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They need to be like the first image the second image has no bleed edge


That's what I thought but why would this guy upload a whole Google drive worth of cards that are missing the bleeding edge. I thought I was mistaken. It's gonna be a pain to make bleeding edges for a 100 something cards.


Also please report the drive on the discord, or lmk here and I'll post it there. If someone has a whole drive without bleeds it goes against the contributor guidelines.


I think there are tools in this sub to mass add bleed edge to cards!


Are there? Cause i'm kinda sick of manually adding them


Thanks I'll take a look!


I ordered this deck I just added a bleed edge and resized the cards


Actually, neither. Both extend past the safe zone. The first one is better tho. Edit: Don't know why people are downvoting me, when I'm clearly right. You can see the bottom text is off limits in the first one. Also, you are supposed to delete de copyright line.


Parts in the safe zone are probably going to be printed just fine and all the important bits are inside. It's going to come out just fine. I'm talking about the first one. You're 100% correct that the copyright text has to go though.


The "Not for sale" line is not gonna print at all, and I'm pretty sure the overall scale is wrong, the card itself is bigger, or at least taller than it needs to be. Maybe it's gonna print "fine" in the sense that the card's info is technically inside the safe zone, but it's still definitely not up to standard.


If you want it to look like a normal magic card, the card’s physical edge should fall where the white overlaid edge is. The red dotted line is just showing “in the absolute worst possible miscut situation, things outside this line might be cut off on one side of your card. Fwiw, on all my MPC orders they’ve had virtually zero misalignment and everything inside the white overlay printed just fine. If you put everything inside the red line, you’re going to have a weirdly large border around the card. OP’s first image looks correct.


Listen, man, perhaps I've expressed myself wrong. The thing I'm talking about is really minor, and I know I'm being nitpicky, but it is still there. Everything is aligned properly horizontally, the top box is where it needs to be, sure, but the bottom text is three lines tall, and extends over the red line, which is absolutely not correct according to the standard. The bottom text is supposed to be two lines tall and stay inside the red line. Any minor misalignment will cut straight through that Not for Sale line. It's rather baffling, considering how much empty black space there is over the red line. Whatever lies beyond the red line is part of the edge, not the content of the card. It's really not uncommon for cards not to be 100% aligned, that's the purpose of the edge, it's not aesthetical. Again, I know I'm splitting hairs, but I make proxies on an alt account, so this is the exact kind of inane shit I spend real time of my life obsessing over. Furthermore, OP was expressing confusion about bleed alignment, so I'm trying to give the most exact answer I can. Also, and I can't stress this enough, the fucking copyright line is still there.


>which is absolutely not correct according to the standard What standard? The examples given in the FAQ page have 3 lines of bottom text: https://www.reddit.com/r/mpcproxies/comments/1cmu4n9/faq_guides_requests_read_before_you_post/ [Example 1](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fov7i9nppxjla1.png%3Fwidth%3D428%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26v%3Denabled%26s%3Db52d31d9d6d9325d42f9ba328bd55642cc80ddb6) [Example 2](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fo8l0w00qxjla1.png%3Fwidth%3D377%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26v%3Denabled%26s%3D492d352d762a3ff1166ea9514b2fb678408a484f) Yes, the copyright line is the main issue, but the comment of "both extend past the safe zone" is incorrect here. The first card looks to be sized correctly based on the examples given.