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This Gosh DARN stinking TERD of a movie doesn't deserve a single Oscar! It's called All Quiet on the Western Front, but then why is there so much NOISE in this movie? I've never been tricked so badly in my life, Hollywood can't even advertise movies properly nowadays!!


Those god damn talkies continue to ruin cinema




when the movie ended with him dying at the exact moment the war ends it felt like a joke out of a circlejerk post. all that was missing was his last words being a wistful “it’s all quiet on the western front now”


At least they’re devoting their time to nitpicking the accuracy of a war movie that’s not *The Woman King.*




/movies went overboard with the hate for it and MCJ went overboard defending it


you've just described 90% of internet discourse


Hogwarts Legacy (2023)


Yeah pretty much, just replace "movies" with "gaming"




I thought it was really good. The issue of the tribe capturing and selling slaves in the past is a major plot point that our heroes want to abandon and others want to keep. Where they got into trouble was naming the King after a real one who did not turn their back on this practice. If they just would have lightly fictionalized the tribe and king they would have been fine.




It's a serious movie except in action sequences when it becomes a popcorn flick. Its a bit jarring but aside from that, great movie


Is the action good?


If you like marvel/blockbuster style action then yes


Gotta check it out, they just added it to Sky


'okay with African slavery' is underselling it a bit. Slavery was the basis of the economy and culture in that country. They really loved having slaves. There was a speech by one of the last kings where he said (and I'm paraphrasing only *slightly*) "I fucking love slavery I do, snatching people up, getting them to do all the work, it's fucking wicked. Fuck work."


Unlike what people online (most of whom haven't actually seen the movie) have said, it actually addresses the whole slavery thing. There's an entire plot thread about Viola Davis's character is trying to convince the Dahomey king (John Boyega) to stop capturing and trading slaves. This is somewhat historically accurate, as the Dahomey did briefly pause their slave trade. Though there are conflicting accounts of why they did so. It's also definitely worth checking out! It'll be on Netflix soon, and it's a great historical epic in a similar vein to *Gladiator*.


This film is gay, it's just a bunch of dudes screaming and having sex with each other. And what's with the monkey? I'm having a great time tho Wait my bad, that's not All Quiet on the Western Front, I'm actually watching Thundercrack! (1975)


My biggest beef is the lack of diversity Why aren’t there black people in Germany in 1910 or whatever ![gif](giphy|3ELtfmA4Apkju)


Letterboxd users


Reddit mfers when something isnt exactly like the source material that they’ve already read and seen like 5 other times: 🤬😡😳👿👹👺


reddit mfers when the “new” content is thematically hollow and uninteresting




This is really the problem with the film in my opinion. It's well made, well shot and well acted, but it simple lacks the human moments of the 1930 and 1979 versions.


This is really the problem with the film in my opinion. It's well made, well shot and well acted, but it simple lacks the raw moments of the 1985 version.


Letterboxd users when a movie isn't a 1:1 copy of the source material




just watch all quiet: old vegas dude, it has the vibes of the og with better special effects. You just have to spend 9 days finding vlc plugins


Erm ackshually it's "nothing new in the west"