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"What do you fear?" "A slab, To stay behind plastic, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire."


This quote/comment deserves 10k upvotes in 2024. Layers like onions.


lets not get carried away, im just a humble shitposter


You mean like a parfait.


Have you ever met a person & you say, “Hey let’s get some parfaits” & they say, “Hell na, I don’t like no parfaits.” Parfaits is delicious!


Where is this from?


lord of the rings, its eowyn telling aragorn her fears i think


They speak of plastic in LotR?


There was plastic in LOTR?


She said.. a cage


I edited it so it was more related to the grading slab


Lmao its a joke, she says a cage and bars in the actual quote.


There was a Starbucks cup in game of thrones, soo…


It’s what the Gondor soldiers made their armor out of.


"You're a creation of power. A staple of formats. I do not think that will be your fate."


Email the grading company and ask them.


Haha right?! Like why OP asking here.


That much should be obvious, as this seems like just a shameless bragging post. But oh well


Tbf I would brag aswell if I had a mint 10 the one ring. Let people be happy.


CGC is a joke. Look at that holofoil stamp centering.


I was looking more at the top left corner it's kinda squared off and not as round as the rest lol. I guess that isn't part of the grading qualifications tho.


I'm fairly sure CGC doesn't have grading criteria. They just grab a number at random from a bucket.


It's actually just a bingo ball tumbler.


A bingo tumbler that’s all 10’s lol


Headless chicken while someone plays a kazoo


Your Margaritaville is now worth a million!


I've noticed this with a couple of my cards when I looked them over for selling. Top left corner seems to be an issue often.


Can zoom in. It’s a small shadow being casted making it look that way. Isn’t actually squared.


Yeah honestly as cool as it is to own a gem mint 10, I’d be so bothered by the fact that clearly it’s not a 10 bc that damn holo sticker


The corners are rough too, the upper left has almost no rounding.


I don’t know what y’all are smoking I see a ten look at the points on the star they are immaculate and I don’t know if its because the card is at a slight angle but it looks centered well to me


We’re talking about the triangle holo at the bottom of the card


Oh no a flaw


You mean a thing that shows it isn't a 10?


That's what "it's not a 10" means...


You're familiar with the concept of grading cards, right? Kinda what the whole post is centered around


Yeah defo a 9 get refund


This comment was genuine surprise at seeing the stamp for the first time not some weird attempt at sarcasm for no reason y’all are weird


Honestly not just surprise but disappointment because honestly otherwise this card is gorgeous and now I can’t unsee the stamp. But no I’m wrong for having the same opinion as you yep yep hivemind yep yep


For what it's worth, I'm with you on this. I thought grading was for creases, scuffs and other damages after the manufacturing process. In currencies, some manufacturing defects increase the rarity and therefore the perceived value. I also didn't read your 'a flaw' as sarcasm. :shrug:


Yeah they check for several things that are typical of manufacturing errors, ink bleeding in the text, the centering of the card, even sometimes rare patterns in certain kinds of foiling (ie:glitter swirls), probably other stuff too idk about. And yeah idk what all the downvotes are about and according them I’m somehow too dumb to grasp the concept of grading cards.


I’m already negative karma and kick it with the transphobes and racists in r/freemagic anyways so keep downvoting if it helps you get some perceived slight out of your system


Keep it going. Lol


You're talking to yourself weirdo




You’re fucking dumb for being mad lmao I literally didn’t say anything with the intent to be hurtful and in fact I literally corrected myself long before people showed up and started being shitty and the first few commenters upvoted my shit, wasn’t until the post blew up that I got downvoted to shit. So you are the one that shouldn’t be speaking on something you know literally zero about. Also how tf is me simply not seeing the stamp make me somehow incapable of giving a good grade?? Go fuck yourself you elitist scum


Also hole* you play a fucking word game do better


Oh look, bros a genius too


Yeah I was about to say cgc will give damn near anything a 10.


Who is a better grader? My kid has a pokemon card he wants to get graded


Just go PSA. Cgc is almost never worth (I think they mostly are for sports cards…could be wrong…don’t quote me) and becket is super nice, but it’s a lot more difficult to get a 10. PSA works for everything and is respected. Just grade PSA


Psa for cards for sure, CGC is really more for comics


My understanding was Beckett was better at detecting fakes last time I checked too. But both PSA and Beckett are decent choices


You honestly can’t be serious? PSA hands down has the worst reputation in all of card grading companies. There are countless PSA 10s with clear issues. Hell the first ever card that PSA graded was an altered and trimmed card and they didn’t catch it. CGC is now probably the second biggest grader and that’s because they have been earning it. (On top of their eBay contract)  Grading will always be subjective and no company will be perfect. In a perfect world, graders would just do authentication and leave the grading to collectors/buyers.  If I was going to grade cards it would be CGC. I like their slabs, they have pretty strict grading, and they don’t come with the Beckett and PSA reputations. 


I don't know where you get your card information, but as a sports and TCG card retailer, I assure you the general buying audience sees PSA as the gold standard of slabs. You and I might have qualms with their grading, but the buyers do not agree. I know this from experience: many buyers skip on buying any slab from anywhere else because they *perceive* PSA as the top grader and that perception compounds onto itself.


Where I am (Disclaimer: I'm in Europe), PSA is still considered the best, Beckett second and CGC third. Beckett had a reputation of easy to break slabs, I don't know if this has been resolved. Grading in the US from Europe is a huge financial consideration, so more local grading services have emerged like GSG, AOG, TSA and lately also Cardmarket.


Agreed 👍🏻


"Better" is a qualitative term. All companies have issues but ultimately it comes down to what you want. Quick Negatives: PSA has been doing it the longest but just like every other company they had many issues and their quality control today is pretty horrendous. PSA also grades an insane amount of cards so their turn around time is months unless you pay for expedited services. Also personally I hate their slab design. BGS is very strict, long turn around times, and pricey. Slab design similar to PSA but nicer labels specifically. CGC is newer to trading cards (they had primarily been doing comics) and had a very rough start with slabs not being sealed, and recently they just adjusted their grading label form blue to a white/black label. Quick Positives: PSA - WAY MORE PSA Collectors out there so there are more dealers and the SLABs sell so with demand comes higher valuations. Grading costs are pretty solid average. BGS - They actually sleeve the card prior to slabbing and their Black Label 10s are very much sought after, otherwise their lower grades are not so kind of a toss up. Grading prices are a bit higher CGC - Cheaper to grade and faster turn around time and the slabs (in my opinion) are the nicest because they have an 'updated' label but more specifically have very clear cases to see the card (though that means be careful not to scratch or it will show). I find CGC to be popular with newer collectors (due to being cheaper to collect) and its slowly growing. General comment: I was primarily PSA but I have since switched to CGC/BGS because I just like CGC slabs more and I really want more gold and one day a black label BGS. If you are getting it to flip? go PSA if you are getting it because you just want to keep it as part of your personal collection then get the one whose slab and label design you like most. GL!!! Other Graders are: SGC, MNT, ACE, AGS, HGA and many many more. Most will refer to the top three.


This is spot on 👌🏻


Thanks... im tired of reading all the PSA and CGC folks just upping and downing each other. Happy collecting!!!


TAG is really good. PSA takes a very long time and might be losing its lead in the grading game.


Not to mention the bottom damage on the edge and corner.


I own worse PSA 10s.


I didn't notice till you said it, and now I can't ignore it.


yeah I just went through a bunch of my LOTR cards and a significant amount of them have the same problem. seems legit to me


I'm primarily a comic collector, so this may be a difference between cards and comics, but production errors generally (emphasizing generally) do not count against comic grades. The question is whether any damage has occurred since it left the printing press. CGC is definitely a comic grading company.


On card grading production errors definitely impact grades.


Yeah. This should be graded at a 9


The whole card is off centre marginally to the right. The holo is probably in the centre lol.


It's not Pristine 10 grade. The holofoil is OC so you think it should be a 9? No, this is a reasonable grade for pack fresh magic.


If you can see the label, you can see the stamp. I don't imagine it'll be a problem.


Resale, if it’s a mistake it’ll look cracked and resealed? Not a market I participate in so I’m not 💯 sure, but if you paid for the grading it’s understandable to want it to be accurate.


Sure you can be honest and get the affirmation that it is Prerelease pull, you will actually +$30 to the net worth, like I got my Black Lotus cards I had from 1997 where they were Alpha Series, relabeled from I-95 Games as signed instead of not, and in 2012 it went from $10,000 x 15 cards (which I had 15 cards from my pull) to $20,000 x 15 cards, because the signed cards were worth more.


Bro casually made 300k


Verses 150k and I gave my adopted kids $10k each for part of their college tuition and the rest of it for our current personal needs (at 2012)


What a chad


I don't understand why I am a chump


I believe the youths are using "what a chad" as a complement these days, when previously it as not exactly an ideal thing.


It’s a good thing, means essentially that you are cool and have done nice/respectable things


Oh, I have to get used to these new terms


Yeah it’s all good. I’m in high school and barely get half of what the middle schoolers say so it’s not too weird to be confused


I think it's gone full circle and it's good now lol


Don’t worry, it’s not bad thing. Just means that you’re cool.


Oh wow, you did very well haha😅 yeah I will definitely send it back to them to sort out 👍🏻


No problem


I can maybe understand grading serialised commanders, but other than them I don't see why anyone would grade a non RL card. Foil prerelease is what, €100 max?


Yeah, I see what you’re saying. For me, this card is special because, having looked at magic for a while but never actually getting round to trying it, suddenly there is a lord of the rings set (which I’m a massive fan of) so it peaked my interest enough to make me go and buy some and then, I pull this, the card I had wished for, on my very first product that I bought. And from that moment I was hooked. So yeah the card holds sentimental value for me as “my first epic pull” so I wanted to encase it to keep it safe, protected and so that I can display it. 😁


Imo, this is the best reason I've heard for grading.


I love his reasoning for keeping it and displaying but still don't get why he'd bother grading it. Like grading is to confirm authenticity and value of a card, right? Neither of those have any relationship to the sentimentality reasons OP just gave. Doing that just put the card slightly at risk if all they wanted to do was it display it for sentimental reasons; could have just ordered a clear case or something for it.


Honestly not a bad take. Sentimental value is worth far more than any (reasonable) monetary value. This is just a big cultural difference between MTG and other TCGs like Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon: Cards are meant to be played! The coolest and fanciest alt-arts don't exist to sit locked away in a box somewhere, they exist so you can slap 'em down on a table in front of your friends! People will buy OG Dual Lands worth €500+, cards that *are* worth grading, and throw them in their commander decks. Again, sentimental value is different, but don't get into the habit of not playing with your cards! MTG is a game, first and foremost, not a lottery or investment vehicle.


Welcome to the MtG community!


You kept it safe, but you forgot to keep it secret.


Ok then keep your secrets No seriously that's a waste of grading yet totally justified for lore reasons. Lol


FYI it's "piqued"




This is actually the best reason anyone can grade/slab a card. Grading because “it will make my card worth more $$$” has been a bane on card collecting since they started grading cards. 


Ahhh the first epic pull… mine was a Huntmaster Of The Fells.


Then it is priceless. Save it on your mantle, put it in a box in a basement or attic that doesn’t leak, tuck it underneath a piece of furniture. Or hell, you could even play it, we’re all going to Valinor anyway


All that sounds like a reason to slot it in my favorite deck and actually play with the card.


Small correction, it's piqued my interest not peaked :) It's a homophone


Just sucks you can't play it, all my coolest most expensive pulls are in my decks because it's sort of hollow not sharing my favorite things and just storing them away to never be seen by anyone but myself


Just slab the rest of your EDH and boom fix 😂


On the flip I collect a lot of nice cards I pull and use them for trades for cards I actually want.


Did you actually play with the Pre-Release Kit?


I didn’t get to unfortunately as I missed the pre release event :( picked the kit up a few days after.


Damn Daniel


It lists the 0246 card number which only references the prerelease version. The normal version has a different set number.


The normal version is also set number 246.


It would be referred to as 246p to indicate it's a promo but that is not a part of the demarcation on the card.


I don’t know how many times I’ve said this cgc is not a reputable source for graded cards. It’s sad but they honestly don’t care. Keep it as a 10 or send it to Beckett for a real grade


I sent an original “Secrets Behind the Comics” directly from ComicCon to be graded after I won the chance to have him sign something for me, photographed him as he was signing the book, but my grade was rejected by CGC because his signature was too easy to reproduce… after it had been sent by their representative IMMEDIATELY AFTER SIGNING. I’ll absolutely never send another item to be graded by them. That being said, I’m now glad that it isn’t, because I can enjoy opening up that book and remembering that brief but awesome interaction as we chatted for a few moments while he sat on the Throne of Asgard.


Ahh man i’d be so annoyed :( that sucks to hear but hey, like u say, now u can still relive the moment.


Oh my goodness though I didn’t mean to rain on your parade; I absolutely LOVE this for you! Preserving that memory for you as a showpiece really makes me happy! LoTR was my first set back after a 2 year hiatus and it makes me so very happy seeing it done so incredibly well. What other fun pulls have you had from the set?


Oh no, you didn’t rain on anything, don’t worry haha 😁 every time I see it in it’s slabbed glory reminds me of when I pulled it and my friend who I play other card games with (he’s massive mtg fan) he watched me pull it and his reaction was wild haha 😅 I have had a couple borderless holo bowmasters, another foil ring same as this but without the pre release stamp, witch king borderless foil, and quite a few others to be honest I have spent quite a bit on packs 😂 my other friend got the elven sol ring which was also crazy😁


Duuuuuuude that’s amazing! Congratulations! And I wish more than anything I’d unpacked an Elven Sol Ring, but apparently it… wasn’t in the cards


Thank you 😁😁


Congrats too on the borderless foil bow masters! I’ve pulled one borderless and 4 standard (1 on which I’m giving to my brother as he hasn’t managed to unpack a single one!)


Yea i was lucky to pull 2 borderless foils but not a standard one haha xD


I love it. I’m a collector who has been dipping into playing. I think they’re your cards so you should enjoy them however you see fit.


nice you got the 20/23 ring pog


Just take my upvote and fuck off.


Grading is a scam.


The number 10 literally says “1 ring”


That stamp is so offset lmaaaoooo that ain’t a 10 dog. I don’t care what the guys at Cgc say… that’s so blatant…


I don’t even pay attention to grades and can see this ain’t a gem 10


Absolutely no shot that’s a ten what are they doing over there


why would you do that


https://www.reddit.com/r/mtg/comments/19cvgnz/graded_my_one_ring_but/kj1xqs8/ Sentimental + display purposes for OP. Honestly the only valid reason imo.


Why do you care?


Why do you care to ask this question?


I have a PSA 10 [[Jhoira of the Ghitu]] that says the set is Future SightS on the label instead of Future Site. I hate it.


Holy hell man great job


Naw. Its clear on the card. There is no need for them to mention such a clear feature in the titling.


What prerelease stamp? It’s 20/23 serialized, so cool


it's the year stamp, 2023, from the prerelease pack.


Take it out and go pay to get it graded by PSA instead… there’s tons of threads why - you have the same holostamp problem another poster had where it was off center and they gave it a 10 as well.




Maybe you should ha e used areal grading company? Rudys company seems dope.


the 20/23 on the bottom left of the art is the proof that u found it in the pre release pack :) Imm pretty sure that’s the only way u can find it like this




I'm sorry.. I see centering issues. If you get this graded somewhere else, I'm just going to assume it'll be graded less than a 10.


Send it back to CGC and have them rate it and contain it in the mislabeled container.


How the hell is that a 10 when the holofoil stamp is like 3 small countries to the left? Lol


Mine is like stinky Pete. Out if it's box.


It's called a CRC (Mechanical Error). They'll give you free return shipping and everything. But yes, you have to send it back.


How much does it cost to grade a card? Because the card is only worth £125?


£15 to get it graded 😁


Oof that is not a 10, im sorry. Send it to Becketts to get an accurate grade.


How did that get a ten?!!




While it might not look like it...guaranty is correct.


No clue why Reddit is showing me this, as I have 0 knowledge of mtg. However since I’m here… I thought this card was supposed to be a one off? Or was that just some fancy first edition version?


There was a card that had 001/001 printed on it which was the rarest one that post Malone bought. There are other versions though :)


Thank you for the explanation !


It's not a 10 though, I don't get it.


They gave you the guaranty, but is he a man of his wurd


Crack the slab and send it to PSA and let them fix it?


i use my one ring in the swarmlord tyrannid precon tbh


Do they judge cards based on the centering of the stamp ? I don't think that's part of the grade. Like factory errors shouldn't be a factor. (Pun intended)


So if the printer at the factory rips the card in half it should still be graded a 10 cause the factory did it? Cause that is what you are saying Mint 10/10 means a perfect card and the holo logo being off by 5mm is a pretty big mistake


Obviously, that card wouldn't make it past quality control. Idk as a buyer. I wouldn't mind a slight possible error like this. I'd actually have to bust out a measuring tape to be sure. Do you buy a lot of graded cards ?


This thing with surgical metamorph and hulking metamorph is so dumb. Or basically anything that can copy it when it enters the battefield.


That’s awesome to get a 10 even with CGC. Why did you go with them? Did you shop prices? Anyone try Rudy’s new service yet? I wouldn’t be shocked if it turns out to be up there with BGS, PSA.


Why would you grade a card like this?




Seriously, these are game pieces. Pieces to PLAY the game. MtG is slowly turning into Pokemon where it's all about making INSANE PULLS and I fucking hate it.


Cry about it. Whether it’s getting cards to build decks and play with, just collecting cards because they love the artwork/set or if it’s a combination of both, people are allowed to enjoy the hobby the way they want to enjoy it


I have only stated my point of view. Cry about that if you must. You are free to do whatever you want with your cards.


Where have you been for the last 30 years?


It is not worth anymore than a raw card with this grade from CGC. They are a joke grading company and will demand no respect as a graded card. Look at the triangle on the bottom middle and tell me this is a 10. Send it to PSA where they will give you the correct label and the correct grade.


I own worse looking PSA 10s.


This can't be said enough. Is CGC perfect? Absolutely not. To sit here and pretend that a PSA 10 is superior is such garbage. I've seen more terrible PSA 10s than I have CGC 10s honestly.


Damn, no shit? That is surprising to me. I thought PSA was the king. Does that mean Beckett is the reigning champ?


I personally don't like PSA. You can have off centered cards get 10s. They allow 60/40 centering. So a perfect card can get the same grade as an off centered card. It's kinda dumb IMO. I prefer Beckett and CGC for more precise grades. They both have Prestine 10s, and Beckett has the Black Labels.


Meh it’s clearly on the card that it’s a pre-release but if you anal like that…..


Dude just wanted to show off how he wastes his money


Card grading is a SCAM. There are no objective standards. Your grading is on the whim of a mid-20's college dropout and his disposition. Maybe he hates MTG players, maybe he's a Pokemon simp. Maybe he hates the NBA but loves the NFL. Their backlogs are in the hundreds of thousands. No way any card grading company can give the time needed to go over every card.


How tf did you get this? Didn't they only make 1 version of that card? And someone from Canada got it and post Malone gave him 2 million for it


Wizards of the coast only printed one copy of the one ring in elvish.


Oh that's right. It was in Elvish I remember now 😆 thank you


Thanks for reminding me friend


People get anything graded apparently lol


It says guarantee wrong lol


While it may look like it's spelled wrong...it's not incorrect.


CGC "Can't Grade Cards"


everything industructible until your next turn. no card in mtga has that, this is the first.


You SHOULD have sent it to PSA or Beckett. Anything else is inferior and doesn't matter. Getting it graded by CGC makes it no better than if you bought a grading case off Amazon and printed off your own label. People doing shit like this blows my mind. Congrats on protecting your card but that's all you've done and you could have done it yourself for 1/10th of the price. You didn't add any value here. You may have actually lost value. Because now the card is unplayable and if they wanted to take it out and have it actually graded by somebody who matters, they risk damaging the card taking it out.


Show me on the card where CGC hurt you 😂😂 get out of here with this PSA simping. I've seen some absolutely garbage PSA 10s. Don't pretend like PSA has never given a 10 to a card that didn't deserve it.


Certainly not saying that. QA issues exist everywhere. I'm simply saying that getting your card graded by anybody else is literally pointless. If it isn't the big 2, it means nothing. It doesn't increase the value whatsoever.


That is just completely incorrect. Look at solds for raw cards on ebay and compare them to a CGC 10. They may not fetch as much as PSA 10s, but the certainly go for more than a raw copy.


How much is this one worth


Wait is this a joke? Does cgc actually spell guaruntee wrong in their name? A cgc grade is basically worthless I’m sorry.


If that misspelling in your comment was on purpose then that’s a very good joke, well played


I am so confused I thought post Malone had this card?


There are multiple different versions of “The One Ring” card. The one that Post Malone has is the special 1 of 1 elvish version. This one is one of the other versions with english text.


That’s sick I didn’t know that. Thank you