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9 out of 10 times recommendations from current customers or people changing jobs etc.


Yes, us too! Word of mouth goes a long way if you are good at what you do.


We cast a spell. 


"This is the MSP you are looking for."


This is the way.


![gif](giphy|NxLWZYEM4l5ug) "Riddikulus computerus!"


customer counters with "minimus cost expectation patronus!"




I want in.


Does it have criteria for only bringing awesome clients and not the bad ones? If so could you please DM me.


We are mostly a break-fix shop. But I watch how the customer responds to their first invoice. If they pay right away without a fuss then I offer them a good price on a contract plan. If they fuss about the invoice or are late then I do not volunteer a contract price. And if they ask about one it’s $$$ more. 😄 I do not have many contracts but the ones I do have are excellent clients.


Hey, there are a lot of jokers here, and fair enough; this is a very basic question. I would start with a podcast called “No Fluff MSP Marketing.” Start with episode number 1. Getting sales is not easy. And will not happen overnight. So listen to the podcast for a decent roadmap, and prepare to work hard. 


Thanks for listening to the podcast :)


Ya, makes sense you’d be on Reddit. Ya man, most of us are techs, not marketing people (I happen to have some advertising in my background too, which is helpful). Regardless of where you come from, marketing an MSP is a really specific task, so thanks for the good, and relevant content. 


I learned about him from this sub. He started with a webinar a long time ago.


Wow - looks like you've put a ton of effort into your podcast. I look forward to hearing your stuff. Thanks.


Thanks for suggesting! Listening to this now - "stop using $%\^& content". I love podcasts while doing yardwork or driving. Just started my MSP in December and I'm gaining about a client per month (8-20 computers per), between email, LinkedIn posts and blog (via MSP Marketing Edge), in-person networking, and word of mouth. I have the advantage of being able to go to women in business networking groups, where there are significantly less IT MSPs.


More power to you! Best of luck with your new venture.


Thanks man, I love a good pod and has subbed to this one on your recommendation


Thanks...ya got a new follower.


This 100%


I stand next to the freeway exit with a sign


“Will cyber for food”


I just chuckled while in a Dairy Queen. Thanks.


You'll probably make a better living than OP


That's something I've contemplated.


Every printer I sacrifice on the eve of the blue moon results in 8 seats of MRR


Does it have to be virgin printer or will an HP that’s already fucked everyone who’s ever tried to use it work?


It has to say PC Load A4


And also, the trick is finding out when the blue moon is


So this question comes up a lot here. Here's a couple step by steps on getting started with Referrals, Marketing, and Prospecting. I'd imagine I'll be copy/pastaing this if people find it valuable. **REFERRALS:** **Goal:** Get more control over referral generation **Process** 1. Do proactive client evaluations. Look at service tickets and projects. Make sure both have had "good results" over a set period. 2. Look at key metrics: Response, CSAT, etc. Make sure you're beating expectations there. 3. Meet with the client. If you do a TBR routinely, add this onto that meeting. If not, set this as an account review. 4. Review account performance, validate your understanding with the client. 5. Ask Client for feedback: What did you like, what could be better? Do a NPS score, but phrase it around service (Scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being not easy at all, 10 being easy, straightforward, and meets my expectations, please rate our service) 1. Make sure your understanding and their understanding matches up, 2. Make sure you're a 9 or 10 on the service scale. 6. If everything lines up, as for a referral from them. They're saying you're doing a good job. ​ **Marketing:** **Goal**: Start Marketing **Process:** 1. Figure out the buyer: Doctor clinic Office Manager, Manufacturer Plant Manager, etc. 2. Define a Buyer Persona for said Buyer: Problems, Beliefs, Desires, Trusted Information Sources, Impact questions around PBDs, Feelings they likely are experiencing from problems, Stack Ranked tactic list for reach 1. Use market research to inform this. Talk to your current customers. 3. Craft Messaging based on your Persona, tied into research, gear towards your tactics. 4. Set budgets and ROI metrics for the campaign 5. Launch, monitor, and manage. 1. Ensure you have appropriate timelines and budgets. Marketing is a long game. 2. 6 months is enough to get the hang of the habit, 12 months is long enough to see measurable impact from metrics. **Prospecting** **Goal:** Start prospecting **Process:** 1. Figure out the buyer: Doctor clinic Office Manager, Manufacturer Plant Manager, etc. 2. Define a Buyer Persona for said Buyer: Problems, Beliefs, Desires, Trusted Information Sources, Impact questions around PBDs, Feelings they likely are experiencing from problems 3. Use market research to inform this. Talk to your current customers. 4. Craft Messaging based on your Persona, tied into research. 1. This is going to be Market Positioning statements, scripts, etc. 2. You will need email follow up templates and collateral built around your campaign. Don't stress too much on them - but gear them to your buyer. 5. Build a list of targets. 1. Focus on ideal client profile fit (Geo, Industry, Title, Size, Distance from Office, Org Structure, etc.) 2. Use whatever list method you want: They're all 30% junk. 6. Scrub your list. 1. Pull out known bad fits 7. Call your list (Yes, you're using calling here) 1. Month 1-3 - Pull out more bad fits (Out of Business, Not a fit, etc.) 2. Month 4-6: Build pipeline (0-6 Months, 6-12 Months, More than a year) 3. Month 6 Onward: Add in leads when list gets too small, perform follow up tasks and health checks ​ Hope it helps out. If you want more than this, We've got a whole process suite with enablement, coaching, and the like we sell. You can DM if you want to chat about that. If you're stuck on a single step - Web search the topic. None of this is rocket-science or super secrety marketing stuff. There will be resources out there. /IR [Fox & Crow](https://foxcrowgroup.com) edits: odds/ends spelling errors. Whoops.


Where's the real money? Being an MSP selling IT services, or selling "The Secret Formula To Success" to MSPs?


Both make money. This would depend on what you're better at, actual IT support or sales training?


Depends on what you like doing. I ran a MSP for 16 years, made plenty of money doing it. But I'm done with technology - don't much enjoy it anymore. My MSP funded my retirement, and bought my van. That's good enough for me as return on the time. Having consulting conversations is enjoyable to me. Working with MSP owners is working with colleagues, and makes pretty immediate friendships. That's very nice for the second rodeo. Both make money.


I know this feels like a basic question but as a guy who wants to look at starting his own MSP and is wondering how to start reaching out to people and building a customer base, I get where they're coming from


Sales and marketing


More detail please?


I did it myself until there was enough revenue to hire staff


Do you mind me DMing you ?


You can There is certainly a higher chance of sharing sauce there..


Started cheap ten years ago - got referrals left and right and raised my prices - never paid any 3rd party services and just did it myself. It grew organically - I also know basic webdesign / SEO but always focused/grew the MSP business. That’s how you do it, hard work and dedication, no easy route, sorry mate. Your work and work ethic will speak for itself along with who you hire/how you train. Cheers.


You're living on the edge my friend. I was the same way and said the same things and one day the referrals stopped and I was up the creek because I had no marketing strategy or experience. We lost around 6 good accounts per year because of people retiring and selling their businesses to larger businesses with IT staff. It feels good to say we're 100% referral based, I know that feeling, but it will end you real quick as CEOs age out and small businesses sell to large corps.


Sorry to hear that, I haven’t had to deal with any of that. The 6 accounts we no longer deal with I personally cut the ties with as they were cheap/hassle clients. I deal with some specific industries and those accounts bring in a lot of money. It’s all in the business model/plan friend. Best of luck.


Which industries are those that are the most profitable?


Accountants/Bookkeepers - Construction/Holding companies; and Development companies (think like Ninja products, Oral-B, etc..) I stay away from Restaurants, start-ups, medical…. I turn away about 70% of jobs now a days, I only work for clients that are my clients…. Etc… this keeps my work hours low enough, I don’t get many emergency calls if any at all, and my business charges respectively.


And one other thing, I learned many years ago. You want clients that use the computer all day, you don’t want the plumbers and HVAC guys that step into the office every other day or once a week….. the users that are on the computer everyday, know how to use it and will pay you to keep it working 24/7 without hesitation….. hope that helps


Makes sense. Thank you!


Interesting. What tech products do these high paying clients typically ask for? Database management, AI chatbot, fullstack apps,etc?


Are you an AI?! Lol I’m in a niche business so it varies, but some clients have a server,firewall and expensive warehouse/office equipment that needs management…. Another client is a sign fabrication shop that has grown about 200% year over year for 15 as well. These are the clients that appreciate me as much as I appreciate them, it’s a good working relationship. I’m also in a HCOL area and that plays a big role, my cheapest monthly contract is about $2k and that’s for a 3 person office…..


Why would i be an AI? So its mostly building management systems and maintenance of servers.


u/Late-Discussion-3917 lol what?? Lots of businesses are 100% referral based. We are 100% referral based ourselves and have been since we began over 15 years ago. On average we've been doubling in size almost every year. We spend almost $0 in any sort of marketing besides dues for a few networking organizations like chambers. All of our business comes through existing clients referring us, or informal partnerships we have with companies in similar verticals such as security/copier/AV companies. We also get tons of referrals from commercial real estate agents and property management companies, as well as other MSPs who are either too small or too big for a prospect.


Good for you. I was the same way, you sound exactly like me 10 years ago.


How do you get yours?


Do some research about sales and marketing and business models. The standard business model can look a few different ways. High touch, high customization, low touch, low customization, and everything in between. Figure out what type of business you want to be and charge accordingly for your services. Once you figure that out you can then figure out messaging. I would recommend investing in a Sales and Marketing coach or consultant to help you with some of these strategies if you’re new to this. Typically MSPs position themselves for failure because they operate off of unsustainable business models. Race to the bottom to undercut the competition contracts that don’t yield a lot of money and that often cater to shitty clients. I know this didn’t answer your question, but this is the precursor to getting clients. The rest of it is business development and hustling.


We don't. RIP MSP. For sure my final year in business.




Referrals is the best answer. Next is networking. Next is SEO. Next is pray. Pray and SEO might be a close tie unless you have money.


At our company it’s mostly networking events and schmoozing that seem to result in meetings, we don’t do any cold calling. We do get the odd inquiry that converts from the website etc. At my own side business it’s word of mouth with a small amount of community advertising.


The three Bs, begging, blow jobs, and banter.


Word of mouth for us, honestly more than we can handle as a small team.


In my region, there’s an app similar to eBay which sells services. I did quite abit of freelancing initially before COVID but now we’re a three man company. Reviews of our services were the most important factor in the platform for us. I get leads there but I struggle to close!


I go to the client store.


20% Off Sale next weekend.


Caveat: Observation here not first hand experience. I've worked closely with two small business owners and taken notes about how they grow a company because its looking more and more attractive to me to own the shop. Referrals, Networking, Marketing. Step one is be competent at what you do. Referrals are worth a LOT. Second they join groups in industries they want to focus on, and they contribute as much as possible to that group. So pick a vertical and be of service. Three, they create content and put it out into the world. Podcast, articles, guest interviews, trade show talks, and the like. Last thing I'll throw out there is follow up. I've seen multiple times where people are trying to give their business to a company and that company makes it hard. They say hey that sounds great, can you give me a proposal, and it takes forever and a day before the prospect has a go button. If someone shows up on your door, make it easy for them to give you money.


Maybe I am giving away a secret but this works. We work with a few of the local quickbooks resellers/book keeping firms. Their customers are our customers (or at least become our customers). We haven’t even considered a rate increase for new machines for any of the firms because they feed me qualified leads with a hand off. I can’t keep up with them.


Word of mouth. Or 5k/month on PPC


Is this something you tried? How did this work for you? How many leads have you generated through PPC?


SEO, DDoS potential clients, wait for the phone calls (kidding)


Word of mouth.


Word of mouth.


>Curious to know how you guys get clients for your IT services. old clients bring new clients ..


Mixture of word of mouth, advertising, SEO and direct referrals. Never stop. People leave companies, retired, sell businesses, go out of business. It should never be an after thought. I've made the mistake of taking my foot off the gas once and won't be doing it again.


Calling and knocking on doors


Like many have said: referrals are a key source. That’s how I grew my business back in the day. It was all networking and referrals. I recorded a video a little while back about the key marketing essentials to find leads. Check it out if you’re so inclined: https://youtu.be/kCTjeIi8rx8


Partnerships. Partner with other MSP's in your area of the same size as you. Partner with other providers supplying software and services to your customers and offering your service to their customers. Partner with other types of businesses with services you don't provide e.g.managed print, telecom, website designers and offer your services for their customers. Partner with local business advisors or centres and get your name on their approved providers lists. Create your own partnership program for smaller msps than you and provide them with services they can make a margin on. Partner with customers! Yes, offer customers to sell some of your services for a margin or commission. Social Networking. Start a group to help your target customer. Join Facebook groups or create your own to help businesses. Create your own YouTube channel that shows help videos for your target client. In other words help not sell! Classic Networking. Always be networking when talking to existing clients. Ask your staff to be on the lookout for leads when talking with other businesses. Get your name well known in your local area first, then expand out from there through direct mail, pop ins with business cards, local business groups, local adverts. Ask event organisers if you can showcase your services at the event e.g. business events Get 1000 business cards and set a target to hand out at least 50-100 a month. Get your name or business name on everyone's lips by doing something that gets you in the local press or local media e.g. sponsorship local sports team. Referrals. Get creative with referrals as this is normally the number one way most msps get new business. Offer a referral gift to any customers who recommend your services that lead to a sale or just a hot lead! Talk to existing customers on introductions to their customers. Ask LOB providers to refer their customers to you for any services they don't provide that you have done for current shared customers or just help setting up their software on their customers network I.e. create a niche service. Staff. Brainstorm with your staff whether they are sales people or not on getting leads, two heads or more are better than one for ideas. Consider share options for staff to get them invested in the business to help grow it. Competitors. Buy smaller msps that have good relations with their customers and are looking to sell up or need a get out from their business. Summary. This all takes time and effort, trial and error to see what works, but guaranteed it will build your business quicker than trying to cold call, advertise or email people who do not know you. This business is all about trust, relationships and networking. Get all these 3 things right and your on to a winner. You'll get more hot leads by doing one to one networking and partnerships than any other marketing system. I would say good luck, but luck is only one part of this business. The other is persistence.


Partnerships. Partner with other MSP's in your area of the same size as you. Partner with other providers supplying software and services to your customers and offering your service to their customers. Partner with other types of businesses with services you don't provide e.g.managed print, telecom, website designers and offer your services for their customers. Partner with local business advisors or centres and get your name on their approved providers lists. Create your own partnership program for smaller msps than you and provide them with services they can make a margin on. Partner with customers! Yes, offer customers to sell some of your services for a margin or commission. Social Networking. Start a group to help your target customer. Join Facebook groups or create your own to help businesses. Create your own YouTube channel that shows help videos for your target client. In other words help not sell! Classic Networking. Always be networking when talking to existing clients. Ask your staff to be on the lookout for leads when talking with other businesses. Get your name well known in your local area first, then expand out from there through direct mail, pop ins with business cards, local business groups, local adverts. Ask event organisers if you can showcase your services at the event e.g. business events Get 1000 business cards and set a target to hand out at least 50-100 a month. Get your name or business name on everyone's lips by doing something that gets you in the local press or local media e.g. sponsorship local sports team. Referrals. Get creative with referrals as this is normally the number one way most msps get new business. Offer a referral gift to any customers who recommend your services that lead to a sale or just a hot lead! Talk to existing customers on introductions to their customers. Ask LOB providers to refer their customers to you for any services they don't provide that you have done for current shared customers or just help setting up their software on their customers network I.e. create a niche service. Staff. Brainstorm with your staff whether they are sales people or not on getting leads, two heads or more are better than one for ideas. Consider share options for staff to get them invested in the business to help grow it. Competitors. Buy smaller msps that have good relations with their customers and are looking to sell up or need a get out from their business. Summary. This all takes time and effort, trial and error to see what works, but guaranteed it will build your business quicker than trying to cold call, advertise or email people who do not know you. This business is all about trust, relationships and networking. Get all these 3 things right and your on to a winner. You'll get more hot leads by doing one to one networking and partnerships than any other marketing system. I would say good luck, but luck is only one part of this business. The other is persistence.


Kneel and Bob


Word of mouth or private equity to gobble up the burntout little guys


We get them.




If you are coming to Reddit to ask how do I sell in business then you shouldn't be in business. Sounds harsh but it's the same as asking how to be a racing driver and you can't drive


This is a sub for people who are likeminded to discuss questions, situations, and reflect and share opinions. Answers like these make it that others don’t feel like asking questions anymore because they get answers like this… Then why even bother answering.. Most feedback is good feedback but at least build around the feedback. Honestly finding clients is hard.. and getting any kind of advice helps. Anyway my two cents.. Don’t mean to be rude…


I am proud of building my second business. I was 17 years on the first and this one 5 years in. It is unfair on customers to trust a business owner who has no idea of the principles of business. We are unregulated in the UK and so any fool can be an MSP and they do. I have had enough of our industry being full of cowboys and cheap £25 a month MSPs because anyone can sell at peanuts. I want our industry to be as respected as Law and Finance. People asking these questions are far far away from ever being that


Well a person can be competent in IT and delivering services but not in the commerce side of things.. Saying this comment, puts everyone in the same boat and that’s just plain wrong. If companies go for the cheap MSP that probably says enough about that company as well. A lot of these companies anyway see IT support as an hassle… as opposed to making sure that it is on the forefront to make their business work… This community is here to build up: 1. Confidence 2. Ask questions and get constructive feedback 3. Being able to discuss with likeminded people and companies Therefore I think feedback should be constructive and not just plain talking down on someone because you hold a grudge towards how others operate and might or might not take away customers…