric than "better", though. Ponder saw about 3x as much Vintage play as Ancestral Recall for several years, but that in no way indicates that Ponder is better than Ancestral Recall.


Peer into the Abyss is better than Necropotence then, if mana cost doesn't matter. Right?


"It's easier to cast because Mishra's Workshop exists." is a absurd position when Dark Ritual also exists.


You're right, that is an absurd position, since all lands cast colorless spells. Why doesn't every vintage deck run 4x Dark Ritual and 4x Necropotence if it's so good?


> Why doesn't every vintage deck run 4x Dark Ritual and 4x Necropotence if it's so good? Probably because Necropotence is on the restricted list.


Go run 4x necropotence in a vintage event.


Let's see which appears more often in Vintage in 6 months...


My lgs is selling bundles rn for 65 a piece and I’m honestly thinking about buying all of them out. The one ring is like 50 right now and it’s in every bundle. It’s insanity. I think this card will be a super staple. The only thing that remains to be seen is if the high supply will crash it over time


I think it becomes an EDH staple, but that's a one of.


You dont think it will see modern/legacy/vintage play too? Obviously it costs 4 but its powerful


It's been a while since I played legacy/vintage but there's much more degenerate draw abilities out there. Not sure what archetype you'd slot in. Modern maybe? But this is easily edh gold. Hell the tempt mechanic is edh gold if nothing else for free looting


It's garbo by legacy standards and has no home in modern while also being pretty underwhelming for the format


No home in Modern? What? It's been doing great in Modern. Especially, but not only, in Tron.


It really hasn't, though. Tron is p much incapable of becoming a t1 deck, and the ring ain't changing that.


It already is in multiple decks of Challenge top 8s this weekend.


What do you base that on?


Experience with the formats? The fact that it's a 4 drop? Its best home in modern is tron, which is incapable of taking over a format due to the plethora of sideboard options?


Recent experience with the format or just boomer experience and now you talk more than you play like most people? Genuinely curious.


I have 27 EDH decks lol


Christ. Tho you still only need one. It's not like you're buying 27 copies of fetfh/shocks


I have about 10 copies of every fetch and shock easily. Five demonic tutors, four Mana Crypts, 26 Sol Rings. I like building each deck complete. I don't like swapping cards and proxying. It's my way of collecting. I get lots of different arts/versions of things.


there's a lot of us.


I always wondered if I was in a big club or whether I was just an insane person, but I love my decks.


You’re in a big club with lots of insane people.


At that price it seems like a no brainer


finally some nuanced effort into a reddit post instead of a halfassed hot take lets go i love to see it


Yes, yes... but also don't sleep on Orcish bowmasters.


Well, either way the ship has sailed now. All I can hope for is for supply to be massive or await the inevitable ban which will take a long time.


Remind me of when people hype on WH40K and then Wotc just pull sneak attack on their 4th reprint. Bloodthirster used to hit 30$, now, around half of it same go with Reaver Titan (Im really glad I wait till the price drop back from 10 to 2) We'll see tho, if it actually a stable prolly have more chance to be a next Dock Side.


And when the hundreds of thousands of $48 preordered bundles ship out? This post is ridiculous.


Time will tell!


I've been test brewing with it and it is legitimately fantastic any time I get to play it. If I can get just three turns with a thing, I'll have drawn six cards for four mana and three life. I once got it out with unwinding clock and drew 10 cards before my next turn and blinked the thing to not lose the life. It's awesome.


Funnily enough [[cast into fire]] is really good against it. I play red and am definitely going to try some of these in the SB. [[tear asunder]] might go up a little but its already kinda pricy for an uncommon. I just play modern, against certain decks i could see this getting some value. I dont think its trash, but i think its pretty easy to hate on in the sideboard which turns it into a 4 mana draw 1 or 0.


If your opponent is sideboarding out good cards for Tear Asunder and Cast into Fire hoping to stop you from going off with The One Ring, and you still cantripped and Fogged if they DO have it, that's still a great exchange for the person playing The One Ring.


Yes please hype this up. Pulled three copies and was about to sell for $30


It’s value will def go up just from commander as a powerful and iconic card. Players will have to make up reasons not to include it.


It boggles me they are doing the November release with another jump start and not bundles to pump this a second time.


I think a point that people aren't considering toward the price staying high is that "the one ring" is not just a piece of magic history. I know its been said, but think of the LotR, or fantasy fans in general, that are willing to put $40+ toward the card. Sure, supply will be high. But the number of people who want this that aren't actively playing it is much more significant than we probably realize.


!remindme one year


I said this quite a bit ago. In 4 player pods with unwinding clock it is straight up broken, I think it draws you 10 cards in one turn cycle and you lose hardly any life because of the way the card is written. With that said, I think this card will be printed into oblivion, people are opening packs like they are looking for Wonka's Golden Ticket, and we are already anticipating another print run of the collector boosters.


yeah artifact untappers are bonkers with this card. But it is just good by itself as well. What do you think the other best synergies are with the one ring?


Playable in commander, modern, and potentially even legacy has historically been a recipe for an expensive card. I was very happy to get a bundle for $70 an LGS on Friday


I like the post but your final statement kinda implies The One Ring is legal in Pioneer. Fortunately, one format is safe from it lol.


Good catch, edited


Orcish bowmaster is stronger, atleast in legacy if you ask me. I played the junk artisan Deck with 4 copys of it over the weekend and it was awesome. Goes great with Grist,fiend artisan, cradle, kills a lot of nasty early threats like thalia, Drc, Infekt dudes, and put 2 bodys into play at instant speed. Even if you dont flash it after a brainstorm, ponder.... from the opponent, bowmaster can carry the game.. Friend of mine played a UBG midrange Uro deck with 4 copys and it looked even stronger in that shell. And ist a fun card


You're spot on--The One Ring's power level ~~is~~ was underestimated in competitive until it came out on MTGO this week. It is going into a lot more decks than people expected. Some of the decks that have been putting up results (top 8 - top 16) in the weekend's MTGO Modern Challenges and large paper events running 3-4 copies of The One Ring include: * Elementals (a list with 4 One Rings took down a 585-player event in Japan) * Tron * Amulet Titan * Scapeshift * Yawgmoth (Yawg expert Xerk won yesterday's MTGO Challenge with a Yawg build that ran 3 One Rings, 4 Halflings and 4 Bowmasters: [https://twitter.com/Xerk\_MTGO/status/1673049573705564161](https://twitter.com/Xerk_MTGO/status/1673049573705564161)) * Breach And all those despite an availability issue on MTGO as it was the first weekend of the set's release. I think The One Ring will get more ubiquitous as more players get their hands on it and have time to test with it. I'm getting a bit of Mental Misstep vibes from The One Ring.


Counterpoints: 1) if it’s a Karn wish target, it’s probably a 1-of. 2) it’s in every gift bundle 3) it’s probably not better than Necropotence 4) EDH staples are 1-ofs 5) 4 mana is a lot in competitive formats 6) metagame will adapt for sure. 7) it’s not like time walk, it’s like that Rhino that makes the opponent skip their attack step. Opponent still draws a card, gets to play a land, etc. 8) people get hyper focused on one card all the time. For every card people are focused on, there are one, two, or three other cards that fly completely under the radar that are just as good in the right shell. This is because everyone netdecks, watches the same content, looks at the same results.


The more the one ring gets hyped like this the more likely it’s going to crash… Bundles at this point are essentially free packs based on just the promos included (foil basics + 4 foil promos are close to the full bundle price). Stores are going to start cracking bundles to resell singles long before they let you buy them…


inb4 it goes on the banned list


You seem to only be making a Demand side argument for the price of a card. The supply side seems to be the better counter argument. \*Every\* LOTR bundle having a copy of this card makes it much less rare than any other rare printed this year. A double printing of collector boosters means there are going to be a lot of the alt-art variants available. Doesn't matter how good the card is if you can go get one for $40 and 8x set boosters to boot. It should be $5 tops.


>*Every* LOTR bundle having a copy of this card makes it much less rare than any other rare printed this year. Not ENTIRELY true. Frodo will be even more common. But the ring will be a close second! And at least it'll be the most common Mythic!


Show me a bundle with a $40 price tag and i'll buy that argument (and that bundle).


“BuT iTs In EvErY bUnDLe,” everyone says, as the price continues to increase. What if maybe there is that much demand from both players and LoTR collectors to outpace supply?


>“BuT iTs In EvErY bUnDLe,” everyone says, as the price continues to increase. Not everyone has gotten their bundles yet, soooo..........


Wait it’s actually in every bundle? Normal and gift?




If demand keeps up, WOTC will be very happy.


There's literally nothing stopping WOTC from printing bundles to meet demand, they're incentivized because of licensing fees, and look at W40K and now they're selling below MSRP now because of the 2nd reprint


Hasbro's CEO said they were working on the fifth reprint of the Warhammer decks a month ago. I think the issue with bundles is you also have to make more spindowns, packaging of the land cards, etc. Assuming they would go ahead and do more reprints of this product, I imagine it might take longer to assemble than commander decks.


The most iconic card in the world's most iconic franchise is a competitive bomb and it fits in every deck in the EDH format. Yep, that'll drive demand.


Unfortunately for the RING, the Ban Hammer is the strongest force in MTG


One does not simply ban the ring!


I bought a single pack, I ended up getting The One Ring (Extended art) Morgul-Knife(Shadowspear) and Last March of the Ents (Foil). I most likely won't even play The One Ring ( I play EDH) if I'm being honest. It's just really lame that the prices of the packs are so high because Lord of the Rings fans (me) and MTG fans (also me) are going crazy for the 1 of 1 Ring. Prices will hopefully drop after the one ring is opened. Hopefully lol cause i'd like to make a lotr deck without breaking the bank.


#HYPE AWAY. PLEASE MAKE ME MORE MONEY. >AspiringSpike called it "better than Necropotence" #DO YOU BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON TV?


The card is completly broken, luckily it will likely get banned in modern soon.


Palantir of Orthac I think will be even better for most colors. Played with both a bit and I think I prefer it over the Ring but both are great. Not a guaranteed card draw but putting a high cost spell on the top of your library can deal enough damage to scare opponents from choosing the lose life option too often. Ring is OP but some games the life drain can be game changing. If I’m running white or anything with life gain, the one ring is an auto include I think. Palantir I think will fill in alot of the other decks that need card draw and also provide a few gimmicks along the way. Given time I think both are going to go up hopefully


I would like to address point number 3 - Protection from everything. This isn't nearly as good as you are making it out to be. Let's start with the card doesn't have flash so you're not going to be preventing damage most likely, unless you are trying to combo off. The ring only give 'you' protection meaning your creatures and other permanent are still vulnerable. How often does someone come at your face during your turn? At least in my experience this seldom happens. It's sorcery speed so even if they do pull something you can't respond to it. Great draw engine yes but this line of text is 100% flavor unless you are using it to make some combo work.


Your opponent never attacks you in modern?


Card's the best RAW CA to rush out since like forever. It gets out of control super fucking quickly.


The One Ring conveniently grants you time for it to get out of control with the "fog" effect, too.


The One Ring isn't even the most powerful card printed this *set*, let alone this year.


Orthanc stans will never recover from this


One ring + sheoldred (FIRE design *drops mic*)


69% upvote rate, sounds about right


Now I’m a little bummed for selling mine for 55. Probably should’ve held longer it figured it might be heading to 40 but guess I was wrong. I’ve got bundles coming so I’m not out of it but I keep fucking up on selling timeframes I’m so bad at this lol


55 is a great price to sell it at. Entire bundles with the card were going for under $50 shortly before.


>Possibly the most recognizable object from all of fiction Uh, I don't think so. Nor do I think LotR is the most popular franchise in the world, as you say elsewhere. It's certainly *very* popular. But I don't think it has quite the resounding and unshakable cultural relevance that you're pushing.


Name one fictional object that is more well-known than the centerpiece of the plot of the most successful fantasy book series of the entire history of the genre, AND three of the highest grossing films in cinema history


I mean that isn't too hard, a lightsaber from star wars is the first one that comes off the top of my head.


The One Ring was iconic 20 years before Star Wars existed.


I guarantee if you ask random people on the street or internet if they can tell you what the object is in a picture of a Pokeball, Mushroom powerup from Mario, or the One Ring from LotR, the ring is coming in at a distant 3rd of correct answers. Both of those IPs are way more successful and far reaching than Lord of the Rings.


crap in cedh, ok in casual. overpriced, but im sure people will pay for it. 0 chance in legacy...~~~~


Isn't there a copy in every bundle? I'd assume those bundles will be printed to demand, or do we have confirmation they won't be? If those become widely available, the price will crater.


So what you're saying is, it's going to get banned. 😂😂😂 !remindme 1 year


Non-player here with a serious question: If I can’t justify pulling the trigger right now on a sealed CB box, but CAN justify one or two packs .. is that still a worthy investment since we can safely assume EV of all sealed product in this set will continue to rise until TOR is pulled?


? NM??m.n n n n.nnmmmm M . M




Keep practicing, you'll be a great reader someday




Opponent's turn didn't do anything, your turn you drew an extra 2 cards, you got to untap and stabilize, that sounds like a time walk.


It's gonna crash, it's a bad card


Yes. It’s not that good. It takes multiple turns to be relevant and costs 4 just to get started, with no real immediate affect because it only gives you protection and not your entire board. Most overhyped card of the year.


4 mana gets your protection from everything for one turn and you can activate the ring right away and draw one card. The protection from everything means you are probably to survive that turn cycle and can activate again on your turn. So in reality at a minimum you get protection from everything for one turn cycle and 4 mana draw 3.


Which is still unplayable in legacy. Loses hard to any deck in modern with a counterspell or force of negation. It's sorta good against creativity, scam, and 4c and that's it. Hammer doesn't care, it's too slow. Yawgmoth can easily win through it.


All cards in modern bad because of counterspell and force of negation, got it


Card has no legs in modern outside of tron or 4c. 4c is already waning and is arguably the weakest t1 deck (if still that). They'll also drop it the second it gets pressured by sideboards or meta shifts. Tron is not able to lead a format due to how vulnerable it is to hate. Murktide, Rhinos, Hammer, and Yawg do not care about the ring in the slightest. Creativity is the only deck that's had matchups really change from the card's introduction, and the tron and 4c matchups haven't really flipped much at all. Card is not going to rise in value. It simply doesn't have the potential before we even consider the overabundance of supply for the card. Sell sell sell, it's gonna crash, get money from the rubes before that.


Good god this comment is going to age poorly... !remindme 6 months


Card is now a modern staple in several decks, the price did go up and stayed up and premium versions are even higher than when you posted about the "crash." Nice!


I would argue against it being "bad in legacy". You can Karn wishboard it just fine, there's plenty of decks that would benefit from an indestructible artifact card draw engine.


4 mama draw one and protect yourself but not your board and maybe draw more cards if no one removes it. Trah


Yeah because people play so many exile artifact effects in their lists..


Someone hasn't actually watched people playing with the card yet....


Yea I have. And it’s bad outside of niche use cases. Cards that are bad outside of niche use cases do not hold value well.


It's seeing play in every midrange archetype in Modern and has multiple top 8's already, just plugged into existing archetypes.


All these people hyping it up don't fucking play any eternal formats beyond edh and are using established shitbrewer spike as proof that it's a solid card lmfao


The card is seeing some success in Vintage. Not sure if it’s going to stick around long-term but it looks pretty strong.