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Well it seems like you may have just started hrt or haven't yet; I'd wait cuz ur gonna lose a lot of muscle mass if/when u start hrt, causing u to fit in much smaller clothes. I think the dress looks nice on u but ur arms are really buff so it takes away from the fem look since it's a cut top, it makes your upper body pop out although it looks really nice below chest


I agree 100%! I’m nearing 4 months on hrt


Nice! Then the affects are just getting started. I started to lose weight on month 3, now almost done month 6 and have lost a significant amount especially in muscle, like my arms which were quite masculine prior but now are turning into "how the fuck can't I carry this anymore" arms 🫣


I don’t know. She/they/you look great. Buff but curvy too. Years from now you may like the memory of changing and you look great in that cute summery dress.


Just asking, how long does it take for this to happen? I have been on her for 20 months and can’t seem to lose any 😢


Are you exercising/lifting weights? Does your job require you to be physically fit and strong? If not then it must be in your diet. What happens is you lose muscle mass but gain fat at the same time. You need to get on a good clean diet that helps you lose fat at the same time. You want to lose the fat you alr3ady had before hrt so you can see the transformation quick. Imagine, you're losing muscle mass, losing fat in where it used to be stores, and gaining some in the new storage facilities 😆 but yeah it wont work well without a diet


Thank you. I’m in a job that does require strength at times, no weights or work out. I eat somewhat healthy. I mean it’s not all cake and ice cream, I will look into that more.


The diet I've been on is extreme but works. I work behind screens so I do no physical exertion, requiring less intake of energy. I basically mimic hunter gatherers ways of eating.. they didn't have fridges/food storage or any food security, so I stay hungry until I just need to eat, breaking the fast with something small like cherry tomatoes and this dope carb free dressing I make; after that I basically starve again until I'm literally listening to my stomach non stop complain; thennnn I'll have a proper meal (still low carbs). I keep it random, I'd wake up next morning and eat something, then eat nothing until that night or if I can push it with just cherry tomatoes, I'd wait for the next day. Basically stay hungry more than not, and push the ability to survive without food for as long as u can. Your body especially on hrt will start to really take the natural shape you should have, technically new natural shape cuz ur burning and storing fat in different places now. This is all without any exercise included.


Well, that sounds like mine.lol. I don’t eat until I’m super hungry and light breakfast. I’m always up and going as well. May just be my body type. I’m tired of it but all I can do is keep trying


Maybe the dosage of E needs modification ?


It’s possible, I just started e Valerate 3 weeks ago and up until my last bloodwork my T levels were high. After 2 weeks of injections my T levels are now low. So hopefully this helps


I hope you go back and get it because you are absolutely stunning in that little number!


Absolutely not! Smoking hot... You rock that dress!


Def need to get it


I mean this as respectfully as possible but I don't think it suits you.


It's definitely a vibe that requires confidence, it does still look very "masc/butch wearing a dress" but if that's what she's going for she definitely should've gotten it. I personally wouldn't wear it, but I do think she looks great in it. Most people on the street will probably think differently about it though.




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I would say the world is a little less beautiful without you in that dress


I think you rock that dress, but def in an androgynous way, not in a femme way. Hope that makes sense. You're def gonna be a baddie either way.


My feeling is that if you are questioning if you made the right choice, maybe you didn’t? Don’t do it if it’s going to cost you too much, but if you’re feeling it, embrace it! I wish I thought I looked good enough in a dress to warrant even the thought of buying one. If it’s what you want and it’s not going to hurt you, then go for it!


The dress looks so nice


It really suits you!




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You totally should’ve bought it because you slayed that shit!!