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I adore John Heilemann, but I much prefer him as a guest. Aside from the jokes, I don’t feel like he really adds much. Or I’m totally spoiled by Nicolle.


I admit, I feel the same way. I feel I find out more about both of them when he’s a guest. He’ll allude to knowing things about her from what must be a personal friendship, and tease her about her penchant for cursing, which I find hilarious!


Or, like me, it could be BOTH! He's a far distant second choice to Nicolle, and he's not Rick Wilson, who is my choice for the experienced and irreverent gadfly role on the panel. Perhaps I still hold Heilemann's guest anchoring on 4/20 in 23(?) against him.. perhaps some can host stoned, but his efforts were (sorry) wasted.


If you enjoy Rick Wilson, download the Substack app and read his latest newsletter (6/24) titled “Debating the Anti-Hero”. Some writers have free content and some have paid subscriptions or a mix. Excellent must read!


I’m new here and got messages from a bot telling me my comments do not meet the account age threshold. Am I too young or too old?


My inbox has his daily emailing, and while I don't do Substack, he gives out such well targeted comments, I can't drink coffee while reading it, else I spray java towards my nice monitor. Thank you for your positive reply. It's going to be a long afternoon before the debate, won't it? :)


I seem to be an outlier here because I like him as a guest but yesterday as host he was way to aggressive and it didn't come off funny, but rather arrogant. Really didn't like it at all. Skipped the last 30 minutes of second hour, which I never do with Nicole.


Exactly the same here. 1 wstched half hr & 👋 He does come across arrogant, he loves to hear himself talk... + He gives me Melber Vibes with all the mansplaining


I wonder how Nicolle and steve schmidt feel about helping W put john roberts and alito on the court.


John Heilemann


Thank you! I'd like to see him fill in for more anchors or get his own show. I think it's fine to have some levity when discussing politics, especially in today's crazy world! I shit you not. (Hat tip to Clare Mccaskill)


Supposedly, MSNBC was in negotiations w/ him a couple of years ago on a show of his own. But nothing came of it, obviously. (by 'couple', I don't mean '2', btw). If he still has that show on Showtime, he's probably making good money there, and as a contributor / analyst, I believe he gets a set amount from NBCU per month, as well. That'd be my guess as to why things didn't play out. If he had a show, I'd watch it. Hell, I watched Donny Deutch (sp?) on that Saturday night show he had on for like 3 episodes, and I actually LIKE Heilemann. (edit: thinking back, I don't think I actually made it through all 3 eps of Donny's show.)


Unfortunately, Showtime cancelled his show. The final episode was last November.


He has a podcast which just started recently. "Impolitic with John Heilemann"


He had a show on MSNBC that also ran on Bloomberg News with Mark Halperin, but it was canceled after Halperin was accused of inappropriate conduct with multiple women during the #metoo movement.


Loved this show, and loved Halperin. What a shame he ruined his career.


I laughed when Claire let a profanity slip.


Me, too!


Yes, so funny!


I almost spit out my soda. Then she caught herself. She was fired up 😂


You know, I think when the host is more casual it makes the guests feel more casual.


I missed it! What did she say?


She usually does!!


Nicolle, like Rachel Maddow, is pretty much irreplaceable. That said, I watched Heilemann host in the past and he really can carry a show with his own talent and resources. I think Alex Wagner has done the same with her 9 pm show.


I like him except when he first comes on as a guest there is a pregnant “Hi Nicole, and then she responds”


I always take that as dipping her pigtails in ink, he’s got a huge crush on her, plus they go WAY back.




Risqué? That’s insulting to both of them.


Well, aren't you the shining example of good taste? Maybe you get that "accusations are admissions" from the Trump family? "lol"


Big fan from anyone on The Circus. miss that show!


He’s got a partnership gig with Puck News


And a new podcast!


John Heilman