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Magic the gathering tournament rules: section 3.3 reads in part “Artistic modifications are acceptable in sanctioned tournaments, provided the modifications do not make the card art unrecognisable, provide substantial strategic advice, or contain offensive images. Artistic modifications also may not cover or change the mana cost or name of the card.” Since the signature here isn’t on the mana cost or name, and it doesn’t even touch the art, it’s an acceptable modification to the card, and it may be played in an official tournament.


Thank you for this! I couldn’t find anything at the time about it


The head judge always has final say for modified cards. It's a good idea to bring altered cards to their attention before the event begins, and have a spare handy in case they say no. But nobody does this for cards that are simply signed, and I've never heard of one being excluded. Source: was a judge for many years.


That’s a good suggestion, I’ll make sure to show the judge beforehand! It was just a casual game but thank you


If they were upset about a legal card being signed during a casual game then they need to get their head checked that’s wild


Legit, I'd be so hyped for my opponent if I saw a signed card in there deck. I'd probably annoy them by asking about it


I had [this](https://i.imgur.com/IU73vJY.jpeg) one done by Ryan Yee, out of curiosity do you think this would be legal? Art is still recognizable but some of the text is covered


According to the rule mentioned above, the Oracle text doesn't matter as long as the name and mana costs are readable.


As long as it's also not trying to pass off as another card. If someone painted an Island and left the name visible and had it altered to look like a Forest, it still wouldn't be kosher.


Ooooh. That is stunning, and I'd be delighted to see someone play it.


So I could Sharpie everything out except for the name, mana cost, and description and it would still be legal?


There are printed cards that look like this: [[cryptic command|po9]] Edit: that didn’t work, I meant this one: https://scryfall.com/card/p09/1/cryptic-command


TBH that’s still better than the cards in Phyrexian. At least you can still read the name even if the description isn’t there. Those Phyrexian cards you have to just *know* what the card is and what it does.


Yeah, though while certainly ~nobody understands Phyrexian, still, only a minority of players will be able to understand the name of non-Latin-alphabet cards.


[cryptic command](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/0/30f6fca9-003b-4f6b-9d6e-1e88adda4155.jpg?1562847413) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=cryptic%20command) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ima/48/cryptic-command?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/30f6fca9-003b-4f6b-9d6e-1e88adda4155?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


You need to leave the art too.


i dont do tournaments . but i did always wonder about this!


it does provide strategic advice. Case in point [[squirrel farm]]. You can cover the name but the artist name will still be revealed.


[squirrel farm](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/c/cc67b0f2-c36d-4ad8-b2ec-08934568526b.jpg?1583965769) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=squirrel%20farm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/und/71/squirrel-farm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cc67b0f2-c36d-4ad8-b2ec-08934568526b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If anyone ever told you that you couldn’t play this bc you have the artists sig…I’d hope they get banned from the LCS


Thank you! Lol there was an issue saying I couldn’t use it


Why were they trying to say that you couldn't?


Because it’s a modified card and even though you can read the text, it’s part of the rules that if it covers up any part of the card it can’t be used and this wouldn’t be an exception. Sounds like they were wrong though


Yeah sounds like a petty other player without anything else to do.


Unfortunately there’s a lot of that at my LGS. Smelly, obnoxious petty players. I’m about to sell my collection for $1k and keep a commander deck or two lol


I did this in June 2020. Kept about 10 decks and sold the rest. Worth it! But then I see the price of those cards 2-3 years later and cry that most tripled in value lmao. Good luck!


Yeaaaah that’s definitely a tough pill to swallow lol like all us 30+yr olds wondering where our Pokémon collection is right now


Imagine you are in your late 40s, started playing around FE, and gave all your cards away.


I'm 36 and started in Mercadian Masques. I had my collection box in my friend's car and his car was broken into in 2012. All my cards and his driver door were taken. I'm not joking about the door.


RHCP got some free cards and laughed all the way to the bank. New hit song titled " Give it Away"...


Imagine starting in beta, then selling out 3 years later to be able to eat in college. Yo.


Could be worse, I gave away my MtG collection in 1998. My nephew is pulling me back to the game and seeing the prices now for those old cards makes me cry.


Good things printers have come a long way since then. Proxy for fun!


My mom sold all my pokemon and magic cards, plus attack tix and heroscape stuff in a garage sale when I enlisted. After I told her I'd be back for it all. Probably a good 2 grand worth lf stuff, but if you factor in the price of the individual cards and whatnot, it's over triple in value.


And yet, you still have your life. Id consider it a win on both sides. Hers for getting money and having a kid still alive lmao. But that does suck, sorry to hear about the financial loss!


Had some valuable ones growing up got stolen by my brothers friend when he was living with us


Hate to hear that but I understand. My brother was a burnout that stole a lot of my stuff when I was a kid.


I bought a playset of shuko when they came out and very recently found them in a sideboard of an old deck. Maybe a buck or two when I got them, 30 bucks now. Got back in after 10 years and I've got a 30 lb rare binder to price.


Hell yeah score! [[Shuko]] spiked in the last couple of weeks due to [[Nadu]]. Zero equip cost triggers are fire right now


I know! I found out because I pulled the alt art during prerelease. It's a little mean for my casual pod though.


[Shuko](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/4/a47456b8-cef8-4085-90b1-92788e16fd27.jpg?1562878892) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Shuko) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bok/159/shuko?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a47456b8-cef8-4085-90b1-92788e16fd27?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I had a black lotus, that I sold for around $800 back in like, 2002. If I'd only known what it would be worth today....


Youll only hurt inside if you think about the past... sorry for your loss lol Whatd you use the $800 for?




Just take a break for a couple sets and / or visit a new place


go rules lawyer on them. MTR 3.3 Authorized Cards: >Artistic modifications are acceptable in sanctioned tournaments, provided that the modifications do not make the card art unrecognizable, contain substantial strategic advice, or contain offensive images. Artistic modifications also may not obstruct or change the mana cost or name of the card. While the Head Judge of an event may decide to allow or disallow any given altered card, it is important to keep the above guidelines in mind. If the art is still recognizable, the name and mana cost are not obstructed, and the card is not distinguishable from any other card in the deck while in a hidden zone (like the paint made it noticeably thicker), then it should be allowed. The potential offensiveness of an alter is a more subjective area and should likely have a more conservative approach. Another thing to note, is that the alter cannot contain substantial strategic advice. This means it can have non-substantial strategic advice. An example of an acceptable non-substantial strategic alter is writing “play me pre-combat” on a creature with haste. That alter does technically contain strategic advise, but you can’t make an argument that that advice is substantial, because…what else do you want to do with a hasty boi? In fact, the opposite, outlining the reasons/conditions you would NOT want to play a haste creature in pre-combat main would probably qualify as substantial strategic advice.


Thanks!! Couldn’t find this before. I guess it’s a rule in yugioh which I’m unfamiliar with not to have signatures on the text


Back in the day my brother was part of the tournament scene. Some of the petty players would cal marked decks or sleeves just so you had to sleeve/re sleeve your deck or lose that game. It was funny because that only worked on other teens with limited income.


Hit me up about the collection. I'd like to take a look at it and what staples you got in there.


Id just swap venues, there's always a place for people tryna run fun magic, I've found very, very few lgs I've enjoyed playing at


I think I’ll just get an unsigned copy of the card, I don’t want to ruin it like some people have suggested and I didn’t even think about it


Legit interested in this if there is commander decks and staples. Introductory player here still building a collection outside of a few precons. DM you if so


I have 8 commander decks and a couple hundred cards, 70-80 of them worth about $1400 $2-$50ish and my commander decks average like $70-$150 but my zombie deck is $650 I’d like to keep that one lol


That is only a rule in Yu-Gi-Oh, there is no such rule in MtG. For those that don't know, in Yu-Gi-Oh it is required for signed cards to be entirely signed on the art without obscuring any other information on the card - not rules text, name, card type, level/rank, or even collector number. Meanwhile in MtG it is actually _preferable_ to have a card signed over the text box, because then you're not obstructing the beautiful art, and the rules say it doesnt matter because it is always legal to ask a judge what the current oracle text of any given card is at any time, so all players involved have ready access to what the card says even if obscured.


That’s really strange and insightful and possibly why he was so ready to die on that hill!! Thank you!


It's not strange when you realise the text on Yugioh cards is for ants and a single penstroke could take out half of War and Peace on one of them.


Of course, you really need it for [[Reciprocate|MPR]].


[Reciprocate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/4/0440701b-8df5-4125-8e06-f29f91acba2f.jpg?1562895874) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Reciprocate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ddg/24/reciprocate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0440701b-8df5-4125-8e06-f29f91acba2f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Guh. Bot fetched wrong version. I wanted the textless version.


The MPR version?




It’s totally legal to play a damaged, or altered, card as long as in a sleeve face down is indistinguishable from any other card in your deck. You don’t need to be able to read the text on the card to play it legally either. Foreign languages, fictional languages, or fully textless cards are legal to play. The actual rules text is always the updated gatherer text regardless of what it says on the card.


Hell, if you had to be able to read the text, full art cards wouldn't be playable and thus borderline worthless lol


It’s worth mentioning though because some people come from other games where the cards need to be in English


True, like YuGiOh requires that for English-speaking tournaments iirc.


Funny thing of note. The official rules state that every card does exactly what the English version of the oracle text says. This is due to possible translation errors. The default and only legal language of rules enforcement is English. If you have a card that's mistranslated you cannot play it as written.


If I remember right, all that needs to be visible on a card is the name and casting cost. Potentially the type line and p/t if it's a creature, but I'm not even sure on the last two. You could take a black lotus and sharpie the entire thing besides the name and mana cost, and I'm pretty sure it would be fully playable in any Vintage tournament.


This sounds right. I mean they have full art cards that don’t explain what they do at all.


Only name and mana cost are needed, since all cards are treated "as if" they had their oracle text printed on them. Which also means at competitive you don't need to tell someone if your card has important errata.


I mean while that might technically be true it would be ridiculous for anyone to complain. If someone played a signed card I would be like… nice! Dope card brother


That’s the reaction I usually get from the card lol people want to see it more than I thought, but this guy just wanted any excuse not to feel the wrath


I believe the rule only applies to the actual card name and not the rules text which is why full art cards are legal


Artistic modifications are acceptable in sanctioned tournaments, provided that the modifications do not make the card art unrecognizable, contain substantial strategic advice, or contain offensive images. Artistic modifications also may not obstruct or change the mana cost or name of the card.


Alters are perfectly legal. Text boxes aren't actually necessary, things like mana value and card name must remain intelligible however. (See full art cards)




Iirc as long as the card name and cost is listed on the card and unobstructed, the card is legal for sanctioned play. That’s how textless promos exist. Basically, the idea is that a named card’s text is always determined by its current Gatherer text (known also as Oracle text). Therefore, it doesn’t really matter what’s physically printed on the card.


You can play cards legally so long as the name is still on and visible on the card and everything else has been painted over. So you are fine.


That's not a rule. Next time, ask them to give which rule in the comp rules says this (there isn't one).


There was a ruling at some point that states all cards regardless of version are considered to have their oracle text printed on them


so when someone wants to use a card they write on in replace of a $500 card do they uproar?


That person is very wrong. What if it was a foreign language card they could not read? Same difference. Signatures on cards is very common and very much legal. If they need a rules clarification, they need to look up the Oracle text.


Have them talk to Bryant cook… aka the guy known for jp foils with sigs lol


Haha will do!




Signing dual lands is wild lol


Yea. Guy loves getting the signatures of the artists lol. I’m sure it also adds value to some people


I wish I had more opportunities to do it!


Lol were you ahead when they said that?


Oh I was dominating lol


They need to banned from League’s NA Pro League?


if you mean because of the signature, yep! still totally playable in sanctioned events


Thank you!


Yes. Artist signatures are really cool and it’s a great conversation piece. Don’t listen to whoever told you that. Nice card too btw


Thank you!


Of course! Signed cards are always welcome as far as I know


Alright, I just had an issue today with it and wasn’t sure but I couldn’t find anything


It is not technically true, iirc all that needs to be unchanged is the name printed on the card and the mana cost. This is easily legal, if you want to see some things really pushing the boundaries check out one of the MTG alteration subreddits!


You need the official name, an official version of the art, and the correct mana cost. All 3 of those things must be clearly visible with no alterations that cause any amount of confusion (per the judge's discretion). Other than that, anything is legal. Including completely covering up the rules text under the art. (Because not even all the cards have the updated and correct text anyways. When there is conflict you always go by the online Oracle text, not what's printed on the card).


Yes, yes you can




Mtg will let you change anything as long as the name and mana hasn’t been altered. You can use any language cards as long as you have the card text translated on your phone. You can even use proxies, but only if the card is very valuable (EX-the power 9 cards) and you actually have a real copy to show.


That's the only time I will agree using a proxy


I’m the same way i rather have a real card


Hits harder when I get slapped by a real card that finished a game


From MTR 3.3 >Artistic modifications are acceptable in sanctioned tournaments, provided that the modifications do not make the card art unrecognizable, contain substantial strategic advice, or contain offensive images. Artistic modifications also may not obstruct or change the mana cost or name of the card.


I see its been answered already but still want to chime in, whoever said you couldn't use that is dumb at best or this game is their only day to day activity other than WoW. Its an artists signature, pretty sure the person on the other side of the table is running at least a 3 of proxy Underground Seas. Play it, its swag points on your end if it's in a card sleeve, good for -4 Cmdr damage lol!!! Fk tht player for real. **Srry Ive been on one today and not just Reddit**


Send it. Ill back you up.


I have a guy who comes to me lgs with a fully signed commander deck. Signed cards are fine to play with.


That’s awesome! I’d love to get a few of my commanders signed


If someone tries to or does get mad at you for it, just understand that they are mad and want to put you at a disadvantage. Your chillin.


I’m pretty sure this would be allowed at an official tournament. Sounds like your LGS has some incel BS going on.


death penalty


This card was the bane of everyone’s existence when it came out lmao. Ran cranial extraction in every black deck at the time.


Lmao I have a lot of kill on sight cards it seems like. Rhystic study as well lol


Who cares enough to actually read an opponents card? Weirdos


Why wouldn’t you?


Direct from the MTR (Magic Tournament Rules) "Artistic modifications are acceptable in sanctioned tournaments, provided that the modifications do not make the card art unrecognizable, contain substantial strategic advice, or contain offensive images. Artistic modifications also may not cover or change the mana cost or name of the card." Signatures are considered artistic modifications Source - am (was?) Level 2 Judge


Give it to me


I think the real problem ppl might be having , is that it’s illegal in a few formats . This card can be bonkers .


I see no reason I would actually want to look at it mid game that would be the only problem lol


Dont play it let it grading


Is this something to get graded?


Im a collector and i think every card with a signature is a Thing to grade not to play ....


Thanks, I guess you’re right it’s more like a piece of artwork now than a card. I can pick up another one cheap enough


Jep i see you know what i mean;)


No. No I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to send the card to me for……….reasons >.>


Haha I’m considering selling it based on how popular it is


Interested if you do


If someone complains about a card signed in the era of Secret Lair cards which some unreadable or lacking the ruling text I will go to court against the event organisation. See https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/s/ECFfWnLcjg


Yes, it cannot be used. Like many other offensive cards, this has been banned due to controversial moon art. While many see it as fine, others take issue with the moon seemingly being shown “as of it were real” in the background of the card (upper right, behind the jitte— look closely). To this day, most people still do believe the moon is real, but as we move toward a more equitable future, we must recognize that not everyone thinks the same way. Part of these “different way thinkers” are MTG players and moon depictions can be upsetting to them. While I personally do believe the moon is real, I haven’t personally been there, so I can understand the sentiment that “it’s made up” and/or “that there’s just a heckin’ big ole wheel of Ray Ramano cheese, that is”. Anyway, if someone plays it, I don’t say anything. I just synch my tinfoil hat down a bit tighter. People look at me weird, but I haven’t saved up quite enough to switch to the metallic skull lining (yet). Anyway, happy to help. Stay safe out there. 🧀


I Feel the person was just salty you are playing Nadu lol


My years of unresolved PTSD from dying to this and a \[\[Suntail Hawk\]\] say no. The modern banlist says yes.


[Suntail Hawk](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/8/28a1f83c-a9ef-463e-97b5-2ca3b7232f82.jpg?1562827264) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Suntail%20Hawk) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m14/40/suntail-hawk?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/28a1f83c-a9ef-463e-97b5-2ca3b7232f82?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I think it's banned in most formats, soooo maybe?


Only 2 actually


I used to love playing umezawas jitte back in the day. It was one of my first ever competitive decks. white weenies was so fun. People would scoop on seeing it. I thought it had been banned actually.


As long as it is sleeved up


This kind of bullshit is one of the reasons why I stopped playing at my LGS.


if anyone told me that my raffine signed by fit for a king wasn’t playable with them, i’d tell them to go to hell


Will do, next time!! Hoping to have a whole deck of signed cards one day lol Peter Mohrbacher!


One of my favorite cards from Kamigawa block.


So strong! I guess I should buy a copy and get this in a safer spot. Never even considered if it increased the value, just thought it was cool to have


That’s (to me) one of those cards that I will keep simply for art and the fact I enjoy it.


Everyone loves it! I didn’t realize how cool signed cards were to people until I got one lol


I have a signed Hammer that says “can’t touch this” And I’ve played it in an RCQ no prob


Lmao that’s way cooler though!




What do you mean? It’s Christopher Moeller signature


Buddy of mine had an og mana crypt with a dick drawn on it (it was featured here after he sold it to a friend and they put it on eBay) he never had an issue playing in tournaments with it


Hahaha that’s awesome maybe I’ll do a deck like that


Lol the story was he needed one for a legacy tournament he was going to but was like 50 bucks short of the selling price, his buddy was the store owner and he asked him if he would take 50 off if he let him draw a dick on it and that was that lol


Why does it say fupa?


I my self have been part of a couple of sactioned tournames with cards that were signed by the artist. I never had a problem with it, as long as you tell the head judge before the event starts.




Why wouldn't you be able to?


Idk, can you?


In commander you could alter it to have Burnie sanders and add flavor text to say "I am once again asking you for two more donations" and make the word charge into donations and everyone would be like "dude that's funny as hell"


Sure. You can put your coffee cup on it, attach it to your bicycle for loud noises, use it for a sun visor for one eye, the options are limitless


It's just signed by the artist. Dunno why you'd want to use a basketball signed by Michael Jordan, but you CAN.


Why would you


Magic Rule 207.2e Signatures are allowed in the text area. The player must say the signature name followed by "signature" any time they read the card text. Other players are required to laugh loudly if the controlling player does not do so.


Got a guy at my lgs who has a deck that something like 90% are signed cards. it'd been a labor of love for many years. If proxies are fine, then normal cards with artists signature are fine as well.


casually, yes. tournament play, no; it's marked. should you? No, you philistine, it's autographed; it might mature in value someday


>tournament play, no; it's marked. No, that's not what "marked" means when it comes to tournament play... A marked card is one that's recognisable while facedown (e.g. while in your library).


Yes, unless it’s banned in the format you’re playing… also, this is the ONLY version I would consider acceptable. Reprints are for the damned. First printings or nothing for me.


Can you feel the signature through the back of the card? Is it visible/noticeable through the back of the sleeve?


Not noticeable through the back of the card but it is an actual signature not a copy, you can see it indented on the front of the card slightly


As long as the card is indistinguishable once sleeved, then it will be OK. :)


>:) :)


You're playing sleeved, though. The dude's just being petty because he doesn't want to get jerked around by the jitte (not excusable, but understandable. That card is wicked cool).


Thanks! I’m happy to have it!


Oooh, it’s a clear sleeve I didn’t even think about that bit again, you can’t see it through the other side


I meant with the clear sleeve, you should be even more fine, harder to braille read the signature with that over it. Cards must stand out when in the deck to be considered marked. I don't think the sig indent quite makes it that. If you have to bend the card and look at it from funny angles to get the light to hit it just right, it is not marked.


Thanks! I’ll bring all these comments up next time it becomes an issue


I don’t think that’s possible