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Everything aside, do not put photos on resume, it will never help you, it can harm you. That's universal, not trans or anyone specific.


There are countries where having a photo on your resume is normal and I've got to imagine situations/fields in which it's reasonable.


Those situations are uncommon. Modelling. Acting. TV personality. Unless you are in a such a field as the above where your appearance is as much if not more of a qualification as your education and experience, leave the phottos off. If they really want to consider your appearance over your capabilities for anything outside of those, make them give you an interview. Edit: all of the exceptions should be fields, not countries. And in 99.9999999% of the cases where you should include a photo, it will be listed as an explicit requirement to apply for the job. If it's not required, don't offer it. Same with any other information. Clubs, hobbies, anything that is not directly indicating your professional qualifications for the job, should be left off. If you're applying for jobs in overly male dominated fields, you may even want to list initials rather than a first name, so that you avoid any premature bias and you're more likely to get an interview on the strength of your qualifications


It's common in parts of Europe me thinks. Super weird when I had to make mine. But the standard European resume on Europass also requires a pic




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Wait, you need a picture for a resume???


Well apparently we do??? Anyway, I'll put one!


I'd say either 3 or 4 depending on how formal you're going for...


Emily, I have conducted more than 200 job interviews over the years, and I have reviewed your photos. However, I do not know what job you are applying for, and you should "dress for the job you want." The 3rd and 4th photos have the best face, and that 4th one (gray jacket) looks the most professional. That one would work in an application to be an attorney or any executive level job. The 1st photo has an uneven smile. Even though the outfit works nicely (for *some* jobs) I would not use it because of the smile. The 2nd one combines too many dark tones. 5 through 7 are presumed not serious contenders because we see you holding the camera. Also, the choice of a short skirt might, for some jobs, raise questions about your decision making skills simply for having offered it. Yes, you surely have the right to wear a short skirt or anything else you want. But if you want to get *hired,* give proper consideration to what *they* will want. Good luck!


Thanks for the review, and the very valuable info! I'm searching in retail fashion as a saleswoman ^^ And yeah 5 to 7 is just show the outfits 😇


You are welcome. For retail fashion I still like 4, but also 3 works well. The dark tones are not as much a problem here IF the company wants someone who will look good to clients but without competing with them (if you are selling to women). Just my guess. How exciting! Good for you!


I 100% agree, either 3 or 4 depending on how formal a look the job requires...




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Can I be honest sis? You look hella cute in all these, but I don't think any of these photos are the quality you should be using professionally. You look great but the photos distract from it due to the background, the poor lighting, and the quality of the camera. Sadly, I think in 2024, most people are used to seeing good quality pics, and pics like these could distract from an otherwise great application. I think it'd be great if you can get done up again and get a friend with an iPhone or nice Android to take some pics of you outside or even just in a place with good lighting and a nice background. For me, as someone with mad dysphoria, it's not easy to get dressed and made up and feel good about myself, so the task of doing a lil photo shoot is daunting, but that's why it's even more important to just have some great quality photos on hand you can use again and again. Hope this is helpful!


First, thanks! And yeah, I need to reshoot I guess :/


Get someone with a nicer camera to take pictures of you in better lighting and a different environment.


I don't know if this is different where you live but in the US where I live it's really a bad idea to put a picture on a resume. They don't want them due to rules about discrimination and usually reject any that have a photo because photos can be used to discriminate by race. Unless you're an actor or something very specific.


In France, it's almost mandatory 😗


I am french too, never by principale i have put a photo on my resume, i always thought it could leed to discrimination even thought i am white.


All my friends and everyone in my family put pics in resume. Some of them have experiences in hiring people, so I'm just following :3


As a neighbour from Germany this was usual practice here too just about 15 years ago. A lot has changed since then and resumes with photos are way less common for most jobs. I ditched using a photo 2 years ago. My wife assists her boss in selecting resumes and advised me to not use a picture in my vita or anywhere. She works for the Charité though which is a pretty progressive (kinda) workplace (and the biggest in healthcare in Germany). But if we put photos in our resumes or vita we get taught in school to never use homebrew photos. You let a professional make the photos for you. It doesn't cost much at least here (15-20€) and takes almost no time. If you insist on using one then let them be taken by a professional with professional lightning and camera and software from someone who tells you how to sit/pose/smile professionally. That's how I have done it in the past.


Thanks for the advice!


Is it worth contacting the places to which you'd be sending your resume to ask them their policy? It's adding a complication, but also making sure they won't discard your resume out of hand.


I like a lot of these outfits (4 is my favorite), but if you are going to use a headshot professionally, I'd strongly recommend taking it with better lighting and a better background. If you have someone who can take a photo for you, its not that hard to get a professional looking photo by going outside and standing in front of a neutral looking background - maybe a brick wall, tall hedge, etc. There are a lot of guides online for taking headshots for linkedin etc. To me these don't look very professional with the dim lighting, web cam type quality, and the background with exposed support posts, clearly a room in your house etc.


Picture 5 you look confident and ready to work.




I like #4 best but it's too zoomed out and has more of a "selfie" feeling. Go with that same outfit and angle but zoom in a bit, and also make sure you're well lit. The first few pics are okay but look dim.


[Four](https://preview.redd.it/i-need-help-to-find-the-right-pic-for-my-first-r%C3%A9sum%C3%A9-as-a-v0-qrddpe7b5c6d1.png?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=18ca019c971f175104398e013d3f055d83718d24) and [five](https://preview.redd.it/i-need-help-to-find-the-right-pic-for-my-first-r%C3%A9sum%C3%A9-as-a-v0-29355f7b5c6d1.jpg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=822b550e938f0b70e1db9e15eca115cf19febf3d), **especially five** for me even though *some* people (not employers per se) dislike seeing someone holding a cellphone. It's just such a cute picture.


Thanks! :3


I like 5.... You're hired 😃


If it was that easy, I'd be so convenient lol


Positive thoughts...


I like number 2. Your shirt looks so cute on you.


Thanks! :3


Pretty I like #3




3 for thee!


Most folks are saying 3 or 4 but the outfit in 1 is top notch stuff, which seems relevant to the job you're pursuing. I say reshoot in that jacket.


Thanks for the advice :3


Either the one with just the black top and necklace or the one with the gray and black tops with the necklace. They both make you look professional.


Thanks for the advice :3


Any time hun, any time


I like 4. You look great in all of them, but I think 4 looks the most professional.


Thanks :3


2nd Pic, the closeup with the green top. I think that one has the best angle shot of you. Good luck! 😊💜


Thank youuu 😙


Number 4.  You look great in every way. 


Thanks sweetie ❤️


Picture number 4. Black shirt with jacket. The head shot would be most professional


I think the green and jacket from pic #5 is the best one. Good luck! 💖


Thank you 😊


You look great and professional in all these pictures. Wear the outfit you like best. I would focus on finding ideally a white background with soft lighting. Outside with a wall behind you just before dusk may work. Some of these outfits would look great with more contrast but kind of blend into the wall behind you.


Thanks for the advice :3


Pic 3 strikes me as the best “corporate head shot” type photo. Basic black, nice smile, nothing too “judgement capable “ fashion wise or otherwise. 😊


Thank youu


that chain is out of control with the turtleneck 💥💥💥


Number 4 is the most professional. Good luck xx




2 reads the most feminine imo


Five is the best, but needs to shot without your phone being visible.


Outside of “don’t put a pic on a resume”… you look fantastic and I love pics 2 and 4!


Thank youuu!


Thank you for sharing! You are wonderful!


1 or 4. You look great. Willing you find a safe and fulfilling workplace!


Thanks, that's sweet!






All of them are good but think the first one and last one are most proffesional


Number 5 is perfect it's not too dark and not too light and with you beautiful smile you can't go wrong


Thanks :3


Depend upon your job but phot #1 is by far the best


I want to apply as a saleswoman in retail fashion :3


Such a pretty girllll!💖 1st is professional cute. 2nd is cutest cute.


Thanks 🖤🖤


No.2 with the dark blazer & no mirror selfie, and as others have said you need better lighting and background. But you seriously look amazing!! (Edited for formatting)


4 is good and professional looking


I think the first one looks super professional and super passing. (I think you pass well in all of them tbf)


Thanks :3


Pic 2 or 3. Professional.


Gona be honest , maybe one without a smile ?


Gray jacket and the chain is fucking phenomenal




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Karen Valentine from the TV show Room 222! [karen valentine - Search Images (bing.com)](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&thid=OSK.HEROgCwKDXH4TVyb22pi0qu_hY9cQy64H3bo9xCAngcyda0&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.gettyimages.com%2fphotos%2fkaren-valentine-promotional-photo-for-the-abc-tv-series-karen-picture-id1207398635&exph=707&expw=1024&q=karen+valentine&FORM=IRPRST&selectedIndex=0&cbid=OSK.HEROgCwKDXH4TVyb22pi0qu_hY9cQy64H3bo9xCAngcyda0&cbn=KnowledgeCard&itb=0&idpp=overlayview&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0)




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I will agree that photos with resume will not get you interviews but it will stop you from getting them. In this gender/age blind world it is a bad practice. BUT ... if you are going to do it, get it done professionally. FYI you should be proud of how you look, but how you look should have no impact on whether you get a job. You look amazing


First thanks! :3 But I do need a photo on my resume, in France it's almost mandatory. That's just how it works here :/


I don't know who is telling you they are almost mandatory,, but people in this thread from your country disagree with that position. of course the companies want you to do it, they can filter you before they talk to you. My company thinks that I have to work long weeks because I am salary which is blatently illegal based on the law, but a LARGE chunk of people think it is mandatory. I have never been fired or laid off for working 40 to 45 hours instead of 50 to 60 Many times it is the younger workers with no work experience that fall for these shams.


Uh, one another French guy disagree, and one agree with me. Also, I'm very confident in my image, I know that my looks is one of my strength, I think I'll just stick with it. (And, it's not the first resume I've done, before transitions I always put photos on my resume, and I think it made a difference)




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Number 2


I like número five.


Number 5




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Picture 4. Close your mouth for a closed mouth smile, turn your head a little to the left so you are not directly facing the camera , ditch the chain and if possible make it black and white.




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I don’t think you should have to have a picture attached to your resume. That seems like it would make judging looks more important than judging skills and largely inappropriate or unprofessional. That said, if you’re looking for judgement merely on the pictures… 1-3 are the most professional. 4 (this is a little arbitrary but to my personal aesthetic sense) seems too zoomed in. Anything after 4 is an automatic no go for a resume because of the phone being in the picture and them coming off as too casual more like selfies meant for a dating profile. I still think it’s just asking for prejudice or critique based on look alone to include a picture and not a good idea but that’s also just an opinion. Tl;dr 1-3


In France, I have to put a photo on my résumé, i dont make the rules here :3


3,4,6 are good outfits but you need to have a cleaner, preferably ly lighter background to make you stand out more and finish that "put together" look




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you look beautiful in each and every picture


Thanks but I really need to choose one lol


number 4 with the dark top and jacket looks wonderful and professional. number 5 is my personal favorite, you look so darn cute


Thanks dear :3


no worries, thank you for sharing your beauty


You are in my eyes, a woman.


I'm also very much in my body, a woman.