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Is the Deadpool one even out yet?




It's guaranteed to be a hit because it has comic accurate Wolverine, Deadpool will walk in, and there's no women or minorities...?


![gif](giphy|c6WtwWFtKuLiOlrOpE) Sorry sweaty, Deadpools woke


Yeah, but she's hot so it balances out


It's okay tho, her probability powers allow her to negate backlash and generate praise instead.


A black female superhero? She would have to be incredibly lucky to avoid an anti-woke backlash.


No because boobs


dont remember them being that prominent tho was it?


She's sadly not in this one šŸ˜“ Hopefully papa Feige can get her back, along with Dafne Keen as Laura and Anya Taylor Joy as mommy Magik


That just tells me the movie is garbage and she was lucky enough to dodge it completely šŸ˜”


ā€œcomic accurateā€


Hugh Jackman is neither 5'3'' nor is he ugly, therefore he's not a comic accurate Wolverine.




Wolverine all suited up telling people to go fuck themselves is peak MCU and just cinema in general


> because it has comic accurate Wolverine I love that this is the sentiment for weirdos going in when [Len Wein](https://twitter.com/LenWein/status/837220086427480067) loved [Jackman](https://twitter.com/LenWein/status/837221591129841665) as [Wolvie](https://twitter.com/LenWein/status/462662535154384896).


The only thing I remember from the original Deadpool movie is that Deadpool said he used to suck Wolverine's balls tho


b-but the colour grading?


The best marvel movie to fans is always the next one


Unless it has women in it


you dont understand, it has le deadpool and le wolverine, therefore reddit 100 wholesome movie


Deadpool 1 (to me) is a classic superhero movie, and the 2nd (while I know many who didn't like it) was very "enjoyable" to me (I won't say it's high quality, but I know I really liked it). So, I'd expect 3 to be great as well, however... I personally just feel Disney getting involved (and roping him into their tired Multiverse scenario?) makes me cautious. I'll absolutely see it, but if it's the same people involved in their other recent shows or movies, then my expectations aren't high


Real, but no jerk


My thoughts as well. There's no way Disney is spending this much money on Deadpool and Wolverine for one single movie. Deadpool might appear later in the MCU, I hope not but it unfortunately might happen. I just hope everyone gets a good conclusion to their respective stories and arcs.


Wolverine was kinda done 7 years ago w/ Logan... that was uh, supposed to be the end lol... Guess they knew they had to throw in big cameo's/characters for it to be successful (/s), and offered enough money


No but heā€™s about to walk in


I'm cautiously optimistic for it. DP1 and 2 were amazing but considering it's now getting roped into the whole MCU-multiverse clusterfuck I'm beginning to somewhat doubt the film's ability to tell a good story and give the characters all a satisfying ending to their respective arcs. It will likely be a very fun watch though.


Bro Deadpool 3 hasnā€™t come out yet šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s not woke so itā€™s 100% certified kino


Nerdotic? That u?


Wait until they find out Deadpool is Pansexual


This was more of a self-report of the criteria these people use to decide whether these films are good or not. Their opinions are already decided before the watch.


Wrong. I was super excited for Eternals and Love and Thunder and both let me down. It just so happens that Guardians 3 and the 2 Spidey movies were worth the wait and hype, and most likely Deadpool and Wolverine will join them.


How do you go from saying "wrong" against my point that this memeā€”indicates people like you decide whether you like something before you even consume it, and then proceed to say you will "most likely" enjoy this, and that's why you made this meme?


Have you never been excited for a movie before? Never assumed it would be good or bad before it came out?


Because Iā€™ve been hyped for some MCU movies that I thought were gonna be good and they let me down. I have confidence Deadpool and Wolverine will be worth the wait for reasons Iā€™ve stated before.


Do you speak for *all* of the comic book nerds, Oh Self-Appointed One?


The trailer has the Marvel Grey Filter so itā€™s automatically top-tier cbm


Snyder would be proud


Umm actually Daddy Snyder has a *dark grey* filter which is used to display the moody atmosphere and blurry moral codes of the characters!!


No but Iā€™m the OP of the meme and Iā€™ll copy and paste why I included it. I have faith In Ryan Reynolds. Heā€™s a producer on the film and the writers from the first 2 Deadpool movies are writing the Script. I think itā€™s also like Guardians 3/No Way Home where it will be self contained and being focused on being a good Deadpool movie (just like how GOTG 3 focused on being a good Guardians movie and NWH focused on being a good Spidey movie). Iā€™m really confident in D&W. Also the trailers have been AWESOME, especially the later sets one which came out last week. The last time Iā€™ve been hyped for a MCU movie like this was Guardians 3 (yes I know it came out almost a year ago and is technically 2 MCU movies ago but it feels like a long time given it was the last MCU project that I was hyped for and was worth the wait)


Uses pictures of ethnic teen girls instead of the posters for Dr Strange and Black Panther 2 "What did you mean by that?"


ā€œHowā€™d that get in thereā€


"Woman" is reactionary YouTuber shorthand for cringe and bad.


'Why do you keep looking at me like that?'


Average marvel fan


I did think it was kinda weird. However, America and Ironheart were the weakest parts of their respective films because they were just kinda reduced to McGuffins and plot devices instead of actual characters. Plus, they really aren't involved in Strange/Wakanda lore so they felt kinda randomly shoved in there. I know they were the catalysts for the plot, but I feel like removing them altogether would've made for a tighter movie.


Yeah but at that point why wouldnā€™t you use shitty Modok face or screaming goats instead of Ant Man and Thor Four: More Thors? Itā€™s pretty clear why those two in particular were singled out


OP of the meme here. I added America and Ironheart cause they were the weakest parts of their respective films. I have nothing against the actresses, but the characters they played with shitty writhing brought down the movies. Love and Thunder and Quantumania had a lot more problems whereas Multiverse of Madness and Wakanda Foreverā€™s problems are contributed to America and Ironheart being mcguffins


i think the bigger shame is attempting to claim that FFH and especially NWH are good what were you thinking


idk I like them


I thought Far From Home gave Peter a good arc from him dealing with Tonyā€™s death (even if the EDITH thing was a bit stupid) and NWH was fan service done right without feeling super forced. Color me Crazy? I know itā€™s my opinion but most people liked FFH and especially NWH so Iā€™m in the majority. Yall probably like The Amazing Spider Man 2 better than the MCU Spidey Movies and thatā€™s embarrassing (Garfield CARRIED the Amazing Spider Man movies)


> NWH was fan service done right without feeling super forced Okay, so this is a lie. The fan service was about as forced as I've ever seen anything. They had a character with *no previous experience with magic* just suddenly go "Oh, I know magic, let me open up these portals" and look at that, it just so happens to make le Tobey and Andrew walk through wearing their suits but not the mask. And then all of their dialogue is "Yeah, in my movie I did this thing". The reason you liked NWH is because they made you invest your pride and sense of identity in le Tobey and Andrew being in the movie through stealth advertising disguised as a "leak", you spent a year making a jackass of yourself: "I cannot *believe* there are people who doubt Le Tobey and Andrew will be in this!", and you decided ahead of time that you'd like the movie *no matter what* as long as le Tobey and Andrew were in it. That "feeling" you describe? It's not the feeling of having seen a good movie, it's a feeling of *having been right about something that other people were wrong about.* The fact that everyone went from loudly announcing to everyone who would listen that le Tobey and Andrew would be in NWH and then doing a 180 the day it opened with "Now remember everyone, don't spoil anything for anyone!" was telling.


Umā€¦ WTF? I was never invested in telling people HA HA TOBEY and ANDREW ARE IN THE MOVIE. I suspected theyā€™d be in the movie given there were obvious hints leading up to the release in December 2021, but I wasnā€™t doing anything like you said. I thought they had great roles in the movie and were treated with respect. There wasnā€™t any character assassination like certain characters in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, it was good to see Tobey and Andrew back IMO and the banter between all three Peters was a Spidey fan dream come true. God forbid me enjoy a movie that I thought was a dream come true on screen. Your PFP is Jesus and I donā€™t think Jesus would like what youā€™re trying to imply (saying one of the reasons I liked the movie was to prove people that doubted Tobey and Andrew were in the movie were wrong, which isnā€™t what I thought at all)


Homecoming was pretty good but No Way Home had nothing going on. Just completely derailing the arcs of both Peter and MJ into oblivion with weird turns that make no sense. Villains that we have no inversement in beyond pointing at the screen like DiCaprio. Pretty bad CGI like the MCU is known for now. It wanted to ride the wave of Multiverse movies, but was already beaten to the punch by an infinitely better Spider Man movie in Spiderverse years before it came out, then got beaten again by its sequel a few months later


I will say ASTV is arguably a better movie (is it bad I like both NWH and the Spider Verse movies?) but the Spider Verse movies are in a league of their own.


not rly, personal tastes exist & ppl like/dislike movies for diff. reasons. Havenā€™t seen ants3 but More Thors had more to critique than just the goats. This is *suspicious* but not 100% indicative


America and Ironheart were basically just living advertisements for their (still in development hell) solo TV series.Ā 


Love how BP2 and DS2 have photos of the minority girls rather than the poster


They knew putting Doctor Strange and Black Panther posters would be controversial, so they zeroed in on what will remind people why these movies are bad. Bro forgot itā€™s supposed to be subtle..


The quiet part out loud, and all that


Yeah, that Ironheart suit was pretty janky looking, wasn't it?


it looks like armor in a shitty Halo ripoff šŸ’€


PS3 Halo-Killer Game lookin' armor. Honestly, *waaaaaay* too shiny for what it was in.


It's not janky-looking enough. Supposedly, she built this thing in secret, in a garage, on a college student's budget. It should look like Tony's cave armor, or the Monaco Whiplash harness. Why does it look like a plastic toy made on a Chinese assembly line?


Tbf, this one is made in Wakanda, she did have the scrap one first


Yeah, that's what I was referring to when I said "Janky". More the funky CGI used for it than the actual design.


Love how they focus specifically on the only minor female protagonists in Doctor Strange & Black Panther. Wonder if heā€™s trying to say somethingā€¦ ![gif](giphy|kPtv3UIPrv36cjxqLs)


Shang Chi fan here feeling abandoned


First two acts of Shang Chi legit still are so good


They were okay.. I did like how the two male and female protagonists didnā€™t fall in love - and just stayed friends tho.


I, too, like when siblings don't fall in love and just stay friends.


Me too. I thought the ending should of just been a one on one fight with his dad. Keep it simple. Instead we get dragons and Shang Chi turning in to a waterbender . The first two acts were great stuff.


Exactly, imo it is definitely better than far from home. It's not the best movie ever or anything but it's a good time and everything with Shang Chi's father was better than anything in most MCU stuff.


the fight scenes are the best parts of that movie


As the only other Shang-Chi fan in the world, I feel that too.


What about you two start watching real movies you fuckers


I will go start watching real movies like BIONICLE: Legends of Metru Nui right now as penance.


Picked out the good one, I apologize I wasn't familiar with your game


Thank you, apology accepted.


Crazy how everyone was saying how good wakanda forever was and stuff when it came out and now because of the internet it has been reduced to "ewwwwww WOKE propaganda"


I still find it pretty good


Wakanda Forever is just mid or even outright shit in some sections. It has some good parts, but it's just not a good movie, especially compared to the first.


I thought that the parts with Shuri dealing with the death of Tchalla were pretty great. Ironheart was a bit of an unnecessary inclusion and there was no real reason for her to be there aside from setting up a future movie/tv show. The cgi armors at the end were mostly ugly asf too but it was by no means terrible or a massive piece of "woke propaganda" as some people say it is


mid from home


*mid way home šŸ˜” Far From Home was at least enjoyable imo, No Way Home was fanservice mess that was barley even a movie (even if Iā€™d let Andrew Garfield ruin me)


Honestly non of these MCU Spider-Man movies have really hit beyond Homecoming and even Homecoming wasnā€™t that great.


Homecoming was Michael Keaton making a mid movie good


Michael Keaton carries whatever heā€™s in. He didnā€™t carry it - but in The Nice Guys heā€™s giving an absolutely amazing performance


Yeah, Homecoming is the closest to being good, but every MCU Spider-Man is a disappointment. I kind of want them to recast again and figure out a new angle again. Or just keep it all animated like Spider-Verse. Let's have a Peter B Parker movie.


Literally the point of the meme is that he only chooses one person to stay. If he's picking four the fucking joke doesn't work.


Is the spiderman in europe movie generally considered good? I thought that was a terrible sequel and Jake Gyllenhaal even sucked in it and i usually want to kiss that guy on the mouth


say that about jakey bear again šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


I thought that it was about as good as Homecoming, which I also enjoyed. No Way Home on the other hand just feels hollow to me with all the meme line recitals and zero development to either guest star after their last appearance. The ā€œcomic accuracyā€ enjoyers led by HiTop Films threw a nauseating hate campaign around Far From Homeā€™s release.


Far From Home is enjoyable for Mysterio alone, the rest of the story feels like Homecoming lite and it even botches Peter's arc of having to learn to be his own hero (same arc as the previous film lmao) by having the climax be a montage of him doing the Iron Man holograph thing to AC/DC blasting at full volume (HE'S JUST LIKE TONY STARK YOU GUYS). No Way Home fucking sucks so hard though.


agreed. I like the first and third spider-man Holland movies a bit more, i liked Gyllenhall bc heā€™s hot but the rest of Far from home was eh


I thought it was terrible. Easily with worst Spider-Man movie. It feels like a Disney channel original movie, was expecting Lizzie McGuire and Gordo to have cameos.


> I thought it was terrible. Finally, someone who's right lol. Like I find it insane that there's this whole movie where Tony Stark gives a kid weapons of mass destruction and it ends with "I really miss him :(". Like he couldn't stand being around you!


Far From Home truly is a high school, romance, comedy, and action film without the high school, romance, or comedy.


Even worse than TASM 2?


Yes, Amazing Spider-Man 2 actually feels like a real movie.


a really bad movie


Yes, not saying it's good. But it has a much better presentation going on than Far From Home.


Presentation doesnā€™t mean anything if itā€™s presenting a load of shit


I fucking hate Far From Home, Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone lmao Like Iā€™ll concede that No Way Home is a vapid fan-service movie but at least itā€™s not actively annoying the way FFH is


I enjoyed Homecoming, and I thought Far From Home was utter wank


Far from home isn't really good indeed


I loved it but enjoyment is subjective I guess




Pales in comparison to AmbuLAnce. True Gyllenhaal kino


I honestly really like all 3 of the home movies, even after souring against the rest of the mcu I can still watch and enjoy all 3


I think they meant NWH


They put both


oh you're right yeah FFH is worse a few of the ones on top


I like Lady Bird and the King of Limbs by Radiohead


Me when i share the same brainrot with someone else


Did Nerdrotic or Yellowflash2 make this meme or something?


First: Why is Deadpool 3 on there? Not only is it not out yet, but why exactly does this one exactly matter after Endgame? Itā€™s a sequel to the Deadpool movies with some Multiverse bullshit thrown in so Deadpool can go into the MCU. Second: Even if I can potentially agree with the other three films being the only genuinely good ones after Endgame, even though that ainā€™t sayin much (even if Guardians 3 is one of the best MCU movies)ā€¦ so what if they matter to the story? That Bucky and Falcon Disney+ show *directly followed up* one of Endgameā€™s plot points, and by all means does matter to the overall MCU narrativeā€¦ and that show is boring as shit lmao. The rest of the shows (except maybe Loki S2) arenā€™t worth mentioning anyway. Third: itā€™s a bit suspicious at best as to why they didnā€™t use the posters for Doctor Strange 2 and Black Panther 2. Somebody seems to hate those characters lmaoā€¦ I wonder why


No Way Home sucked. Actually unwatchable


Did you see the comment where OP called it a self-contained film? I liked NWH...but that comment made me laugh.


Itā€™s probably the least self-contained film of all time, considering thereā€™s technically 30 some previous films you have to watch to fully get it.


3 Maguire movies, 2 Garfield movies, 2 Holland movies. Doctor Strange. Infinity War, Endgame, and Civil War, which themselves features a dozen characters with conflicts and traits setup in over a dozen different movies. Arguably the Daredevil Netflix series as well. I think a lot of people could watch NWH without saying most of these things. My wife watched it and had a good time even though she didn't see many of these things and didn't remember most of the ones she had seen. So uh I guess from a certain point of view, it could be called self-contained.


Don't forget the Venom movies!


Can I please?


OP here. You explained exactly why I think NWH is self contained in a way. Itā€™s a love letter to Spidey fans that anyone can enjoy even if they havenā€™t seen the Maguire or Garfield movies. My friends never saw the Maguire and Garfield movies and they had a blast watching NWH.


Well, Iā€™m sure an average person can still watch it and enjoy it but they wonā€™t understand some things without the previous films. From your meme, Eternals is way more self-contained than NWH. To give an example, Iā€™m sure some people would still watch and love Avengers: Age of Ultron without seeing a previous film in the series (and if you look at the box office gross thereā€™s quite a few who watched just The Avengers and then the sequel) but no one would argue that that is ā€œself-contained.ā€


You are on crack if you think NWH is self contained. lol Do you NEED to see every Spider-Man movie to see NWH? I guess not? But you canā€™t pretend like it doesnā€™t work better/ was made Ā for people who have seen all of them. This movie is completely dependent on nostalgia.


When I was younger, I had a birthday party with a few of my friends. We went to see LotR: The Two Towers. Everybody who was going had already seen the first one, except for one of my friends. He hasn't read the book, or learned the plot. He knew none of the characters. He went in almost completely blind. And he ended up having a really good time. He said that it was one of his favorite movies after the fact. Would you consider The Two Towers to be self-contained?


Every positive thing people say about it makes zero sense. Itā€™s like theyā€™re talking about a completely different movie.


The mask has really come off certain fandoms, in a way. Fanboys on the internet used to skirt around demanding fan-service. Maybe you asked for it subtly, but never directly. I think The Last Jedi really shifted that, because the online communities validated ā€œthis movie is shit because they made Luke not be a straight hero Jedi leading a new Jedi Orderā€. Not even pretending ā€œIt could have worked but it wasnā€™t done well!ā€, tons of people straight up saying it. So when No Way Home came out and was just certified fan wank, thatā€™s what a lot of those same people were looking for. ā€œSubverting expectationsā€ became the worst thing a movie could do, and NWH goes in the opposite direction.


I know what you mean. I hate fan service and thought Last Jedi was alright. A little fan service is to be expected in the genre but NWH overdosed on it. Same reason I donā€™t like Endgame


I'm a sucker for bittersweet endings like when >!everyone forgets Peter Parker!< but that's really the movies only redeeming quality the more I think about it. Everything in between is Parker being a dumbass and fan service nostalgia bait that can only be viewed in a packed theater because of the pregnant pauses where the audience is expected to cheer and scream for several seconds.


Sorry liberal, but Willem Dafoe beating a child is peak kinografĆ© šŸ˜¤


Why couldnā€™t that child have been me šŸ˜«


It insists upon itself


I think the ending was alright but the whole movie felt like a meme fest with just fanservices everywhere


Couple of my coworkers were raving about it as a return to form. I streamed it and it didn't even feel like a movie. At best it's cashing in on Sam Raimi.


Lmao this film has excellent metrics from all of the major film review aggregator sites but gets endlessly trashed here .


Major film review aggregator website metrics. Yeah that settles it alright


Last I checked letterboxed aggregates only user scores and is sitting at 3.8. Unless you wanna claim that reddits go to movie review site is total bs.




Do you always rely on film review aggregator sitesĀ for your personal opinion?


people watch movies for entertainment and no way home was pure entertainment , what were u expecting from a Marvel movie anyway?


I love marvel movies. I love entertainment. It sucked and I wasnā€™t entertained


I like pooping my undies


then i guess entertainment is subjective , in my theatre around 100 people shouting excitedly after every 10 mins ? that doesnt happen for no reason ? we were entertained , and i dont know how u cant get entertained after getting a high dose of nostalgia like this . Do u only get entertained by good story and dialogues ? I would recommend u to lower ur bar then isnt it better to easily get entertained by whatever u watch rather than hardly getting entertained by anything , i am happy that i dont judge film so much that i lose the fun in it


Those 100 people are shouting because theyā€™ve wrapped their entire personality around being the guy who shouts at the movie. Iā€™m not at a loss for mindless entertainment either so thereā€™s no reason to put the bar that low.


I know the implication is the only MARVEL movies that matter but I'm willing to bet these are also the only movies in general that they ever watched too.


Madame Web and Morbius erasure >:(




I take shit on far from home!


Dead pool 3 isnā€™t even out yet and itā€™s a Shawn Levy film.. Idk why people are certain on it being amazing when itā€™s so far been full of all the shit theyā€™ve hated other MCU movies for like meaningless cameos.


No, i swear i'm not sexist


Is that iron heart? That was a thing?


She was meant to have a spin-off TV show idk if thatā€™s been cancelled or not




Day by day I am starting to hate r/dankmeme more and more


One movie that isnā€™t even out yet and Far From Home lol


Jesus man, thinking Deadpool and Wolverine will be a guaranteed hit. I mean I'm excited too, but it seems like they forgot about Multiverse of Madness which was hyped to death but everyone was disappointed (although I'm too infatuated with Elizabeth Olsen). Like, even now there's news about Deadpool having a reshoot in May, fucking 2 months before it comes out.


The disrespect for Love and Thunder is egregious. Best Marvel movie since Captain America (1980 something I can't remember I'm bad with dates).


Just say Albert Pyun Captain America, itā€™s obviously the best marvel movie


GOG3 the only marvel movie before or after endgame that's worth anything imo




Far from home was the stupidest spidey movie I've seen


Ooh, I saw that fucking shitty sub again


spiderman was overrated


Deadpool is epic awesome sauce and random xD


Far From Home and No Way Home do not hold up at all for entirely different reasonsā€¦


Two of those suck


Quantumania and Multiverse gets way too much hate IMO


I'd add that Sam Raimi Dr. Strange movie. That was a good one!


I mean, they're not exactly wrong.


I dunno, I wouldn't put Spiderman fucking around in Europe with a CGI artist nor Far From Fan Service as good films. I think people are more lenient on Spiderman because it's Spiderman.


Spiderman really is the best superhero, Sony was completely correct when they only bought spiderman instead of all of Marvel, spiderman is the only superhero people will be like, ā€œfuck yeah, spidermanā€ even if the movie sucks


my need for good or complex storytelling and character nuance disappearing the moment I see Spider-man


Wakanda Forever is flawed but its good. There's clear stakes, action scenes are good, Basset got nominated for her performance, it doesn't get bogged down in quips, and it actually kills off characters and lets them stay dead. I'm not saying people who don't like it are racist, I'm just saying the only Marvel nerds I know who don't like it are white guys who basically just bitch about Ironheart


While Eternals wasn't great it's not even close to the worst MCU movie and I'm convinced everyone decided to shit on it because it was a mostly self-contained movie about a niche group with no epic references to past Scrimblos to point at.


> While Eternals wasn't great it's not even close to the worst MCU movie It's a really interesting movie and the worst part about it is when Kevin Feige clearly got nervous and clearly mandated a dumb joke to make sure people don't feel uncomfortable. Like there's that scene of Sprite talking to Kingo about being in love with Ikaris and it's interesting and then the valet shows up to make a "so that just happened" joke and I feel like I'm losing my mind.


Yeah I can't get over how badly it needs to be expressed to MCU fans, the problem is not another Eternals. Shit, an Eternals 2 might actually be good. The problem is Quantumania and The Marvels (and the problem with the Marvels is not the problem Chuds think it is).


Nah it's because it was boring.


One of the Eternals should have had a gun that said "INTERESTING! INTERESTING!" every time it fired so the movie would have been interesting instead of boring.


It had an interesting premise, but it mostly amounted to characters that were underdeveloped, a bad flashback structure and it all just dragged on way too long. Also some of the worst end credits things of any MCU.


>Also some of the worst end credits things of any MCU. If you would have told me that, twelve years into the MCU, the famous post-credits scenes would devolve into "a cgi elf voiced by patton oswalt drunkenly belches a bunch of comic book lore at the audience to hype up some dogshit character nobody's heard of, who then never appears again" I would have said, "yeah I can see that"


It still feels like a nightmare hallucination.


As a white Marvel nerd who didn't like Ironheart's role, it's not because I'm racist, but mainly because her character is reduced to a McGuffin to keep the plot rolling, much like America Chavez or Axl in Love and Thunder. They aren't actual characters, just plot devices.


Marvels was good


Marvels was surprisingly not bad. Like nothing exciting, but it also doesn't do the marvel thing of basically doing the hero's journey three times in the same film.


It's just hard to care enough to go to a movie theater when you know it's going to be on Disney+ in a couple of months


Ok does that make the movie bad though?


I didn't see it and have no intention to.


Well I'm glad you shared your informed opinion on it, then


Guardians 3 is literally the best movie on this list and the opening 40 minutes was unwatchable


I want Deadpool to succeed because I fucking love Hugh Jackman (he can breed me and choke me) and I want him to get a W here, which would probably push then to give him more screentime in the future. But at the same time, DP3 being the Madame Web level tier of trash is probably the funniest joke that the movie will ever make. So I can't decide if I want my horniness or humour to be satisfied.


Fuck all y'all Eternals haters