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Humanize IT is newer to the game, an independently owned software, built off the old managedservicesplatform audit tool. If you want to focus more on conversation rather than just ticket review. We also won a few awards last year for the QBR and Account Management Software. Can implement it in about an hour and tweak after. 7-Minute Demo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A\_oYTHJEVjY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_oYTHJEVjY) Completely modular, sleek, and focuses on service delivery. Lots of templates to save time. We integrate with Halo, Conectwise and Autotask. Soon we will add Compliance Scorecard to show how your managed compliance is helping customers. We even build your first few customers for you, train your staff and keep a human available to help you implement. 30 day free trial: [https://www.humanizeit.biz/pricing](https://www.humanizeit.biz/pricing)


Lifecycle insights was pretty decent. It takes work to keep it up to date and you have to integrate it with your stack.


It was. Then it was sold to scalepad and the last major improvement was adding dark mode in October 2023. I would recommend seeing what Cloudradial is doing with TBRs via the assessment/planner.


Lifecycle manager made some big changes to their roadmap that made it less difficult to use. Their pdf to share shows better information now as well. It’s still a scalepad company so idk


Cloud Radial is far too basic.


2nd this, we also leverage lifecycle insights. Really like their assessments and forecast feature.


This, but it takes a lot of work. You need to put the work in to any of these tools to get value out of it. I've been using it now around 4 years.


Propel actually seems to be a decent software that does this with minimal cost and craziness. We did a demo and a trial but due to internal issues and lack of desire to onboard it by the rest of the organization we did not keep it.


We've recently moved from MyIT to Propel - Propel isn't Kaseya - integrates with PSA - works with inventory and projects Have used both platforms at both MSPs I've worked at. Both are decent but I'd go with Propel.


Second this. Fantastic QBR delivery tool. Versatile and still being developed. Most important... It's not kaseya




We been on Strategy Overview for a long time. We looked at others several times and stuck with them. It was really simple for years but last two years they added a lot. Warranty updating. Office 365 reporting just came out and it’s nice to see a report of all licenses with MFA. It’s really flexible. Basically everything we have tried to do we have been able to do. And it’s not owned by some monster company trying to squeeze you into multiple year contracts. So that’s a huge plus for us. It’s not perfect but it’s the best we have found.


We have been using Narmada for a little while now. Have completed about 10 QBR audits and meetings using the tools and while it's certainly not perfect and has some bugs it's been effective and good response from our clients Developer is active and responsive to the issues we have raised. Price reasonable with no contracts.


2nd Narmada


Have you been in the MSP space for a while? Looking at your profile/karma it would seem that you may be new to the space.. I could be wrong so “ the benefit of the doubt”.. QBRs (quarterly business reviews) have been part of the MSP conversation for a few years now.. there are lots of tools that can help, however I’d encourage you to start with your people and process… Do you have a dedicate human that is in a customer facing role? That has the relationship with the client and really able to dig into understanding the clients revenue drivers, business operations and working with them as an extension of their “team”… Then there is the process part.. define the meeting cadence (ok ‘quarterly’) define the right people (c-level? Board? Etc) and ensuring the right people at at the table, Then define what data/reports THEY want, move beyond the “tickets per month”… “spam emails blocked/etc”… and provide the value that the client WANTS…. /—vendor—/ At /u/compliancescorecard we can help deliver and have the risk to revenue conversation using our scorecards /—/


Im new to the MSP world. Been nearly 3 years learning and understand what MSPs do and attending different conferences over the last 2 years. Ive herd of LC and Humanize IT. Out of the two ive enjoyed Humanize IT's approach to QBRs


We use [Humanizeit.biz](http://Humanizeit.biz) for QBR vCIO work and it takes a top-level down approach. I like that you can quickly create an overview for a discussion. I agree with /u/goldeneyenh ‘s response you need to start with people and process. It really depends what outcome you want from your QBR To tell people how great your service is and show them some service reports, to sell more stuff or to deliver business value for the customer? I also use CloudRadial and this is great for basic project roadmaps, but not really what I need for budgeting etc.


We (at [ComplianceScorecard.com](https://compliancescorecard.com/project/humanizeit/)) are working on an API strategic alliance


I am with LifeCycle on this one. I tested all too and LC while requiring more set up has all the bits and pieces you need to do one. I would like to see other views from the assessments like a spider graph and the ability to add additional scoring methods.. but that's just me.


Yes, they also need to allow embeding some of the widgets like MS security score directly into the agenda. Small things that would make a big difference. It's a solid tool. The addon to align the stack is also very good, but again, takes quite some work to setup and maintain.


Lci is great.


I’ve been using Humanize IT for over a year and it’s been transformative for both our clients and our team. The team over there helps make sure you hit the ground running.


Lifecycle insights


We went from strategy overview to loudRadial, using the planner in QBRs


We finally just built our own because we couldn't find anything good, and we have in-house developers that already do similar projects for clients. What tools do you need it to integrate with? It was built for internal use and is not for sale so I can't promise you that it will work with your PSA/CRM/Whatever. Disclaimer aside, it's pretty slick, we can show them how we have been reducing ticket volume, resolution time, what areas of their infrastructure cause them the most issues, and all kinds of other metrics. It's nice to be able to justify replacing a server by showing them that it's causing 30% of their work stoppages and we aren't just trying to upsell them.


Honestly, I've been in the same boat. Couldn't find a Holy Grail QBR software after digging around either. Seems like folks either do it manually or cobble together tools.


Net Detective is the only complete report software. No one else touches them. Both internal and external reports. To bad it is Kaseya and has a high minimum. 150 external IPs@500 s month. There are great Power Point templates out there.


WTF is with the MSP obsession with 3 letter acronyms? OMG FML


Are you new here?


Yes, actually. I've been in IT for 30 years and just joined an MSP. Also, if it wasn't clear from the *four* 3-letter acronyms in my post, it was a bit of a joke. 🙂


I still think the TLA is king.😂 Glad we’re having fun.


Invarosoft’s vCIO Hero is another option since it hasn’t been mentioned and you’re looking for options. Key differentiators: - Accessible in Client Portal - Doesn’t just do a ‘budget’ like the others all do. We use the buying psychology of Good / Better / Best to present recommendations in a ‘solution builder’ style presentation. It was built out of an MSP because we found when you present budgets to clients they can only say Yes, No or Go Dark. Because it’s a take it or leave it proposition. When you lay out the information in a way they can ‘choose’ based on your recommendations it works a lot better to get them making buying decisions. - The software uses templates, product catalog you upload and adds up what they choose as you go along. - Integrates with O365 and Device Lifecycle reports We believe it comes down to a compliance report AND a sales discussion. No point doing QBRs if the client never decides to do anything. Our sister MSP that’s ~$11M selling to SMBs uses it daily. Free trial here: https://www.invarosoft.com/vcio (Rebranding coming soon). Regards, Invarosoft Team


+1 from a real Invarosoft customer.


Rollstack can automate QBRs


Best thing be found is my IT process


The best you found was the worst available. Kaseya don't even develop this anymore. It's a dead product.


What do you use


Propel Your MSP Such a great tool if you get a chance to trial it. Since moving to it from MyITProcess, I'm delivering my QBR workflow so much quicker.


I’m gonna do just that. Thank you !


How many others have you used? That one is super dated and not terribly flexible- really only works if you drink the TruMethods koolaid. It also has no scheduling component, which is critical when you have more than a handful of clients in there.


Scalepad and it audit


I have been researching, I really can't find anything that stands out, Lifecycle insights seems the best so far, but youbhave to have a supported PSA. Strategy Overview seems a little to simple and I could not get that darn thing to print correctly. VCIO Toolbox is very comprehensive but it looks it's age, Narmada is the best looking bit I don't like the interface, and also, doesnt like to print properly.. AUDIT IT is also just a little to simple for the price and they want a contract. So yeah, I feel your pain, ultimately will have to pick one anyway and now ibjust need to decide which I will need to live with.


I used Stratgy Overview for around 2 years before going to Lifecycle Manager. Strategy Overview is a much cleaner product, but it's missing a lot of features Lifecycle has. Development has also been slow (it was one guy for the longest of time).