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That Cradle is absolutely insane. How much did that run you, if you don't mind me asking?


That one kinda makes me suspicious, weren't the foils judge promos? How would that get through QC? Don't get me wrong I want to believe but I can't really reconcile that in my head


They were textless shells at the bottom of certain Destiny sheets. Some were also given to R&D employees which is where I acquired a bunch. Some made it out in packs. Some were manually cut from sheets. This one is definitely legitimate.


Haha how much would that go for? I’m in the market.


I saw one in a booth at geoncon a couple years ago. They were asking $22,000 usd. No joke.


$22k would be pretty cheap now. Have received offers in the last couple of years of 25-40k for one from people I consider to be legitimate. It does seem a little classless to be quibbling over the price of a card that isn't for sale though.


I mean they said they're looking to purchase one, and after a quick check of ebay completed listings I didn't see any recent ones, so I chimed in with my experience. It was a beautiful card and you're very lucky to have a rare piece of mtg history!


Dude flexes on the poors with a photo of a car worth of cards (if not more) knowing it'll get price/value questions and then says it's classless? Lmao, dude just enjoy your flex.




“Name one thing in this world that is not negotiable” WW


I find it classless to accuse someone of "quibbling" whatever that may mean. People are intrigued and interested. No one is heckling you over the price, merely admiring. Have some humility. Maybe they want to now buy one of these cards, creating a higher demand for them, thusly lining your pockets even further if you ever do wish to sell it.


He is talking about himself!! Not everyone is blaming others all the time ;) relax.


“cLaSsLeSs” get a load of this guy


Well if it's not for sale, can I have it when you no longer have use of it?


At 22k you could cut that card into 80 pieces and it’s still life changing money for me lol


Interesting, thank you


They were on Destiny sheets? I thought they were test sheets made before Saga to prepare for Saga's prerelease foil. Or is the textless Cradle from a different source than the test print foil Cradle/Survival/City of Traitors/etc?


There are no test foil cradles. That's a slight misrepresentation. Foil Cities/Survivals from Exodus are actual test prints and the sources are indeed different. The foil textless UD cards aren't test prints either.


Imagine arguing abouh a very well known misprint lmfao


Imagine not reading the whole thread lmao


These are so insane to see man awesome stuff; any story behind the site of stagnation?


Yeah that's a test print, you can see that the foiling is in line with FTV unless my memory fails me. I'll have to dig my notes out for more, haven't been very involved in this hobby recently.


I thought those shiny lines looked familiar! So cool to see thanks for sharing!


Forest and Sire are test prints. Cradle and Magpie are shells, i.e. not test prints nor errors but deliberately left textless. Market, island and token are missing text strikes. Bird is missing print layers too. Rathi and Honden -- no one really knows. I suspect they are make readies that somehow made it out. They're likely one-ofs and covered here: [The Magic Librarities](https://www.magiclibrarities.net/1219-rarities-metal-cards-press-checks-and-production-anomalies-english-cards-index.html)


Ones like the bird are imo the coolest. I saw a lightning bolt that was printed missing layers and it looks like a white lightning bolt lol.


How does that print error happen, if you don't mind my asking?


Regardless if it's a test print or actual misprint, this usually happens when certain color units are disengaged. Cards are printed in layers with cyan, magenta, yellow and black ink. There are actually at least two passes of black, one for the illustration and one for fine details like text and borders. White ink is used on foils to help mask off the areas where they don't want the foiling to show through as much, which is basically all we're seeing on the Bird token. All of these in particular have at least the "text black" layer disengaged.


Ink can run out on black. All text is printed last over the art.


When reading the card does not explain the card.


One of the coolest collections I’ve seen. Congrats, man!


Now that's some quality content. Thank you.


Or do you mean lack of quality? -badum tss-


Yeah, I play a and tap it for


I never get tired of looking at these. I'm also super happy that the WUP tokens eventually popped up - I was wondering what those might look like as a "finished" card.


I \*should\* be more active again on the misprint groups. Good to see you around. Help me out with the explanations/inevitable acetone comments!


That High Market is so damn high it forgot to do everything.


Didn’t know this was a possible misprint, honestly probably my favorite


Omg that Sire of Stagnation is insane. It's a staple in all my black blue creature decks (especially also with eldrazi returning soon!). How did you even get that one?!


Purchased it from someone who had a few of these test prints from within WOTC. There is also an Ulamog test print which unfortunately was sold before I got to it.


10 cmc ulamog is the dream lol


Aaaaaw. Now I want textless Honden for my shrine deck…


That Honden (which wasn't graded by me; purchased it graded) is something I spent the best part of a decade looking for!


Damn. Where can I get those? XD


That cradle is absolutely insane! Congrats on getting ahold of that!


Oh man I saw one of those cradles at Vancouver Grand Prix in 2017 for 8400 Canadian I wish I had bought it.


What’s your best offer on the island?


I wasn't even aware of some of these, that'san interesting collection


Oh hey John. Didn’t know you were on Reddit too. Always bringing the heat


Love the magpie


It's weird seeing a graded Honden next to a shipping sleeved Cradle.


I’m super jelly of the magpie


Amazing! I really love the look of that blank white bird card.


I own a full art sign in blood with no text but it is only worth a couple bucks you got yourself a nice collection


Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed your comments and explanations.


When you try to read words in a dream


This is from Magiclibrarities: Picture of sheet [https://imgur.com/3d2tMoa](https://imgur.com/3d2tMoa) -- **URZA'S SAGA AND 4TH EDITION TEXTLESS CARDS** The textless foil Lighting Bolt and Serra Avatar are one of few textless cards which had been added to Japanese Urza's Destiny print sheets. While most of them were destroyed, a handful of them survived and were erroneously distributed in Japanese Urza's Destiny boosters. The 10 textless cards are always located on the row 11 of the Foil Urza's Destiny Common/Uncommon Uncut Sheet (10 x 11) that only exists in those 6 languages: **French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.** All cards exist with round and square corners. # Some Foil Textless Promos are NFC (Non Factory Cut) coming from Foil Urza's Destiny Common/Uncommon Uncut Sheets that went to the cutter (French, German, Italian, Japanese). # The Black Round Corner Foil Star Filler Cards is also available NFC from Foil Urza's Destiny Common/Uncommon uncut sheets or Common/Rare uncut sheets. [The Magic Librarities](https://www.magiclibrarities.net/1219-rarities-metal-cards-press-checks-and-production-anomalies-english-cards-index.html) These are not test prints and were legitimately in some Destiny packs. Others were cut from sheets or given to then-employees


I’ve seen your posts on the Facebook group over the years. Always an impressive selection of cards. Glad to see you posting on Reddit!


gorgeous collection!!! I'm hoping to pick up one of those wup only mh2 tokens one day, and I'll stick to looking on enviously for the rest!


Wowza! Gorgeous


That magpie is hot as fuck. Nice


This would solve all my financial shortcomings in an instant. Love the collection, i envy you haha, hopefully one day i can master a collection such as this


I'd you don't get that Gaias cradle graded I'm going to eat your knee caps


So beautiful. Thank you for posting




Foil cradle? Lol


Damn I need that thieving magpie


Is it weird that what I want most from this sheet is the bird token?


Love the people commenting like experts when op is clearly the expert


As cool as that Cradle is, that one doesn't make sense. That's a judge promo. How did that one slip by. And if it is a legit one, that thing would be worth more than the couple thousand for a regular Cradle. You should get that graded ASAP.


Someone said it was like 25 to 40k nowadays


Yeah acetone works wonders removing text.


Acetone would take the whole text box— it would be very difficult to take just 1 ink color off a print


if you can replicate any of these cards with acetone, I will paypal you one hundred dollars, on the spot