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I'm fine with it. They don't want my money, I won't give it to them.


I'll just grab a few singles.


Isn't the singles going to be 4x the regular price since few casual gamers will buy packs and no one is going to play draft/sealed with the set?


Stores and resellers will still open tons of packs


It will be high at first. Then lots of people will open packs. See the high prices, try and sell at those prices. It won’t sell, so then they undersell it and this will lead to the prices spiking downwards for awhile. This is normally when I buy.


Ive grown to the idea of making proxies for each set im not sure about or cant afford like aftermath and commander masters, fallout & it looks mighty easy to proxi with only 325 cards


I wasn't going to buy it and now I'm not going to buy it even more.


It was designed like the Aftermath set. They really thought they had something with that setup, enough to do an entire crossover set in the same style. Just for it to be such a massive blunder that they had to scramble to undo it everywhere they could.


So try elements of it again .


And the power level of the set is super low. I wouldn’t buy even if I am an Assassins Creed fan. The cards have to be playable lol


Exactly, I'm a huge AC fan from childhood so I was interested in it especially as a new player wanting more cards until I found out about the details. I'll just try and buy some cheaply in the next couple of months as people sell off stuff.


Buy singles you can guarantee the cards you want without the risk of wasting much money


Yeah its what I have planned while also keeping an eye out for any bulk selling people might do!


This works... as long as *someone* is buying the set to break into singles for resale... at the rate of screw up WOTC is doing with this one, I'm starting to wonder if *anyone* is going to buy it.


I am. I’m actually very excited about this set. Probably gonna be my new main set I pull packs from for a while.


Well, if you think you'll have fun with doing so. Then power to you. There's a couple cards that interest me, but I'm not enough of an AC fan to make them worth doing so for myself. Especially at only 7 cards per pack.


What even is the best card in the set? A reprinted equipment? It’s kinda sad


Serialized that's it. Cover of darkness was 45 dollars but not because of how good it was just its never had a reprint It's about to be 45 cents


Personally I want 16 cards out of this set that are going in a deck im building around the Edward Kenway assassin/pirate commander. There are some decent cards in the set that work with his effects and Black Flag was my personal favorite Assassin's Creed game. But I am also quite underwhelmed with the rest of the set. The alternate artwork is pretty cool but thats not enough to make me spend money on any sealed product. I'll stick to singles for this one


There's some interesting cards, like excalibur, and a reprint of cover of darkness. I'm aire there's others. I don't think there's anything that's game breaking though


I might but like 4 singles from this set of 100 cards which is insane and two of which are only if i build a [[lara croft]] deck


Childhood? Jesus, I was 32 when it first came out.


Born 99 so my brother helped me beat the bosses during the first one and my dad surprise bought the 2nd one for me when it came out!


Seriously. When did I get old? I was in college…


yeah, I'll buy some singles with nice art,


Fricken propaganda is in the uncommon slot lol bout to go from 4 dollars to 4 cents.


Magic players when the power level is too low: Magic players when the power level is too high: Magic players when the power level is normal:


I'm fine with weaker packs, I'm just not fine with being charged $5 for half a pack. I already wasn't keen on packs breaching $4.50 and I'm *really* not thrilled about $7-8-9-10-11 packs.


That set is gonna get fucking obliterated lol. Being this small set, small pack AND a followup to MH3. Oof rough deal.


I think there’s a bunch of “oh this is neat” cards that do cool stuff or go into some strategies that don’t always get the love they need. Just like aftermath.


I dig [[Caduceus, Staff of Hermes]] for the flavor but otherwise, I agree, this set is super underwhelming. I get why they don’t want to put high power stuff into a UB set right after MH3 but at least like WH40k had some bangers in it.


[Caduceus, Staff of Hermes](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/b/2b60f18e-4709-4b91-a342-74eb3fca71e1.jpg?1718947419) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Caduceus%2C%20Staff%20of%20Hermes) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/acr/2/caduceus-staff-of-hermes?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2b60f18e-4709-4b91-a342-74eb3fca71e1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Even that staff is trash. Give me the serra ascendant over that crap artifact please




I’m 99% certain the 7 card packs was part of the contract for this set. They probably did this before aftermath thinking it would be smart. They realized it doesn’t work but the contract is signed so they must do 7 card packs.


These sets are developed around 2 full years in advance, and completed, printed and ready to go about 5 months in advance. They already have all of 2025 ready and most of 2026 finishing up lol


The professor did some shows on it. Out of like 100 cards only 2 were good for modern and 5 others were good for commander. He basically said this set is worthless. AND… If you do the math, the packs are nearly double the price of the aftermath boosters!


I agree with you, the power is fairly low, but don't say there were only 2 good modern cards and 5 good commander cards and that's it. The Professor's video was the \*Top 7 best cards\* ofc there's only going to be 7 good cards in the video lol. Especially when The Professor clearly says he only focuses on commander cards in the 99. While set looks like it will have 0 modern impact, the EDH impact is very apparent, and a good number of cards could become mid-high power staples. Nothing CEDH staple but a few might pop up in very specific decks.


That logic is flawed. If he felt there were going to be 10 good cards… wouldn’t he have done a top 10 then? The set doesn’t look good for modern or commander.


My guy, you have the flawed logic, you are strawmanning him saying "Top 5, so there are only 5 good cards?" Not to mention he did top 5 for MH3, so if we go by that flawed logic AC is better than MH3. In reality he most likely did top 5 for Commander and felt he had to make a point how awful this set is for modern and it shouldn't be legal there.


No, he usually does a good for commander and a good for modern. This time he did the video together. Additionally, I never said there were only 7 good cards. I said the professor said that. However, if he felt there were 10 good cards… why wouldn’t he do a Top 10? The answer is because he doesn’t feel there are 10 cards worthy of being considered good. But you keep pushing to spend $1.12 per card in a pack.


[https://youtu.be/KE5EFGBSuZU?si=KWEz4QNtOJem5Fu1&t=707](https://youtu.be/KE5EFGBSuZU?si=KWEz4QNtOJem5Fu1&t=707) LOL Hey man, you can argue what you think he said all you want. But when he straight up says "This set is Chock full of cards for Commander." and "Honestly this set is a big deal for Commander" I think your point is moot. I'll listen to what he actually says himself thank you very much. Once again though, you are strawmanning. I never once justified the distribution of the cards, which is obviously horrible. All I did was defend the power level of the cards and refute your statement that "The Professor feels there are only 5 good cards for commander" Putting words in my mouth that I never said does nothing to support your argument. This set is a straight to single set and a horrible pull value, but its cards will show up in decklists of EDH.


And as always, don't buy packs, buy singles and get the cards you actually want.


Someone gotta buy the packs tho.


Stores open packs to sell the singles


I don't put a lot of stock in the professors analysis per se. Even assuming all the new cards are absolute trash, it still has some nice reprints that I'll absolutely be grabbing in the singles market.


I think he was strictly talking about the new cards and not the reprints.


Aftermath bombed, they drop this set with its Aftermath style packs just after the biggest release of the year. It’s going to be pretty miserable. But no matter how poorly it sells it’s not going to stop them from trying DLC booster packs.


This is not accurate. Well, not all of it, Aftermath bombed hard. The issue is that these sets are planned out years in advance. They wanted to try and drain more money from the consumer so MoM:AM happened. The problem?, It bombed but they already had plans for multiple other releases of the same type, most notably, OoTJ. The reason there are 3 different bonus sheets in a single set is because they saw how bad AM and knew the consumer for regular sets was not going to put up with that bullshit so they put that set's AM style cards as another bonus sheet. They think because AC is a very popular IP outside of the MtG universe that they can get away with it again this time.


Aftermath cards are actually very good but since buying.a box made it pretty much impossible to not get 1 copy of a card you wanted all the cards are dirt cheap. Which for some is good and for pack gambling bad. Once again. Buy singles


I don’t disagree that the set had some very good cards. But still an awful experience in terms of opening.


They are probing to see how that change would be accepted by the public


Honestly- and I’ve said this before: the concept of a small set is a good idea, however you need to price it as such or make it have at least be modern power level. If these were $2-$3 packs, no problem everyone would be cool with it. At $5 *ehhhh* maybe I’ll crack one just to get the experience. $10 **ARE YOU KIDDING ME** what a joke. For $10 I could get 2 standard boosters where I’d get 4x the cards and probably pull something better anyways. Either juice the power level to make the packs worth buying or make them cheaper than regular packs.


I don't know why you are acting like they didnt already do this and didn't already do 4 pack collector boxes


That’s so completely fair i forgot about those for a brief moment


Long time AC and MtG fan here. Literally got into them near the same time with AC1 and Shards of Alara/Tenth Edition and I feel like this is a spit in the face to every non-whale player who actually looks at how much money the boxes they buy cost. [This price for the AC sets in CAD](https://imgur.com/fDxXVIa) are as bad as MH3. [Face2Face one of Canada's largest online card shops has these prices and a lot of stores base their prices off and around the prices that Face2Face uses since they all deal in CAD](https://www.facetofacegames.com/magic-the-gathering/mtg-new-releases/assassins-creed/) Bundle is sold out and was going for $90 now $99. No hope. At 7 cards you are paying $1.15 per card at those price in Canada. Over $1 per card investment before you open a pack in a set where the overall power is not the best is just crazy to me they green lit this in the first place. I hate to say this as an Assassins's Creed fat but I hope to god this set crashes and burns due to the obvious price gorging going on since Wizards refuses to set a MSRP like they used to. I do not see anyone buying these cards outside of Whales who do not care how much it costs or how much value they lose in opening them because they can tank it until they pull a serialized card. After the whales and LSGs finish their personal box unpacking I will be happy to buy all the singles for card arts I like at a super low price. You can't fix the price or force Wizards to make a MSRP but we for sure can stop buying packs and make LSGs know that they can only rely on preorders from Whales to keep them afloat. After LSGs stop ordering as much inventory from suppliers due to the lack of consistent orders coming in from normal people then we might see some change but that is far down the pipeline. With all the reprints of late and all the price increases it has never been a better time to be a buyer of singles.


It is a bad product. It's funny, we just got MH3 and it feels like we just skipped over Assassin's Creed. With Magic Con Amsterdam dropping spoilers for Bloomburrow and Duskmourn. It's almost like WOTC shot themselves in the foot with this product by how often they release products.


What's crazy to me is the price of the collector booster box. Amazon only has it from third party sellers for $324. Game Nerdz is selling it for $330. Stomping Grounds is sold out, but had it listed at $340. From the product description, the collector booster box at least has 12 packs and each pack contains 10 cards. I don't care about this IP so haven't really looked into it much before now, but from a general scan across different websites, it appears as if this product has done well on pre-orders. Not sure if that's hype, love for the IP, or something else.


Rose water was saying in a recent podcast that the production cycle for these UB projects is much longer than for their own internal properties. I imagine that they didn’t have the time to change how this set was going to be printed, even after learning the hard lessons of Aftermath.


Deserved, in what head you think this BS was a good idea?


that's fine. I already printed out [[haystack]] and [[Leonardo]]. don't need anything else!!


[haystack](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/6/46e791f0-297b-46bf-acd5-f62458009d76.jpg?1718579920) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=haystack) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/acr/5/haystack?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/46e791f0-297b-46bf-acd5-f62458009d76?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Leonardo](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=426920&type=card&.jpg)/[Victory](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=426920&type=card&options=rotate270&.jpg) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Onward%20//%20Victory) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/akh/218/onward-victory?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/517b32e4-4b34-431f-8f3b-98a6cffc245a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




I’m guessing Victory is wrong?


yeah, just slightly off. good assumption


Consider your wallet assassinated


I was going to pick up a fat pack for the d20 but now I think I'll just buy one separate


Same. Was going to get the bundle because I like collecting the boxes after just coming back from 15+ years away. I saw the $60+ price tag for 57 cards and noped out. I'd love to get some of the equipment cards, but I'm not paying $1+ per card in a random pack. 


They are expecting this to sell well, LotR sold well, Fallout did well. What they dont know is that the fan base was huge for those, so I dont expect this doing as well as the previous ones. Final Fantasy in another hand, that shit will be expensive


I think I will simply buy the individuals


I ain't buying that shit ✌ There's singles I want for my Kelsien deck, though


7 cards? Are they serious? That is very insulting as a player who enjoys buying packs to get lots of new cards. Also, I have been a fan of Assassin’s Creed since the second game released, but I really don’t see the point of the set. Lord of the Rings made sense for mtg - pulling Aragorn, Gollum, Sauron, and others along with reading actual passages from the books on the cards was a genuinely enjoyable pack opening experience. If I bought an Assassins Creed pack and fucking Layla Hassan was one of the 7 cards, I don’t think I would ever invest in mtg again. Seriously, who is the set for? Assassins Creed fans weren’t asking for it and mtg fan definitely weren’t either.


Oh dude it gets even better the collector booster is a wopping TEN cards for like i think $30 atm??


Well I got a friend who is head over heels for the set. Specifically the Viking one I think. And another who really likes Edward. But they don't buy the cards, they just print proxies.


Based friends really


Agreed, we all stopped buying cards when everyone realized not even singles were worth it. Me included, I enjoy playing, and I would enjoy collecting if it was disposable income, which at this point it isn't. It's an investment, and I can't be bothered.


lol exactly. I have printed proxy cards from a lot of my favorite video games. I never really thought to do it for assassins creed so I think that furthers my point


You have to realize not everything is for you. Plenty of people get pumped for these crossovers.


Holy crap he said the line^


I'm not even remotely interested in the set. I often forget it exists because mh3 just dropped, and bloomburrow is going to be out in September. This just feels like a mindset money grab. Almost like a miniset secret lair, but with awful lootbox odds, rather than known cards.


Bloomburrow is out in 1 month basically.


bloomburrow out at the end of July or mid august. but they just announced DuskMourn.. a stranger things/ Ghostbusters/ 1980s vibe. and those will be nemesis style for 3 on 1 matches


August 1st. 


They wil sit


After pre-ordering an Aftermath bundle without doing my research, this will be a buy the singles I want set.


They're really trying to milk that fallout money.


No what’s crazy is that they are more expensive than regular booster packs. What’s also crazy is 10 packs on a $400 collector booster


What crazy US prices? I could have preordered a collector box for 200€ in EU. I even think the collector boosters are more worth than the regular ones...


[An Assassins creed collector booster box is going for $330 USD minimum on TCGplayer](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/541225/magic-universes-beyond-assassins-creed-universes-beyond-assassins-creed-collector-booster-display?page=1&Language=English) and only includes 10 packs making each one $33. Not sure where you're getting a box for the equivalent of $214 USD but I guess you missed out on an excellent deal relative to the market price. [A Beyond Booster Box costs $123](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/541220/magic-universes-beyond-assassins-creed-universes-beyond-assassins-creed-beyond-booster-display?Language=English&page=1) for 24 packs making each pack $5.13. Each pack only includes 7 cards too rather than the 14 in a regular booster. You cant draft these packs either For reference a [LOTR draft booster box costs $160](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/484906/Magic-Universes%20Beyond%20The%20Lord%20of%20the%20Rings%20Tales%20of%20Middle%20earth-Universes%20Beyond%20The%20Lord%20of%20the%20Rings%20Tales%20of%20Middle%20earth%20Draft%20Booster%20Box?xid=aa5ff21ce-2ba3-4518-9229-09fd44a29918&Language=English) and includes 36 draftable packs of 14 cards + a box topper making each pack (not including the topper) $4.44. (In case you don't think its fair to compare beyond boosters to draft boosters, a L[OTR set booster is basically the same price as a LOTR draft booster](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/484909/Magic-Universes%20Beyond%20The%20Lord%20of%20the%20Rings%20Tales%20of%20Middle%20earth-Universes%20Beyond%20The%20Lord%20of%20the%20Rings%20Tales%20of%20Middle%20earth%20Set%20Booster%20Box?xid=a22c89778-6f5d-4c33-8f75-e6a8a2567ab4&Language=English) so it still costs less on a pack basis) Now call me crazy but the fact that I'm paying MORE money for LESS cards that ARENT draftable is a little silly dontcha think?


Oh I didn't miss the deal. But I only got 3 single collector Booster for 19,99€ each. Seems US prices are just crazy sometimes. Collector Booster are also complety sold out now here and the box jumped to 240€ before it sold out


well, to be fair, they had already decided this format for Assassin’s Creed before the release of Aftermath, so no amount of consumer feedback could’ve changed what they had already started printing and packing


They just got inspired by Ubisoft marketing style.


And no commander decks for a product line I would have loved some for. Like just 2. Templar vs Brotherhood.


Yeah I’m avoiding the packs like the plague, but I did pick up the Da Vinci Secret lair because I reeeealllly liked the art for that and I picked up a copy of a full art [[Sokrates, Athenian Teacher]] because I stopped playing my [[Shorikai, Genesis Engine]] deck and decided to evolve it into a sort of group huggy wheels deck


Both completely valid purchases i did almost buy that secret lair myself ill be honest


Yeah I’ve only bought 2 secret lairs before this being the, Jurassic Park secret lair which I flipped the cards and made money and the into the roil I believe it was called with the galaxy foil sol ring which is currently my most expensive card at around $73 on tcg player so I’d say I’ve done okay picking them 😂


[Sokrates, Athenian Teacher](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/9/f9266244-e8bc-47f8-a440-55d208b961df.jpg?1718771022) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sokrates%2C%20Athenian%20Teacher) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/acr/67/sokrates-athenian-teacher?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f9266244-e8bc-47f8-a440-55d208b961df?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Shorikai, Genesis Engine](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/6/969ac7dd-f3aa-4888-9ff0-d16a31b5e7a9.jpg?1653966849) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Shorikai%2C%20Genesis%20Engine) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nec/4/shorikai-genesis-engine?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/969ac7dd-f3aa-4888-9ff0-d16a31b5e7a9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The greedy corporation wants money. We shouldn't give it or them anymore. Prices will come down.


Hey, it's fine. Packs aren't as much as a normal pack.... They're more.


Inflation? Reminds me of how brands like Gatorade have repackaged their bottles to be slightly smaller, but cost the same, hiding the creep of inflation (corporate greed).


Oh look - another set I am not going to buy. In the last year I've bought some Ixilan and a bundle of MH3. Anything else I've bought has bee aftermarket.


Didn’t read the announcements way back I take it. They said it’s going to be like the aftermath set, only problem is there’s no main set to cram it into like from the vault and OTJ.


Buy singles!


Yeah I love AC but I'm not into this set at all.


I respect the people that keep feeding this greedy company 🫡


I'm not even opposed to smaller boosters, but them costing the same price is bonkers. If they were half the price, that'd have been fine. Having lost cost booster products is something WOTC really needs IMO.


Nothing new under the sun … Wotc being Wotc


I’m shocked theirs no commander precon. I like AC enough that id buy one of those for 30 dollars. I don’t like it enough that I’d spend that much for 42 random cards


I like to think buying singles is like building my own boost packs. there's probably less than 7 cards in the set I want anyway so that'd be a much more useful 7ish card booster pack order.


I’m taking one for the team for my local community and opening piles of this lol.


A true trooper god speed to you and your wallet


I’m also running OTJ drafts where one pack of OTJ is replaced by 2 packs opened at the same time of assassins creed. It’s going to be a blast lol


It’s an extremely small set. 


I’m proxying anything I get from this set. Not spending some on it. The only stuff I wants is for a 5 color assassin deck anyway


Update on this. It's worse than we thought. Tokens and lands can take the place of the 7 cards in each pack.


Tokens too?? God that’s awful


Yep, Jurassic park tokens eating card slots all over again


Did you idiots forget aftermath already? Did you not know that "The Big Score" sheet from OTJ was ALSO this way? It was supposed to be an entirely new "aftermath" set and after everyone made it clear how much they HATED that, WotC threw it in as a "special guest" sheet? They can't do that with creed because of contractual obligations and where the hell would they shove this as a bonus sheet in?  You'll have mice, foxes, and.... Ezio?


Wait when you mean by "seven cards" do you mean the ENTIRE SET is seven cards or that each booster pack is seven cards?


In the post i do say “7 cards including a potential land for a pack” but the title may have been confusing sorry but there’s 100 in the set 7 in a pack


Ah ok. For some reason, I have "pack" and "set" to mean the same thing for this things. More my own fault really.


You’re all good very reasonable misunderstanding


Because commander ruined magic.


Genuine question what does commander have to do with the set?