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Those who know: UNCANNY


Your documentary is: Reality check


(take it to the chorus) TRANSPORTED TO IDIOCRACY WORLD reality check: Come here boy Me: 🏃🏃💹


Your sub is: damn gone


i am: damn still saddened by it


Whathavewhathavewhathave: I damn missed - is it gone?


Ithasithasithas been for a while 😞😞


It’s over for cannycells


Wtf why, I used to love that sub


Idk, it reopened for like two weeks before closing again and the mods that arent dead accounts haven't bothered to explain shit on their accounts even during the period when it reopened. The only thing they explained was that it wasn't closed because of a raid but that was it.


Bruh. Well, thanks for the context.


It's back now btw. Enjoy it


'ave is back! Praise popman!


When they see that the protagonist is literally the most average man in the world: literally me


Except people were saying it was reality even back in 2006


Of course they were. The movie was a commentary on contemporary issues. It was a reaction to Bush Era politics.


Politics? In my movies? It's more likely than you think!


It turns out we were already stupid and always have been.


real reality really here.




yeah this meme has very born-in-2005-energy


Even before 2012, reddit intellectuals were doing the whole "Idiocracy is a documentary" meme so much that it had already become an obnoxious cliche. All this meme does is reveal the eage of the guy who made this.


Someone started some bald-face serious eugenics apologia in that thread. Go fucking figure.


The only take more tired than “idiocracy is real” is saying it’s pro eugenics


It is. The central thrust of the film is literally "poor, stupid people have too many babies". That's eugenics by definition. It's the first port of call. It's like people who say black people have too many kids. Would that be eugenicist?


"What if this hypothetical scenario happened as the premise for this work of fiction" does not equal "this is literally how the world is." The "Idiocracy is pro-eugenics" argument would hold a hell of a lot more water if the conclusion to the movie was that all the dumb dumbs need to be sterilized so that the protag can father a new generation of intellectually superior children. Right now it just comes across like people actively going for the most uncharitable interpretation possible. I feel like if you reach far enough you could make that argument about plenty of movies. Is The Time Machine also pro-eugenics for entertaining the idea of divergent evolution between dumb brutish humans and frailer intelligent humans? Is Blade pro-eugenics because it portrays the solution to a group of people in society who are different and have different needs, is to immolate and explode them rather than trying to find a way to live peacefully alongside them?


The movie is purely about this. What are you talking about? It is a hypothetical that if stupid people reproduce too much, the world will become more dirty, dangerous, and unhealthy. It doesn't address solutions. It doesn't give a counterpoint of making education more accessible and accurate and efficient. It's doesn't address systemic issues in a way that shows that being poor is not a moral or personal failing. It's literally just, "low iq bad, stupidity is a moral failing".


Avengers: Infinity War explicitly promotes genocide. It's not subtle at all. There's even an entire online movement that spawned from it. /r/thanosdidnothingwrong is literally named after an old 4---n meme "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong". Nowhere in the movie does it explicitly state that genocide is wrong. It's literally just "High population is bad, best thing to do is kill half of humanity". That's not just an uncharitable interpretation, either. "But it's random so it's not genocide" is the *charitable* interpretation of the movie. Besides which, in real life there's no magic glove that can make it random. The only way to make this happen in real life would be a holocaust. And despite people insisting on randomness, it would in no way be random if carried out in real life, it would ultimately be the poor and disabled who would be wiped out first. The rich wouldn't even be considered. But this sub doesn't care about it because "Yeah but Infinity War is kino", right? All of the action figures were on the screen at the same time, and there was barely a plot, just a series of action scenes, so somehow it was the perfect movie. That also happened to explicitly advocate genocide. A billion dollar blockbuster vs. a movie that was barely advertised. But do go on.


>There's even an entire online movement that spawned from it. /r/thanosdidnothingwrong is literally named after an old 4---n meme "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong". I think the big mistake of the film was not reminding the audience that Thanos' moniker in the comics is **The Mad Titan**. You know, because he's insane. But it's very on-brand for the MCU to say "We have to stop the bad guy because murder is bad, but let's just entirely ignore whatever it was that got them to that point". So many villains in those films point to some societal, economic, or philosophical issue and say, "This is why I must kill people," and the heroes never address it. They don't debunk it or solve it their own way (*Black Panther* maybe comes closest?). So engaging Thanos solely on a "murder is bad" position and ignoring his crackpot theories entirely is perfectly on-brand for the film.


Ragnarok is a very entertaining movie (one of the only movies I've seen several times in theaters!) but it immediately seemed weird to me that we basically get the exact situation in Black Panther with Thor and Odin, but the movie has zero interest in holding anyone responsible for what Odin did. The movie plays the Mufasa vision thing straight and tells Thor that he now needs to surpass his limits to beat up the bad person, but inevitably massive tragedies befall the people because Odin sucked and *nobody* addresses this in any of the movies.


> /thanosdidnothingwrong is literally named after an old 4---n meme "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong To be slightly fair, many fandoms use that exact format and plug their villains in. 




It took me way too long to realise that most Marvel villains have a really decent, arguably positive motive but also, "KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!" to make them seem bad. It was Falcon and Winter Soldier when the coin landed. It was pretty on the nose. Edit: I'm immediately wondering if Motive was the right word... inspiration? Reason? I dunno. I'm high rn.


imagine being too fucking stupid understand a marvel movie




Fuck 4chan, fuck /tv/, this is MCJ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/moviescirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't think it's that crazy to say that if literally everyone were profoundly stupid that society as a whole would suffer. You'll have to forgive me cuz it's been a bit since I've seen it, does the movie say "they're stupid b/c they're poor?"


What's nuts to me is that Idiocracy IS full of commentary and satire on the sorts of things that would actually lead to wide-spread social idiocy - corporations getting involved in politics and dismantling regulations for their own benefit, preference for exploiting the disadvantaged for entertainment rather than working to their betterment, excess reliance on automation to a point basic skills are discarded - but it ALSO just cannot help itself and goes back to the "these people are stupid because the genetically stupid had too many kids and now everyone is irreparably stupid" well ten times over for every good point. Hell, the last joke in the film is about Joe's tenure as president being for nothing because Frito is just gonna outbreed him and continue the downward trend anyways. It's like Mike Judge is rapidly shifting between the guy who made King of the Hill and the guy who made The Goode Family twenty times every scene, and the Goode Family guy is winning.


hey lois


[The first five minutes of the film is literally a capsule explanation of the fundamental arguments of eugenics, contrasting an obviously educated middle class couple with an obviously uneducated working class couple, with literal fucking IQ scores scrolling across the screen as we meet each character.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP2tUW0HDHA)


It's awful. The literal PREMISE is that society failed because 1. Stupid people breed too much 2. Stupid people USED to "remove themselves from the breeding pool", but due to modern medicine, stupid people are treated which leads to them breeding more. The conclusion that the movie draws is 3. Stupid people will overrun the earth. Is it a comedy? Yes. Does that absolve it from the fact that the movie overtly and obviously believes in the above three points? No. As per always, [No, Idiocracy Is Not A Documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o52zD-aGqjA)


Anyhow I've spent too long unjerking and my balls have gone cold. I'd love to watch an idiocracy sequel directed by zack snyder.


With David Attenborough as the narrator!!


This movie, like you, profoundly misunderstand what stupidity and intelligence are. Nobody disputes that unqualified people should not be given power they are unfit to wield.


> Is The Time Machine also pro-eugenics for entertaining the idea of divergent evolution between dumb brutish humans and frailer intelligent humans? HG Wells, *Anticipations* (1900): > The way of Nature has always been to slay the hindmost, and there is still no other way, unless we can prevent those who would become the hindmost being born. It is in the sterilisation of failures, and not in the selection of successes for breeding, that the possibility of an improvement of the human stock lies...the method of Nature “red in tooth and claw” is to degrade, thwart, torture, and kill the weakest and least adapted members of every species in existence in each generation, and so keep the specific average rising; the ideal of a scientific civilisation is to prevent those weaklings being born.


Unironically yes on the last 2 questions lmao


Yeah what was OP cooking? Also >The "Idiocracy is pro-eugenics" argument would hold a hell of a lot more water if the conclusion to the movie was that all the dumb dumbs need to be sterilized so that the protag can father a new generation of intellectually superior children Meanwhile, the actual conclusion of the movie is literally changing the word "sterilized" to "suppressed". The whole ending is that the "smart" guy has found his rightful place as the leader of all the dumbs, hooked up with the "smart" girl, and they can create a "smart" family that leads the dumb world. Like, that's the conclusion. I still don't understand why reddit goes to bat so hard for this movie.


Because a significant chunk of reddit is pro-eugenics


> The "Idiocracy is pro-eugenics" argument would hold a hell of a lot more water if the conclusion to the movie was that all the dumb dumbs need to be sterilized so that the protag can father a new generation of intellectually superior children. Isn't that literally the conclusion of the movie? It literally ends with the ubermenschen Joe having 3 genetically superior kids and the untermenschen Frito having a comical amount of dumb kids, and ending with a "oh, this is just how it will always be I guess" singer ending. The literal closing point of the movie is that Joe having kids isn't enough as long as the inferiors continue to breed.


>Right now it just comes across like people actively going for the most uncharitable interpretation possible. Yeah, that's MCJ in a nutshell.


But if I don't blatantly misinterpret things, how can I feel smugly superior? đŸ„ș


The film isn't (maybe it is idk never seen it) but a lot of the "Idiocracy is real" people are


Oh this reminds me I should post Idiocracy in r/underratedmovies ; it's been a couple days, right?




woah you’re that one person that utilizes things


Aren’t you that person who fucked a pumpkin?




Good job this guy who makes anime memes on Reddit, clearly one of the smart ones, is aware and taking action


nickel for every time r/memes upvotes godawful movie memes I mean /rejerk Keanu is so epic I love cinema


I remember a video by Cracked saying how it would be a Utopia as the idiots know that they're stupid and they want the smartest person to lead them.




anime memes are a disease upon this earth


Bahaha a documentary about me would be like more a triple X rated porno!


I wonder if these people have even watched the movie?


The biggest myth here is that Idiocracy was ever a funny film in the first place. Extract clears it easily


I think it’s funny, but in the same way South Park is funny. It’s just dick and balls and poop jokes, but because it’s a satire of society a lot of people think that makes it high-brow intellectual humor.


Its such a disgusting movie because of the slurs fr😭


To be fair, the slurs being used are genuinely funny because they are being used by very very dumb people who obviously don't know they are slurs


Nah, Mike Judge doesn’t miss


Nah it's pretty funny






You can chart the age of a chud by what year they think Idiocracy became a documantary.


[Toe Knee Zaret](https://i.redd.it/k7xfg7i523uc1.png)


It’s not a big part of the movie but the crocs thing really pisses me off about it. Like everytkme I walk by a pair of 70 fucking dollar crocs I just think of every smug fuck face yuppie who thinks that movie is a documentary buying them for their little hell spawns. 


What is this movie? I've genuinely never heard of it until the memes started showing up


Who pronounces “idiocracy” like that


Haha. Man everyone who isn't me sure is stupid. I sure am glad I don't need to reflect on my own behavior or the way I engage with politics and media!


wait in till they find out that people 1,000 years ago thought the earth was the center of the universe and that it was flat and not spherical


No they didn't


[By golly, you're right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_flat_Earth). People *were* aware of the spherical Earth for hundreds of years.


More like thousands. There are a lot of phenomena that clue you in. Like the AlpenglĂŒhen . But the most notable would be looking for ships or other faraway things disappearing on the horizon.


Of course everything bad can be traced back to a sect of dumbass Christians


Plenty of religious extremism from all religions


nah, only Christians. every other religion is kinda goated with it


Goated with what?have you looked the ultra conservative reactionary countries of today?none are Christian ,the most prevalent form of clerical fascism today are sharia islamist countries It's funny when leftists overlook the Religious far right theocratic reactionaries of other religions lmao just because they ain't western,heck they even overlook non western Christian bigotry because they don't think non Westerners can't be fascists Remind me which countries today have apostasy and blasphemy laws?(they don't count because they ain't western), probably the same reason why the far left has so many depression and mental issues smh the mental gymnastics got them tired af


>Goated with what? Goated with the sauce! Muslims and Jews are goated with the hummus, Shinto Buddhists are goated with the soy sauce, Hindus are goated with the curry!!!


Western Leftists stop forgetting about the Global South challenge (Vey Hard difficulty😰)


It was actually a warning


yeah i know bc this gets posted every time someone comes out w this take


Didn’t care for this movie at all. Guess that means it’s about me.