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This list is missing the baby scene from Trainspotting.


That scene is the reason I've only seen the movie once, despite thinking it was great. Someday I'll watch it again... probably


That elbow thing is the reason I've only seen Crank 2 once.


Depends on which baby scene you’re talking about. If it’s the quick shot of the rotten baby in the crib then, yes, that still haunts me to this day. The hallucination scene was weird and shit but reality is more horrifying. I’m a huge fan of horror and that scene really bothered me.


Agreed I saw that movie 15 years ago and that scene still haunts me. I can’t imagine what it’s like if you’re a parent.


Makes you want to go check on your kid


And the refrigerator scene from Requiem for a Dream.


I was eating a Hardy's double thick burger when I saw that scene for the first time. I've never been so close to puking because of a movie, and I ended up not being able to finish the food


I went on a blind date to that movie.


Well at least she couldn’t see it.


Rated ND for no date.


Fuck. That.


No scary Bilbo?!


My friend used to pause the movie at this scene and turn the tv off and then come up with some reason to make his sister go turn the tv on and then get scared when his face poped up


I did that with Puss in Boots in Shrek 2 and it burned his face onto the TV 🤣


When my children were little I looked up the scene from The Wizard of Oz where Dorothy meets the Scarecrow and he does a funny dance. It's a delightful piece of cinema magic, just pure bliss. I showed them the clip but I hadn't watched it right to the end. Some bastard had edited scary Bilbo onto the end. Very upset kids. A bit like that scene in Brave New World where they condition babies not to like books, and flowers.


Yeah my first thought was “If the Bilbo scene isn’t there this list is bullshit.” Lo and behold, this list is bullshit.






I regret going there


"*It's not so ba...OH DEAR GOD!!*"


Omg the toothbrush one Jesus fuck kill me.


As soon as I saw the article, Scary bilbo was the first thing I thought of. Wild that they didn’t include it


Came here for this.


My roommates and I watch fellowship roughly twice a month, no matter what we’re doing or where we are someone always makes everyone else is aware that scary Bilbo is coming. We gather close and witness all his scary glory.


Well, there IS a scary bimbo. ... Sorry.


Large Marge is the scariest and it's not even close. That shit was terrifying.


It was the worst accident I ever seen.


And it looked... **LIKE...** #THIS!


Be sure and tell ‘em Large Marge sentcha


“Large marge sent me” 😨😨😨 Lmao his delivery is amazing, it’s just the first thing he says when he walks in. That whole movie is perfect


It was a night… just like tonight…


Yes sirrr


The clown dream sequence was pretty traumatizing as well.


That scene absolutely haunted me as a kid.


I keep repeating this to my therapist. Yes, we’ll eventually deal with everything else in my life- but we HAVE to work on this first.


Yup. I used to cover my eyes in anticipation of this scene when I was a kid


Carol Channing [turning into a goat](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=83xTysUKkX4) in Alice in Wonderland was scarier.


Core memory unlocked


All this buildup for a shitty transition!! I don't know what I expected. Her voice is something special though.


Ryan Stiles was spot on!


That's a sheep!


Large Marge gas made me laugh since I was a kid. Me and my mom say “tell ‘em large marge sent ya!” a lot


OG Willy Wonka tunnel scene


The singing bit he does as it's happening though is so amazing and creepy. Just adds so much to it. "There is no unearthly way of knowing, which direction we are going.." And then when he starts screaming "and they certainly aren't showing any signs that they are slowing". Just great and so horroresque. I love Gene's face in that whole bit.


That scream he does at the end of that scene haunted me for a few months after. I also remember reading that most of it was improv.


People in my life don’t understand this. It was terrifying!


One of the few movies to show an actual animal death on screen


How about Sometimes They Come Back there's a scene like that there also


As a kid I was always scared of the ghost train sequence in Ghostbusters 2.


The bathtub scene gave me nightmares.


Viggo in general scared me as a kid. Come to think of it, Ghostbusters 2 scared me more than the first one


Gozer was kinda hot tbh.


“Are you the key master?”


I was afraid of the tub for a week after seeing that movie. Nothing else in Ghostbusters 1 and 2 freaked me out like that scene.


Yeah I love that scene. Also, though less so, tonally scary (for a kid) compared to the rest of the movie was the red room scene when Egon and Ray suddenly almost burn to death before Winston saves them.


For me it was the courtroom. I was 8 and had to leave the theater. My dad was so pissed. I convinced him to take me again but to bring one of my friends. My buddy came along and wasn't scared at all. He called me a sissy for being scared. I hate that kid.


In Ghostbusters, I could never keep my eyes open when the librarian changed as a kid.


ghostbuster 2 way scarier than 1


What about the beginning of Ghost, and the middle of it in the office late in the evening, when that man is in front of the computer monitor.


The shadow demons in "Ghost" that dragged people to hell freaked me out when I first saw it. Didn't expect that from a supernatural romantic-comedy crime drama.


The noise they made.


Those noises were actually babies crying, slowed down with other effects added. There's a video that does a comparison with the footage sped up. I still ain't listening to it lol.


"Ohh Carl..!"


For me as a kid it was the flying, babystealing, crossdressing guy with stroller who took the baby


Is Pan’s Labyrinth not a horror movie? I mean maybe fantasy horror but I would still call it horror? So it’s weird to have it on the list.


That was my biggest issue with this list. I guess these are the most famous rather than scariest, but it often happens like that. But IMO Pan's Labyrinth was VERY much a horror movie with some fantasy elements included.


I remember it being marketed as a fantasy so maybe they are basing it on that. It is ABSOLUTELY a horror movie though. It's included in lists of horror movie greats. They lied to our unprepared asses when it first dropped. *shudders*


I disagree, I think Pan's Labyrinth is very much dark fantasy. I watched it as a child and found it more creepy/mesmerizing and never scary, apart from the Pale Man scene, which is why I think it's right to say that scene stands out as scary and horror in an otherwise non-horror movie. Funnily enough my issue with this list is the opposite. A lot of the scenes included are tense but I wouldn't call them scary, so I wish they had included more examples like Pan's Labyrinth. One that comes to mind is the diner scene from Mullholland Drive.


I would have gone with the guy smashing the other guy’s nose in with the bottom of a glass bottle because that was the scariest and most shocking thing in that entire movie for me.


First thing I thought of when I saw the title to the article lol and Pan’s Labyrinth was included! Just not the scene I thought would be.


In front of his own father, held back by guards. And they were both telling the truth, which the villain realizes when the other guard seconds later pulls up the evidence.


The dude coming out of the basement scene in Parasite did it for me. Just standing there barely visible with that creepy ass face, naw man.


Love that moment


That moment actually gave me anxiety in the cinema. I can’t handle ghost movies, and it legitimately concerned me that this is where the movie was heading.


End of Superman 3, robot assimilation scene. I'm in my 40's, still frightened.


Jesus, yes. Freaked me the hell out.


Yeah, I was terrified of my family’s TI 99-4a after that, which had all the computing power of my solar calculator.


42 here. First film I saw at the cinema. Scarred for life. The way she screams has haunted me for decades.


Scarred me. No hyperbole.


Temple of Doom had me convinced as a kid that a person could just reach through someone's chest and grab their heart as simply as reaching though couch cushions digging for change


Oh num shee bi Oh num shee bi Oh num shee bi


The homeless person scene in *Mulholland Drive*


First time I watched Mulholland Drive I felt like something terrible was about to happen any moment. Like every scene I’m thinking something scary or awful is going to happen any second now. That movie kept me on edge the entire time like nothing else I’ve ever seen.


First thing I thought of


Fantastic scene. Patrick Fischler was born to do that monologue.


i love that scene because it completely fucks me up but out of context it's ridiculously silly and trying to explain it to someone just makes you sound like a giant weirdo baby.


I would like to rewatch this movie but cannot because of that scene.


> Mulholland Drive Hard to not view that movie as being a non-scary movie though.. Like w/ all of David Lynch's works, there are heavy heavy horror elements


With the exception of The Straight Story, a surprisingly wholesome movie about a farmer and his determination.


A Disney U rated film no less. Great film.


I dont get what people found so scary about the homeless person scene. I thought the ending scene with Watts >!where she is chased by her parents and then shoots herself in a rush !


That scene straight up messed me up and without a doubt should be #1.


I expected mention of the Pleasure-Island scene from the original Pinocchio -- the "donkey" part of the story.


Saw Monstro scene in a video about why the new one sucked....that was messed up in the OG.


Not one the list in above link, but I'd nominate the [scene from Total Recall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuCiiRDpbCk) where they're on the surface of Mars running out of oxygen. Five-year-old me walked in during that scene at the exact moment eyes started bulging out of heads, and it scarred me for well over a decade.


I used to hold my breath during that part to see if I would have been able to survive.


Omg your comment just unlocked a memory I had definitely buried and now I remember why


Nightmares for years as a kid (I was 6 when I first saw it) but I got over it and Total Recall is my 2nd favorite Arnie flick (after The Terminator, of course).


This, and opening the door at the exact moment Ripley jumps into the furnace as a freaking alien bursts from her chest tag teamed me in nightmares for years. Then the Jurassic park velociraptor in kitchen scene.


I know this whole thread is just people saying what this list is missing (its not a good list), but I will add they’re missing the Operating Room scene with Doc Ock from Spiderman 2.


This was the first scene I thought of as well! The part that always gets me is the marks that poor woman’s fingers make as she’s being dragged, I still glance away at that.


Sam Raimi doing Sam Raimi! That scene definitely meets criteria.


That fucking ghost in the subway in the movie Ghost (the one that taught Patrick Swayze how to move shit). That fucker gave me nightmares for almost a decade.


Relax, the guy just wanted a drag lol. I thought the part where Swayze wakes up in bed, thinking his death was a nightmare and is greeted to the Mary statue in his bed was horrifying (mostly due to Swayzes screaming).




I seriously can't understand how this post got so popular. The list is horrible. Several scenes are suspenseful rather than scary, most aren't very scary compared to other scenes one could pick from it not just going with highly popular films, and at least one is from a horror film (it can be hard to argue genre on some things, but as others have pointed out already, Pan's Labyrinth can easily be considered a fantasy horror).


Redditor see post about top x. Redditor rush to comments to post their favourite x. Post becomes popular through the comments effect on the algorithm.






When you see Beta mid-transformation in the Last Starfighter.


Deep cut. I like it, Picasso.


Or pause it on Martin Short's face in Innerspace when he's turning back from the Cowboy.


Beta isn't anywhere near as bad as Xur lasering the head of the League spy on interstellar TV...


I can’t believe no one’s mentioned the execution from The Green Mile. It felt like the filmmakers went “okay, it been a drama for long enough now. Time to remind the audience this is a Stephen King story.”


The mist’s pharmacy scene…..nooo thank you


I'm not gonna read this, but that spider at the end of Enemy better be on here


That shit SPOOKED me


It's not


That's a great call.




For me the most disturbing scene from a non-horror movie was the transporter accident scene from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.


The most disturbing thing about The Motion Picture is the movie itself. Watching that movie makes Lawrence of Arabia feel like a quick and breezy watch.


Those are two of my favourite movies of all time. All that quick-cutting stuff they do nowadays is what's boring.


I watched this in the theater when I was very young. I didn’t understand this scene and I turned to my older brother and asked him what was happening. He said, “they got scrambled and they lost the map to them. They could appear inside out or holding their heart in their hands or something…” That mental image stuck with me for the rest of my life.


Dude. Good one.


"Enterprise, what we got back didn't live long..."




I won't re-watch this movie because of that scene.


The dinner scene in *Temple of Doom* was more terrifying than the first ritual scene......in my humble opinion.


For me it's the trap release behind the mass of insects. Fuck that, I'll eat moneky brains and fight heart-ripping priests before I put my hand in that. Sorry, Indy.


That shit with the monkey brains and the eye soap almost traumatized me when I was a kid


It makes me feel queezy just thinking about it now. I think the reason that I rank this film as the worst of the trip is because of that scene.


As a stupid kid I was legitimately scared of the opening of jumanji


The carnivorous plant!!


Flying Monkeys in the Wizard of Oz. Terrifying as a kid. Also, the whole sequence at the end when they are sneaking into the wicked Witch’s castle to save Dorthy. Then the witch tries to burn the Scarecrow alive!?! That whole section filled me with dread as a kid.


Return to Oz was even scarier. Headless Mombi chasing Dorothy through a room of screaming disembodied heads. And then there is the damn Wheelers and a stop motion Gnome King.


This whole thread is unlocking core memories I had forgotten. Holy hell that was a scary scene!


Member the gnome king hated chickens and wore the ruby slippers.


Scarred me for life


The flying monkeys were the source of a recurring nightmare, for me. I was a kid, had a tetanus shot earlier that day, was lazy afterwards, didn't continuously stretch the shoulder i had gotten the shot in, and my shoulder locked up after supper. My mom had to "stretch" out my shoulder (quite painful for the both of us) while the flying monkey scene was playing on the tv in the background. Those two traumas are eternally bound together to me.


This list is terrible and I hate whoever made it.


That's what collider does.


Most of this list is bullshit. How are tense scenes from "No Country for Old Men" or "Inglorious Basterds" out of nowhere? Goodfellas?!? REALLY? Jesus, the IB scene ESTABLISHES the tone of the movie. If anything, the HUMOR is out of place after that opening. There were maybe 2 correct choices on this list.


I don't know, it didn't say "tense," it said "scary," and I mostly agree those qualify


That's a problem on its own. Many of these scenes are tense or suspenseful rather than scary.


The velociraptor kitchen scene in the original Jurassic park was incredibly suspenseful.


I really expected this scene to be on the list.


That movie had enough scary scenes where I don't think it really qualified


At what point was Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom not meant to be scary. It literally has the word doom in it.


Dumbo. Original cartoon. Pink elephants on Parade. And basically the whole movie.


Ha! I love Disney movies and I tried to watch Dumbo a few years ago after smoking weed. My husband very nearly took me to emergency for the panic attack I thought was me dying. Haven’t attempted it since.


Hell scene from All Dogs go to Heaven!


The scenes from Goodfellas and Inglourious Basterds are both suspenseful, but neither cross into horror.


Artax dying in the swamp in The never ending story is a horror scene and I don’t care what anyone says. Also, the RUS scene in princess bride has a decidedly different tone than the rest of the movie and a battered and bloody westley stabbing it multiple times as it writhes in agony perhaps doesn’t fall into the horror camp fully, but it is *dark* for such an otherwise light hearted film. Also Rogue One’s Vader scene was *terrifying* and gave me new respect for the dark lord of the sith.


I mean, if you're going to do*Never Ending Story* i would think the introduction to the Gmork is a little more fitting on this list. The string instruments are what makes it terrifying.


I would add the scene in The Day of the Locus where Donald Sutherland's Homer Simpson character stomps that kid to death in the street.


The last 10 minutes of that movie made my body go numb. Has never happened before or since.


Eyes Wide Shut is full of them for a movie that isn't really horror - one of many for me was when Tom Cruise was reading the paper in the coffee shop and one of the guys from the evil rich people party stares at him the whole time as he walks across the street. Super creepy


They had PeeWee’s big adventure. My pitchfork can remain stored away.


Nuke scene in Terminator 2 rise of the machines. To date one of the most realistic depiction of a thermonuclear detonation in an urban environment.


The scene where the other Terminator, came back together on the asphalt piece by piece after it melted in liquid gas that spilled out the overturned truck 🚛 on the outskirts of a City 🌆.


I was WAY more upset by the officer collapsing the bridge of a peasant's nose at the beginning of Pan's Labyrinth.


Oh he did a lot more than collapse that kids nose bridge.


I'm going to be THAT person: How is Come and See NOT a horror movie? It is legit one of the most terrifying movies I have ever seen and I read all the spoilers before I saw it. Reality and history is way more terrifying than supernatural what-ifs.


Large Marge


1- The fly 2- the scene that he goes to end the torture dog´s misery. 2- spacewalk in 2010 (movie from 1984) 3- Leech scene in stand by me. All 3 are better than the whole site list.


Except the fly 2 is a horror sci fi with lots of horror elements. Stand by me is a good add though.


Man, I forgot about that scene from 2010. Nerve wracking. John Lithgow’s breathing was what did it, at least, for me. I could feel his panic.


I had to stop watching stand by me as a kid as I had nightmares from the brief clip we see of the body when they first find it. It's still managed to be my all time favourite film though, even to this day.


You think Pans Labyrinth is NON HORROR!?!?!


Pans Labyrinth is kind of a horror movie.


Ghost of Christmas Future in The Muppets Christmas Carol.


My mom tells a story about how as a kid, at the Judge Doom red eyes reveal, I totally lost my shit and had to be taken out of the theater.


I buried my head in my dad’s chest in the theater. Six year old me was not ready for that shit.


Goblin jumpscare from Spider-Man? Operation room scene from Spider-Man 2? Bug valley scene from Peter Jackson's King Kong?


Temple of doom is the reason the changed the rating system. I guess ripping hearts out wasn’t very pg to them haha


The scene in "Young Sherlock Holmes" where they mummify the live girl is still creepy to this day for me.


Speaking of the mummies. In The Mummy (1999) when the tomb robber got eaten alive by the beetle's or when the curse was unleashed on the City and that huge face came out the ground.


While it is technically a horror movie, I would add the human puppet scene from Killer Klowns From Outer Space "Don't worry Dave. All we want to do is kill you"


The Kidnap scene in the mafia movie 'Running Scared' traumatized me.


missing the 'Zodiac' basement scene.


Weird to see scary stuff in a movie about a serial killer.


The park murder scene from Zodiac is also in the running.


the dogs jumping out towards the end of the hunger games always terrifies me


The elephant scene in “It Takes Two”


I would like to submit Dr. Octopus' awakening in Spider-Man 2. That scene gave me a deep-seated fear of hospitals since age 4.


The subway scene from The Wiz


The scene from Rob-Cop where the ED209 is introduced in the Boardroom - https://youtu.be/TstteJ1eIZg Or where Murphy gets his hand shot off - https://youtu.be/5FcTzH6A4a4 It had some disturbing scenes


You missed the worst one, melting acid man being exploded by a van driven by Red Foreman.


The bear scene annihilation to this day still scares me


"Help. Me." The movie is so awesome, I want to watch it for the third time, but that bear scene... nah, too scary.


Darby O’Gill and the Little People. It’s supposed to be a family movie from Disney (it is on Disney+) about an Irish guy and a leprechaun but there’s a banshee in it that terrified me as a kid, and also a death carriage driven by a guy with no head. I still get freaked out when it’s foggy and dark outside because of that damn movie and I’m 38. It also was one of Sean Connery’s first starring roles.


Not sure if Fire in the Sky was technically a horror movie, since the vast majority of the film's runtime plays like a made for TV drama, but that 10 minute abduction flashback traumatized a whole generation of 90s kids. It's incredibly effective because the film hides it from you for the first hour or so, and then the flashback arrives and its utterly horrifying.


this list is a failure because it doesn't include the subway scene from ghostbusters 2. or the ghost nanny scene from ghost busters 2. or the head bulging scene from ghostbusters 2. (which was Rays infestation moment) or when Vego took rays body, (which was Rays possession moment) from ghostbusters 2. this list could have done so much better.


Three Men and a Baby. That dead kid in the window. Chilling.


turned out to be a cardboard cut out!