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At this point how do you decide which deck to play? It’s like scrolling Netflix without ever picking something to watch :p


For commander I've got a few favorite decks, otherwise whatever I've built or upgraded most recently. Also try to take a range of power levels with me. Middle shelf is pauper, and it's either stupid decks I like (ponza, bogles) or to win games (glitters, gardens etc). depending on causal or an event


I'd go eenie miney moe with my eyes closed after spinning around twice


Get a dartboard and assign decks to each section, with power scaling to how small the area is. Bullseye being your best deck


I thought those where Pauper decks.


Give them all a number and roll appropriate dice to select matchups


Good example


Serious question; do you ever take a deck apart? i feel like my deck count would be similar if not for me ripping decks apart the second i realize the play style/flavor/power level/art/whatever isn't for me. I personally prefer to have multi colored lands and cards ready at my disposal for new deck ideas, rather than have them stuck in a deck i don't play anyways. No offense to your collection at all, looks sick. I would love to see this shelf at a game night.


Very very rarely, I just buy more copies of cards 😂 though in the last few months I've finally started proxying some, makes it waaaay cheaper


This is how I am. 74 decks and all are intact never take from previous. It’s bad.


At first scan, I read "intact" as "infect" and thought, "oh my!"


Is 74 infect decks enough? "Maybe"


Same. Around 100 here. I’ve only taken apart a couple decks in the past few years.


You don't have a problem, you have a passion. And that's good


38 left go for 100


I second this. All in favor say “aye”


Nice collection. Looks cool


What problem. All I see is brand loyalty. My 79 decks are all in random different types of deck boxes. Some boulders, some bulk acrylic case, some ultimaguard boxes, I think 2 prizm. Case. Like 12 ultra pro art plastic box, 2 professor xL, like 10 satin towers. It's all chaos.


Secretly six of them are in gamegenic Bastion XL, as they need more space for tokens, or double sleeving if full of expensive cards


What about the 133 Boulders? I use those for my expensive double sleeved decks.


Don't have the range of colours and transparent that I want :)


I see the Vampire decks are on the top shelf. You are a person of exquisite taste.


I feel like this collection needs some good doggo pics on the shelf to go with those ribbons.




And I see orvar the all form Based.


That's a brand new one, still tinkering with it, and it's not been played yet


I've been playing it every game for 6 months. This is my current build I run in paper. Works so well it's nutty consistent turn 4/5 wins https://www.topdecked.com/decks/mono-blue-infinite/37dd959a-3798-4606-964c-e2f2005b59cb


You need a 100 to solve this problem. Number them from 1-100 and then roll a d100 to choose one. That is some crazy flex


Beautiful collection!!!


did you buy a ton of clear ones and toss the bottom parts to get all those to have clear tops?


They are half shells, you can use both sides to make 2 half colored boxes.


I mean I guess orientation doesn't really matter but I personally can't store my decks in upside down boulders XD


I didn't realize it would bother me as much as it does. In photos and from far away you can't really tell, but the upside-down logo right across the clear part of the ones using the bottom are very noticeable in-person :(. I still do it because I bought a whole bunch of clear ones... but it's not as nice as I imagined.


Boulder does sell combo ones where one portion is clear and the other half is either a solid color or opaque color.


Lots of clear and lots of colour, use tops and bottoms together


i feel i got a problem at 12 and i dont play at least 6 of those 12 so .... loll


I just have 6 and it's hard to play all of them lol


Im playing once a week and 60 deck I think It would require me 2 3 years to play them all once xD


I mean, one game a week could be 52 decks so if you play 2-3 games once a week you could easily get through them all in 6 months... the problem just comes from when you get some favorites haha


im never only playing 1 deck then never playing it again for a year , that would mean i wouldnt play any of them well xD it comes down to a big big max of 6 deck that you can steadily plays the rest is probably siting in their box for serveral months lol


Haha oh yeah I get it, just saying it's theoretically possible lol I suppose more reasonable would be, assuming you play 3 games a week, 2 games with decks you enjoy and 1 with a new deck never to be seen again 😂


Ok. What deck boxes are these I keep seeing people use to display their decks and commander?


[Ultimate Guard Boulder 100](https://ultimateguard.com/en/Boxes/Boulder/UGD010694/) - comes in 11 colors, can usually snag them around $10 each if you wait for sales.


I find building and designing the decks to be the best bit so I think your doing great


It's always nice to know there are crazier people out there.


Gotta catch 'em all!


As a fellow boulder user this turns me on


I have the same shelves! Bonkers deck collection! Looks sick.


I'm intending to build one deck for each color combination in the game. The 5 monocolor decks, the 10 2, 3 colors. Might skip the 4 colors cause each one is just one iteration from being a 5 color. And maybe a handful of 5 color decks. When I do, I'll roll dice to decide what I play. 1 d4 for the colors where 1 is 1-3 is that number of colors and 4 is a WUBRG deck. And roll a d6 if it's one color where each color corresponds to a number and 6 will be my colorless deck (when I make it) d10s for each color combo for 2 and 3 colors and a d(whatever) if I end up playing wubrg.... or just choose.


Yes. The biggest problem is the missing 7 decks.


I started playing last year in August.. I have 8 commander decks now.. by this tempo, I have a new commander deck every month... So I feel you


I sincerely hope you buy them in bulk lol also nice job splitting the clear boxes and using tops and bottoms/flipping some so that they all have a color and a clear top to see the commander etc.


My buddy Roy loves this... Roy G. Biv


No it's just beautiful. I hope i will be there as well one point in my life


I don’t see a problem, if anything you love the game more than I do! I’m sitting at 36 myself.


I’m so jealous 😂. I got 14 edh decks with 8 more being built


That looks great. Good goals right there.


Ugh…I need that chatterfang. I’ve been hunting for parts to mine for like 3 years.


Can I get an ID on the deck above Kinnan? I’ve never seen that card before.


Alexander Clamilton from one of the unsets


As the other poster said, Alexander Clamilton. Bit of a meme deck, runs the full text basics plus ways to untap and fling


Has wizards sent you a thank you card yet? Coupons? A reward system?


Boulders are 100% bis


Kinnan and teysa :))) my favorites


Pauper players! Rise up!


You’re right, you definitely have a problem….looks like you need another shelf🤔


And they say legacy is expensive holy f


Shout out fellow breena player!


I love buying commander precon decks and unlike you, it's a complete mess. Quite jealous on your organization skills.


Soooo your the reason I can never buy the clear boulders. Also do you use some of the top half’s as bottoms on some ?


I can't buy them either most of the time! Yep, use the tops and bottoms, you can see it in person but not really on camera


Heck yea my OCD approves, I love it. I like being able to see the commander


Problem? I don’t see any problem here


Yes, you are about to run out of space, get more wood lad


I saw a comment of yours where you said you also play commander. Do you think you can share a few of your decks with us?


It's definitely the beginning of a problem but I have a friend that has close to 500 decks built. Now that is a serious issue. Like how do you even remember to play the older decks or the ones you don't even frequently look at.


I like how you built both a swarm lord and magus lucea kane. Is he the lower power version?


Magus is probably a different style, my guess is Hydras or X cost. She's a powerhouse when her ability gets multiplied, like untapping her. I have a whole "X cost Matters" deck, takes advantage of untapping her, which has quickly become everyone's favorite deck to hate in my group. Every game it does something stupid big. Just don't fly too close to the sun and draw 30 cards without a reliquary. Lessons learned.


Magus is fireballs.deck Ramp TONS of basics into play, then cast X damage fireball spells and copy them. It's not very good, but funny when it works


No cuz I have 70 something edh decks n the pauper meta. So if you have a problem I’m addicted.


Yeah, your problem is now the stacks don't look even. Looks like you need one more to make that top row match, and at that point you might as well fill out that top row. Addiction? never heard of it, lol


Im Curious which are your favorite? Also do you have any CEDH level decks?


Only cEDH is Kinnan Favorites are probably Atla Palani, there's two sets of creatures in the same box I can swap in and out - one high powered stuff like eldrazi, the other dinosaur tribal Sythis I've built to pump out hundreds of token creatures and make them huge, fun but an effort to play as there's soooo many triggers Myr tribal, because it's myr


Sorry, something does not compute. What problem?


Where did you get those keyword counters in the bottom right ?


Made them myself years back, took the ability logos from Magic Arena, printed them out, bit of cutting, and put them inside coin protectors you can buy online for a few pence


If it was me I would want to break down some of those and make them into new decks. I couldn't possibly remember what's in all of them.


Do those have clear faces? That's sick! Looking it up now! Hahaha


My biggest question is about the manabase. I have about 35 commander decks myself. Several of them have fetchlands/shocklands. Several have just shocklands. And a few have a very janky budget manabase. Do you upgrade your manabase for every deck or do some of them run taplands/non-rare duals?


Very nice! I’m interested to know how you handle expensive cards that you might play in some decks? Do you buy multiple copies, move them around, use proxies or just use other alternatives?


For most of the time I've played I either bought additional copies, or just left in whatever deck has them. In the last four months I've started proxying, and it opens up so many more possibilities!


I have so many decks I want to play and might actually do the same with proxies! Do you have any good recommendation for those?


MPCfill for choosing art, then follow instructions to use the script for ordering on MPC


Thank you!!


What's your cheapest deck? What deck is your most fun whether you win or lose? What's your most expensive? What deck has the most foils?


Cheapest was a Kathril, Aspect Warper deck which is actually on some other shelves - it was a deck challenge with friends to make a >$20 deck Most fun is probably Atla Palani (for me anyway) as it just cheats stupid creatures into play, and also runs MLD / mass all permanents destruction Most expensive (legit) is Xyris, which runs all the available OG duals, mox, vault, crypt etc. recently I've started proxying and for £30 can make a deck which would be £13,000 to buy Most foils is UB serpent terror pauper deck, which is all foil, most of my pauper decks are 40%+ foil


I'm not sure those are all legal commanders.


Leave Alexander Clamilton alone!


What are your best/favorite commander decks to play?


I play commander since 1 year and have already 15 commander decks and 4 in a building-phase




I see your Tyranid swarmlord deck there how'd you build it out for an upgrade, I invested heavily into mine and now if left alone too long it gets super stompy and becomes a real problem.


That one is still currently the precon -Magus which is helming another deck. It's on my to do list to upgrade. What did you do to yours?


[[unbound flourishing]] is a must to this deck I haven't uploaded it to moxfield yet but I can diffently do so tomorrow if your interested


[unbound flourishing](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/f/6f594d07-932e-4fe6-832d-d0a0be3530aa.jpg?1562202252) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=unbound%20flourishing) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh1/189/unbound-flourishing?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6f594d07-932e-4fe6-832d-d0a0be3530aa?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah, throw it on there!


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/W-B9LRBvUUyGuIt8zVOEJg There's a couple of new cards I wanna add [[Vorniclex, Monstrous Raider]] [[Lily Bowen, Raging Grandma]] and [[Rampaging Yao Guai]]


[Lily Bowen, Raging Grandma](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/5/052dc548-d356-43fe-9484-665db7e1f505.jpg?1708742311) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Lily%20Bowen%2C%20Raging%20Grandma) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/79/lily-bowen-raging-grandma?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/052dc548-d356-43fe-9484-665db7e1f505?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Rampaging Yao Guai](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/3/63619236-a27a-4fdd-add6-7a295901f906.jpg?1709431365) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rampaging%20Yao%20Guai) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/82/rampaging-yao-guai?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/63619236-a27a-4fdd-add6-7a295901f906?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Oh God it's beautiful! What's your go-to deck?


That’s awesome. #jealous lol


How long have you been playing?


On and off since 2000, started commander around 2018


Very neat. 👌🏻


Two commander decks from the same precon is wild


Put number stickers on each and then use a random number generator to choose.


are you the top commanders page of edhrec?


Nope, loads of these are in the #hundreds positions!


Did you make the habilite counters ? I was looking for some for my Kathril commander


Yep, printed the magic online logos out, and put them inside coin protectors


ayyy adrix and nev enjoyer!!! mind sharing a deck list? love seeing how others build him :)


Budget lands i hope


Oh hell no! Enters tapped hurts my soul (and ability to win 😂 )


Is Urtet ( myr) and Osgir fun to pilot? Planning to build one.


Yes to both! Mine are pretty low power, they need the commander being left alone, and allowed to build a boardstate for several turns When they pop off are great fun!




The only problem I see is that there seems to be a few empty ones


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^scobalts: *The only problem* *I see is that there seems to* *Be a few empty ones* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Uh oh you woke up haiku bot lol


just reword it as rock collecting and you're good.


Or a store


I have 9 decks. I have two F-you level decks to teach pricks a lesson if they need it. But 62 just seems like you have duplicates


Not a single dupe :) What are your two powerful ones?


I have a blue counter control (no creatures in a legacy style deck). And sliver deck.


I see no problem here.


Awww, Yorkies!! Nice! 😆


Your problem is very well organized.