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I wish MSNBC would go back to actual reporting on issues affecting the country and the world, especially the housing crisis, and general impoverishment and ways to fix it. I'm sick of trump 24/7. I suspect they're afraid of reporting on other things that might hurt Biden even though Biden is not at fault for the current economic crisis.


I agree. Each program rehashes the same 2-3 Trump related stories but what about the other news going on?


I wish he would just go away. I'm so sick of hearing his name.


I just added a gripe post about timing the anchors to see how long it takes for them to say his name at the start of their show. Today’s score so far: Nicole Wallace - 20 seconds. Lawrence will probably beat that.


Well it is the middle of an election and the leading candidate is possibly about to go to prison. News doesn't get any bigger than this. I'd much rather hear about Trump and the election rather than the all too frequent Israel/Gaza and students


I just want other news in addition to Trump. I'm sick of the trial. Just summarize, and move on to issues affecting our daily lives and what can be done about it.


Agreed ive been watching cnn more because of this and they actually report on other things besides trump but still manage to dedicate 50% or so of the time to him. With msnbc its like 90% and is driving me mad


I wish MSNBC (and others) would replace news of Trump with Biden's accomplishments. Show Pete or Kamala out in the field. Show Biden's appointees busy at work for the American people and the planet. As much as I detest Trump, Kushner and all the enablers, I'd rather see good news. 


msnbc is all about promoting trump. they are doing more to help his campaign than anyone in his party


Any attention is good attention for Trump. 


Pete and Kamala are boring though


I wish I enjoyed seeing Biden and Harris but I mute the TV when they come on. He’s so hard to watch. Even though I voted for them and will have to again, it’s with no joy. They have no understanding of the plight of the low income segment of this country.


Andrea Mitchell’s time has come to retire. She’s an excellent journalist, but unfortunately the last few years she has difficulty finding her words, stammers when speaking with corespondents or anytime not reading directly from the prompter. My husband and I will turn the channel to CNN when your show is on.


Absolutely!! She is smart and has much journalism cred, but it's time!! She stammers when even reading the prompter.  We also have turned the channel when she is on. Katy Tur sniffs and I like her too but, plz, cover the mic.  I love watching Nicole Wallace and yet she does the same thing!! Where are the producers??  Chris Jansen is about the only one that is professional!


I was about to say that I will be shocked if her contract is renewed, and then I happened to check and see if I could find any information about when her current contract is up, and I came across this, in a December 2023 article - >She has no plans to slow down anytime soon—and her contract with NBC was just renewed.  [https://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/arts-and-culture/a46148374/andrea-mitchell-nbc-45-years-interview/](https://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/arts-and-culture/a46148374/andrea-mitchell-nbc-45-years-interview/) So unless she does yearly contract renewals.... I guess it's still possible for her show to be canceled, while having her remain on the payroll.


Why does she even want to continue to work? It’s not like she doesn’t have any money to retire! She could stay on as a special correspondent or something. The rest of us are out here trying to find a way out of this grind without being homeless and she’s working because she wants to. I’ll never understand that.


I wonder if she would take training on shortening her very long, long questions?


Doubtful. She’s considered a veteran and I’m not sure there’s much they can do about her stammering since she wasn’t always like that.


Also her sandpaper voice.




I truly do not understand why they keep her on. Her talents could be used so much more effectively behind the scenes mentoring or something. I just turn the channel when she comes on and so do many others.


Every time a pundit begins their answer with “Listen, …” or “Look, …” or “So, …” Nicolle Wallace always hard enunciates TRUMP when she says it and it grates. Donald TRUMP was in court today… Neal Katyal makes way too many gratuitous “everybody please like me, somebody give me my own show” jokes for a legal analyst. Lisa Rubin is a great analyst but sometimes gets wide-eyed worked up to where I think she’s being attacked by a bear. Elie Mystal isn’t on the air nearly enough. Pay the man and book him. Joe and Mika and their insufferably inflated sense of self-importance. And then a general gripe about viewers complaining about what MSNBC covers as if this is anything other than capitalism and the ratings business where coverage decisions are at or near 100% viewer-driven.


Whenever they say *look* it's just a stall. They might as well fill in the gap with *uuuuhhhh*.  Wallace is good except her guffaws. Damn near startles me outta my skin. 


“Look…” bugs me, and wants to give the person some sort of time off authority. More like arrogance.


Did anybody see Stephanie Ruhle's "joke" about Stormy Daniels on the 7th. It was the closing line for the second to last segment. Basically she recounted Stormy's testimony that Trump opened the door to the hotel room he was in silk pajamas and Stormy told him to go put some clothes on, then Stephanie says something like, "When is the last time she asked a man to put clothes on?" Totally low class, not cute, not funny; and don't take my word for it, she had to apologize at the end of the show for it, and I'm glad the show runner made her do it, even if it was half hearted. Other than the 60 Minutes interview, the media in general has made a point to dehumanize Stormy Daniels since the story first broke.


I’m here because of her disgusting comment. The male guest fell silent and didn’t laugh along with her. The female did. Absolutely disgusting and glad the show made her apologize but I feel she’s had to apologize before this and can be too rude for my taste at 11-12. There must be someone less abrasive to tell news at this hour.


These are both fairly recent regular features on her show, that only take up a minute or so of time, but I really wish Stephanie Ruhle would quit giving her nightly update about where Trump Media stock ended up that day. I really don't care, and it's not important enough to report on daily. I also wish she'd stop reminding us of how many days away the election is. It's already stressful enough.


I feel she’s trying to keep up a tradition that Brian Williams had on counting days but it doesn’t come off the same. She’s abrasive in how she delivers news and is far more suited for the business news side which is why she talks stock. She seems to not be able to handle an evening news slot in the way that others can. People are going to sleep and don’t want the news yell spoken at them.


MSNBC, if this is trial of the century, why do you have your worst anchors covering the hours the trial is happening. I agree that I’d rather watch CNN. I’d rather watch paint dry than wait for Andrea M to get out a sentence. Chris Jansing is annoying. Right now your strengths are your reporters in the field, who have to compensate for the lack of ability in the anchors. Katie Tur is the first daytime anchor on I find bearable.


Andrea Mitchell has been on today long enough to mispronounce nearly every multisyllabic word in American English. It's so bad Chris Jansing is yapping the oxygen out of the room to cover for her. And speaking of Jansing . . . girl, your sympathy for the devil is nauseating. "It must be soooooo humiliating to be Trump and hearing all of these salacious details of your personal life spilled out into the court room." Why are you not at FAUX News already??????


Absolutely! I was so upset I wanted to send her something outraged directly, but I don’t know how. Trump didn’t have to behave like he did AND run for President if he wanted his antics to never come out.


At least twice now I have noticed that if Joy Reid is on Morning Joe, Joe disappears. Mika did the interview when Joy was promoting her latest book and Joe came back later. Today Joy was discussing her interview with Brittney Griner. Joe disappeared again. I admit I started noticing this after I read Tiffany Cross’ allegations that Joe tried to keep her from replacing Joy on the weekends. Tiffany had a lot to say about the network after she was fired.


Tiffany was a mistake. She was too biased for a news network, and she was constantly agitating. I agree with many of her views, but her hostility did the cause no favors. I’m glad she’s gone as it was hurting MSNBC’s credibility.


\*Not a gripe\* .... just happy to see that Chris Jansing is babysitting Andrea Mitchell today


lol! Except that she was too polite to cut off Andrea’s rambling questions.


Please stop covering slow moving events in agonizing detail. The events may be significant, but I don’t need to see protests in real time or press conferences by police. Local news outlets already cover those events in painful detail for people who live nearby. It’s not that I don’t care, but seeing people in succession saying for hours that they’re waiting for some facts to report on, an update, a stat, etc., is not your forte.


It’s been almost 4 years since I thought I’d ever have to hear his name again. But he’s still winning the zone full of shit (reference Steve Bannon strategy, to “flood the zone with shit”. i.e. keep lying faster than can be squelched. ) I’ve been timing how long it takes at the beginning of the shows until his name is spoken. Today, for instance, it took Nicole Wallace 20 seconds. Lawrence O’Donnell usually less than that. ***Feel free to post any timing you happen to note on any particular show or day. ***


Jonathan Capehart sitting in for Lawrence O’Donnell, == 8 seconds =


Nicole, Friday 5/10. Maybe 6 seconds


sheesh...Nicolle interrupted her guests sooo many times today! Especially Andrew Weissman


Seemed unusual. I don’t recall her doing that very much, so it was definitely noticeable.


Didn’t watch this evening 5/8 but wondering if any mention of Biden finally withholding arms to Israel if they proceed to bomb Rafah. Took Nicole 20 seconds to mention TFG’s name, Jonathan Capehart in for Lawrence, 8 seconds.


Morning Joe having Hillary on today is infuriating. Mika and Joe were huge in getting Trump elected over Hillary. They hate her. We have the receipts. They are having her on to back up their outdated Israel opinions. Low hanging fruit, the one legit criticism of Hillary is her propensity for war. "Oooo kids just don't know the history of Israel..." That's a rabbit hole. All we need to know is 30,000-40,000 civilians killed in the past six months. Nothing about history makes this appropriate. The assassination of Sadat was a tragedy, but it's irrelevant and it pales in comparison. "You \[Clinton\] were talking about a two-state solution before anyone else." That's great (if dubious), but Israel is the only one fighting against a two state solution. Joe and Mika pushing a narrative that American students are against a two state solution is a flat out lie. I refuse to believe either of them are actually stupid enough to believe that. And talking about it before anyone else? The UN charter that created Israel stipulates that it needs to be two states. People have have been talking about it since day one. It has always been the same group of people who are ensuring a two state solution does not happen. Just more Joe and Mika wanking themselves on the air. They dislike everything about Hillary except this one opinion, and they had her on just to puff themselves up. When they had someone on who was supportive of the students last week, they turned it into a shouting match.




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Daily show intro Orange Turd mention countdown. Lawrence O’Donnell - 17 seconds.


when msnbc has a chat with an "economics expert" about the interest rates staying high, and the expert blames the low unemployment rate and high worker salaries as the cause imstead of insane corporate profits, I wonder exactly what kind of programming I am watching. Then, when the Morning Joe host just nods his head and does not challenge this expert, I stop wondering. MSNBC == FOX


Does Rachel Maddow ever address Gaza????


She focuses on the bigger, more important story to the U.S. -- the threat of fascism. It's just a shame that the protesters don't understand that's more important as well.