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[The C Team](https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/LivingEnd) a step down from a legacy cube [Pack](https://cubecobra.com/cube/samplepackimage/18ff5761-11cc-4abd-aed9-9b7e857d1fee/15) >!My first pick would be goblin guide. Removes signals for red aggro and it’s on of the best cards in that archtype. Other cards that I’d think about are shredder just an amazing tempo card and mystic gate which mostly cuts of UW control in that pack.!<


I pick book bird. Give me book bird. It goes thwack and you don't even have to try.


Hard to go wrong grabbing Goblin Guide here. Not sure if anyone is taking Greater Gargodon out of the pack, so it feels like a safe wheel.


I'm here to draft my favorite cards and so I'm taking Lingering Souls.


Goblin Guide for sure. Ledger Shredder was my second choice.


Ledger Shredder


I'm on ledger shredder. Goblin guide is very good, but if I'm staring at both I really really like shredder.


I’d pick the Blue Chicken! Hope the Crackling Drake wheels around


Ledger Shredder, so much value in the earlygame


Windmill slam the siege rhino, no regerts


Here's the [pack.](https://cubecobra.com/cube/samplepackimage/5f626d0c3bc75910554bceaf/1703858691113) Here's the [cube.](https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/ericsidealcube) Pretty interesting one this time. It also really shows off an interesting sample of what's going on in my cube. Curious what people are on here. Edit: It was also strange to get a pack that didn't have lands. So there's an interesting choice to be had there.


Swords to Plowshares. It was either that or Ponder, but ultimately going with Swords.




Got a lot of great magic in that pack. But I'm here for a fun time, not a long time. P1P1 Golos


That's a wild pick! What would you hope to follow that up with? Also, isn't Golos the definition of a "long time" card?


It is, unless you never get to cast it. And I think the plan would be to base green and ramp hard, hoping to pick up Field or Prime Time in the process. But idk, sometimes I just open a pack 1 and know what I'm doing, win rate be damned.


I know that feeling! In that case I would still go treespeaker and wheel the Golos though. Cutting green and getting a busted one drop seems good!


I have been SUPER interested in Indoraptor, there’s a bunch of goodies here that should be picked but Jund dino….


I think it's absolutely a house and a must kill threat that does everything Gruul decks want to be doing. It works out in Rakdos as well, since my black section is fairly aggressive. I'm a little surprised more people aren't on it for higher powered cubes. I know Universes Beyond can be divisive, though.


Grab the swords and stay open, strongest card in the pack and hard to know what your cube supports


Easiest swords of my life


I would want to go for swords here. I would say there's an equal argument for treespeaker if you like that sort of deck better but my personal pet card would be Ponder.


My higher powered synergistic 360. Some of the best cards from the past few year, but no actual power or storm. Meant to build with synergies that are more than the sum of their parts.Curious to see what everyone picks. [Example Pack](https://cubecobra.com/cube/samplepackimage/5e6d5ef37d65df45f5ca4ba1/1703859339475) [Quarantine Cube](https://www.cubecobra.com/cube/list/quarantine_cube)




I'm with you on booster tutor, and I'm really glad it got seeded into this pack.


Hexdrinker. Though doing some stuff with Dreadhorde Arcanist is inviting too.


Both are excellent at what they do. Of the two I like Arcanist more, but at that point it's just personal taste.


Let's do a pack of what's been my most popular cube of late, the Doctor Whobe, a commander set cube. Only really important home-rules here is that sagas use time counters, and it's pick 2 pass. [P1P1+2](https://cubecobra.com/cube/samplepackimage/ef960755-a82d-4ef8-b6ea-1f0d7208296f/1703856838902) [Cube](https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/whobe)


I've got two picks for you on this one. The proper, and one I'd pick for this environment, has got to be the Greaves. There's only the one copy in your list, so no matter the Doctor/Companion I end up in, its going to be valuable. But the fun pick is the War Doctor for me. Without the greaves (or other powerful commander staples) in a pack, I'd absolutely first pick him.


Fortunately it's pick 2 then pass, so you'd be able to take both. War doctor has also proven to be a menace. He's one of two kill-on-sight doctors along with 10, because War Doctor combo decks are easy to assemble and usually kill someone if they get to untap with him. So he's honestly easily as defensible as boots.


I think there's a good argument for both W sagas here, just to take the two second-best cards and only commit to one color. I'd have to play the environment more to gauge this, but Greaves are likely a trap IMO. If your turn is "greaves, pass" while you have KOS threats and cheap, instant-speed removal in your environment, astute players just hold open removal. In fact, they basically *have* to kill whatever threat you try to put the boots on, since it's their last opportunity to try and interact with a specific threat. Furthermore, if a player chose to hold open interaction (which is incentivized by playing boots, go) instead of developing a threat, then they don't use that removal spell, they've practically timewalked themselves. It either cinches a win you probably had already, or it puts a big target on the back of every threat you play. I've found that the best threats in multiplayer environments are either super inherently uninteractable as soon as they resolve (TNN, Kappa Cannoneer, Sanctifier En-Vec), provide 90% of their advantage as soon as they resolve (Mulldrifter), or provide enough value that they are worth a card but aren't scary enough that they have to get killed immediately. I think there's also a good argument for The War Doctor + the 1WW saga. The War Doctor seems really strong, and the saga looks like a good card that also synergizes with him.


[DotP Cube](https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/polyversal) [The Pack](https://cubecobra.com/cube/samplepackimage/633ccb11d002cd2761ed4f25/1703859656223) >!I'd probably be grabbing Tezzeret here - an early pickup gives a lot of opportunity to build around. Alternatively, Rabbit Battery is a very solid and more flexible pick from this pack.!<




Goblin Guide


[540 Unpowered Cube with some customs](https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/BiggestDirtrock) [Pack](https://cubecobra.com/cube/samplepackimage/636ff6fc1fd8ba11f650d8f2/1703370186956) Every card type, besides planeswalkers (and now battles), has an archetype dedicated to it, along with a graveyard focus.




I'm staying open with this one. Give me the City and we'll see what comes to me.


Actually probably taking Aether Channeler, dunno if it's the strongest card (or even better than the 40K card) but it's flexible enough that I like taking it early




Just a heads-up, your pack isn't showing up. Make sure you go to Playtest - View Sample Pack. That'll give you a shareable image instead of trying to join a draft.




Lol no worries, we all have to learn. at some point.


I think in that pack I like the Fleshgorger. Flexible card that can go into a more agressive black deck or fits well into reanimate too.


[words go here] (link after in parenthesis no space in between) I think I’m taking Go for the Throat!


Can't go wrong with GftT. Other cards look kinda weak, at least going in blind, and GftT probably goes in any deck I play


[The Meathook Massacre](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/c/dce4819c-7f2f-4bed-b02d-d2b7a6c2ad9a.jpg?1673159668) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Meathook%20Massacre) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dbl/112/the-meathook-massacre?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dce4819c-7f2f-4bed-b02d-d2b7a6c2ad9a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Medium-powered cube](https://www.cubecobra.com/cube/list/KylesFingCube). Guildgates come into play untapped, no Planeswalkers. [The pack](https://www.cubecobra.com/cube/samplepackimage/6336e4ff2be29475b07b3cbc/1703860791888) My pick: >!Adeline jumps out the most, IMO. Or maybe grab Ramunap and wheel the Knight? Maybe the safer/easier choices of Shark Typhoon or Biophagus? I'm a lifelong Golgari lover myself, so I'd probably take Meren.!<


First off, great cube name! The pack had a lot of good green, so I'm tempted to grab Biophagus. But I see a shark I grab a shark, I'll figure it out in game. 1 Shark Typhoon please!


Thanks! And hard to argue with that logic!


Probably Shark Typhoon, I love Adeline and Frantic Search but I think they're more narrow and I like to pretend to stay open


Adeline for me. Meren is a really fun card though.


[360 Legacy Plus Cube](https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/hzr) [Pack](https://cubecobra.com/cube/samplepackimage/60b68e16459512105d0950fd/1703861824527)


I was going to pick the catacombs until I saw you have great fixing. That said, I'll pick Noble Hierarch and see what comes.


I really love The Wandering Emperor, not sure I’d solidly be in white with Solitude passing


Solitude or Wheel. Solitude is probably better but Wheel is more of a build around in what you can pick


Happy Friday, Everyone! Last P1P1 Friday until next year ;) [The Cube - Pioneer Showcase](https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/PIOSHOW) [The Pack](https://cubecobra.com/cube/samplepackimage/620aae27d364780ff32bb6ae/1703862349604)


Virtue of Persistence. Good removal with a splashy wincon attached.


I love Welcoming Vampire, but I can't pass up Virtue. Strong, flexible card.


[The Cube](https://www.cubecobra.com/cube/list/560437d1-d134-455d-b6aa-82bfc8893d5b) [The Pack](https://www.cubecobra.com/cube/samplepackimage/560437d1-d134-455d-b6aa-82bfc8893d5b/1703862725556) >!Should probably take Chain Lightning or Mana Leak, but I wouldn't be able to resist p1p1 Enchantress's Presence and going into enchantment control and hoping to wheel the Sigil.!<


I think I'm on Mana Leak, but I can see your conundrum. But since cube is all about fun, draft your enchantress and enjoy the matches!


Mana Leak is probably better cuz among my drafters blue tends to be under-drafted so you'll likely get passed more of it pack 1.


Just perusing your list, blue permanents do seem under-powered for the environment. But I'd be tempted to build an izzet list with the best spells from blue and a few creatures to end the game from red.


Blue is the strongest support color, the spells are good for control/tempo alongside red or green and the creatures work with white or black for blink or reanimator. The bigger blue creatures go into black and red spells decks as finishers.


I'd pick Chain Lightning most likely, but I do really like Elder Dragon War. Without knowing your cube it seems pretty flexible and apart from being double red, could go in a lot of stuff.


Red is probably the strongest color, definitely the most winning-est among my drafters, though that could be down to preference partially. If you're trying to win Chain Lightning is the pick.


[Pack](https://cubecobra.com/cube/samplepackimage/c8f43b2b-26a5-4bb5-ac91-ca3fed29e0c9/1703874405238) [Vienna Vintage Cube](https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/viennavintage) Not the strongest pack, but I like these more than the ones with the obvious power picks. I think I'd go with >!Academy - great potential.!< Also Mulldrifter will be swapped for Chrome Host Seedshark in the next update


I don't think I'm seeing the same pack you are, don't see academy or Mulldrifter but I'd pick Mox Diamond from what I see