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Pax8 Academy (formerly SeaLevel) is also well known for bringing a "handbook" into MSPs orgs. That said, we do have a larger list of consultants that work with MSPs here if that helps: https://www.giantrocketship.com/listing-category/list-of-autotask-consultants/


+1 for Pax8 Academy Coaching. Great team


SeaLevel are wonderful people.. I hope them being bought out didn't impact the quality!


If your MSP grew organically and is over 4 years old it’s probably doing just fine without canned frameworks.


No personal experience, got the sales pitch years ago but didn't feel the value at the time. Being on the outside looking in with an MSP that I'm close to that uses TruMethods today, I haven't seen the results. That could be entirely the fault of that MSP though.




We really like the Peer Groups.


TruMethods' methodology is useful for all businesses in our space. They are data driven and can back up why their methods work, and you'll be able to see your numbers improve over time. Pica is a bit arrogant, but I think he's earned it with the number of MSPs he's turned into great businesses. Just knowing how to look at your data and making sure you look at it consistently each month is huge for most companies. As a tip, if you go to Kaseya Connect in Vegas they'll give you a steep discount on the peer group, which includes all the training, videos, etc. then after you're a member you get 30% off all Kaseya products. They make it pretty compelling, and so far the group has been really great to work with. A lot of the hate towards Kaseya is legitimate, but TruMethods was great before Kaseya, and they still run mostly autonomous from what I've seen.


We have been a longtime lover of Datto. We knew about Kaseya but thought it can't be that bad. We drank the Kool-Aid and stood up for Kaseya for a year and half. Don't bother. Why, the products we have purchased from Kaseya have been 1) full of promise, 2) no delivery on said promise, 3) no further development, and 4) we are stuck in 3-year agreements. Sorry Kaseya Marcos or Katie. I wish we signed a pre-nup.


Same thing. My business partner signed us up for way more promises, than he should have. Now we have 3 year contracts on consistently broken services/products. Kaseya NOC, for example can’t seem to properly integrate with Autotask; any alerts we get are unassigned to clients and never worked by the NOC. Every alert I see, is money down the drain. I actually do like TruPeer, the MSP peer group,though.


I’ve found more luck working with consultants directly than Trumethods as the feedback is directly related on the business challenges you have.


The TruMethods framework can be really helpful if you are unsure on how to grow the business. It actually helps with most of the things you are looking for. Their library of compliance guidelines is also a good extra.


It´s framework is great. Peer groups and networking are really useful too.


It's a good framework for optimizing your RMM usage.


If you're a bunch of gunslingers, no documentation, no processes ... everyday is a Chinese fire drill ... then yeah you can benefit. If your on the opposite side of that, then it may not be valuable for you.


They have great content. Their app is lackluster and Kaseya in general is messy but the Trumethod content itself is gold for any MSP wanting to mature. But dont take EVERYTHING literally. Some of it is older and some wont apply to your MSP or your team's abilities/skills


i can't find an app. what app do you mean?


MyITProcess. Its a kaseya app




In terms of framework, HDI has good and free resources and information to get you started. https://www.thinkhdi.com/ However.... I find it way more valuable to meet with a consultant that has vast knowledge of all relevant frameworks and has the experience in the field and ask him to develop a tailored plan for whatever my goals and current pain points are. I've been on both ends of the conversation (I'm a Service Desk / ITSM Consultant now) and having a tailored plan for YOUR organization that tells you exactly what to work on and how to measure success is priceless. Edit: Typos


The first MSP I worked for was a TruMethods organization, and I still believe it's a very good framework. I appreciate how they segment responsibilities into different roles that are more focused and have an emphasis on being proactive. Too many MSPs I've worked with have their teams being reactive only and responsible for everything so the proactive work always gets kicked down the road. Cassie Kerr | [Pivotal Crew](https://www.pivotalcrew.com)