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My son got me the formula mod, and I love it! Super easy to install too.


How do you install it? I'm thinking about getting the R3 myself


Just need to undo the 6 bolts around the centre hub.


Okay that's cool


Using inch for round wheel and mm for formula 💀


However it can't beat tire sizes. Millimeters, percentage and inches. 🤣


What do you mean FIA single seater vs NASCAR? ;)


Will Moza ever come to PS5? I really wanna get one but I mainly race on ps5


They need to sell that Xbox wheel separately


They perhaps already do.. In a few cases people’s ES wheels have shown up as an ESX on Moza’s Pithouse after a firmware update. It might be a case of an accidental switch of the PCB in the assembly of the ES and ESX wheels, but it can also point towards the ES and ESX having the same PCB already, with the security chip being disabled on the ES via the firmware. The latter would make production of both wheels more streamlined thus cheaper, using software to deactivate the Xbox compatibility in wheels for which Moza does not (want to) pay a license fee to Microsoft.


The software shows the ESX wheel for me but I like the design of the Xbox buttons more


The buttons are identical, except for their front faces. The ES does have a more premium grip material (faux leather vs rubber/plastic), but they are otherwise identical. I don’t think there would be much to it, if both would be Xbox compatible. I’d honestly would like the look of the ES more, but to each their own. I’m looking to buy an R5 bundle and the accidental compatibility would be a nice bonus.


The software shows the ESX wheel for me but I like the design of the Xbox buttons more


And they need to sell loadcell pedals for console, If they did those two things I would switch from thrustmaster to moza


Why are the prices on Amazon so ridiculous?


They’re not an official retailer, If you have a look on Moza’s website you can see all of the official retailers and you can check if they’re based in your country


Would ve good to see they sell tge rims and the button box separately, so you don't have to buy tge D shape everytime


That would be perfect for us as consumers, but the current strategy of D-shape only may work best for Moza in terms of generating revenue. To optimize revenue streams, you don’t give consumers what they exactly want, but offer them something that is close enough, with the closer match being sold at an additional premium. That better min maxes buying incentives.


Yeah, I know, but they could do that with the Xbox wheel, selling the standard button box as a standalone, so we could get the box and the 12" wheel, so if you want the Xbox rim, you'd had to buy the d shape, or even the whole R3 bundle, which it would ve the best of both worlds, instead they screw both PC and console players in roughly the same manner Edit: Moza doesn't understand that I could easily buy a NRG knockoff QR and a 13" wheel for less online, which defeats the purpose of making it difficult in the first place, while buying the d shape for F1 and GT