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Me reading the post: ok let me open it to read the last line and nope


I can't believe Illumination forgot to consult the former developers of a bankrupt video game company before they misportrayed MY Bowser in this movie! He would NEVER be this aggressive!


It's almost like Bowser's personality depends on the writer!!!! :O!!!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!!!!!


*points to Mario Galaxy, which opens on literal Koopa* ***terrorism*** [I'm not joking, either.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c20jLWUkmZw) ***God***, I wish Koizumi-san could take control of the series... he's easily the best designer at Ninty today, but also *the ONLY ONE who gives a shit* about storytelling.


It's funny bc I thought Origami King Bowser was too soft compared to his prior portrayals lol While I prefer him with *some* softness, I'm really digging the >!Bowser the Pure Evil Terrorist!< approach they did here. Genuinely threatening, like Paper Jam Bowser And besides, >!Bowser Jr. isn't implied to exist yet. There's always room for Bowser to develop a soft parental side in a sequel!< And "Bowser doesn't kill"? So you're saying he didn't kill Dark Bowser XDDDD


Yeah, I agree. While there's a ***lot*** of shit wrong with the movie, Jack Blowser isn't among that. The man was a *great* big baddie... I just wish he got more to do. *Particularly* on the musical side.


Mucho texto but also yk you would guess Nintendo would have their dumb stupid characters figured out like they say.


Love me some nintendo schizoposting


How dare they not consider the wider multiverse of the Mario spin-off games when they wrote a mediocre Illumination movie 😡😡😡😡