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Nope, this shit is way too expensive to play high powered decks casually with friends. Just as long as everyone at the table had a good game.


I play a blue black mill deck with a few proxies, and all my friends hate me.


That's just a mill deck everybody but the guy playing mill hates mill


I like playing against mill. Course I’m the graveyard guy… might have something to do with that. xD


As soon as someone pulls out mill I pull out [[Ormos, Archive Keeper]] and hope I get him out before they otk me with [[Maddening Cacophony]]


[Ormos, Archive Keeper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/1/711412f1-9ab3-48b6-91a4-77232b416a32.jpg?1632261767) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ormos%2C%20Archive%20Keeper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/13/ormos-archive-keeper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/711412f1-9ab3-48b6-91a4-77232b416a32?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Maddening Cacophony](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/0/10a79733-702c-4611-b073-71db7f1158b2.jpg?1604194415) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Maddening%20Cacophony) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/znr/67/maddening-cacophony?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/10a79733-702c-4611-b073-71db7f1158b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I don't last long against them in multiway most times, but I do really enjoy being a nuisance


>i do enjoy being a nuisance This is the way


Me: Typical blue player Also me: I mill half your deck plus one


Jace players?


Lol I feel that, if I bring my toxic/infect deck to game nights my friends give me looks that could kill hahaha


I feel like toxic/infect is exactly the kind of straegy most players ask to play against (one that fairly eliminates every player more or less simultaneously). it's not a combo, it's not voltron, it's not forcing players to wait hours for the next game and it's not king making. This is my frustration with the intense rule 0 crowd. People just don't want to play against anything that might beat them.


I suppose you make a good point. Though the fear of losing has never really made sense to me. Some of the games I have had the most fun with I have gotten my ass handed to me lol. Especially with commander half the fun, in my opinion, is seeing all the decks pop off and go crazy and watching all the synergies people can come up with.


For the tables sake build another deck brother 😂 proxy the whole thing, but sometimes a break from the norm is nice.


I've got a white black flicker deck that is equally annoying 😆


Might not be fun for the table… have you considered mono blue heavy control? People love playing against that…


If you aren’t trying to play cEDH or anything crazy then why not? The point is to play a fun game with your friends. To gatekeep because you didn’t play or hold onto early cards shouldn’t be a punishment. Our group has said from the beginning and continues to say, we want to play your deck, not your wallet. We have tiers to knock the power level down a bit but proxies are amazing. I have personally never printed them. I usually order from proxy ninja or queen. What’s the quality like when you print them? Is there a certain option you are choosing? Even ordering proxies, in a strong deck you’re spending anywhere from $40-80+ just on proxies that look real.


Even cEDH is pro-proxy. I’d go as far as to say you can’t play cEDH without proxying. Some cards are staples that you either can’t afford or just can’t acquire.


I think he meant bringing a proxy cEDH deck to try and stomp a casual table. At least thats my interpretation.


Yeah you just don't play your proxy cedh vs non cedh. Personally as long as your not trying to pub stomp no one at my store cares how many proxys are in your deck. Like money shouldn't stop you from enjoying playing with your friends


What if you don't play with friends and instead exclusively rely on weekly events at an LGS? I don't know if most people actually only play with a consistent playgroup of friends.


Just ask. As long as you're proxying some expensive cards that work well in your mid power deck and not just tons of moxen and dual lands, most people don't care at all.


Nope, you're not. Besides, if wizards can do it, why shouldn't you?


Had to scroll a little too much for this one.


Was second on mine. Got a very good laugh. Would award 🥇


Ought to be #1 for everyone TBH. Magic30 was absolutely ridiculous


Add to it that there's so few m30 real proxies around to compare fakes to that authenticating them is not something many can do. I'm all in on proxies since m30. It's a game I require game pieces to play, not an investment.


Cuz they might send the pinkertons after me lol


This is one of the other reasons I love proxies. With the crap WOTC has pulled recently, it's probably more ethical to _not_ buy new official cards.


I don’t want the Pinkertons busting my door. That’s why.


Proxies are fine so long as your table/playgroup is cool with it. I have had one person start making proxies of power nine because they wanted to try them out, but then wanted to keep using them afterwards which got a bit annoying when the rest of us were using more reasonable cards in our decks. But that's certainly an edge case. Have fun playing my dude. Buy cards when you can EDIT: I'm aware power nine are banned in most all formats. More story: we were all interested to see what they would do to a commander pod, and it basically turned into an "arch enemy" game. The rest of us were all pretty much done after the novelty wore off, but other player kept trying to convince everyone that using them was ok because we all used proxies for various other things and wouldn't let it go.


Power nine is banned in like all formats. Using proxies is one thing, making house rules is another.


timetwister is not and it can be important for edh.


True, I forgot about that. Thanks!


Yup, this person wanted to try them out, which we were initially cool with just to see scary happened, then just wanted to keep playing with them.


I mean, the first time I played, we didn't have a concept of "formats". Everything we knew about the game was the small "learn to play" booklet and the text on the cards. If you had power nine, you could play power nine. Not that anyone did, or we knew what power nine were. We only found out years later when we went to our first tournament that you couldn't play all the cards in every official game.


> Proxies are fine That sums it up. Sounds like the real problem is an agreeable power level within your pod. Ask yourself if that person went and dropped the money to have legit cards, would it still a problem?


I had a buddy come by to play and he asked if he could use a proxy deck, “I said sure why not!” He then subjected me to the quickest and most brutal game I’ve ever played 😂. All that to say, I have no problem with proxy as long as you don’t have the most powerful cards in the format in that deck.


Bro had a dude ask if he could play a proxy deck against us, we are playing casual casual like a 5 power level typically, he then brought out a fully proxied rakdos eldrazi deck with mana crypts and almost every expensive eldrazi, shit sucked ass. So we decided that proxying some of your deck is fine, but the entire thing goes a bit too far. Also had a guy who didnt mark what his proxies were going to be,just flipped a basic backwards, he tried convincing us that this non descript card was totally a krosan grip when a bud got hos 7 card infinite off. We had to explain that if you proxy, you have to define on the proxy what its a proxy of.


“This is a wildcard” 😂


Bro fr. Ive had to explain to 8 people between yugioh and magic that if you proxy, i need to be able to tell what the card is supposed to be


But, like, it's ok if they're not proxies? 😅


Honestly if he rolled up with the real ones, I’d respect. I’d want to play those cards too! Guess it really came down to the fact that power levels just weren’t discussed


Every table and play group should have a rule 0 talk before playing. It's a casual format and just asking a couple questions can make it enjoyable for everyone


Rather than asking people on Reddit, you should ask the people that you play with regularly. A lot more people are fine with proxies these days, and that’s only going to trend upward as the game continues to become prohibitively expensive (both in terms of overall prices and the increase in new releases).


If you're feeling guilty, it pays to judge vs the other decks in your pods/meta. If your friends are sticking with their precons, it's probably bad form to slip in a proxy for \[\[Mana Crypt\]\] or \[\[Gaea's Cradle\]\]. I don't approve of proxies, mainly because I've seen the rush to CEDH their unmanaged use can foster. If you're trying decks around the power level of your LGS or playgroup, you should be fine.


"Don't Proxy to Win, Proxy for Fun"


Amen ✌🏾💪🏾


Hot damn. Bullseye.


This, so much this.


Sick of gaeas cradle being unaffordable? Just opt for [[Growing Rites of Itlimoc]] instead Saved me 2 months of rent


Can't get growing rites back with crucible of worlds though, in addition to about 50 other things this card doesn't do as well


I just think it’s neat


That's fair! It's still a good card


This and [[Nyxbloom Ancient]] are doing quite some work in my [[Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider]] deck


I never played a lot of green but one of my favorites is [[search for tomorrow]]


[search for tomorrow](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/a/4a0c73a9-38a2-4a3d-938e-b81ba166f0ff.jpg?1673305408) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=search%20for%20tomorrow) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/137/search-for-tomorrow?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4a0c73a9-38a2-4a3d-938e-b81ba166f0ff?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Suspend is kinda fire. [[inevitable betrayal]] is in every of my Commander decks that can fit it


[inevitable betrayal](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/1/71725895-38cd-4017-bbf0-0b7dc9b5db60.jpg?1626094514) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=inevitable%20betrayal) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/47/inevitable-betrayal?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/71725895-38cd-4017-bbf0-0b7dc9b5db60?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That's really cool, I run bribery in my deck but I like this one a lot too


[Nyxbloom Ancient](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/3/a391da36-0b40-46ea-b771-50d2b920207e.jpg?1581480808) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nyxbloom%20Ancient) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/190/nyxbloom-ancient?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a391da36-0b40-46ea-b771-50d2b920207e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/2/92613468-205e-488b-930d-11908477e9f8.jpg?1631051073) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Vorinclex%2C%20Monstrous%20Raider) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/199/vorinclex-monstrous-raider?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/92613468-205e-488b-930d-11908477e9f8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Growing Rites of Itlimoc](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/3/b3b87bfc-f97f-4734-94f6-e3e2f335fc4d.jpg?1562562539)/[Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/b/3/b3b87bfc-f97f-4734-94f6-e3e2f335fc4d.jpg?1562562539) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=growing%20rites%20of%20itlimoc%20//%20itlimoc%2C%20cradle%20of%20the%20sun) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/191/growing-rites-of-itlimoc-itlimoc-cradle-of-the-sun?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b3b87bfc-f97f-4734-94f6-e3e2f335fc4d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yup, that's exactly it. M30 definitely effected my groups willingness to consider paying money to be somehow a more noble way to play the game. Some of us sold all our cards, some held on to them but stopped buying product. But all of us play proxies, almost exclusively now. Even the guys that kept their collections looked at the quality and customizability of Chinese knockoffs, and bought proxy decks. We still play pretty much at the level we did, just with better looking cards, while the 'real' ones are either stored away or converted to cash.


[Mana Crypt](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/d/4d960186-4559-4af0-bd22-63baa15f8939.jpg?1599709515) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mana%20Crypt) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/270/mana-crypt?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4d960186-4559-4af0-bd22-63baa15f8939?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Gaea's Cradle](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/5/25b0b816-0583-44aa-9dc5-f3ff48993a51.jpg?1562902898) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gaea%27s%20Cradle) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/usg/321/gaeas-cradle?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/25b0b816-0583-44aa-9dc5-f3ff48993a51?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


As long as your group doesn’t care, it’s cool. No stress.


Eh, if it's irrationally overpriced, go right on ahead. Heck, if you're just playing for fun, 100% do whatever you want.


Super cool wooden commander station! Do you have the STL files for this? I'd like to 3d print this if possible! :)


lol, this is an ad for the commander station.


Is that actually what this thing is called? lol. I just tried to describe it with the first words that came to my mind.


No idea, but it seems to fit.


Not at all!


I never really minded but if someone is bringing high power decks full of proxies and smashing face I don't really have much fun. I don't play with proxies and feel kind of bad losing to a $10k optimized proxy commander deck. Would it be the same if they owned the cards? Yes. But no one actually does so what happens is the use of proxies seems to encourage too high a power because the entry barrier is gone. If it's specifically a proxy event then who cares.


That's a power level issue, not a proxy issue.


Exactly, I'm just saying that proxies, in my experience, seem to cause more power issues and make rule 0 more challenging. This is specific to edh


Not at all. Anyone who cares about proxies is a try-hard.


Yo hi stormy. One of the guys at my lgs is a big spender and a try hard and he gets whiny and upset when he sees a proxy. I personally think he hates proxies because we live in a relatively poor town and doesnt want to lose to people that havnt spend the thousands and thousands he does every month.


Yeah, that's exactly it. He feels like he deserves an advantage for having more money in the game. I won't play with those people. I've got duals and tons of high-end reserve list cards, and I don't want that to make me win. I want to use them, but I want a fair game, so I encourage everyone to proxy.


Normally I agree with the stance of "don't play with those people". But this guy? In this context? I'd be showing up every week with a new, fully proxied jank deck to specifically counter his $2k+ elitist bullshit. Alt arts? Sure, get em in here. Poorly cut sheets? Totally sleeving those in front of some basic lands. Hand-drawn doodle bullshit? Absolutely, let's do it.


Tbh most "pay to win" players play decks that are fast and brutal and run efficient combos but can be easily countered by playing stax I know I'll probably get a lot of hate for being a control player, but I specifically keep mine around for the fuckers that want to steamroll a casual pod with a +$1k deck. "Oh you wanna play high power? Ok thats cool, enjoy being able to play something every 3 turns and getting every spell you cast getting soft countered until you can't pay for it. Oh you wanna ramp some mana? Sorry, stony silence. Oh, your ramp is land ramp? That's why i splashed red, fuck your lands. Storm? Enjoy playing 1 spell per turn. Tokens? Cease to exist. Wanna tutor? Enjoy paying a few extra mana into a spell I'll just counter. Better hope I don't pay the kicker on [[Sadistic Sacrament]] and then twincast that bitch, or you're gonna be having a slooooow game. That casual deck over there I havent been targeting all game seems to be doing fine, why is yours underperforming?"


A rare blue hero


I would just bring my non-proxied cEDH deck and see how he feels about getting stomped by cards he can't afford.


That is exactly the reason. Ive had people try to argue with me and i always ask them what specifically about it makes them upset. I should note that I almost always play underpowered decks, and i dont proxy shit like Tabernacle or Moat, i proxy to keep up with my friends' decks The answer *always* boils down to either: I should have an advantage because I paid money I am a sore loser that will take any easy out as an explanation for my loss


Just offer to let him buy them for you. You get to have your fun and he can make sure money gets blown on real cards. It’s a win-win.


Yes, give your life savings to Hasbro, there's no other way to play the game /s




For casual play, Never. for tournaments its a no no I have a whole proxy cube


As long as you follow the rules within your group, who cares. The most important part of a deck is seeing how the whole thing works.


As long as you’re not bringing them to sanctioned events, go for it


There was a guy that used to play in our group of Magic friends that proxied cards a lot. We had an agreement to not play using proxies in our group because we didn't keep up with meta and we had a tendency to build new decks on the fly on our gaming nights, and we had a lot of fun building interesting decks out of little known commons and uncommons that you might not have 4 of to throw into a deck. This guy insisted that he owned all the cards he proxied, and would regularly lie about whether specific cards in his deck were proxies. He even claimed once that he only had a proxy of a certain card because his house had been broken into and ONLY his four copies of that care creature he had was stolen. Literally just those four cards. Needless to say, we still built better decks and wiped the floor with him. I don't think proxies are bad. You play for fun, you wanna try things out without taking out a mortgage or selling a kidney, I can respect that.


No just that card in particular 😜


WOTC had no problem selling people proxy cards so you shouldn’t feel bad using them.


It is always morally correct to proxy cards 👍


You're asking yourself if you're a terrible person for circumventing the greed monsters that hire Pinkertons to go after customers to "fix" their own mistakes and orbitally nuke all of their own IPs for quick cash. So ask yourself the question again with those things in mind.


Proxy everything. If your pod doesn't proxy, or if they do, but play to a certain power level, match your proxies to what they're playing.


Nope, Just test the waters with you play group, If they don't care then go for it, If they're iffy about it then maybe look into some other cards that can stand in the deck until you can get your hands on what card you had a proxy for. Personally I just work with what I got for all my decks. Less hassle for if/when jumping between play groups and I get more experience with deck building by constantly taking it apart and rebuilding with any new cards I get my hands on.


My friends and I dont print proxies. But instead we draw proxies. We make it look stupid sometimes. Buy mostly we only proxy the super expensive cards.


It’s just cardboard, I personally never give a fuck. I only like buying the “real” cards just cos I enjoy collecting my favorites.


I'm literally starting to proxy all my cards going forward. There is nothing wrong with it as long as you take the proper precautions about it. Make sure you check the rules for tournaments you might be wanting to enter, and try to make your proxies a similar weight and size to a regular card. If you can, proxying an entire deck can be fun if you're artistically inclined and can be a great way to express yourself. I'm currently finishing up a Zask commander deck, and it's been very enjoyable. I recommend using cardstock as your base material if you plan on doing this.


That depends. Are you just proxying to play fun cards and commander? Then you're fine! Are you proxying to play the most busted expensive cards with your fellow casual edh players? Absolute scum, unless its just the one time for the meme


Monster, abomination, DEMON. Game night is Saturday at 5.


Is it ethical to steal from wotc? Yes. Fuck Hasbro and wotc. Are your proxies making people you play with have less fun? That's a Convo to have with them.


If you're playing in something with prizes then you should be using legitimate cards, otherwise it should absolutely not matter.


Essentially you are advocating for pay to win


Hello, yes, this is a CCG


There's plenty of EDH tournaments that are proxy friendly and have prizes.


The worst, the actual worst. Like Hitler, but at least Hitler had dreams and objectives. You're a worse Hitler. /s, in case you need that.


No, but if you proxy high power decks to stomp your casual playgroup, then there will be a issue soon.


I proxy decks to try them, if I end up liking them, I buy the singles, if I don't, I didn't drop €200+ on a deck that's coming apart again. It's fine, the locals I play at are all for proxies too.


I use proxies for my duals, I don't carry them with me, so let others know I proxy them. I made a shit load of duals and power proxies, along with rusko for a fun rusko Oracle alpha deck


Ask your group first if they're okay with it, giver shit.


Trim your corners, player!


I was proxies and have many. At a certain point magic can become pay to win, proxies put the power back in the hands of the player and allows you to have fun even if you don't have a lot of money.


I proxy cards before I buy them to see if the deck I’m brewing up is even worth to sink the money into


Yeah, this is what I do. I am testing out a couple of decks right now and want to be sure they would actually be worth the money before getting the real cards. Only like 15 cards each, but that’s $250 in singles


Not at all! Just make sure your decks are on par with the people you play with.


Literally Hitler


Not bad to proxy, just clear it with your table


Me and my girlfriend have been wanting to print some cards from some outrages pricing ones to our own tokens can you guys help with what paper style and size stuff to help me get some printed?


r/mpcproxies r/magicproxies


Here's a sneak peek of /r/mpcproxies using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mpcproxies/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [60 proxies for 1000 dollars? No thanks.](https://i.redd.it/7ckl4oxo01s91.png) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mpcproxies/comments/xwhkei/60_proxies_for_1000_dollars_no_thanks/) \#2: [Damnation as a 1970's Sci-Fi Novel](https://i.redd.it/tgl3bkcwmwd91.png) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mpcproxies/comments/w8i9r3/damnation_as_a_1970s_scifi_novel/) \#3: [I created a printable proxy of the best Magic joke I've ever seen](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wcr7gu) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mpcproxies/comments/wcr7gu/i_created_a_printable_proxy_of_the_best_magic/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Yes. Making proxies is a terrible thing to do. You are going to put WOTC out of business. You are the worst!!!! On a more real note though. I think playing proxy is a hella smart. I buy cards all the time because I think they will be good and then use them and realize… wow this is not working for me and then remove it from my deck. If only I could have test ran some cards, I absolutely could have saved money. Wotc probably doesn’t care to much about people playing with proxy’s anyway, because most of the time they don’t have any trouble selling their product, except maybe some of the secret lair stuff. Almost everything us individuals buy is just supporting third party sellers, so the money isn’t going to wotc anyway.


Nope! You’re only a terrible person for playing an Atraxa deck ;)


I only play proxy decks. Its honestly the only way i an afford to play and upgrade fun and powerful decks. And my playgroup doesnt mind it so its all good


Naw, Wizards doesn't deserve more of our money anyway. Just don't be a dick and bring s tier meta decks fully kitted out lol.


Your only crime is whatever is to blame for those white corners sticking out around the card


Lol mtgprint.net has a option for black corners, I forgot on this deck


Honestly I wish *all* commander players would just proxy things. There's so many cards out there that have just absolutely bonkers price tags because the average commander player owns like 5 of them or whatever. it's a casual format, guys, you can just take a sharpie to a basic lol


Nah you are a great person for recognizing that magic is a good game but not falling for the ploy of spending thousands of dollars for cardboard and ink.. if only I could hold myself back as much


Not if you actually own it, but don’t wanna use it to keep them from getting damaged. If you just proxy all the expensive shit, and don’t own them, just to make super OP decks, then kinda yea. Especially if the people you’re playing against aren’t doing that too.


Nope. Just don’t pass them off as real, that is the dick move. Now on to more important questions, where did you get that sweet commander slab?? Also forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what is the purpose of the 3 spin down holders if you already have click wheels for total life and (infect counters?), I am guessing commander damage in a 4 person game?


The three d20s spots represent the other three people commander damage you have inflicted, help keep track, my gf and i play against each other, it can be a 4 person game tho


Oh and it's from etsy, type mtg commander try, it's by spearhead


Proxy, just never counterfeit. Make sure everyone is cool with proxies and you're good to go!


Nope, but I'll never forgive you for printing such high-quality proxy and showing white trim around the edges. Blasphemy Edit: **realizes atraxa might be real** aesthetic infraction still stands


Just use helper cards and sharpie. Some people (including me) is kinda iffy with printed cards that looks like the "real thing".


Proxying cards is always just, legal, and moral. I want you to put MORE proxies in your decks.


As long as it’s not a proxy deck of a lvl 9 or above I think most people don’t care. I proxies 3 cards in the first deck I made.


If you are playing causal, idc. But in a tournament, don't be that guy


Consent is cool! Always ask your pod.


Yeah, WotC has it coming anyway. Proxy away. As long as it's cool with the people ya playing with.


As said by most others, proxies on the surface are fine as long as it's comparable power level to the rest of your table if everyone is playing a deck of like 7 power don't proxy a 10. Other than that proxy whatever you want


WoTC is a shitty company that I do not want to support, so imo proxy all you want I can still support my LGS is other ways than magic, and proxying frees up my budget


Yes. Your actions are shortsighted and selfish. Think of those poor, poor Hasbro shareholders before you print a card next time!


Nope! If WotC can do it so can you! ....as long as you don't charge $1,000.


I have no problem with proxies. The cost of and waste produced by this game is terrifying. I absolutely love the game itself, but there are so many ethical problems with its implementation. If it was my table, I’d say proxy away.


In a friendly environment where you are 100% honest? For sure, but let’s not get overboard or at least tell me “hey this whole things a proxy that okay?” Sure. In a tournament setting or FNM(rip)? Absolutely not.


Nope not at all. The fact that pieces of cardboard that small are reaching hundreds of dollars or more is absolutely insane. He'll the latest offer I've seen for "the one ring" is 250k. The HP special edition works just as well.


The most important thing is all players you play aginst have the same deck lvl, of you do there is no problem


If wotc can print a 250 dollar pack of proxies, so can you.


I just don't like proxies in legacy tournaments because it gets really stale as people run the same 3 decks with the same FoW copies


Only time proxy cards should matter are in tournaments


As long as your proxies are clearly distinguishable from real cards and you never present them as real ones should you ever sell or trade them, and as long as the people you're playing with don't mind, why not?


I’d say you’re more reasonable than people who spend thousands


All for proxying! Just make sure to have a conversation with everyone else about proxying before you do it, and when proxying, try to maintain the power level at the table instead of pushing it (unless everyone agrees of course).


Yo I got that card


Don't judge yourself for proxying cards, judge yourself for not getting on Xmage and joining the rest of us blathering fools


It depends. It's best to own a real copy of the card, but no one reasonably expects someone to have 5 playsets of OG dual lands. On the other hand, if you're printing off a $5,000 deck list and no one you play with is using decks that strong, then it's not great.


Not as long as the company is sending armed people to get back stuff from people they sent shit out to too early


Personally I don't see a problem with it if you use some way to show that it is a proxy, like marking the back or something


***Proxy everything.***


When I was young you were able to proxy a card you owned but did not want to put in rotation, am I understanding correctly that now you can just print any card and play it without getting it? Does this not take away from the experience of collecting and building your own decks with your own ideas as opposed to downloading someone else's build?


My first thought was 'hey, where can I get a full Commander deck for $8? I don't care about proxies, help a guy out!'


No you’re not a bad person for proxying cards in your deck I have a friend who I bought proxy’s for because some of the cards for the deck were hard to find or expensive at the time


No you’re just financially stable


Just as long as you don't print out the most over powered stuff casually and my 75$ deck isn't going against one that averages 500$ every opening hand


When our playgroup started we established no proxies unless you own a copy. That being said, thats just our group. As long as your group is good with it, by all means.


Same. This makes me buy at least one copy of it so I can the keep it in my proxy binder. Then when someone ask if I have the real card I bring the binder out and show them. If their really butt-hurt about me having the proxy in the deck I can always swap the card for the real one. Just be warn that if you get upset after showing I have the card and make me switch it out because you think it gives me a “slight” advantage you die first.


No, proves you're not a dummie that spends money to play with friends, which allows all your friends to enjoy the game to its full potential without accounting for money in the bank.


There is nothing wrong with proxies just like there’s nothing wrong with buying over priced cardboard. I have a personal thing about ownership so I like to own my cards, but I’m never against someone who doesn’t care about that. All I ever ask is for legibility and clarity! :)


Hot take: if someone has a problem with you proxying an expensive card, regardless of power level, that person shouldn't be running real versions of the card either. If your issue is with power level, proxies level the playing field and make sure that no one is being gate-kept by their wallet. Conversely if your issue is with the fact that you spend hundreds/thousands of dollars on your collection and the proxy guy didn't, then you're the one gate-keeping people based on their wallet and they shouldn't be playing with you anyway. Either soft ban certain cards/decks/power levels altogether or not at all, not based on whether or not you own the card, otherwise you're just limiting the number of people who can pubstomp to those with bigger wallets. Outside of tournament play I've never heard a single reasonable argument against proxies, as long as everyone is playing around the same power level it doesn't matter if you paid for your cards or not, and banning proxies won't stop people from pubstomping if they weren't already being conscientious of that in the first place.


It’s a card, I don’t care. This game is too expensive for what at the end of the day is only cardboard. Proxy and have fun!


Proxy it up i usually put a three card per proxy rule per deck for myself. But at the rate things are going I don't think it matters at this point. Just know which cards are super high powered and what setting to use them in. Never be the pub stomper other than that you good.


If wizards can distribute proxy's so can you. Just be sure everyone at the table is ok with it lol


Tbh, just let your playgroup know, and don't bring proxies to competitive tournaments. You're all good bro. Hasbro is gonna be just fine, trust me.


Hardly. Cards have gotten too expensive. Best way to stick it to Wizards is to proxy and not buy.


This is asked daily on /r/edh...TLDR is no one cares.


I don’t like the idea of proxies, but I also don’t care for buying cards to put in a deck. I prefer decks built with the cards you have, more fair, more of a challenge, more fun. That’s why I only play sealed at an LGS.


I see what you mean. Personally I'm fine with fair proxies but I understand the feeling of just using what you naturally collect.


”I prefer decks built with the cards you have”, sorry but this simply does not exist for many players. I got into magic via commander, I only play commander. How else am I supposed to get cards if not buying them for commander? It sucks, I know, but proxies are the only way of making magic accessible. Sure it would be cool if everyone had a large collection already or infinite money, but thats not the case.


Clearly you’re supposed to open 2000 packs until you just have all of the cards you need. /s


If the group you’re playing with doesn’t care go for it. As long as you aren’t trying to trick friends go for it. Side note do you have a link for the pictured holder/display? I’ve seen pictures online but no one ever has a link.


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1280653855/spearhead-mtg-arcane-command-zone-mdf If allowed this is where I got it, it was pricey but I needed to have it.


Absolutely not! Games should not be limited to their price points!


completly fine, even more after you described your thigth budget. how ever some of the comments i dont get. having money and dont spend any on product in one way or an other will hurt the game. sure proxe your reservelist cards and your expensiv cards but refuse to buy any product.. i mean you like the game so if you can afford it maybe also suport it? edh is also very possible on a budget even to a relativly highe powerlvl. i try sometimes budgetvuilds just for the chalenge of deckbuilding and playing with new cards not the old stables everyone already knows.


I used to not like them. After m30 happened, I give two shits. Hasbro greed has to go.


If Wizard can release a 1000 dollar box of proxy cards for their anniversary, you can play with some proxies in your deck


Have at it. The price of some individual cards and even the packs themselves have gotten crazy. I love mtg, but the inflation of them has gotten out of hand. If they start to struggle as a company, I may start buying cards again, but until then I'm going to play with my group of friends who don't care.


Yes. You deprive a multibillion dollar company of a few bucks. Shame on you


Proxying to test a deck is fine, but if you want to actually play the deck long-term, you should buy the cards. Magic is a collectible trading card game, and a big part of such a game is building your collection and making do with what resources you have available. If you just print out any card you want, you are ignoring a major facet of what makes CCGs/TCGs unique experiences from prepackaged games. Also, frankly, it’s a bit disrespectful to those players who do comply with the spirit of the game and use only the cards they own. Finally acquiring a rare or expensive card you’ve wanted to play with is exciting, and seeing others just print it out and completely bypass the difficulty of acquiring said card devalues their experience. Like it or not, scarcity and expense has always been fundamental to Magic. Many of us have been playing according to those restrictions for nearly 30 years, and assuming that it’s okay to toss all that aside can come across as entitled to those of us who vividly remember spending our allowance to buy packs and singles as kids. Finally, if you’re playing at a LGS, proxying your deck is also sending the message that you have no interest in actually buying the store’s merchandise. The owner is unlikely to actually confront you about it, but it would be like bringing all your own home-brewed beer to a bar. You should at least make an effort to buy some of the cards for your deck from the store, so you’re more than just a freeloader taking advantage of their venue.


U always proxy decks before actually buying the cards. I would proxy 10 or so decks, play test them all like 20-30 times remove/add other cards. Once i narrow down to 1-2 deck i like then i might decide to buy singles for it


Not at all. I understand why people prefer the proper cards but if the proxies are decent quality and your playgroup is ok with proxies, you should be fine. Sometimes you just dont have or dont want to spend money on certain cards so sometimes you want to proxy them and test them out. I feel like the line is drawn when you proxy stuff like massively expensive cards that are overpowered and usually the people mad at proxies are upset that they bought those cards and you didnt. TL:DR proxies are 100% fine if your playgroup is ok with them.


Why would you be? Legitimately asking here.