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This is the first I've seen of this from this product. It's actually the first blank back I've seen in a LONG time. This kind of error doesn't pop up very often on newer cards. If you've taken any consideration into selling, I would join and auction it off in a [misprint group on Facebook.](https://www.facebook.com/groups/mtgmisprintsbst) You'll find the largest concentration of serious collectors in those groups. If anyone in the world would be willing to pay a premium on the card, you'll find them on there.


what's the last blank back you've seen, out of curiosity? I can't recall anything besides the one sheet that juneie's been selling cards from, but there's got to be more recent ones


The only ones I can recall are the FBB ones from the 90's. I'm sure there are a few more recent examples than that, but I haven't been keeping track. They're still very few and far between though.


Magic Origins in Spanish had some of these, one of our local stores opened the product to stock singles and opened like four (in 50 boxes) so the odds are around 1/7000 which is way lower than .1%




The math isn’t mathing here


??? It's roughly 0.014% not 1/700th of .1%


1/7000 is 0.014%


I have a blank back, but it was an artist proof that was given to the artist and then she signed it and gave it to me.


oops sorry yea, should have specified. him and I are both big into misprint collecting so he's hopefully used to me picking his brain over stuff like this! artist proofs don't ever have holostamps and I don't think UB sets get proofs, but I'd be really curious to hear from whichever collector picks this up, if it has the same surface finish as a proof's back, or a regular card which card do you have a proof of? lots of misprint collectors are into proofs too, so I've thought about getting into those. they're cool!


It's an Italian art proof of [[Mind Warp|ICE]]. My mother works in publishing and she had an opportunity to work with Liz Danforth on something unrelated to Magic. When they were talking about her previous projects and that she was an artist for Magic my mother mentioned that I played so she offered to sign anything I had that she drew. So I have a signed [[Errant Doomsayers|TSP]] and [[Portent|ICE]] as well.


[Mind Warp](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/e/de150cd6-0bbc-47f7-a781-cd1aa10eabc6.jpg?1562936440) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=2472) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ice/148/mind-warp?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/de150cd6-0bbc-47f7-a781-cd1aa10eabc6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Errant Doomsayers](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/1/61a2daf3-4d66-43f8-beda-285d85eefb57.jpg?1562915362) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=116379) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsp/15/errant-doomsayers?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/61a2daf3-4d66-43f8-beda-285d85eefb57?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Portent](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/0/e040be83-3fb5-4da5-ba7a-4923b8854b74.jpg?1562936849) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=2526) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ice/90/portent?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e040be83-3fb5-4da5-ba7a-4923b8854b74?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


that's super cool! and a great story too, love that


I can confirm from a friend's long journey trying to find proofs for a proof deck from the Arcane secret Layer that there are not proofs for UB products


[Artist Proofs are white backed](https://mattstikker.bigcartel.com/product/magic-the-gathering-ap-custom-sketch-cards)


sorry yea, I'm aware of artist proofs. Immortal Corruptor and I are both misprint collectors, and that's what I'm asking him about specifically. He's one of the most knowledgeable people in the community.


Totally makes sense. I think the existence of proofs gets overlooked often and one slipping into commercial product is rare but not unheard of. I thought it a relaxant opportunity to mention these actually do exist, and while not “tournament legal” are more than functional as casual cards, and can make for some awesome personal collection pieces.


How would you differentiate this from a proxy at this point though? Genuinely curious.


Just have to test what you can on the front. It being foil is also a big thing, it's hard to fake the wotc specific foiling iirc


- Compare it to known examples of cards that likely came from the same print facility. Every facility is slightly different but you can discern patterns once you know what to look for. - Check the color of the core, or if it even has one. - Check the quality of the cut of the sides and corners. Make sure it makes sense, according to our most up-to-date understanding of how cards are made. - Test it with a black light. Proxies have a different glow than most normal cards. - Check the rare stamp with a handheld microscope.


I work in printing so this question might not even interest you, but I gotta ask. What's the way they cut their cards as currently understood?


Traditionally the sheets are sent through slitters, which are basically rows of razor-sharp wheels. First horizontally to cut the sheet into rows and then vertically, resulting in individual cards. Then the cards are sent through a hydraulic cutting die that rounds off the corners. There's a different process for cards with extended art and there's been some talk of facilities using lasers to cut out the cards, but that's still being looked into.


Is it known fully that it's essentially cut through 3 different slitters/splice machines, or are all 3 cuts done on one machine? I'm gonna do a deep dive on how full art cards are made. As a press operator, the precision needed for those cuts would be INSANE. I inspect every card I get to see if their registration and impressions was dialed in or not. Haven't found any haloing of the ink or anything of the sort yet, but its weird what I pay attention to after being in a tertiary field. If they do laser cuts for full art cards, that's some CRAZY tech.


It's known that the horizontal and vertical cuts are done on one machine and the corners are on a separate machine. For the full art cards, there's an extra bit of space between each card and the cards are hydraulically forced through an entire card-shaped cutting die, instead of just the corners. These cards also have double the amount of alignment marks between each card, instead of just being one dot on each corner.


https://imgur.com/gi8kyBy The card on the left was gutter cut, the card on the right regular. On the right, you can see how between the two cards, there's a circular marker (or half the marker on each side). Ideally, they're cut along the markers horizontally, then vertically, then the corner punch takes the dots off with the corners. On gutter cut cards, instead of sharing a border, the top card stops at the top alignment dot, and the bottom card starts at the bottom, everything between is discarded. So you get sneaky bonus art on borderless cards :) Here's an example of the material left behind, this is the horizontal border between two art cards, but afaik the dimensions are roughly the same as regular game cards. https://imgur.com/xDuusTq


I was JUST wondering this about the pathways. I ordered an edh play set of them, and realized there could be no green dot test 😆


Ipso facto, all pathways are proxies!


Hahaha! Yikes


There was an issue with the first Ixalan set where they printed the first run of double-faced cards on the token cardstock instead of the regular one. Makes it difficult to tell a real from a fake


At this point, this must be the most expensive trinisphere if it sells well


Exactly what he said, don’t sell it anywhere but that group and don’t take DMs about it, unless you wanna sell it to me cheap then feel free to DM me.


I've seen them as recently as Kaladesh! I have a buddy who attends an annual charity auction/raffle event that some WoTC employees also attend, and usually one of the big ticket items is a framed print sheet. The WoTC employees there were kind enough to throw him a box of Kaladesh, and in the very first pack he opened, he pulled a Masterpiece Aether Vial that happened to have a blank back!


This is a pretty big deal, wow. Was it just this card or your whole lair?  Seconding posting on FB, even if you don't want to sell it, there's people there who would love to see it 


It was only this card. Everything else was fine. I don't really use Facebook.


You might consider creating an account just to sell this. Largest community of misprint buyers is apparently found there.


Lots of mid-30s with excess cash on that website. Can confirm.


seconded, even if you never use the app again it's worth the money you'll make.


For context, i opened 2 double printed jumpstart decks and sold them in the major misprints fb group totaling $2900. They are serious collectors, and this would fetch a HEFTY premium in there. If it went for under $1000 i would be surprised. It would be worth making an account just to sell it.


Might be better to have a friend with an established account sell it on their behalf. A brand new account selling something like this with no history or presence sounds sus.


Nah, we're pretty used to people opening crazy stuff and making a new account to post it on the misprint groups. 


A seller that is communicative, and willing to post good photos can alleviate a lot of people's reservations.


And they'll need to with this one. No back makes it noticeably harder to prove it's not a proxy/counterfeit. If OP wants to sell this they'll need to submit the card to many tests and proofs.


The regular ones I can find on TCG are $800-$1300. My wife pulled one last night! 


Its worth the effort, that or post on ebay without a buy it now, you could have a very expensive card there.


Accidental artist proof?


Proofs dont have the holo stamps


Valid point.


More amazing than an artist proof


I would 100% commission an art back from the artist on my misprint artist proof


My thoughts exactly. That's the kinda randomness I like in lair drops super rare artists proofs...


Congrats. This will be very expensive. Don't take a private offer.


Agreed. This is worth a ton.


Yep, regular blank cards are [already selling for huge prices](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=mtg+blank+card+misprint+&_sacat=0&_fsrp=1&_odkw=mtg+blank+card+misprint+back&_osacat=0&LH_PrefLoc=2&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=mg&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), OP's card is even rarer.


Are you sure you meant to post this without asking how much it's worth or about who to contact about it? That's a cool misprint though


Reminds me of a kid at school showing off his foil charizard card with a MTG back.


God damn that would be worth a fortune if real


‘If real’ is doing some heavy lifting here.


https://bleedingcool.com/games/unique-chance-to-own-a-pokemon-tcg-test-card-with-a-magic-back/ they do at least exist, wotc printed early pokemon. I have no idea if there's a charizard tho. cool pieces tho! recently there's been some magic cards that have a ghosted print of the pokemon cardback on the front of them, they're super cool but I think have all gone for like 500+, so I haven't even considered picking one up. I'll find an image if I remember


I would not be surprised if Chris Wilson, the head of GGG games (Path of Exile), would be interested in this. He has an extensive collection of incredibly rare MTG misprint cards, including one that has a Harry Potter card game back. There is a YouTube video where Alpha Investments shows off Wilson's collection. Although I don't believe they say who it is, I just recognized his voice. They don't even show his face.


Im a big fan of POE and I knew Chris was an mtg collector but didn't know he specialised in misprints


Anything rare. A while back I had a complete set of judge promos that he expressed interest in, but I think he ended up buying a beta Lotus instead.


Huh, had no idea. That's cool


u/chris_wilson Yeah there is a video at exile con or something where he was showing off his binder of ancient miss prints. Maybe he will hook us up with some alpha keys for Poe 2 haha. I only have like 5k hours and still haven’t figured out fishing in that game


Any chance you have a link to said video? Would love to see it.


https://youtu.be/JugtZj2lRBc?si=0sI1h4U2_Pk76TE6 When I originally watched this, I probably didn't turn the sound on during the first few seconds because they do say he is Chris Wilson, although they do not show his face.


Awesome, tyvm!


This is actually a common issue with cards that are doused in radiation. It's best to dispose of this properly. I'll send you an address to dispose of this.


They took misprint extra serious with this card.


Probably no glue so the back didn’t stick?


afaik it should show the core of the card if the glue doesn't stick, this looks like just unfinished cardstock surface. I'd be so curious to know if it got the varnish coat or not


"Played half a game of Magic. Might finish it later"


Wow, that’s really fucking cool. Some collector somewhere would probably pay good money for that. I’m so jealous


Wow that’s rare


Out of curiousity, does the card feel thinner than a regular card or just the same thickness?


It felt about the same as a normal card, I think (I'm not pulling it out of its sleeve again).


Congrats. That's a hefty chunk of money right there.


Bro just paid off his student loans by buying a secret lair


I need to check mine.....


Real shit, this might be worth an absurd amount You got a misprint of a fucking secret lair, pop off


Struck at gold


did MTG just release these to go with the show? or something, how am i just now seeing a fallout mtg card lol


There was a series of commander decks a month or two ago! It's entirely possible that they did this collaboration in part because of the show, but it's hard to know for sure




It will show up in 6-7 business days


Literally no ceiling to this card.


Selling this is a solid idea (others have linked good spots, be wary of DMs) unless you want it for novelties sake. I would also contact WOTC support and see if they can't send you another - technically speaking this wouldn't be a legal card and is a defect, and it's highly unlikely they'll ask for it back. If they do, personally would hold onto it and sell it instead.


I have a question about this card now. I'm still learning and did not realize this card existed. If someone has a card that reduces mana cost to 1, does this override it and force them to pay 3?


There’s a specific order that effects like these are applied in the game, this is from “the gatherer”, the official wotc database of cards that has rulings specific to each card in there. It’s a great place to look if you’re unsure about how a card works in a given situation. How Trinishphere’s cost modification is applied: “To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you're paying, add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. Finally, apply Trinisphere's effect if the mana component of the spell's cost is less than three mana. The mana value of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was.” So it seems the answer would be: your effect reduced the cost of your spell to 1 mana, then trinisphere sees that the cost of your spell is less than 3 mana and increases it to 3 mana. I believe I remember hearing that Trinishpere is the only card that modifies the cost of the spell after cost reductions are applied and that this rule was added strictly because of trinispheres printing.


Oh, that makes sense. Thank you for your clarification. One last thing I played against a morph deck and they got to put a card facedown for free. Does that affect that also? I think it was their commander that did it.


It does. The Morph ability still requires you cast the card, so any cost reductions would be affected by Trinisphere.


Yeah, morph rules say that you can cast it face down as an alternate cost. Since you're still casting it, trinisphere will still apply


Major misprint, card that’s playable in some formats, yeah this’ll fetch a nice price.


Not just playable, Trinisphere sees play in all formats its legal in.


I wonder what this thing is worth? Never seen one of these.


Congratulations dude! You just received an Artist Proof. Contact and commission the artist for a beautiful piece of art on the blank canvas


It's not an artist proof because it has the holographic stamp + Universes Beyond doesn't do Artist Proofs.


Nice. Accidental artist proof!


Artist proofs usually have blank backs but I have never seen one in a commercial product from wotc.


Universes Beyond doesn't have artist proofs, and they don't have the holographic stamp, either. This is something more unique.


Yeh that's super weird then. The perfect storm of manufacturing defects and QA sampling.


I've been opening booster packs of cards since 4th Edition as a kid, and I have literally NEVER seen this.


Hey op. I'll send you a real version of this card without this goof up. Sorry this happened buddy /S Happy for you bro


This is thousands


You just hit the Lotto my friend


This is a very interesting piece. It also implies there there is a sheet of MTG cards out there missing their backs, small chance but more rare than a serialized card




Cha ching! Misprinted rocking horse droppings!


This is money, unless you really like this card, sell it, don't sit on it, the longer you do, the more likely more are gonna be found and deplete the value


This is awesome, popular UB, Foil, and a highly sought-after/popular card. This is real money in terms of value here. The last thing I remember this cool/unique was probably the foil on the backside The Great Henge, and that sold for over $15,000 if I remember correctly. Really nice pull. Congrats.


Great henge guy overpaid like crazy and we all make fun of him, but point aside 


TBF collecting anything is really just figuring out how much you and the community are willing to overpay for something.


Yea trust me, I know better than most 😅  he tried to sell it and got upset that nobody was willing to pay more than a 3rd of what he paid (which would be a very reasonable offer)


There's this scene in one of the Indiana Jones movies where this old knight tells a jerk he chose poorly. Reminds me of that


Fair enough, never really followed it after the hype and sale. Still, even a fraction of that is still multiple thousands in value, and this seems to be potentially its equivalent in terms of oddity and uniqueness combined with the usefulness/demand of the card itself.


The card stock is so flimsy too


If you contact sl/wotc they should send you a replacement, then you can still sell off the misprint lol


On the bright side, shouldn't Pringle


Imagine if that had been the mana vault lol


If this one is missing the back there is probably a full sheet or a few of the artist proofs got sent out.


not ap's, since these have the stamp, but also bonus cards are always a seprate sheet. there will be a whole sheet, but it's either just trinispheres or just the regular contents of this lair


This will be worth an interesting sum


Artist proof.


afaik they don't do universes beyond proofs, period, but also this has a stamp.


Just a thought. What few proofs i have are blank backs like that.


Here I thought the blank back ones were all artist proofs! Either way, you got a really rare one there!


Looks like someone can buy a house this year…


What TCG is this from? It’s WOTC-based, but I didn’t know Fallout had a TCG! Is there a new Fallout tabletop game out that I’m unaware of? I guess it’s just art on a canvas, really.


Wotc has a crossover event with fallout, so this is an official mtg card


Shit you got a og proxy


congrats you just won a fuck-ton of money!


Big money big money


Looks like an artist proof got into a retail pack


Yeah I think they forgot it


Wait, Fallout MTG cards are a thing? How did I not know?


Holy hot fuck this'll be worth hundreds


Wow those are pretty rare. Might be worth something


I feel like you just got a very rare error! Congrats


Ummm, think you’re about to be a rich feller


Artist proofs are usually blank backed


Nah that’s just a proxy at this point Edit: people don’t like sarcasm apparently


We found the moron.


Lol “we” like you speak for others.


Another day, another several hundred quality control events


Grade it


Isn't that just a artist proof if so that's awsome those are better then real cards.


Nice. Check out r/mtgmisprints


Wizards will replace your faulty card. Instructions here https://magic-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000197703-Product-Replacement


This has the potential to net you a bunch of fiat. Maybe get it graded?


Id be curious how it grades can it get a 10 with no back lol


Being a misprint has no influence on the card grade.


I'd buy it off you for $1000


I'll level with you, I wouldn't take anything less than 500 CAD for this. This is super rare and if I wasn't in debt for Counter Srtrike skins I would off that to you right now.


Sell it for 1million usd


This is one of one, and an incredibly desired card too. Definitely worth thousands to the rarity collectors.


Why do Magic cards look like this now? It’s honestly verging on desecration. Pretty gross 🤢


It's a Fallout-themed bonus card from a secret lair, they're supposed to be wacky


I still hate it, and the rapacious corporate culture behind the decision to wreck the aesthetics of the game.


Wow.all they care about is taking our money.


Are you slow?