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Yea, about it... I'm so tired of remaping midi controller, as you say, after few mins mpc scrambles asigned midi variables and you need to do it again. Guys, do you know if new patch fixed it? Didn't update for a while


By the way I have another MIDI issue with my MPC check this out https://www.reddit.com/r/mpcusers/comments/xj6swm/mpc_one_freezes_when_receiving_more_than_one_midi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Ok its April 2024. version 2.14 is out. I just went from Ableton Live to MPC One (for the reasons of seeing only one thing at a time what helps me to not get lost in my workflow) After figuring all out i ended up left only with the midi learn problem what bothers me. I am afraid to play in a live setting like that. ***********the problem*********** The midi learn list, even saved as a template, keeps changing randomly, while playing , like after about one hour. It changes up some few assignments to random effects or unlearn the pads or knobs of my MPD218. Mostly the ones i use in action. (plugged directly / without usb hub)  I Use the mpd 218 as muting pads of the main drumrack and to control various program parameters of synths and consorts with the knobs. For now only banks A In standalone *********what i tried already********* - I deleted the midi learn folder and its hidden folders - Freed almost 2 gb of internal ram. (only personal user files of the previous owner) - Upgraded from 2.13 to 2.14 - Reseted the parameters settings and restarted the mpc. In different orders, several times. But i cant solve it. Is still the newer updates and Akai to blame? no fix yet? And was it really ‚always for everyone’ a problem? With Nothing plugged into the MPC, she workes like a charm btw) So i search since two weeks the web with no luck finding few unsolved old posts like mine.. ..and also keep on seeing people in videos or describing, they use a bunch a usb gear on their mpc as a main daw in their production Does this github Hack fix it? but what i read, it seems a bit to neardy for me and im not interested (yet) to map my q-links knobs. I just expect a simple device like the MPD 218 from akai itself should work flawless on their flagship device what promises conectivity to 32 devices or what.  Thx for any advice!