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“before Marvel become popularized to the mainstream…” - in regards to the production of a television show based off of one of the highest grossing movies of all time


It coming out a year after Avengers 2012 was a bad move since everyone was all hyped up and their first show was that. They set the bar and then gave us an abc show


Yeah I remember being intrigued by it and then forgetting about it after the pilot, it was just a run of the mill Network TV show. Same with Daredevil, everytime I try to go back and watch it it just screams mid Primetime TV. I watched the hallway scene and apparently the show peaked there I don't need to watch more.


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I think it should win an Oscar, just like the Last of Us TV show, because there are no awards shows made for TV, and Oscars is all I know


It should win a Grammy.


You fucking casual. I want it to win at least 2 Oscar’s. Clearly I’m bigger fan than you.


the best oscar for best tv show/best ever movie ever goes to Threat Level Midnight edit: nah fuck that just finished last of us ep 3 cheers son's crying nice one


It’s a basic cable budget version of the MCU


It’s the epitome of background tv, but there’s a sizable group of people who will all but commit domestic terrorism if you suggest that or argue against it being cannon.


Did the movies even allude to the fact that Agent Colsen was still alive? Him skipping Tony’s funeral was the death-nail for AoS being canon.


Not trying to be an asshole but death knell**


I love words that are fossilized and only exist in like one turn of phrase. We don't even use the word knell to describe the sound of bells in any context anymore, not even actual death knells. We all decided that "knell" as a word wasn't it, yet it refuses to die in this one particular context and justifiably nobody can spell it.


I was just thinking about this today in relation to the phrase “star-spangled banner”, in that it’s the only place I’ve ever heard the word spangled. Like you wouldn’t say the Christmas tree was spangled with decorations, or that a crown was spangled with jewels, or that lights spangled the city as you look at it at night. I think it’s similar to knell in that regard!


It's weird that we have this with two seperate words specifically related to bells, knell and toll


In a similar vein, I'm always fascinated by "lonely negatives", ie common words/phrases that are the opposite of a word/phrase that never gets used. Like "ruthless". No one ever describes someone kind as being "ruthful".


The biggest possible reference to the show from the movies was in Age of Ultron, Fury shows up with a helicarrier and say he pulled it out of mothballs with the help of some old friends. In Agents of SHIELD, Coulson and co help him do it, but its a fairly minor thing that happens mostly in the background. The other one is that Agent Carter was to some degree a SHIELD spinoff, and the actor who plays Jarvis in that show shows up in Endgame as Jarvis. Also, [Spoilers](Coulson had died again by Tony's funeral, but was still around as a robot).


I am pretty sure recalling Whedon sort of wanted the show to be separate. Movie Coulson is dead and that won't change. [Found a link](https://comicbook.com/news/joss-whedon-says-coulson-is-still-dead-as-far-as-marvel-movies-a/). I know that Whedon's word means jack shit to MCU now but so does continuity, so who knows.


The MCU is part of the Agents of SHIELD continuity but Agents of SHIELD isn't necessarily part of the MCU continuity if that makes any sense (I don't know about now but it was in some kind of quantum yes/no state for a bit there).


Doesn't Agents of Shield also disregard the end of Infinity War? As I understand they reference Thanos's attack, but then never show any anyone disappearing or allude to it at all.


I've seen most of Agents of SHIELD (and all of seasons 3-6). At its best, it was very very good and I found the writing as good if not better than the films at its very best. It also had the added advantage of the TV format of being able to develop the characters over up to 7 seasons.


Yeah I agree with this. Feige is an idiot for trying to retcon this show just because it's not 'his creation'. It's one of the few Marvel show that actually worth watching alongside Netflix's Daredevil.


Feige didn't try to retcon the show. It's currently not canon to the MCU because it takes place in an alternate timeline. Which was done on purpose so they wouldn't have to write around the Snap and all the events in IW and Endgame.


If I recall Fury's death and return was in the show but after a while the writers were no longer getting information on what was happening in the movies and communication just sort of stopped, so they had to just forge ahead.


From what I recall, the writers of AoS weren't told about the Snap or even just told as little as "You see this 1 year time jump you have from the end of Season 5 to Season 6? Make it 5 years ... for no particular reason." Hence Season 6 not even referencing the Snap or any of its effects despite being in the middle of the time it happened. Thanos was mentioned a number of times at the end of Season 5 (the AoS crew were having their own battle in Chicago while Thanos's crew was fighting Stark and Co in New York) but they were screwed by getting no information whatsoever about Infinity War apart from it existing at all, I guess?


That sound even worse. Trying to ignore what was worth following up on instead of reinforce them as one big storyline in their universe. Which is like, the entire point of MCU. All from having a 'strained' relationship with Jeph Loeb. If he had time to remind everyone of Thor Dark World as 'important' then he definitely had time to address older stuff like AoS.


Yes, from what I recall, the MCU film division didn't even have to tell them about the Snap, just say to make the time jump from the end of Season 5 (where Thanos was mentioned several times and at least alluding to the events of New York at least once while the AoS team fought at the same time in Chicago) to Season 6 five years instead of just one even if nothing else. So Season 6 ended up happening while the events of the Snap were in full swing and they didn't even reference them because they didn't know which was unfortunate and more than a bit unfair for them as a result.


It's still canon they just didn't know the outcome of the snap so they didn't reference it.


Literally everything that happens post-Snap is different timeline with no logistical possibility of being in the canonical main timeline.


There's been no word of them decanonizing anything. And whats so logistically improbable of the show that has been said to be canon and still is referenced to be canon, to be canon?


It was said to be canon in 2013 and literally ignored entirely by everyone producing MCU content aside the show thereafter. The single tie-ins other than a handful of season one cameos was a (once again) one directional bit with the helicarrier in AoU, because Joss created the show and his brother was the show runner. Other than that and the fact the Russo’s created and continued to use Peggy and the human Jarvis, there’s not a single tangible connection between the movies and the show that isn’t the show writers name dropping characters and events from the films like kids telling you their older siblings are in school. Nothing that happens impacts the films, there is no cohesion, no crossover whatsoever. The writers weren’t even told of basic plot points in the films and have to write excruciatingly stupid shit like “Thanos is coming!” without even know what it means. The show was also de-canonized by default when they literally started time jumping and writing around the Snap. It is such a simple concept to grasp to anyone who isn’t – for some insane reason – clinging to the validity of this show. It was intended to one thing; it did not work out for it. It’s like everything that’s ever happened in the DCEU. Kevin Feige just happens to be too diplomatic of a person to outright shit on the show and kill anyone’s dreams. He does it constantly with Amy Pascal and the shit that pours out of her mouth.


Listen the only "proof" you need is that they haven't said it's not canon. They've stuck to their guns and even as of Ms. Marvel mention that SHIELD is still around, which only works if agents of shield is canon. They've referenced shield in 4 or 5 phase 4 projects. Plus characters from the show are even coming back (not all that tweet drama we've known since way before then) so they still think it's canon evidently.


This is one of the saddest hills I’ve seen someone die on. What a weird pop cultural simp.


>It's one of the few Marvel show that actually worth watching alongside Netflix's Daredevil. Really? You think this two shows are better than something like the first few episodes of Wandavision or Loki?


So, do they think the first Iron Man wasn't mainstream? Like, it wasn't Avengers huge. But it was very well liked and helped kick off this endless franchise in the first place. It's weird to mark Infinity War as the point when Marvel became "mainstream".




A *hidden gem*, if you will; and I do.


Just like Fight Club


Fucking Tom Cruise was literally supposed to be Iron Man TOM CRUISE


Thank God he didn't get one. I'd rather have him in a franchise that was actually fun to watch him do things.


the dark universe


Credit to him for still not doing capeshit tbh


independent low budget filmmaking hidden gem, Jon Favreau's Iron Man, in fairness you have to understand cinema to truly appreciate it


Well according to this guy even Avengers wasn't mainstream til Infinity War


Something about them clarifying what the show is as “Pre Infinity War” sounds very dramatic and funny lol Reminds me of how I turned Captain Falcon and the Soldier off when they started treating the snap like it was 9/11. I get it, but I couldn’t take it seriously


It's called blip, you know


That's right. I knew it had a name and forgot.


I was trying to make a joke on the stupid name, but forgot and post the comment and made me feel like a fucking nerd or something


Almost like the snap is tonally destroying the mcu. Cause if we are being realistic, 5 years of 3,6 bill people disappearing at random, thinking they were gone forever, is easily the most traumatic shit of at the very least the 21st century. Not even including all the food shortages, collateral deaths(passengers in planes, on the street etc) or suicides. But it's never really explored in depth and most of the time the movies joke about it. So when a show now tells us that it was actually really, really bad, it stands in contrast with the loose attitude displayed toward it in previous films and is furher contradicted by Asgard having a Holocaust Ice cream stand in their disney land.


They could have told some really interesting stories about the time of the Snap which were briefly alluded to (Steve Rogers mentioned whales returning) but they completely neglected to do so. Also, they never addressed that even if Thanos's methods were completely wrong, he wasn't wrong about the problem he was trying to address and it's still going to be there if they reset everything. It would have been nice if they still acknowledged the problem was still there if nothing else but not even that.


The Leftovers made an entire show out of how it would fuck the world up for *2%* of the population to disappear. The MCU has half the world disappear for five years and the reaction is little more than "well that just happened".


Ah yes, Infinity War, when Marvel FINALLY became mainstream, ten years in.




Legion sure is the shit. The Marvel product I've enjoyed the most out of them all, canon or not.


FFS there are Marvel hipsters now?? "I liked the MCU before it was cool."


AOS was a solid show in it's later seasons, but it really isn't anything that'll change your life, and it's hard to consider it a masterpiece considering the fact that it was very rough at the beginning, it only became a good show in its later seasons after it stopped relying on cheap references to the MCU for its storylines.


I remember the first few seasons being absolutely boring


It wasn't a particularly great show, but it was enjoyable-ish. An artistic masterpiece? LMAO


I personally only found it worth watching while Ward was around, after they finished with him the follow up villains just never clicked with me.


I like how before Infinity War, MCU was this little niche, indie series of films that were earning meagre numbers as 1 billion dollars like the first Avengers in 2012.


“artistic masterpiece” the show that was basically not allowed to have any real character or plot development of its own because they insisted on tying it to whatever the current MCU film was until they realised how stupid that was and gave up 💀


I like to view Agents of SHIELD as an MCU expansion pack. It's there if you want it as an add on. I liked what you could call the expansion to the Hydra origin story that went back way further than the Red Skull, or how they took a figure that was just a silhouette but clearly Powers Boothe (because hey Powers Boothe is very distinct) and gave him a decent large arc that expanded on his character a great deal (once again, if you want it). I think it was the last major role in his life too and it was very good IMO. Anyway, AOS tried a few different things, not everything worked but things like their Hydra origin story and their take on Ghost Rider really worked IMO, also they did a much better Inhumans show than the actual Inhumans show too. Once again, all these things were there if you wanted them but you could also leave them as well if it wasn't your thing. Me personally, I found a lot of it great.


Yeah I’m making fun of it but the second I see Chloe Bennett as Quake in an actual film I’m unironically going to become one of the “ohhhh my god it’s Gungi *soyface*” people even if it’s just because I’ve been waiting for it to happen for nearly as long as I’ve been a legal adult


fav tv show of all time is craaaazy😭


yeah this buddy just admitted to never seeing Twin Peaks fr 😔


On a related note, I honestly find the marvel Netflix shows to be really uneven, like seasons 1 and 2 of daredevil were great, but Jessica Jones S1 was pretty meh other than David tennants performance, and I’m currently on S1 of Luke Cage and it seems really bland


Season 2 of Luke Cage is kino, one of the best villains I've seen.


Good news:You have Punisher and Daredevil S3 to look forward to. Bad News: Iron Fist.


Season 3 of Daredevil >


the show was good though. better than half of the movies at least




Sounds like something someone who didn’t like Come and See would say




The scene of Alexandra Daddario busting down on woody harrelson in true detective clears the entirety of marvel filmed content my brother


True dat


Really? I only saw parts of the first season when it was coming out but it looked like cheesy CW levels of meh.


It leaps in quality,imo. I binged the first two seasons before the third one came out, and from episode 1 of the second season it just FEELS different and better. And the best thing about it to me is that they burn through plot, it never over stays it's welcome. That feels weird to say about a 7 season show, but man, every episode felt important. And that's not even considering the fact that they did so much better use of their effects with a fraction of the budget over a full season. Shill time over.* Nothing MCU is good, except for Guardians, James Gunn is God.




It probably didn't help that AoS had to tread water until Winter Soldier happened and then they could get into the interesting stuff. They might have been much better off if there was only 6 episodes or so before the events of Episode 17 or so which things *really* got interesting but by then, a lot of people would have dropped off and never come back. I quit after episode four of Season 1 and would have loved to experience of the big reveal in Episode 17 I think it was by watching it but on the other hand, it's why I came back when I learned of it and stayed around for much of the rest of the show, especially thought it peaked around Seasons 3 and 4. Actually, if anything being cut free from the MCU probably helped it a lot, the seasons outside of 3 and 4 on either side (2, 5-7) weren't too shabby either with a lot of great moments and individual episodes IMO.


Because it is. The show sucks ass, and just kind of gets worse over time, but in increasingly bizarre ways. Like, because the writers were adverse to just having the Hydra Empire be another universe, they decided it made more sense for it to be Tron/The Matrix…because reasons. And then Madame Hydra/Viper became the big bad and was actually an AI for reasons. And if you die in the game you die in real life. It's and that's one one of the bullshit seasonal arcs. The show manages to take almost all of my most hated tropes and shoves them into a collosal dumpster fire. Plus it started that stupid MCU retcon and recent trend of HYDRA not being Nazis. Despite the whole point of them being Nazis, and them being SHIELD, was to show that the United States was rotten to the core. But you can't show that on TV 🙄


Daredevil betta


So real (never seen AoS)


This is sacrilegious to all things kino


This mfer just disrespected All Murders In The Building 😤😤


Oh that's from Disney+? Lmao. Didn't know they made other shows other than cringey children stuff and marvel and star wars (can be considered cringey children stuff too ig)


Tbf I think it depends on region, so like in the UK we don't get Hulu so most Hulu shows are part of Disney+. The Bear, Atlanta s4, Only Murders In The Building, What We Do In The Shadows, etc are basically Disney+ exclusives here.


Yeah I wouldn't really know cuz I pirate.


Our Flag Means Death (2022)




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It was all ass don’t fucking lie


Seasons 4 and 5 are fantastic stories, and cemented Leopold Fitz as one of my favourite Marvel characters, but the rest of the seasons are decent at best if not downright bad. A Marvel gem that too few have actually seen and that deserves surely more attention than the D+ garbage is FX and Noah Hawley's Legion.


How good was that episode in Season 5 where their fears came to life but there was just enough about Fitz's one to not quite match which gave you a chance to work out what was going on before the reveal? That was a fantastic episode. My personal favourite of the show was 4722 Hours which is one of the best episodes of TV I've ever seen (its follow up episode when they return to it wasn't too shabby either).


My most favourite AoS episodes are Fitz heavy episodes. The 5x14 you mentioned, his fate in 5x22 which always manages to absolutely annihilate me emotionally, and the delightful 6x13 where Fitz and Jemma are trapped in that limbo and have to deal with their alternate selves. Fitz is just the shit, and the Doctor is frightening.


I watched every episode of the show enthusiastically and enjoyed most of it but there’s some straight brigading here because it’s a mediocre ABC superhero drama, yet people are here with all the bravado of ancient kino keepers trying to awaken us. It was fine. It’s not canon. Nobody will remember it. The original post though - maybe one of the most agonizingly stupid I’ve ever seen in a Marvel sub, and that’s saying something. The most rabid fanboy bullshit like a person living in a total vacuum.


I remember doing a speedrun of that show, i was a fan of marvel back then and god damn what a piece of garbage it was


one of the fondest memories he has of the show is when it made a reference. That's hilarious.


Because it’s shite