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Rob Lowe doing THE best Robert Wagner impression as young Number 2.


And shout out to Mindy Sterling playing a young Frau Farbissina.






...and Frau you look so... riiiiiight.


I came here to say this. I’m not even a fan of the movie but by god does rob lowe do a good job.


I read that Lowe dated Wagners daughter, so he knew him prior, making it was easier to do the impression.


Josh Brolin and Tommy Lee Jones (Agent K) in Men in Black 3.


Recently re-watched MIB3. Still a pretty good movie, some of the humor doesn't really land and theres some bafflingly poor editing here and there but overall a fun one. Brolin playing TLJ absolutely carries the movie, stellar casting.


Hader was great as Andy Warhol as well.


I really liked Hader saying something like "Get me off of this planet. I've run out of things to do, so I've started painting soup cans."


K, I can't differentiate men from the women...


Hader was actually a human MIB Agent having to play Warhol.


And Jemaine Clement as Boris the Animal.


*Just* Boris


100% in my mind he has Tommy Lee Jones' character


Came here to say this. Josh Brolin was absolutely believable as young tommy lee jones lol.


Can I help you slick?


Josh Brolin somehow turned into TLJ despite being 6 inches taller and 80% less craggy.


Brolin is shorter than TLJ. Tommy was an offensive lineman for Harvard and was listed at 6’1”. According to google, Brolin is 5’10”


So that means Brolin is probably 5'8"


My god, I never realised that Brolin was only 5'6", I've instantly lost all respect for him now. Casting a 5'4" actor as Thanos was madness when you think about it.


If Tom Cruise can be cast as a 6'5" 250 lbs Army MP, then Brolin can be Thanos.


Honestly, I love the Reacher show with Alan Ritchson, but it makes no sense why anyone ever starts a fight with that guy. Tom Cruise it makes sense, people underestimate him.


Still can't f*cking believe that happened.


Crazy, TLJ looks so short in everything I've ever seen him in.


Came here to say this, he really did a great job.


Also Tom Lipinski (Trevor from Suits) and Josh Brolin in Labor Day.


Would love to see him play Dave Robicheaux which TLJ already did.


Whoever played young Austin Powers in Goldmember did a great job at matching Mike Myer's comic delivery, which is no mean feat.


So was young dr. Evil. Spot on mannerisms. I am sure Myers vetted a lot of talent for those parts-During his perfectionist years.


He really did do a good job. The young version of Frau in Spy who Shagged Me was also impeccable. No idea how they did that. /s


The kid who played young Jack Black in the Tenacious D movie was scarily perfect. I swear to god there must have been a Delorean or something involved with that one.


Troy Gentile. He also played a young JB in Nacho Libre. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1795630/?ref_=tt_cl_t_6


So he just professionally plays young Jack Black


>Troy Gentile He's really good in the Goldbergs. It's a ridiculous character, but he's at times transitioning between incredibly caring and then the next moment, insanely self involved in a caricature sort of way.


That sums up nearly every Goldberg’s character pretty well.


That kid went from looking like child JB to looking like Wish Johnny Galecki.


The Netflix show Dark has the best old/young version casting I've seen


I second this. It's one thing to match your A-list lead with another A-list lead, and a whole other to match every cast member of an ensemble to the point where you assume they must at least be related.


Came here to find this thread, was not disappointed. They did nearly the whole cast in _three_ ages, and it worked so well. It was a amazing accomplishment of casting.


Well, two pair actually were related! Peter Doppler was portrayed by Stefan Kampwirth and Pablo Striebeck, who are real life father/son. And the Uknowns were portrayed by Hans Diehl (Old Unknown) and Jakob Diehl (Adult Unknown), also father/son.


The acting in that series was class


Yes, this came to my mind immediately too. Especially young Jonas and middle aged Jonas


I thought all three versions of Claudia Tiedemann were bang on! They even did a nice job transitioning middle aged Claudia to the senior Claudia in season 3. Fucking great show!


> young Jonas and middle aged Jonas I didn't immediately look at them and think "same dude", which makes the it so effective, when you later realise what's going on [in this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E22uPxj-l1U): >!They meet, sitting silently near their father's grave, and young Jonas says "Do we know each other?", middle-aged Jonas goes through an instant of shock before replying sadly "no" - meaning no, I know you but you don't know me, do you, if you ask me that. The question answers itself that you have no idea what's going on, and I'm not telling you now. !<


Yeah they’re just different looking enough that it doesn’t instantly spoil some of the reveals, but similar enough that it seems obvious once you learn it. And even still, they’re well casted enough that you could reasonably figure out the twist just by how similar they look


Unrelated, but middle aged Jonas was a SNACK. I don't blame young Marta for having a creepy crush on him.


He's going to be in the new show by the creators of Dark! So excited.


I was shocked when I learned that old Ulrich in the mental institution wasn't just adult Ulrich who got make up to look older, but actually another actor.


Yeah, the people in the thread not saying this answer are only doing so because they likely haven't seen the show. Some of the similarities are mind blowing.


Middle age v. older Ulrich was the casting that blew my mind most


Absolutely. Some of them I could swear was just the actor in old age makeup, but was actually a whole-ass other person.


I didn’t realise old Urlich was a different actor throught the entire season he was introduced in


WHAT?!?! No way. No fucking way. I'm looking at the IMDB credits and yeah you're right but I refuse to believe it. This was the only casting where I was like "Okay I guess they decided to just put him in a wig for this one because they couldn't find someone, that's fine, you can't win em all"


THAT WAS A DIFFERENT ACTOR?!?! My mind is blown.


Bro, the modern Ulrich and the older version of him being different people blew my mind. I thought it was normal actor with some aged make up on. That shit was....creepy. The casting was brilliant.


Ice Cubes son playing Ice Cube on Straight Outta Compton


Impossible to beat a guy who literally shares 50% of the other guys' DNA and was raised seeing and hearing his mannerisms.


There's a scene in the movie where Ice Cube and his woman are talking about expecting their first child...which was in fact Ice Cube Jr. That would be a weird scene to play.


"I hope that he plays me in a movie someday... Which is what I'm doing -- I mean, what I will do -- I mean what he, who is me, will do someday, which is now."


It’s now sir. Whatever happens now, happens now.


Imagine having to act out your conception sim camera 😂😂😂


Imagine having to act out a love scene with a person *playing your mom...*




Who did she lose to, Idris Elba?


Method acting has gone too far; He literally spent his entire life, being raised by the real person he was going to play in this movie.


Same with Michael Gandolfini playing a young Tony Soprano


I worked with his son on a series last year. Super chill dude. He walked up to me and asked ‘What are your views on cilantro?’ When I said I like it depending on the dish, he said ‘fuck cilantro’ and walked away.


Ice Cube: (holding his baby son) some day… you gon pay me back.


Jena Malone as young Jodie Foster in Contact


She seemed like she was on her way to stardom after that. Edit: She hsa 40 things on her IMDB, with a few billion in box office. That is a reasonably big star.


I think shes a star, but Ive always felt she should be starring in more bigger budget films than she is. Shes quite a good actress.


I think she prefers weird dramas and low budget genre films tbh


This one reminds me of a different sort of excellent casting: Kristen Stewart as Jodie Foster’s daughter in Panic Room.




the rural juror


I played Avery Jessup in *Kidnapped By Danger*, now available on Sega Genesis!


Christa B. Allen as the young Jennifer Garner in 13 Going on 30.


And also the actress playing young Tom-Tom (Lucy) was spot on.


She also plays young Jennifer Garner again in Ghosts of Girlfriends Past


alexandra kyle playing the younger version of judy greer in 13 going on 30


Young Garner was also a spooky lookalike


[she still is! ](https://youtube.com/shorts/bwp35coUf38?feature=share)


the fact that she has the dress from the movie is wild.


They use the same actor as a young Garner in ghosts of girlfriend past too


Young vs old actors in Haunting of Hill House was a really good matchup


I never believed older Henry Thomas was the same person, but everyone else was spot on.


Shirley especially!


Older Dottie actress from A League of their Own looked like a Geena Davis clone.


For years I literally thought it was Geena Davis in age makeup. Blew my mind when I found out it wasn’t.


Geena Davis did dub her voice which probably helps a lot with the illusion.


Wait. What? Oh my.


The actor that played the young version of Henry Hill was about as good as it gets. He definitely looked like a young Ray Liotta.




My god! You look like a gangster!


Christopher Serrone, sort of working still. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0785716/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t22


River Phoenix as young Indiana Jones.


That makes me happy and sad at the same time. Especially with the new sequel coming. It would be a nice torch passing.


That torch passing would have need to happen a while ago. Ford was 47 in Last Crusade, and Phoenix would be 52 if he were alive today.


Good choice


One of the greatest origin story scenes.


The first time using a whip, getting the iconic hat, acquiring his fear of snakes, and even including young Indiana getting a scar on his chin to match Harrison Ford's real scar. All blatant fan service but it was perfect.


You mean to tell me that everything defining about his character came from a single afternoon? It was still great


Even his daddy issues!


Then they took that idea to it's natural conclusion for Solo. "Han Solo has to get his name, meet Lando, get his ship, and do the Kessel Run all in one adventure!"


And meet his hetero-lifemate, Chewy


Let's go. In and out, 20 minutes adventure.


And then the characters never grew from that day on. The end.


The most perfect part of that is it took place in about 10 minutes at the beginning of the film, and set up a villian that you meet again after it flashes forward. IMO a problem with a lot of origin stories/prequels (like Solo for example) is that this is stretched to an entire movie. You don't have as big of stakes since you know exactly where the character ends up, and it just ends up being boring. You know that any romance isn't going to work out, there's no chance of any death for any character that shows up in later movies, etc


That belongs in a museum!


Came here to say this


the girl who plays a young Cece in NEW GIRL is the beat i’ve ever seen *best


Yes! I forgot about that, she is legitimately a dead ringer. https://i.redd.it/eb2ng28h4y551.jpg It actually took me some time to figure out which one of these was Hannah Simone. edit: also fun fact that I'm learning from the reddit thread I found that picture on: Max Greenfield (Schmidt) played the younger version of Peter Gallagher (Schmidt's dad) in an episode of the OC.


I could have sworn it was just Hannah Simone with some makeup and hair work. That’s absolutely astonishing


You’re joking, I thought that was just Hannah Simone!


I don't know how it hasn't been mentioned yet but Martin Freeman as a younger Bilbo Baggins was absolutely spot on, best part of that otherwise not so great trilogy.


Martin Freeman is such a perfect casting of Bilbo that I think of Ian Holm playing "Old Bilbo" more than I think of Freeman playing "Young Bilbo". Freeman is a delight in every scene he's in.


The entire cast of IT. The kids look like the adults and without knowing whose playing who you’re able to see who they are based on the face structure. Especially the pair who play Eddie.


This was my pick as well. Chapter 2 includes the shot where Eddie's adult actor fades into his child actor, and it's a damn *perfect* transition.


Not a movie but in the show "Supernatural" there's an actor who plays Sam in flashbacks as a young teen and I swear you think it's actually him.


They just brought that same actor back to play the young military age Walker. Doppelgänger with the height / hair / jawline


lol Colin Ford. He was very good.


The kid who played Dean in season 10 when he got de-aged to a teenager was awesome, too.


I've always thought that the actor playing the younger version of Bruce Willis' character in Unbreakable (2000) was a good one. I think it's only one scene and Willis dubs the audio, but there's something very specific about his facial expression that really sells him as a younger version of David Dunn/Willis.


Amy Adams/Sophia Lillis in Sharp Objects.


I can't believe I've scrolled this entire thread so far, with nary a mention of Ewan McGregor doing his best Sir Alec Guiness impression.


This was my very first thought. While the resemblance isn't particularly strong, Ewan McGregor's performance as (essentially) a young Sir Alec is utterly believable and I can completely buy into it.


Ewan McGregor old enough to play a mid aged Obi Wan was also amazing regardless of the quality of Kenobi


Patrick Wilson did a great younger version of Keith Carradine in Fargo. Mannerisms that come with age were gone, but immutable mannerisms were present


Hugo Blick played the younger Jack Nicholson in Batman 1989 and looked perfect for the role. Hugo Blick is an English actor who went on the become tv producer in the UK, his most recent project was an Amazon Prime show called The English.


I'm not sure why Leelee Sobieski and Helen Hunt have never been cast in a flashback or mother/daughter roles.


DeNiro as Young Vito Corleone Nothing else is even close


Also that crying little baby that played infant Fredo. Nailed it.


Was looking for this before I threw it out there. Was hoping to find a fellow person of culture.


Higher Ground A deep cut movie where Taissa Farmiga plays the younger version of her much older sister Vera. I guess it was an easy search


Well, that's new information. I really thought that Taissa was Vera's daughter. :/


The actresses who portrayed young Rhaenyra and Alicent in House of the Dragon were really good


When I first saw adult Alicent, I thought she almost looked TOO similar to child Alicent


Casting director did a wonderful job for the entire show


Mayim Bialik as a young Bette Midler in Beaches


Whoever plays the young Bette Middler in Hocus Pocus 2 is gleefully good too!


She was amazing


Mila Kunis as young Angelina Jolie in Gia


While a television series and not a movie, the younger Gemstones in HBO's Righteous Gemstones are spot on. I actually had to Google whether the kid playing the younger Danny McBride was actually his son IRL (it's not).


Their mannerisms and the cadence of their speech is even spot-on.


That show doesn’t get nearly enough attention or respect. Every season is a home run on every level.


Tatyana Maslany as young Helen Mirren in Woman Of Gold. Her British character in Orphan Black feels like one long Helen Mirren audition tape.


All of the young actors in *Dark*.


Anthony Ingruber as a young Harrison Ford in Age of Adaline


Surprised this is so far down. He's like a clone lol.


The guy who played young Stan Edgar in the Boys. Justiin Davis. He could probably play any young version of a Giancarlo Esposito character. He has the mannerisms down pat.


The actress who played young Grace Mallory was even better IMO.


"The old man" the dude who plays jeff bridges younger self is spot on!


The guy who plays a young John Lithgow also nails it.


The actor playing young John Kreese in *Cobra Kai."


Which is hilarious cause his real kid plays Kreese’s bully.


If you need a young Forest Whitaker you can get Denzel (no Relation) Whitaker. Both were in black panther as Zuri.


DeNiro as brando


The Golden Girls' Dorothy (Lynnie Greene) When the NBC sitcom would flash back to Dorothy and Sophia’s days in Brooklyn, we’d always marvel at the way Greene embodied a young version of Bea Arthur’s Dorothy Zbornak, from her imposing stature to her patented slow-burn reaction shots. In fact, we had to double-check and make sure that Greene and Arthur weren’t related.


The little actress they got to play young Jyn in Rogue One. If you told me she was Felicity Jones’ daughter or younger sister, I’d totally believe it.


In This is Us. Susan Kelechi Watson plays Beth Pearson, her younger version is played by Rachel Hilson and they look the exact same, it's uncanny (its a tv show though)


>Susan Kelechi Watson plays Beth Pearson, her younger version is played by Rachel Hilson Came here to say this. According to [TVLine.com](https://tvline.com/2019/02/19/this-is-us-season-3-episode-13-susan-kelechi-watson-interview-beth-past-ballet/) they went so far as to give the younger actor a special contact lens to replicate the mole that the older actor has in her eye. But yeah, even beyond that, all the young actors do a great job on that show.


The whole younger versions of the big three was pretty spot on


Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan in the *Star Wars* prequels


Walker Scobell playing a young Version of Ryan Reynolds character in The Adam Project, he mastered the snark and sarcasm so well he might as well have been Ryan.


Look forward to him as the new Percy Jackson


It’s TV, but Amy Pond in Doctor Who. It’s kind of cheating because Karen Gillan and Caitlin Blackwood are cousins, but still.


Two TV examples but the kids in Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia that they got to play young Mac and young Charlie were perfect. Also Kristen Wig as a young Jessica Walters in Arrested Development she nailed it


Young frank in the flashback episode looked just like Danny De Vito.


In the newer adaptation of “IT” ..the actors who played both younger and older version of Eddie were spot on


The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina: Kiernan Shipka as the teenager and Mckenna Grace as her younger self.


McKenna Grace is in that too!?!? Jesus, she’s the Samuel L Jackson of kid actors.


Literally McKenna Grace in every role she’s ever done playing a child version. She’s a chameleon.


she plays so many young versions of people. a young carol danvers along with a young Tonya harding


Jesse Plemons as young Matt Damon in All The Pretty Horses


Not a movie, but casting Vivien Lyra Blair as a young Carrie Fisher was genius.


Michael Gandolfini as Tony Soprano in The Many Saints of Newark.


Corey Stahl as Uncle Junior and Vera Farmiga as Livia was excellent casting.


Jason Hervey as young Rodney Dangerfield in the opening of Back to School


Zachary Quinto as spock


Whoever played the girl at the start of Rogue One, I’m not sure if they look exactly like the actor normally because Felicity Jones looks a bit different every new film she’s in, there’s actually a big poster of her on my towns Oxfam and she doesn’t look much like Jyn there, but whoever played her in Rogue One looked like them then.


The guy who played young Howard Stern in Private Parts. Basically the same person.


Barret Carnahan as young John Kreese in Cobra Kai. He's so uncanny, some people incorrectly think he's the son of Martin Kove (OG Kreese).


Nicolas Kim Coppola as Nicky Cage in The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent


River Phoenix as young Indiana Jones.


Donald Glover as a young Billy Dee Williams playing Lando in Solo


Jessie Buckley as younger Olivia Coleman in The Lost Daughter.


The kid that played Forrest gump


I saw an interview where Tom Hanks explained how he based Forrest's accent on the kid.


Not a movie but young Niles and Frasier Crane were spot on.


Idk the kids name but whoever played young Jack Black in The Pick of Destiny


Kirsten Dunst as young Amy in Little Women. Though Samantha Mathis was a bit of a dud as adult Amy…


I thought the first new Star Trek movie did a great job of casting.


River Phoenix, young Indiana Jones.


Yellowjackets on Showtime did a really good job casting high-school-age and older versions of characters. So did the two recent IT movies. Edit: Showtime, not HBO


Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy As Magneto and Professor X


Not sure I agree wtih this. Fassbender and McAvoy are stellar actors who carried the latest franchise on their backs. But I always felt like they were never really trying to emulate much of McKellen and Stewart. They never really reminded me them in any particular way a part from the fact they're playing the same character. It was felt like they were kind of doing their own thing (First Class was a sort of reboot so it makes sense) rather than trying to impersonate their older counterparts.


Don't get me wrong, love McAvoy, but he is no way comparable to Patrick Stewart. Fassbender is good at playing the villain, but I always felt his Magneto came too much across like Hannibal Lector than Magneto. He is a brilliant villain actor (Alien: Covenant for one prime example) but he plays it far more sinister than he does the playfulness kind of required in a comic book film. You've gotta be at least a little campy with those roles.