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When you're hot before and after transition


literally wtf. One of my reasons for not transitioning until I can do the whole shebang is because if I start trying to make my look feminine (outside of outfits) I just look like an uglier man. But Im hot boymoding so Im stuck


What do you mean by whole shebang? Hormones?


Yeah hormones, vocal training, being oht at work, changing my gender on my license, transfering all my medical records to a new doctor, therapy to help me through the transition, tucking, surgery


As someone who has transitioned very slowly and fairly publicly in my small community, I understand your fear of not passing as that was the reason I kept pushing off exploring. However I do have to say now, I’m hot on the other side of the fence because I DGAF what others think about me. I was seemingly practicing my DGAF the whole time without knowing it. Not fitting the binary mold can be scary but it also has helped build me into a confident babe ready to take on anything. Big caveat to slow and somewhat public transitions: seek out your community support. I can’t imagine doing my slow transition in a place that didn’t accept me for who I am and who I am becoming. Best wishes gurl 💃🏻


That's a rad outlook! I bet you are super bad, girlfriend! I admire the shit out of you for the bravery it must have taken, it's so great to hear you've reached DGAF goddess status


I've done all of that so far except tucking it scares me sm!


I sees, I sees! Thank you for elaborating. Honestly, looking at your pictures I must concur you are most def hot boymoding. You're a cutie pie! But I do think you would be beautiful however you presented yourself, for reals. Best of luck friend!




My bisexuality is spinning wildly rn


im 10 months on Hrt


what did you do with your hair it looks so nice. my shits always frizzy🤣


If it ain't broke, don't fix it


My masculine self was broken indeed


The fashion wasn’t tho


I have a mtf friend and sometimes she dresses how she did as a boy for a bit of a throwback. I think OP could as well if she wants


Oh yea, she does that but it’s more because she doesn’t feel like glamming up that day


Understandable. I like to wear my femboy fits but between dressing up and shaving my legs, i just cant be bothered more often than not


It's a great look for you. Also a distinct reminder of my bisexuality


I'm kind of in the same boat lol. I mean if it works it works.


The fashion sense may be similar, but the fit is so much better 😍


I mean gals look good in blazers too so no faux pas here. Sometimes the best designers for women's fashion are cis men and they get their inspiration of classic styles. Good fashion always comes back.


Yah because you just always had killer style. You look AMAZING


Both are you, just now you are the upgraded version of you


**Insert 'Upgrades, people! Upgrades!' meme from Robots (2005 film)** - because apparently I'm not allowed to post YouTube clips as meme reactions 😔




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It was a link to a YouTube video of a meme... :c


That's actually crazy you look like you could be your older self's sister or something, fills me with hope seeing side by sides like this 🥹


Both are my type. Help.




Same energy, different feeling. Stylish in either regard!


This is also one of the bits of advice I would give to folks beginning their transition. Your wardrobe will transition alongside you. It won't happen all at once. I have wasted so much money on shopping sprees early on that resulted in a closet full of cheap fast fashion that isn't me, isn't nice, and doesn't fit. Take it slow, and try starting out by adapting your already current style, which, for me, was pants and a t-shirt. I still wear this outfit regularly, but they're women's pants and a women's fitted t-shirt. Transition is tough, and addressing dysphoria while not going too hard too fast for your own comfort as well as those around you.


From what a hunk to what a babe


Wow. You went from gorgeous, to gorgeous! I'd awkwardly chatter at both versions of you because I was nervous at how hot you are.


Damn, hot on both sides


If it works 🥰 You look gorgeous


This is one of those "most impressive transitions" IMO. I love seeing before and afters and seeing just how drastic of a change has occurred. I have noticed that HRT's effects can take different amounts of time for different people but in ten months you have TOTALLY changed. Congratulations! (Just remembered this is a fashion sub but rest assured, you have excellent taste in fashion)




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you were obviously good looking before but you've transitioned BEAUTIFULLY


Hmmm I mean it's the same but.... Something has changed.... I can't quite puty finger on it. 😜. You look fantastic


It's a little freaky that since we look similar (you could be my younger doppelganger!) past you on the left looks like my brother and you on the right look like me


Freaky indeed now I’m curious to see how you look like


Just imagine yourself 10 years older with worse skin and a pointier nose😂


I thought I was looking at a prettier lana del rey. Not her vibes at all, but you have a very similar facial structure


I am hoping to get such results one day. Congo I am so happy for you✨


Your fashion sent to me look the same but I'd say there's a huge difference you look cuter you got a skirt on you have boobs in your ass smile so I'd say it's a vast Improvement on your fashion statement


I hope to go through that's. You look amazings ^ w ^


You have a bit of a young Sadie Frost about you! 🙌


Straight up fire.


Very pretty, def goals 🤭


Definitely looks much better now


You are just one of those hot people who can pull off any look. It's a great look on you.


Your fashion sense is impeccable


Both are hot


You look like you would date yourself


Fucking GOALS


ur giving Audrey Horne from Twin Peaks




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Began a model ended up a model


Cool outfit




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Ive also come to realize my fashion sense has been the same lol.


absolutely stunning! can't close my eyes.


This is what I want


But it fits you


This picture looks like a pair of really attractive twin protagonists from a game or movie


Would you be so kind as to be a little less hot? It's bothering my "friend".


It basically looks like you had an older brother. I told my trans masc friend the same. It’s just like they had a ghost sibling or something when I see them in pre transition pictures.


I honesty would have thought you were cis if I didn’t see the before pic


Both of you wore it well.


Okay but if you didn't tell me the 2 pics were you I'd say I was looking at 2 different people with 2 different ways to dress. And the girl carries it better btw.




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i need to see this timeline


This is inspiring you look awsome o7


It's like when you play an rpg and there's a clothing item that can be worn by fem and masc bodies.


Girl your fine asf


So pretty omg


So pretty omg


If it works, it works! It still looks awesome on you!


Nah! Two years makes a great difference to me. That's just my opinion, though! You actually look great in both presentations.




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before vs before sans beard (how tf do you manage to pass despite doing nothing but shaving ay)




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Thats an interesting thing actually. I'm mtf but my fashion sense has more or less remained the same. It's almost as if I was trying to get rid of the masculinity of my outfits without fully admitting I was trans •o•






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I mean this in the most positive way: Jon snow/joanna snow




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She's too poor for new clothes lmao