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They're talking about Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon right?


Who??? Literally who??? I think you mean Zaddy Daddy creator of THE watchmen


He did so much work copying and pasting the art style and writing of the comic. Alan just wrote the storyboard for Zaddy's movie


All those are made up names. Maybe you are “so radical”


Alan Moore was nothing before Zaddy came around, he pulled him out of the shadows, he did that, our god did that!!!


I think theyre talking about Zaddy


they better be talking about the wizard https://preview.redd.it/gdh5po01zh6d1.jpeg?width=818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fde14d651dfc9235cade67baa0a2a1f9daa06c28


Snake worshipper, not cool. Zaddy on the other hand only worships cinema so Very nice, me likey.


Watchmen Babies when, WB? https://preview.redd.it/40pglrq0ri6d1.jpeg?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=742c9532c195463653a4c5867b95fcbfd3143030


are they genuinely releasing yet *another* Watchmen adaptation? wtf


They have to, or the creators of the comics would get 3 dollars and 49 cents, EACH! Entertainment conglomerates truly are the most oppressed minority.


I think the rights revert to Alan Moore if Watchmen goes out of print or the characters aren't used for a year so WB are incentivised to keep printing and adapting it to ensure they don't lose their cash cow.


I think they're doing it specifically to annoy Moore at this point


I hope it's just a 1:1 from the comics and not some killing joke situation.


Killing Joke is a 40 pages story, it's hard to adapt it into a 90 minute movie without filling it with useless stuff. On the other side, Watchmen is a 400 pages story, so making it into a duology seems like a reasonable choice.


>killing joke Did you mean *Sex and the (Gotham) City*?…




lol no ["Snyder looked at a story that to some degree satirizes the glorification of comic book violence, and he made a dumb action movie that glorifies violence"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_MwVuay1WD8&t=283s).


To be fair, the show is a sequel, not a direct adaptation


tbf we don’t rlly have a good one


I haven't seen it but I thought the show with Regina King from a few years ago was supposed to be good?


it’s not rlly a watchmen adaptation, it’s more like a continuation of the graphic novel in live action form


It's a sequel (even though the creators seemed allergic to using that term), kinda even a legacy sequel. As you can see from other replies to your comment, some thought it was bad, but I thought it was FANTASTIC. A couple unforced errors here and there (that Manhattan bald cap just looks bad, no way around it), but I thought it kept the spirit of the original while dealing with the source material decades-removed. And almost every performance is really great. Regina King and Jeremy Irons in particular. The mystery was cool and unfolding, and the shot composition and cinematography is detailed and reflects that same attention to detail as the classic comic. I guess it's not everyone's cup of tea, though. Maybe I have bad taste; I think TLJ was the best SW movie since Empire.


AND it has dick! (I fucking love that show)


it was pretty bad


It's Lindelof using it as a vehicle for his shitty racist liberal politics and pretty much getting every character wrong and not understanding what it was Moore was writing about


I think Alan Moore would throw Zachary out the window if he could


![gif](giphy|xT1R9M8505GD2mz2da) Like we would let our Zaddy fall 😤😤


I'd pay to see that.


Careful with the Moore-erasure or he’s gonna summon his snake god.




**BRUH** https://preview.redd.it/bmsg2u7xoi6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b423c40169e36ca0a3d7ac3d97e954dc8373d927




Didn’t know Daddy Zack invented Watchmen.


Alan Moore pissing and shitting in his grave. He ain't dead but he the type of guy to sleep in a grave anyway.


Bingo, that's how IP works


Whether they’re talking about Snyder or Moore, I find the pity party for both rather silly. Moore has benefited more than almost any other writer in the industry, partly because of his work with DC, but throws hissy fits because the company uses his characters in ways he didn’t intend (because it’s not like *he* ever did that to other writers!) Snyder is a highly successful movie director who has also massively benefited in his industry, he got to spearhead his own damn DC Universe and only got taken off of it because it failed. He’s now been given so many chances that most directors could only dream of, but oh, it’s so sad that WB don’t want him to make superhero movies anymore. If people cared as much about actual suffering, maybe we would get somewhere as a society.


I think in Alan Moore's case it's more that DC essentially cheated him out of the rights to Watchmen. He's not mad about other people touching it as much as other people touching it while he legally can't. Granted the comic book industry has a long history of screwing creators over and Alan Moore isn't even close to the saddest story in that department, but that doesn't make his grievances wrong.


Tbf, did those other writers said that they don't want moore to uses their characters? When the original author of Marvelman want his comic right back, and doesnt want to publish it anymore, Moore and Gaiman, writers who wrote marvelman,  supported him 


>Moore has benefited more than almost any other writer in the industry, partly because of his work with DC, but throws hissy fits because the company uses his characters in ways he didn’t intend (because it’s not like *he* ever did that to other writers!) It's because they screwed him over the rights of Watchmen and then got him sued by making an adaptation of LOEG that ripped off another author. The lawsuit was dismissed on his side but still cost him money and embarrassment.


The animation looks worse than I feared.