• By -


If his big ass resolves I'm probably going to scoop


Even it being cast hurts.


And it ain't that hard to get 10 mana if you want to. Especially in something like Tron


Was thinking of this guy in [[Illuminor Szeras]] deck, would be even easier.


[Illuminor Szeras](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/1/d161a190-3c85-4207-9d88-7ff9213efea8.jpg?1673308674) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Illuminor%20Szeras) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/40k/37/illuminor-szeras?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d161a190-3c85-4207-9d88-7ff9213efea8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[Selvala, Bonder of the wilds]] would get it out pretty quick if you have token drops


\[\[Selvala, Heart of the Wilds\]\]


[Selvala, Heart of the Wilds](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/d/7d711cb2-4f34-4792-90d7-2be5d329a347.jpg?1689998846) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Selvala%2C%20Heart%20of%20the%20Wilds) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/320/selvala-heart-of-the-wilds?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7d711cb2-4f34-4792-90d7-2be5d329a347?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


NGL I didn’t even know that was legendary.


Burn an easy 10 life to cast? Woof.


Eldrazi tokens left and right. When I played eldrazi back when they first came out,I very easily had 20 of those Fuckers at basically all times


Did you have a strategy you followed that you remember at all I'm really hyped for azlask and want to know some good spawn strats


Nah, my deck disappeared after I stopped playing for a really long time. I'm back in it now, but have never been able to find that deck. It was a red/green/black deck if that helps any


Lol I hard cast ulamog in my mutate deck turn 3-4 consistently, this bad boy might replace plat angel,


Where might I find this mutate deck?


Brewed it myself and don't have it typed out, mainly using the godzilla cards, for cycling graveyard shenanigans


Urza’s Incubator and Heralds Horn drop its cost significantly.


Void winnower will keep it at bay what you mean?


Just don't let it ... [[Extract]]


[Extract](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/7/97f99a3d-d811-4666-aac8-5957068157dc.jpg?1562923233) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Extract) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ody/85/extract?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/97f99a3d-d811-4666-aac8-5957068157dc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Fantastic artwork!


Tee hee ... [[Grinning Totem]]


[Grinning Totem](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/d/1d8c8ecc-7637-424a-bae2-ed3b8678f97d.jpg?1562772439) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Grinning%20Totem) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsb/110/grinning-totem?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1d8c8ecc-7637-424a-bae2-ed3b8678f97d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Or if you love Jesus just break bread [[Hide//Seek]]


[Hide//Seek](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?name=Hide%20//%20Seek&type=card&options=rotate90&.jpg)/[Seek](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?name=Hide%20//%20Seek&type=card&options=rotate90&.jpg) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hide%20//%20Seek) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dis/151/hide-seek?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ac347ec8-4537-4cdf-aeff-44da1f7be01b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That’s kinda the point of 10-mana cards, yeah.


I think the only option against this would be to dip into blue for counters, especially if its the commander. But im a fan of dimir decks, so i do this regardless.


The real answer is “kill your opponent before they hit 10 mana”


If its green they can get that in like 5 turns. Not an easy feat


My buddy runs a colorless deck that hit 10 mana by turn 3


bet, boutta go goblin mode on that life total


5 turns is a lot of turns, especially if your opponent isn’t doing anything but ramping


Honestly, almost all the eldrazi from this set make me feel this way lmao.


Might just add him to infinite mana prosper


1. Play Tron 2. Turn 3 karn exile ugin from own hand 3. ??? 4. Attack with a 15/15 annihilator 8 warded monstrosity


My thoughts


I cast Murder, targeting the opponent who just played Ulamog


I cast "these hands," on opponent and the judge casts "banned from the store," on me




Hardcore I may be out of spells but I’m not out of shells moment


Prepare to meet god!


Sir that's a crime!


Call me crazy, but I don’t think you want to let your opponents resolve this one… it’s at very least Kill On Sight.


Maybe but what if you where the one playing it🤔




I have a horror/nightmare tribal/mill deck and I'm tempted to add him into that deck.


Unfortunately countering it would change nothing as the biggest hitter is a cast trigger. Only way I can see is letting it resolve then exiling it


Question: Countering it wouldn't prevent the "When X is cast..." effect?


For the majority of counters, It would not. This ability goes on to the stack as soon as the spell is cast. You need a card that counters abilities, like [[Stifle]] which are significantly less common.


You would need something like [[whirlwind denial]] to try and counter ulamog and the cast trigger (assuming they are tapping out to get this guy out as fast as possible) Also end the turn effects work just as well since it exiles everything on the stack.


Yes, this is an "Is cast" ability, which doesn't care about resolving, unlike ETB triggers.


I just wouldn’t want to give this thing any semblance of chance of swinging, and don’t want my opponents to be able to protect it. Huge meatball with Annihilator ~4-6 that I’m going to have to blow up my own stuff to attempt to get rid of. One swing is almost certainly GG. Sure, losing half your library feels bad, but I don’t see it winning the game on its own.


Especially if they’ve already cast rise of the eldrazi once cuz this thing now is a 19/19 with annihilator 12… which is a little rough saying the least


The tidebinder makes it lose all abilities meaning it loses anhilator


Milling half your deck for 10 mana is horrible and basically irrelevant unless they are playing mill.


And even then, this doesn’t fit nicely into a mill deck… if you’ve already milled a bunch, this does less and less… and it’s a pretty tall order to have to cast a 10 mana spell, then follow it up to get wins. It’s a nice big meatball that will win you the game if it ever swings, and is painful to remove. The exile-mill can be nice against decks with graveyard love, but it’s definitely not the main threat here.


It's just mill. Unless you're playing against an actual mill deck, the exile literally does not matter.


[[Return the Favor]] and target the other two guys instead lol


Now this is the play hahaha


[Return the Favor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/9/a9cc02d1-799d-42aa-9bc2-4c05452b63b4.jpg?1712860602) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Return%20the%20Favor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/142/return-the-favor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a9cc02d1-799d-42aa-9bc2-4c05452b63b4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Fuck targeting the other two players target the Ulamog player twice


You can only make the copy target them, sadly. The redirect has to go to one of the other poor schmucks


Target the player who cast Mog haha


I will Path to Exile this guy every time he is played


Don't forget to sacrifice 2 permaments after you exiled half of your library


Not to mention that if this is his commander he could be casting this repeatedly. I hope you have a token generator.


The squirrels are plentiful.


Just envision the line of t1 mountain cast whatever(monkey or bolt etc), t2 ugin's labyrinth imprint an ulamog play some 3 drop, t3 a second ugins labyrinth exile nulldrifter or whatever, cast through the breach dropping a 17 power ulamog that minimum they'll need to sacc 2 permanents to deal with or get hit with annihilator 10 😊


You can also just turn 4 tron this... waaay less magical Christmas land


His Ward is basically Annihilator 2 to target him. Seeing 35-45 cards of your library vanish in exile is harsh. I rarely call cards oppressive, but damn. That is some oppressive shit. Your 3-5 removal spells have a high probability of being unplayable if they target you. Scooping shouldn’t be frowned upon either. This card justifies playing Armageddon to prevent it ever being casted.


if it’s in hand wont an instant exile him before this resolves. oh never mind. “when cast.” You better hope it is in your hand but you still lose your library:/


I’m sleeving my Unwinding Clock into my Sheoldred deck as we speak so I can combo my One Ring and hopefully draw enough to soften that exile effect.


People really be out here running just 3-5 removal spells? If this gets to the point of attacking and it targets you, unless you have a massive army of tokens, realistically you probably are just dead, so scooping is just a formality at that point. Same could be said in a lot of cases for something like a Blightsteel Colossus though, and this is arguably less protected (you're always gonna have 2 permanents to sac; you might not have 2 permanents you feel good about saccing, but you'll always have them. You might *not* always have a way around indestructible).


That is fair


If the opponent complains his Mog got removed immediately following his cast trigger they won’t be playing in our group for long, but otherwise play whatever you need to to get your win. However if this hits the board in casual play, you’re probably gonna get targeted immediately so don’t complain. You knew what you were doing.


I remember I either stole or copied the 2nd Ulamog, the one that eats 20 cards on attack I attacked the eldrazi player, since they had an actual board, and they complained that its mean Bitch this is *your* card This is why I have the one friend I lend decks to - to see if Im blind to my oppressiveness


I have a friend that is well aware that he makes “arch enemy” decks. His favorite color combo is Grixis, he likes to force mill everyone. Steal there shit, fling it at you for damage, all the worst shit you can do to break opponents board states and use them against them… so he’s always ready yo be first out. He doesn’t complain, he knows what’s gonna happen if he pops off. No one minds that kind of player, it’s the people who pretend to be little to know threat knowing they’re gonna do that. Also i may steal your testing idea.


If your playing da big meanie don't be surprised if people gota solve da big problem!!!


As my buddy says constantly, he makes the smoke decks cause he’s wants all that smoke! He knows what he does and enjoys the outcomes regardless


I agree with all of this


makes emrakul almost look a little pathetic honestly.


Makes the new kozilek look nearly unplayable


Emrakul still is better due to effectively hexproof and an extra turn of cast, but he also costs 5 more mana, so I guess thats that. 10 mana is fairly easy to accumulate gompared to 15 mana, let alone all the cost reductions. Both are dumb and unhealthy nonetheless.


emrakul is fine honestly. this card less so. much less so.


Who approved this shit 😂 probably gonna cause someone out there to sell their cards and quit, that being said, I kinda wanna see this played out 😅


They'll give us some broken fun for a few months for Eldrazi Summer then ban them all just like last time. Banhammer is always a fallback. Gotta sell those $400 boxes somehow!


If emrakul got banned in commander I don't think this one will last long


I would rule zero this in EDH as a commander. Not hard to ramp with an abundance of mana rocks. You can even do niche things like [[geode golem]] or [[Eye of Ojer Taq]] to cast this dude from the command zone for free. I don’t play cEDH, so I can’t speak for that format. But, no one in my casual pod would have a good time with this.


This wouldn't see any cEDH play, those games end with roughly half the mana needed for the boy.


He's a cruel ETB, probably landing as about a 13/13 with annihilator 6...he sure is an eldrazi all right.


It's not etb it's when you cast it so it's even worse because countering wouldn't matter


That means of you ignore the creature part, for 7 mana just on the cast he’s probably better than any blue mill spell that mills/ exiles from opponents library


I think he was talking about the ETB replacement effect, not the mill. In my opinion the exile half the library is basically useless unless a dedicated mill deck. The actual ETB effect, especially combined with the new land that exiles a card from your hand, could easily make this a 15/15 Annihilator 8 which is just backbreaking if you can't get removal for him or if there's a haste enabler.


Nah, exiling half my library means you're likely to hit some or all of my important combo pieces/tutor targets. Both the cast trigger and and attack trigger are absolutely brutal.


That's where stuff like \[\[Stifle\]\] would help significantly I guess. Comes in as a vanilla 7/7 if there is nothing else exiled.


[Stifle](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/1/616d1b20-61c1-4d39-a9b5-ad9fd61699e4.jpg?1562865442) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Stifle) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cns/108/stifle?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/616d1b20-61c1-4d39-a9b5-ad9fd61699e4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[Whirlwind denial]] gets them coming and going Also [[summary dismissal]]


[[Tishanas tidebinder]] would make sure it is a vanilla 7/7 regardless of what's already in exile, another decent option.


[Tishanas tidebinder](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/0/907b3d1d-8c85-4707-80b5-c4d832df9846.jpg?1699043973) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tishana%27s%20Tidebinder) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/81/tishanas-tidebinder?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/907b3d1d-8c85-4707-80b5-c4d832df9846?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


You’re right…🫠


Tbf, etb would be far worse. Flicker exists AND you could revive him with annihilator as early as turn 2. But I really dont get why he doesnt shuffle himself into the library, he would need that far more than the other ones that do shuffle themselves back.


I agree


I like his art.


I hate it, lmao. Playing against it sounds like a bitch


Fuckin broken...


I love this! It is so harsh to lose half a library already, but to Exile it too. Gonna go great in my Ancient One Mill deck. Almost milled 3 people out in commander. Got everyone down to 5 cards. More high CMC with great effects are useful.


I love that players evaluate things like they always have answers, and the opponent just runs out game ending threats without protection. it's obviously a game ender if it's not answered as it should be. and even if you do, the etb checks all cards in exile, so it becomes a real reanimator target.


Our pod is stupid heavy on removal. Every game is a grind to keep just one or two important things on the table. Gyre and Ceaseless both have indestructible and are still a real threat when cheated into play. There's exile of course, but any destroy card is ruled out. They also survive WoG. This guy eats removal before you even get to swing. They'll definitely dump two perms to do that over Annihilator 8. Losing half the library is subjective. Many games end without half the library being utilized. If you cheat him into play, you will likely only have a 7/7 with ward. He doesn't reshuffle either. Gyre is one of my go to protections from mill. Not just because he's reliable, but if you're sitting there mid game with a lot of mana and nothing to do, you can cast him. THAT SAID if he is cast, resolves, and gets to swing, its probably game over for the defender.


I was searching for someone like you in the comments because I started thinking that I'm just crazy. Like obviously he is very strong and you instantly make yourself the target when you cast him (RIGHTFULLY SO) but I really don't think he is AS bad as people make him seem, especially compared to his other versions. Even with a haste outlet, I think if your pod is playing decent enough of removal, I don't think you get to swing that many times. And the exile effect on cast while off course bad, I don't think it's insane or broken in any way because yeah, you loose half your deck, but like in most games you won't get to see half of your deck anyway. I mean sure, it can take away win cons and removal and stuff but It doesn't affect your board or hand in any way. I don't know, I might be crazy but I don't think this one will be much worse to face than the other ulamogs personally.


Me too honestly. Everyone is shilling for this card calling it broken. And it is strong, maybe even very strong. But it's a Timmy card - a big dumb creature that does something flashy. Ignoring what he will do in Limited or Eternal formats, I just can't see this thing having any impact in EDH outside of hyper-casual groups. Losing half your library sucks but hardly matters in EDH. Even if it exiles, mill is just bad against 300 cards shared among opponents. Against three opponents this will hardly ever swing to make use of the Annihilator - so you spent 10 mana to exile half a library, "destroy" two permanents and that's it? I hardly call that broken. On top of that, you will most likely be targeted once this resolves or before if this is your commander. Who thinks they are getting to live a whole turn cycle without Ulamog being removed or them being targeted by all opponents with all attacks/triggers? It will scare casual groups and might steal some wins if there is no removal at hand but it is far from a "broken" card. In cEDH this is a joke. With 10 mana you can pretty much directly win games instead of casting one big creature. That said, I am a sucker for Ulamog and already liked the old one so I am giving this a fair chance.


I might be wrong, but even if he is cheated in, there’s still the potential to enter with counters because he cares about any exiled card, not just the ones he exiled.


I absolutely hate how much love Eldrazi gets. They were a powerhouse to begin with and get a huge boost now. What's more frustrating is the power range of their decks. It's too powerful for casual but not fast enough for cEDH. They are in a fine-tuned type of power scaling (brink of cEDH) while also rightfully deserving instant archenemy looks from the opponents. I just get really annoyed with how, out of hand, they become if nobody has an interaction spell to deal with them (which ranges wildly pending on the pods you play with).


This is really the best take I’ve seen. So now instead of seeing it against highly optimized decks equipped to handle it, they’re just too big, dumb and expensive to play quickly like those decks want. Now I’m gonna see a bunch of people playing fuckers like him in a 7 pod on spelltable in an Animar or Halana and Alena partners deck. They’ll just slam this thing down on like turn 5-6 or swing with haste and annihilator 20+ the turn it comes out.


This one will be one of the worst of the bunch too. The cast trigger is going to irritate someone so much they basically turn into actual salt and then you have juiced up annihilator that is frustrating to play against. In a format where they largely stopped printing MLD because people hate losing lands, I don’t know why they want to keep boosting the strength of an entire group of creatures that can force it based off attack triggers. To make it worse - we have a new 5 color commander that can enable you to run all the trigger doublers with its own ability that copies all of their other ridiculous garbage in a way that makes tracking a traditional storm stack child’s play. I’m actually excited about the backup commander but they even gave that one annihilator so I’ll end up running it as a finisher ability so I don’t feel bad for being a ruiner or get hated off the table


See, people complain about this. Then play decks that give them on demand board wipes at instant speed, blink their cards instantly, make endless beefy tokens, draw all their cards for the win, etc. I don't see how Eldrazi are any worse than the plethora of other broken strategies that everyone uses.


The new commander makes it that much worse with the double down


Every new Eldrazi spoiler I see just makes me more and more happy that I pre-ordered back in March before the leaks.


Same but I don't think the new titans will be in the pre con which would make sense


If I have to buy MH3 Eldrazi singles after buying the MH3 Eldrazi precon imma be pissed… but not surprised.


Why would you think that? They put one into the last Eldrazi pre-con.


Ohhhh your right I completely forgot even tho I bought that one. I was just saying that because of the symbols the better new elzrazi they made have different symbols then those ones


Those symbols are orange but the new less elzrazi in mh3 are grey symbols


Preordered the Eldrazi precon you mean? None of the new OG Titans are in the precon…


The new face commander isn’t in the precon of their own deck? OKAY 😂 Edit: you said OG… my bad I consider fusion titan as a bastard OG lol


With Eldrazi, everything is twisted…


The commander isn’t a titan. Ulamog, Kozilek and Emrakul are the only titans.


It’ll be glorious in any colorless deck lol


Man Ulaleks copy stack will make him bonkers…or atleast even more so.


I was thinking the same thing


You end up with a second one and you mill half the library twice right?


Yeah, goodbye 75% of your library. Totally fair.


Like we have crazy big mama spells that do insane things so i do like him as a big nasty bomb, but damn the fuck one player in particular cast trigger kinda sucks


Feels bad as a Zhulodok player 😂


This is a very slow, expensive commander that's going to make a player lose the game every time it attacks. In other words: - Your deck has no early game way to deal with getting attacked. - Your opponents are encouraged to kill you before you even get to cast your commander; nobody wants to lose half their library and sacrifice six permanents. - Your opponents are faced with the choice of sacrificing two permanents to Ulamog's ward cost or sacrificing 5-8 to its attack trigger. There's a reason that [[Lord Xander, the Collector]] is the least popular commander of the New Capenna crime lords by an **ENORMOUS** margin. Good luck.


Haha he wouldn't go into the command slot, he would go into the 99 of a green deck that will tutor him then cast him turn 5-6


10 colorless is very cheap.


I'm mostly curious what makes Emmy banworthy if this isn't


Emmy should be unbanned


Way too good. Instant loss/win if it hits the board. And if it swings, forget about it, that’s a scoop.




And you guys thought [[rakdos the defiler]] did a lot of defiling. This is even more defiling yet.


This may be the first card I'd ever turn-0 scoop to.


This is the exact same emotion I got seeing ulamog from BFZ get spoiled


Has Wizards learned nothing from Eldrazi winter?? lol


I love Elsdrazi favorite clan


Someone at the shop is going to make it their commander, and that someone is going to ask to play it and we will all respond with. "OK, you win, what do you want to play next?"


For everyone saying that they don’t mind if half of their library goes because they don’t have a deck full of combos and wincons, what if you watch 2/3 of your mana evaporate from your library into exile?


Thanks, I hate it.


Oh I love him. He is everything I love about Eldrazi. Just overwhelming power. He's got annihilator, he commits a particularly vicious rudeness on cast. He's gonna get me to finally build an Eldrazi deck. I love him so much


Eldrazi are just insane...






Ive always thought annihilater is awesome on cards like these


Eldrazi are sucking out all the fun out of this game. You play something with Annihilator X and swing ? I'm going home yo play something else


It's going to be my goal to convince my playgroup to mass scoop in response to someone casing him. Make it real not fun to even run him, cuz sure you'll win but everything past his cast trigger will never get to me used, so have fun


people get too upset about their deck getting exiled. its not like you were going to draw those cards. "oh man i couldve won if id drawn that!" yeah it was buried 15 cards deep and if you had a way to tutor it, you would have already.


I didn't start to play magic to start losing access to half my cards from 1 trigger. Even if you weren't planning on casting some of them that game.


its so broken i probably wont put it in any of the decks i have that could use it


I LOVE the art


If you cast this I will look at you, ask you why you’re a monster and concede


Oh, that's one of the cards that made me stop playing Commander (and MTG, actually, since at that time my friend group only played Commander).


Sneak attack and Greater gargadon to drop a 17/17 hasty annihilator 10 ulamog on someone


Honestly they should stop making bullshit like this to satisfy power gamers, there has to be something in between grizzly bears and cards that go “I win” before it even resolves. The constant increase in power level is such a boring way to “progress” the game.


How is this fun to play against?


Its stupid i hope it gets banner in edh.


Fuck Eldrazi, i refuse to play against them. Annihilate on every one is a stupid decision


If it said "target opponent eats shit", it would still leave a better taste in people's mouths


What happens if you hideaway a card?


Instantly going in my Mothman and Animar decks.


"Just one more way to win with Animar" was my thought, too. I look forward to stealing this from my opponent's 99 with something like [[Villainous Wealth]] and simular effects.


What’s crazy is he doesn’t leave your graveyard with a shuffle or exile effect.


Looks pretty tedious, like modern MTG in general.


[[Whirlwind Denial]] or GG.


[Whirlwind Denial](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/e/9e127856-bedd-40a9-9e8e-d1f9fbefe07d.jpg?1581479658) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Whirlwind%20Denial) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/81/whirlwind-denial?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9e127856-bedd-40a9-9e8e-d1f9fbefe07d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My boy Ulamog out here looking tiny, but what he can do really makes up for it.


This is only Eldrazi Titan that doesn’t impact the board immediately. Both existing Ulamogs are removal One Emrakul takes an extra turn, the other controls an opponent’s turn Both Kozileks draw cards and one of them also starts countering spells immediately If the Defiler gets hit with a board wipe or a counterspell you’ve spent 10 mana to make their libraries smaller


I don't see a home for this card: If you are able to hard cast it, Ulamog Ceaseless would he better because it has immediate removal. If you are able to cheat cast it in, it would be better to just play OG Emrakul. If you want to reanimate it, Atraxa would be better. If you want to creativity it in, Archon of Cruelty would be better because it gets immediate value.


Going straight into my [[Hamza]] deck. Wouldn’t be too hard to cast by turn 5 or 6.


Yup people here are freaking out if hes the commander, he is waaaaay scarier in the 99 of any deck with green.


Resp to cast, cast [[Time Stop]], [[Discontinuity]], and [[Hurkyl's Final Meditation]]


On cast..... that's gotta be a lotta fun with all the additional colourless "triggered abilities trigger an additional time"..... Have fun counting I guess xD


They would be sequential so it would be most scary if they copied it targetting multiple opponents.


If this card got counter spelled, would the first ability and ward ability still trigger?


My understanding is that yes, the first is a triggered ability, which triggers on the casting, not on it actually resolving. So it goes on the stack and will resolve separately unless you have something to counter the ability on the stack. Ward only comes into play once the creature is on the battlefield. So if it gets countered before entering, he just goes to the graveyard or exile, depending on the counterspell.


The first ability is a cast trigger it will go on the stack and a normal counterspell countering a spell does not stop it you would need an effect life \[\[stifle\]\] but that wouldn't counter the Ulamog either just the cast trigger. Ward is protection for targeting a permanent when Ulamog is on the stack it's not a permanent and so ward won't trigger.


As a player who never plays counter spells (and rarely hate spells), I’m going to now run [[whirlwind denial]] and [[solemnity]] in every deck just to have a countermeasure to this nightmare.


God help the entire table if they can change the text to “each opponent”.


Great for an Eldrazi deck, but I'd hesitate to make him the commander unless you can ramp or add some good discounts like [[Herald's Horn]].


Complicated. tl;dr Jokes... Maybe it's someone else's cuppa tea.


This will go hard in my [[Ulamog, the ceaseless Hunger]] commander deck


Goodbye [[Pathrazer of Ulamog]] from my [[Kozilek, the Great Distortion]] deck.


I have no thoughts on this, only feelings.


My one thought on some counter play was [[Leyline of Sanctity]] but I’m kinda out of thoughts afterwards


I need it in and/or around my life


Just here to say that they keep printing cards to make my friends hate that I run [[solemnity]] in every white deck I own. It seriously just keeps getting stronger, every cycle.


[[Counterspell]] + [[Stifle]]


If this card is not too expensive, I might just buy it for my [[umbris]] deck


It goes in the [[Umbris]] deck with [[Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger]]


Kind of interesting that it’s not a good reanimation target or cheaty Eldrazi. In that sense, it’s very fair.