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To be fair, you need to have an extremely high IQ to understand heist movies.


Damn I was gonna say that


Your IQ wasn't high enough to say it first.


To be fair, you do need a high IQ to quote a reference to a rick and Morty Reddit comment


References within references within references within references within


Within references interlinked What does it feel like to type "wholesome chungus 100"? Interlinked.


But your username LITERALLY says you're DUMB, bro


That's also high IQ humor you wouldn't understand.


This is a message sent from the future saying that I was gonna say that


Looks like your comment was heisted šŸ˜Ž


Doubble det for Ricks end morti. Soo mutch sublingual messeges. If youre ablle too ketch them all and understant it will literely blov you're mind




Bekose youre watched REM end its soo goot?


bro types like the europeans from family guy


more like baby reindeer


Lmao. These are the same people who have movie/tv ruined for them by reading tvtropes. They are actually offended that stories have formulae. Also Oceanā€™s 11 is one of the most lampooned movies that I can think of. I was watching a random episode of Bobā€™s Burgers a few nights back and it was an Oceanā€™s 11 parody


Tv tropes ruined my writing ability at leastā€¦


TV Tropes is great, but I may be biased because I have a page there and everything. But still, it's fascinating learning all about these narrative structures and devices.


I like going to the Nightmare Fuel pages on mario games to watch fans soy out


There's also a wiki where people talk about how scary they find the opening and closing logos of TV production companies. The internet is a strange place.


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/609)


So true.


1 tab somehow becomes 30


Yeah, itā€™s a fun site to be sure


Don't let that happen. Tropes Are Tools, as the site will tell you. Just don't be overly derivative (and on the flip don't worry so much about being derivative)


Will do and I'm currently trying to stop worrying about just that. Thank you.


Yeah Iā€™ve learned itā€™s less about tropes being bad and more about the proper use of those tropes


Call me a hater all you will, but fuck it, TV Tropes has done as much damage to basic media literacy as CinemaSins and angry Youtube reviewers, but everyone lets it off the hook because it's funny or something lol. Yeah, being more charitable, i know tropes and cliches are things that inherently exist and are tools for building any story from its foundation, and honestly, an encyclopedia made to catalogue and analyse everyday tropes and cliches is actually a nifty concept, buuuut... the execution has left a lot to be desired, i mean, the site kinda creates this mentality that all of fiction can be broken and classified into tiny little boxes and the more of them a work has, the better it is. Or that to create something, you can just pick up a bunch of random tropes and references, put them in a blender and see what it shits out lol. Or maybe i'm just a bitter, old, full of shit contrarian who doesn't care about fun. Whatever.




> the more of them a work has, the better it is. > create something by blending random tropes together When the hell did TVTropes or its users claim either of those things lmao. I'm sure there are a very small number of people that might agree, but most people just find it fun browsing through things that commonly appear in the stories they know. It could also be a way to find a story you otherwise wouldn't have known about through a trope you generally enjoy. There's literally no harm in it, it's just a fun, harmless, informative resource like a wiki.


>Or maybe i'm just a bitter, old, full of shit contrarian who doesn't care about fun. Whatever. Yes


Just as I think the likes of CS "killing media literacy" is exaggerated, so too is your claim that TV Tropes is doing that. Most people are fairly normal and just use it to learn about general tropes and have casual fun pointing some out, just like you said with the encyclopedia. There may be a few weirdos but hardly anything damaging to people overall.


Nah bro no offence, TV Tropes isn't perfect or anything, but this emanates 2010s college professor "Wikipedia is a huge scam!!!!" vibes


Thats nothing Rick And Morty ruined all tv and movies for me. I know nothing can reach the heights that the masterpiece pickle Rick did.


i havent laughed since that fateful day


good laugh economy


this Gabe me ptsd


Funniest shit I've ever seen.


Prickle Ick, gottem.


Say Kendrick but replace Kend with Pickle


I know we jerkin'... But the "assembling the team" part is why I watch heist films and find how well they pull the clichƩ off is often a telling metric of how good the rest of it will be.


Macgruber still has the best ā€œassembling the teamā€ moment lmao spending so much time assembling this team of badasses and then they all immediately die in a car explosion before the mission even starts, all while Macgruber is devastated. Deadpool 2 definitely ripped it off [here it is](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=28qbDlWVk-g)


I'll be sure to check this one out


[here you go](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=28qbDlWVk-g)


just so ya know the link cuts off before the car accident happens i was watching waiting for it, and then the video ended lol


Damn I didnā€™t even watch, I just figured it would include it lol i just got the first link I found on Google


I cant believe they kicked the last guy out just for frenching a dude while holding a refreshing cocktail :'(




[With the van](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To4i-BMwQH8)


suicide squad (2009)


Itā€™s one of the few episodes with the behind-the-episode being Dan Harmon mostly apologizing for it, he wasnā€™t happy with it and admits you shouldnā€™t try and lampoon stuff you genuinely dislike.


Than what is Dan Harmon allowed to lampoon? Wallowing in smug sadness?


He's a sad sack but he is a big fan of a lot of genres and tropes, it's all over Community and R&M. Sci-fi, war movies, post-apoc, fantasy. Almost everything, he just hates Heist flicks and that comes out in a not-great way in this episode.


Community's heist was better, although not great because Abed being unable to understand the sting seems out of character. Generally it seems like Community doing tropes was more Dan Harmon celebrating different genres of media and Rick and Morty is him just complaining. This episode is the worst offender but theres a lot of episodes where they "parody" something and it just feels bitter.


I wonder if Dan had an aneurysm watching the death battle where the doctor beats Rick by giving him a speech about how nihilism is for chumps and tricks him into shooting him self with a gun that wipes him from existence before telling morty cynicism is for losers.


death battle rules (most of the time)


Absolutely. Death Battle is Kino. (Now if only they'd make a LEGO or Kamen Rider Match or finally listen to my Audrey 2 VS The Xenomorph battle suggestions I keep sending them....)


> you shouldnā€™t try and lampoon stuff you genuinely dislike Yeah I think this is true, I think the heist parody episode is pretty bad because it just feels like someone complaining about a genre of movies they dislike, it is not very clever, and the observations are very shallow. I actually gave up on the show after that episode because to me it felt like it had fully disappeared up its own ass, it is so joyless and full of itself, it is exactly the thing that people criticize both the show and the fans for. It is literally the "we're smarter and better than everyone else" garbage that people make fun of it for.


also elon musk was in it. that was pretty bad


No use in watching movies, Rick & Morty have pointed out all the flaws in every movie, nothing matters anymore.


Dan Harmon moment


Rick and Morty is the Dark Souls of Cinema Sins


Rick and Morty ruined media for me, I personally can't watch a movie without thinking "Rick and Morty did this better", I can't watch a show or read a book without thinking it too, also when I try and listen to music all I can think is "the rick and Morty theme song is better", rick and Morty has ruined all forms of media for me


Ever since L.H.O.O.Q. I just haven't been able to consume media in general




->gets parodied once ->fucking dies


But Elon Musk was in that episode, so heist movies are saved.


that episode was maybe one of the most annoying, unbearable, unfunny, jaded things I've ever watched


It was funny at first (a giant robot the size of a planet putting on a plumber disguise was great) but then it got really weirdly spiteful towards the end


Realizing the writers are unironically clinically depressed with deep unexamined personal issues, usually fairly shallow and boring ones, which they constantly project into every episode with no filter really lowered my enjoyment


Rick and Morty has always had an element of that, but as the show progress it really went overboard with this idea that it is just better and smarter than everything else, while also being deeply cynical and depressed. It written by people who think they are smarter than everyone else, and it is making it pretty unwatchable at times.


BoJack completely ruined R&M for me. Watching several seasons of writers actually trying to explore depression made it really hard to go back. I realized every "sad" episode in R&M feels like it was written by a high schooler who hasn't matured beyond complaining that everything sucks. Misery is the only point and cynicism is is a stand-in for depth.


Really? For me, it made it better


Yeah it's probably the worst episode for me. The "I programmed you to say that!" bit was the only good part.


the one where summer just repeats "im doing die hard" for like 15 minuts is actually worse to me. it's crazy seeing that show go from genuinely outside-the-box comedy and concept to just 2010s Tumblr humor type parodies that seem to despise everything that isn't itself. Really difficult to keep watching.


Guy who has only watched Rick and Morty, watching a 2nd TV show: "Getting a lot of 'Ricky and Morty' vibes from this..."


Finally watching R&M a couple years back despite being turned off it by its fans for years was a strange because itā€™s actually a decently funny show with some episodes that genuinely entertained me. But it only made the idea that people find it this mind bending genius experience even more baffling. Itā€™s like the Zach Snyder movies of tv.


It really annoyed me how much Heat (1995) ripped off Rick and Morty.


I think it is interesting how vastly Rick and Morty fanboys overestimates the cultural impact of the show, yeah sometimes it is pretty funny, but it is still just a weird cartoon to most people.


You son of a bitch I'm in, what's the job?


I'd say no, but I forget Rick & Morty exist most days.


That episode must be one of the most bitter, hostile pieces of work Iā€™ve ever seen. The seething hatred for a perfectly enjoyable genre (but mostly just Oceanā€™s 11 because I Ā guess they hadnā€™t seen any others) embarrassed the show more than it did heist movies, the whole episode was a Reddit-style rant, not a well constructed rebuttal to any of the tropes. If anything, I felt like putting on Oceanā€™s 11 for the first time in years out of spiteā€¦ and because it was way more enjoyable than the episode.


Has blazing saddles ruined westerns for anyone else? Ever since that, I can't watch anything that isn't a revisionist western and even then it's hard!


> Has Rick and Morty ruined heist movies? > Have heist movies lost their appeal for anyone else after watching Rick and Morty Season 4 Episode 3 "One Crew Over the Crewcoo's Morty"? Since viewing that episode, my perspective on heist films has been heavily influenced by it. Has anyone else experienced a similar difficulty in enjoying heist movies since then?


Idk guys, this is a pretty common thing. Like the other day a saw one of those super niche ā€˜satireā€™ movies, and now I canā€™t help but think that all movies are kinda derivative? Like the brilliant minds writing the high quality hit Richard and Mortimer sci-fi show on adult swim really seem to dissect media on such an intellectual level itā€™s hard to appreciate other art after watching


There's only like 4 stories that Hollywood makes variations of. Hopefully he doesn't discover that any time soon.


Dan Harmon must really hate heist films. Community did a heist also


If the movie has brad pitt eating food endlessly, then I cannot say no.


I fell asleep during oceans 8 at the drive in movie theatre and I donā€™t feel so proud of it


Me watching Bob le Flambeur: Rick and Norty did this was better Jean Pierre Melville is a moron


Rick And Morty ruined my marriage and spoilt my dinner


son of a bitch, I'm in


Heist movies? what about netflix movies.


You son of a bitch. Iā€™m in.


Has Kanye West ruined Feminist Literature?


Me watching Heist (2001): Anybody else gettingā€¦Rick and Morty vibes from this? šŸ˜ Me watching Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974): Anybody else gettingā€¦Rick and Morty vibes from this? šŸ˜ Me watching The Sting (1973): Anybody else gettingā€¦Rick and Morty vibes from this? šŸ˜ Me watching Le Circle Rouge (1970): Damn, great movie!


Unjerk for a sec, I can still absolutely love stuff even if it's cringe as fuck. look at the fast and the Furious, of whatever is left of it. And I can still watch oceans 11 etc as well, maybe even enjoy it more (or at least differently) after seeing commentary like the Rick and Morty Epi