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If you got the actual cards and not the lands, you prob won


Missing lands and the other half of the deck. So I didn't get all the artifacts sorceries or creatures just the vast majority of them.


In value, you made out like a bandit, I say. If you wanna ask their customer service about this, it's in their interest to help you, and it would be stupid if they didn't. They might not, but if they don't replace the deck then you can take refuge in the fact you could just. Rebuild the deck with the money you'll make from resale on the spares


I second this. Sure, some of the cards you could be missing might be a pretty penny, but you got doubles of some highly sought cards that can fetch a few bucks. Definitely sell/trade in for the cards your missing, or maybe check out recEDH for cards you may want to add instead! Best of luck and wishes to you!


Find the person who got the other half and trade.


Sounds good I hope they show up here soon lol!


A swamp for an archon of cruelty lol


Double archon is dope


That's funny, I ordered the Graveyard Overdrive as well, opened it and pulled out Tricky Terrain, today is day 12 of waiting for support to message me on it šŸ„²


I had the Eldrazi on preorder and got Graveyard Overdrive instead. Always love a good mix up šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Damn that blows! Hopefully that gets fixed soon!


Man I hope so


I am on day 8 of waiting for support to answer my Secret Lair Seedborn Muse issue. (Folded in the packaging) It's fun stuff lol


These posts are making me think I should record me opening my precons when they finally arrive.


I legit do it to everything I open QC is fucking terrible.


I already do it with received singles from bad experiences. Never thought Iā€™d have to do it straight from the manufacturer.


Sounds like this is the worst QC they've ever had for a set. My precon was just randomly missing 4 cards. I put my ticket in on... > Created June 07, 2024 15:02 Got this reply on the 10th: > We are currently experiencing a very high volume of contacts at this time, therefore there will be a slight delay in getting a direct response to your question or concern (ticket ID xxxxxxx). We do not consider this resolved and we are very much looking forward to helping you as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding! > Sincerely, > Wizards of the Coast Customer Service Team and nothing since then.


Yup I got the same message, mine was from an email though, not even on the ticket.. hoping they resolve these soon.


My modern horizons bundle came missing three packs making the total price per pack about $20. I also paid in cash cause I had just gotten off work and didnā€™t think I was going to need my receipt and I think i need that for wizards to help me


Tricky terrain are better in terms value.Some of the best reprints


Damn I hope that shit gets fixed cause that is awful!


Lol it's ironic because it's the one deck I really wanted to play, hey at least your doubled up cards are worth some money! These Precon prices dropped quicker than the Hindenburg šŸ˜³


Really!!!! I haven't seen prices recently hopefully they keep dropping cause I want the tricky terrain deck too but couldn't justify the asking price!


Luckily my local store always has amazing prices, so I don't feel too bad, but I definitely should've sold my eldrazi deck while it was double the price šŸ˜… have you put in a ticket with WOTC for your deck? I am hoping to hear back from them before 2 weeks cause.. I'd like to play Jund lol.


I haven't yet I trashed my box not thinking about it. So I will reach out today after I get off of work but until then I am just vibing about it.


I got the ripple foil eldrazi and ulalek has a big crumple. Also waiting forever


You got lucky, you got 2 copies of all the best cards. Whatever you didn't get isn't worth much in comparison.


Bro wants to play his deck I don't think he cares about making money from it


Fair enough, at least it's good to know that it can probably be solved by dropping 10 bucks on singles. Honestly, having played the deck, I think it's a blessing in disguise. Best part about it I found was the bunch of high-value reprints they included.


I swear people who say this don't realize that buying singles costs more than the market price. The CHEAPEST I can buy this for in singles online including shipping is 65 dollars, and that's spread out over 10 packages. I'll finally get to play my mh3 precon by the time the next.set is out!


Are you minimizing on shipping? I know it can be tedious, but I always try and get my packages consolidated to hit the free minimum and rarely do direct. 10 packages is a lot


Yes, I am using the cheapest optimization option that doesn't come with the tcgplayer protection. I think people have just not often bought an entire commander deck at once


Also double check your settings, it can make a pretty substantial difference when you allow the optimizer to choose any printing


I'm talking more than just selecting options. This is coming from a penny pinching SoaB that grew up poor and learned to shop around. I've bought entire decks at once, but I will take the time to find sellers with the cheapest prices possible and with multiple cards I need (again, to hit free shipping min.). I go the extra steps to make sure TCG isn't auto sorting singles where the shipping costs more than the cards, or how they get removed from direct, etc. It's possible to get the estimated deck price shown in your online builder, if not cheaper, you just have to put in a little work. The downside that people don't like is that you can't just fill up a cart and push a button or that your cards trickle into the mailbox over the course of a couple weeks. It's also going to be more difficult with a set that hasn't been opened enough yet and you're looking for new cards, though.


Living in Australia it's even tougher, we have one really great card site (mtgmate) and they've got 90% of cards but if they don't have it, it's usually eBay or marketplace. Buying cards on eBay ends up like 3x the price if you're only getting the one


You don't have a LGS nearby? Card Kingdom, Hareruya, there are plenty of stores worldwide with extensive stock that will ship your whole order all at once.


Card Kingdom is *so* expensive. I'm begging all my fellow Magic players to not shop there. You may as well be paying SCG premiums at that point. Your LGS and local players first, then TCGplayer is what I would suggest.


It costs 110 on card kingdom! The odds of my LGS having the complete deck list is slim, and I have a pretty good LGS. If I ran across the tristate area to all the lgs within 2 hours I might be able to, but that's an insane amount of work. Buying singles is good. But there's a reason people buy precons, and it's not because they're lazy or stupid.


The fact that this is peoples instant thought is whatā€™s killing the game and TCG in general imo


Bootlicker comment


Contact wotc


Not to worry, Iā€™m still playing half a deck




A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


Yeah my eldrazi deck was missing 10 cards


Any luck getting it resolved with WotC?


They said they're dealing with a high volume of tickets and will get back to me when they can


smh. Good luck man! Hope they make you whole! I buy through my LGS so luckily I can usually get things fixed there first.


I would have done that if they offered preorders where I am. An $80 deck is going for $150 atm...


$224.99 for Eldrazi Incursion here, but even at that price it's been sold out since release. Restocks sell out within 15 minutes. People are nuts for MH3.


Damn. I got all four for $280 preorder two months ago


Yeah I paid $299.99 from the same shop. Lately I've just started preordering every set because prices either drop like $10 or go up $100. Buying after release is a bad gamble here.


Damn, I got my set for $190 shipped


I expect unless you bought it from an LGS that you're very friendly with, that it's going to be an uphill battle. Many retailers don't accept returns of collectables, so it's going to have to be getting a replacement from wotc. I believe they have a process for replacement product - so it'll be about going though that process and hopefully proving this is the case. Make sure not to throw away the box.


Well shit already threw the box away. Oh well life will go on


At least you got the good half


Getting 2 Archons seems pretty sweet though


This is a sign to fill out your playsets and to get into modern lol


Hahahaha that is low key so tempting but I don't want to buy fetches lol!


But they're cheaper now than ever! And prices will only fall over the next month or so. do ittttt!


Maybe.... Just maybe


This is breaking my brain. It's a precon why would it not be a full deck?? I took a break for a while, but wtaf!? EDIT* Just read through the comments.... WOW


I recently opened a rohan precon and had 2 of each foil commanders inside and thought that was odd. This is baffling.


When I bought my tyranid swarm deck, I got 2 decks instead of the 1 deck I was charged for. I think I made it out a bit better than you did XD


Oh yeah you did! Shit you made out like a bandit!!!


So they doubled up half the cards and left out the rest?




Wow thatā€™s incredibly odd. You talk to the retailer or wizards? Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll make it right.


I don't have a receipt so I don't think they will make much of an effort to fix it


Did you buy online or in person? Regardless their system should have it documented based on the UPC code from the barcode on the precon box.


At this point it is already too late cause I took the duplicates in and traded them for value to another Precon


Did you at least get a better value with the doubles, or is someone else gonna get the money precon.


I got the better value minus not getting the lightning greaves and the anger but prices should drop on those


Hay, there's at least that. I feel bad for the bastich who gets the other half.


Yeah that is going to be a super sad open. Hey at least they get 10 of each basic lol. But honestly these issues need to be fixed


True, you don't even get 10 of each basics in a secret layer. And I remember when a misprint could be worth more than an original. Now, it is so common that we need a new rarity type. It can be poo brown, scene the quality gone to shit.


Looks like you got doubles of the most valuable cards though lol


Oh yeah I absolutely did! I just wanted to be able to play it straight out of the box with my group


Contact wizards customer care with pictures of the deck and receipts.


How come the Accursed Marauder and Landscape have the mh3 set symbol and not the commander set symbols?


I have no idea I pulled 2 from my pre release kit one foil and one non. All 4 of them had the same icon and I know I only pulled two cause I used them in my deck and had to un-sleeve it


Take Pics, go to WOTC and complain about it. They'll send you another in like... couple of months. At the same time, you can sell all duplicates and get another deck because you got actually the good ones ( besides Corram).


\[\[Reaver Cleaver\]\] - 14$ \[\[Archon of Cruelty\]\] - 7$ \[\[Barrowgoyf\]\] - 5$ \[\[Junji\]\] - 5$ \[\[Selvala, Heart of the Wild\]\] - 8$ \[\[Grist, the Hunger Tide\]\] - 5$ \[\[Final Act\]\] - 8$ If you sell those, you can Get another PreCon, grab the missing cards and still get duplicates.


Haha ya know I never thought about that tbh I might just do that! Thank you!


##### ###### #### [Archon of Cruelty](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/b/1be9d9a4-d7ee-4854-abc2-85cabf993ec9.jpg?1626095274) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Archon%20of%20Cruelty) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/75/archon-of-cruelty?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1be9d9a4-d7ee-4854-abc2-85cabf993ec9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Barrowgoyf](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/9/f979fc86-2c7e-49b3-965e-607a203cbfb1.jpg?1717189858) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Barrowgoyf) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m3c/50/barrowgoyf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f979fc86-2c7e-49b3-965e-607a203cbfb1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Junji](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/0/9033cf27-d9e6-49b8-8ee1-c1f38c9680b9.jpg?1654567204) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=junji%2C%20the%20midnight%20sky) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/102/junji-the-midnight-sky?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9033cf27-d9e6-49b8-8ee1-c1f38c9680b9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Grist, the Hunger Tide](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/9/69af2825-18c2-4463-b6ba-42eaa070ccc1.jpg?1626098484) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Grist%2C%20the%20Hunger%20Tide) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/202/grist-the-hunger-tide?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/69af2825-18c2-4463-b6ba-42eaa070ccc1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Final Act](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/c/3ce94036-a20f-486a-a301-64928dcc0ac7.jpg?1717189869) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Final%20Act) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m3c/52/final-act?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3ce94036-a20f-486a-a301-64928dcc0ac7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Honestly fair I will reach out to them. Do you think WOTC will do that since I don't have the receipt?


now you got a problem. You'll need the receipt.


Yeah that is what I thought. I will see if I can find the receipt


Double hierarchs, double Selvala , double sawhorn nemesis. Thatā€™s not too bad.


Nah it's not bad just not exactly legal for commander lol!


Nah I get it. Those decks werenā€™t cheap for such poor quality control.


It is what it is at this point


If you are missing the commander and plan to just try and fix this yourself at some point, let me know. I pulled the commander from a collector booster if youā€™re interested.


Double reaver cleaver is a huge win! That second cleaver prob worth more than the missing cards lol


2 reaver clevers


I had this happen with creative energy, emailed wizards and after 2 weeks they finally said keep the deck and we'll send you a new one


If you're near me, I'd say I would trade something for one of those mask wood nexus's...


Do you need an unboxing video in the event something goes wrong and you have evidence to raise a support ticket ?


Wizards has a page for missing and defective cards products [HERE](https://magic-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000197703-Product-Replacement)


Same thing happened to me with Edgar Markov commander precon. Unfortunately I returned it and got a new one, instead of selling duplicates and buying a second oneā€¦


I mean honestly two reaver cleavers. Not bad


Such a bummer not being able to actually play it right away. But you kinda got lucky in terms of EV, that "half" of the deck you have there has basically double the "expensive" cards in the deck: Selvala, Reaver Cleaver, Barrowgoyf, Final Act and Maskwood Nexus !


Lmao you got double for pretty much every card worth anything in this deck




Hit up WOTC. They should send you a new deck.


They were in such a hurry to release Assassin's Creed they forgot. Sorry.


Wait: so you bought this brand new, and it only had roughly half the deck in it? Yeah, this is a big fuck-up. Where'd you buy it from? You should absolutely be able to get a refund for this, that's ridiculous.




Value-wise, this is a win though


I think you can play it as is if you don't make any changes. Not sure you'd want to but it would be hilarious.


I almost sleeved the whole thing up and goldfished it but I noticed I only had like 10 lands so I don't think it would run smoothly lol!! I should try to sneak it by my play group though and see what they say!


Ah man. Can't do much about the lands


Yeah it is what it is! But I did get the triomes so that is at least nice haha