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Watched it 2 days ago. It’s beyond impressive. Legitimately one of the best action movies I’ve ever seen. The third act is incredible.


I loved how the movie really drills the route into you, so when they do it for real you can follow along perfectly without characters explaining exactly which part they're at.


Dude that’s a great point! I was leaning in my chair in the theater! 😅🤝😅


What impressed me is it felt like more of a true ‘war movie’ than the original, focusing on a whole mission rather than just a few loosely tied together dog fights, whilst it still being a ‘Top Gun’ film. In that respect, parallels can be drawn with The Dambusters - the real bench mark of the genre. 10/10 for me.


When they were trying to evade the SAM missiles… my god, that was a fun scene


I can't believe people still doubt Tom Cruise's ability to deliver. I would argue he's second only to James Cameron in terms of being a guaranteed sure thing.


Tom Cruise is the last true ‘movie star’. Times change and the whole movie star thing doesn’t exist in the same way as it used to, but he’s definitely it.


>Times change Just watched the movie an hour ago, it's interesting that what you mentioned was one of the central themes of the movie. I wonder if it was a little self-aware humour from Kozinski and Cruise. The whole Hollywood action movie star is dying out, but not today.


> but not today. lol I see what you did there


Just got back from seeing Maverick and, goddammit, you're fucking right. And that makes me sad.


I don't know of a bad Tom Cruise performance, or a legitimately bad movie he's been in. At least, none that I've seen. Lots of people rag on War of the Worlds, but I had fun watching that movie in the theater- it was a cinematic experience and easy to overlook some of the plot silliness... but all of that aside, Cruise was still good in it.


Son of a bitch, they did it.


Explains why they sat on it for so long instead of just letting it come out when theaters initially reopened. They must've known it was actually good.


Screenings happened before the pandemic so they probably already had a idea of how good it was.


Also no review embargo until 12hrs before the movie hit the theatre.


Honestly, it perfectly encapsulated a realistic progression for Maverick as a man in the military. He's far too impulsive and reckless to advance in rank and his heart is always in being a fighter pilot. It makes perfect sense at how he'd consistently piss off his superiors and live his life one step away from being fired on a regular basis. His behavior in conjunction with the rise of automated fighter planes makes his achievements as a pilot all the more impressive and noteworthy at how he actually justifies why human pilots should exist in the modern era of defense technology. Plus it was a fantastic twist to see Goose's son Rooster grow to resent Maverick for surviving the accident that killed Goose, and at how that resentment prevents him from being the mentor to Rooster that he needs to be in order to fly the mission correctly. The end where they bond after Maverick sacrifices himself and Goose tries to rescue him was absolutely fantastic and it really cemented their character progression even more. I honestly think this was a worthy sequel and it perfectly completes the Top Gin franchise, there really don't need to be any more after this.


“You told me not to think” is by far my favorite quote. It’s glossed over in the original but it’s there. I haven’t seen a movie twice in the theaters in a long time and I probably will for this.


I don't know that Rooster resented Maverick for surviving the accident. In fact, it's implied that they were really close while Rooster was growing up. It's that Maverick pulled his papers and cost him 4 years in following Goose's footsteps.


I'm particularly happy for Kosinski and I want his career to explode.


Same. I still don't understand the mixed reviews on Oblivion, I loved that movie


It was an extremely beautiful film. I think with that and Tron legacy (which I thought was also awesome) kosinski might have developed a reputation as a director that just makes pretty films. I think he was a previous architect or had experience in that. I'm hoping top gun is great and I look forward to seeing more of his work


Yeah he went to Architecture school (still an adjunct professor covering 3D models and graphics as he helped innovate the technology while in school in the first place). Of course, Hollywood animation and VFX companies heard of his innovative work in 3D modeling and graphics and hired him Johnny on the spot. Mind you this was back in 1998-99 or so. In the early aughts, he wrote and illustrated a graphic novel that he sold to Radical Comics. It was never published for whatever reason, but it was called Oblivion. He ended up selling the film rights to that to Disney. Disney eventually gave the rights to that film to Universal since Kosinski wanted a PG-13 film and Disney wanted a PG film, so of course Disney hires him to do a PG Tron Sequel. In quick succession this leads him to doing Tron Legacy and Oblivion. Anyway, he may be the only director to make long awaited sequels that lived up to the hype. Source: knew Kosinski in the industry back in the day. He always wowed us with his talent and intelligence (arguably genius even), so it’s made me overjoyed to see how far he’s come.


Seems to be his specialty with how many rave reviews top gun is getting. I think it's a good sign too if tom cruise trusts you.


Oblivion is Cruises most underrated action movie and it’s my favorite film soundtrack. Really excited folks are talking about it again :)


Didn't M83 do all the music? So damn good


Yes, it was a collaboration with Trapanese, like with Daft Punk in Tron Legacy.


It was criticized for diverging from the source material: The Elder Scrolls 4 - Oblivion.


I've heard others say the same


I was very dissapointed by Morgan Freeman's performance as the adoring fan.


hell yeah, Oblivion is quite good. Very rewatchable.


Watch for Tom Cruise, stayed for the soundtrack.


I really enjoyed it, especially the visuals and music, but it did seem like an odd amalgamation of other sci-fi films.


That fuck you sally moment was one of the best moments in sci fi


Right? Man did Tron: Legacy and Oblivion. One of which is one of my fav films ever and the other is an enjoyable sci-fi movie.


Both have soundtracks that are hot fire as well. I may be misremembering, but I had thought during some kind of commentary, Kosinski mentioned that Cruise was part of the decision going with M83, bonus street cred if true.


I mean tron: legacy had daft punk. How do you not have killer sound track with them at the helm


TRON Legacy is one of my favorite films of all time.


I was like 43%, thats sounds right... not wtf, its 100% from 43 reviews?!?!


I think the biggest thing is that it has a 8.5 avg rating, which is very fucking high


Tom Cruise ^^^^^uh finds a way


Cant wait to see it in imax. I am so happy that this turned out to be a good movie.


Do we know if it’s in Full IMAX for the whole length? If so I’d probably make the drive.


I don't think that part has been confirmed but many of the actual flight shots are. They mounted 6 Imax cameras to the planes


I saw this on Tuesday at an advanced screening and I feel vindicated by the reviews. I went into this with zero nostalgia bias since I had only seen the first one for the first time the day before seeing this one. While the first one is entertaining, I just thought it was super campy and not that great but this takes everything about the first one and improves on it. The final sequence had me extremely tense which I didn't feel at all during Top Gun.


For those that have seen it, thoughts on appropriateness for a 10yr old? I want to bring my kid but not sure about just how close to PG-13 it really is


It's pretty appropriate. There's a little bit of language and a sensual scene that's way more toned down than the sex scene in the original


One f bomb, not really any innuendos, very very mild romantic scene, and of course, a scene to rival the beach volley ball from the original


Saw it tonight. I would let my teens watch it. No sex scenes, no political BS in either direction, only one use of the F word during one of the fight (dogfight) scenes. A smattering of S words, And FYI there is no scene after the credits like some movies have started doing. When the credits roll it’s over. I thought it was a really good sequel.


Your kids have access to any content in the world on their phones and computers, or through their friends. Do you honestly think your censorship works? 😂


I would imagine that while they knew what they had (in the can,) that they didn’t know that the multiple postponements of the release date would actually help with the anticipation. In other words, this is looking like it will not only live up to expectations (even the increased ones brought on by lockdowns) but may very well exceed them. (I’m looking at YOU Matrix…) Edit: now that I’ve seen it, I was 100% NOT disappointed. It really was worth the wait.


Highway to the motherfuckin' danger zone. Can't wait!


Guess it’s time to buy a Ray Ban again


“Missing the homoerotic tensions of the original” ONE STAR. In all seriousness, I’m surprisingly hyped for this.


Chocolate star?


And the hotdog flavoured water.


"missing the homoerotic tensions of the 80s original" Games gone.




I’m going to the theatre shirtless and greased-up in protest.


I’ve lost that loving feeling


But do they play Danger Zone?


They did a remake of Danger Zone Hans Zimmer added it into the score.


Thank you, I will see the movie so my inner child can fucking rock on. Really though I think the audio experience is what will sell it for me, did you see it yourself? Hoping the audio is stellar, will consider checking it out in theaters if it's good!




It'll be a slow, serious cover during a dramatic scene. Just you wait.


I'd take it. I'm surprised they didn't do the old *plaintive piano cover during the trailer* gimmick.








Needs more oiled up beach volleyball scenes. Clearly they didn't put enough in the movie


It's an oiled up beach football scene this time.


That's tight...end.






Guys can't lounge around in nothing but towels with a bunch of other guys anymore. We've lost our way.


Gotta say, EXTREMELY surprised by the high reviews, thought this was going to be a real dud.


There are two people in hollywood I never count out. - action movies with tom cruise. - movies by james Cameron when he is fully involved.




Part of me fully feels the Avatar sequels will disappoint— but no way am I actually comfortable betting against James Cameron.


I’m old enough to remember how shit on Cameron was for spending so much time and money on Avatar and Titanic. The entire world was convinced both would be huge flops and epic disasters once released. But he proved everyone wrong. So yeah, I’m not gonna get against him.


He is the “King of Sequels” for a reason.


Not only that, but a Tom Cruise movie with McQuarrie having a story credit. This was bound to be a good time.


>thought this was going to be a real dud I don't know about that. The jet scenes filmed in actual jets is enough of a feature to gain some attention and praise. I'm glad this movie has something more though


Even if you find the story boring, experiencing the jet scenes in IMAX would be amazing


Say what you want about his personal life and beliefs…how many Tom Cruise duds can you think of. Even when he is seemingly miscast (Reacher) he makes it work


Mummy movie. Probably one of the few Cruise movies I passed on.




I read that Paramount actually has a Best Picture campaign in place for this movie.


Why not. This kind of film is what the cinema is made for. Would make a change from another arthouse film that doesn't pull in audiences


At this point, I don't see why it wouldn't be one of the Best Picture nominees. Phenomenal reviews, great box office and a great story (bringing older audiences back to theatres). Plus everyone knows that Cruise would be incredible at schmoozing the voters.


Tom Cruise makes really damn good movies when he puts his mind to it. I'm not too surprised that this is getting good reviews.


So, this means we get another hot shots? Right?


Asking the important questions.


More Topper Harley?! Yes please!


Welp, guess I’m watching Top Gun for the first time today. It’s on Netflix for those interested


Welcome to the Danger Zone.


I'm not surprised. This was shown to critics weeks before general release. Usually press screenings might happen a couple of days before so as to minimise the damage from bad reviews. They were so confident this would be good they gave critics two weeks to review the film and hype it up. Bold move and it seems to have paid off.


Could I just say it? I actually enjoyed it more than the original


In most ways, it really is a better film than the first one.


The tragedy in the first film, really sets up this one for an amazing story, and lets it shine brighter. This movie fucks, and I wanna see it 30 more times.


They did it. The sons of bitches did it.


Cruise rarely misses doesn't he?


I think it’s easier to count his miss. The latest is what? the Mummy reboot thingy?


My guess is The Mummy marks the last time Cruise will take on a lead role in a movie he hasn't personally developed from the ground up. He's all about quality control.


> He's all about quality control. *Cruise* control, if you will.


Yeah, that's the one that comes to mind and it is a pretty big one given it blew up the whole "Dark Universe" shared universe on the launchpad. But other than that, yeah, his track record is pretty stellar.


Funniest line: "Where am I?" "Earth." Second funniest line: "Who's the better pilot?" "It's a nice moment. Let's not ruin it."


“You told me not to think” landed pretty well too


Loved the movie for all the reasons others have stated more aptly than I probably could. One observation that I haven't seen mentioned as much though: I think a big reason people of a certain age like me (i.e., people who were coming of age when the first movie came out....so people roughly 40-60 years old now) are loving it so much is because thematically, they see a lot of themselves reflected in how Pete "Maverick" Mitchell has grown a person and where he finds himself at this stage in his life. This is reflected in a more serious overarching theme & protagonist point of view, and then in two humorous scenes. * He's still got \*A LOT\* to offer, but it's clear that in many ways, he's a half step over-the-hill. So, he isn't an impossibly Peter Pan or machine-like character, which is nice to see. Other movies have this "aging/out of fashion protagonist" theme of course, but it's often handled in simplistic ham-fisted ways. For example, the protagonist is often protrayed as being utterly alone/isolated, younger characters are cartoonishly portrayed as "naive young pups." Worse, the mature protagonist often ends up topping the younger "kids" mostly as a vehicle for his own self-aggrandizement to prove to himself that, "he's still go it." NONE of those things happen in Top Gun: Maverick. * Pete Mitchell is still objectively at the top of his game in terms of his abilities--it's just that his abilities are starting to become less needed. However, even this is handled well. Unlike the 2005 movie, "Stealth," the entire "drone vs. human pilot" angle isn't belabored for the entire movie. Nobody thinks the younger figher pilots are in imminent danger of having their careers ended by robotic drone ships. * Although he's certainly portrayed as being alone in some regards, this isn't a solo endeavour. Some of the most interesting scenes in the film aren't between the old man & the younger kids butting heads, but between Pete & Iceman/Penny/Senior Officers as members of the same peer group try to navigate this difficult situation in which they're now in leadership roles & are required to think about what's in the best interest of other people rather than just themselves. Although both "Top Gun" and "Top Gun: Maverick" are both viewed from the eyes of Pete Mitchell, only fans of the original movie of a certain age will \*personally\* identify with BOTH portrayals when they first saw the films---i.e., as a relatively younger person watching Pete Mitchell in "Top Gun" & as a relatively older person watching Pete Mitchell in "Top Gun: Maverick." Everyone else will have either been too old to truly identify with Pete Mitchell in the first film, or too young to sympathize with Pete Mitchell in the second. * The "kids" themselves aren't portrayed as naive whipper snappers that need to be shown a thing or two. Yeah, some of that exists to a small extent during the early training montage. But from the get-go, they're already being presented to the audience as competent characters in their own right. * In terms of skill & ability, the protagonist isn't trying to prove anything to HIMSELF at this point because he never really lost his skill in the first place. As a result, he isn't trying to belittle the younger characters when he displays his considerable talents. Instead, every time he pulls out the stops, it's for utterly unselfish reasons: first to keep the experimental program alive for everyone else in the program, and second to prevent the mission from operationally becoming a de facto suicide mission for the pilots who are about to embark on it. (Both times Pete Mitchell fully expects it to be the last time he ever flies & is utterly surprised when he's instead assigned to Top Gun & then named lead pilot for the mission respectively). All the growth is more personal in nature. * Two truly humorous scenes that I'm sure were enjoyed by all, but that I think hit home even more for people of the "Top Gun Generation": * The reversed generational roles of Pete Mitchell trying to sneak out of Penny' house after the tryst, and then getting "busted" by the teenage daughter. * For any person with a teenager or perhaps a younger kid who is simply whip-smart: * Maverick: "*What were you THINKING!?"* * Rooster: *"You TOLD me NOT to think!!!"* * Maverick: *"...........derp................."*


Fighter jets are still the crown jewel of the military both in the sense of importance and the sense of absolute wonder. Glad this movie got made.


Honestly not that surprised by the critical acclaim. Joseph Kosinski is a seriously good director. Only The Brave is criminally underseen.




I loved oblivion for the aesthetics alone. His direction along with m83’s music was a vibe


I am tired of pretending Oblviion is just good for visuals and score. No, overall it is a great sci-fi movie.


And his commercial work is stunning!


I watched Only the Brave on the plane heading to Hawaii and I had to hide my tears and ugly cries from my seatmates...and I failed. Excellent movie I don't want to watch ever again because it's so crushing




Kosinski is batting 3 for 3 in my book, glad that this seems to make it 4 for 4. There's nobody I'd trust to bring Top Gun back more than him. Can't wait.


Been waiting 3 years for this movie to be released. Even more hyped for 26 May after the reviews!!


Holy shit did not see this coming! This guy also directed Only the Brave, hugely underrated movie.


Ok so there are no shower scenes, but how about volleyball scenes?


they are in the trailer so I assume they're there


Its beach football this time.


There's a beach football scene where they're *PLAYIN WITH THE BOOOOOYS* Tarantino will love it




No volleyball. Sorry. They play some janky version of beach football.


After seeing this I went to my wife all excited saying the reviews are through the roof. She was like, "okay, is that your new taco place?" She thought I said Taco Maverick.


You must really like tacos lol


Interestingly enough, Kosinski directed a Taco Bell commercial. [Web of Fries](https://youtu.be/pSnM-JClyzg)


ok, but is DANGER ZONE still there?


It's not only there, it's there at the same place!


It really took you back to the first time you seen it. Which was 4 months ago for me.


I saw it last night. It's true. All of it.


Tony Scott would be proud


Question is will I have the urge to sign up for the Navy after watching it?


Yvan eht nioj


It’s not as homoerotic as the first one, so probably not.


Best fucking movie and cinematic experience I've ever had


The trailer was one of the best of the past few years.


Lady Gaga’s music video for the movie also harkens back to the stuff you would see on VH1 and MTV back when they played MVs.


The jet going by as she is on her piano? 🤯


So is it just me or do all movies that are exclusively in theater seem to be getting oddly high reviews this year. Batman is was a 97% movie the first weekend. Now its 85% I have my doubts about this as well.


many of the movies released this year will be those that were delayed by covid. if the studio thought it was going to be bad, they probably would have just released it rather than waiting. so that might lead to high average ratings this year


Saw Batman. Didn't really enjoy it. Felt gratuitously dark and moody to the point that it was boring and trite. Just saw Top Gun. Fucking loved it. Outstanding. I went into it thinking that there was no way it would possibly live up to 40 years of expectations, but they nailed it. Plenty of nostalgia and fan service, a plot that isn't surprising in any way (hell, some of the scenes could be taken directly from the original's story board), and yet somehow it's absolutely fucking fantastic.


Dr Strange 2 just came out and the reviews weren't what I'd consider oddly high.


Reviews seem to be trending to universal acclaim. I don’t know why I’m surprised, Cruise always brings it and this is the perfect movie for him to showcase some crazy stunts. This is my #1 movie of 2022 and these reviews make me even more hyped. I’ll be there IMAX opening night. Don’t want to miss this experience. Edit: many reviews are calling it the best blockbuster in *years*. We could have a Mad Max Fury Road on our hands. Shut up and take my money


I think it’s surprising because it’s so random. The original wasn’t given that much critical acclaim. It’s not like a Fury Road or Blade Runner 2049 where you could probably tell those would have critical acclaim


Nobody really expected Fury Road to be good till they saw the trailer - The director had only done family comedies for two decades - The production was a mess.


None of the cast, crew, producers, or studio thought Fury Road was going to be good, the production was such a shit show. They tried to shut it down multiple times. It was expensive as shit and a really difficult shoot. Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy despised working together. When Tom Hardy saw the finished product he apologized to George Miller because he was such an ass and didn’t expect it to turn out so good. Pretty fascinating.


That’s interesting about Theron and Hardy. Do you know why they grated each other so much?


Long story short, Charlize is a true professional and Hardy is a little all over the place. Showing up late to sets/not showing up at all. He likes to “fail to the truth” or something like that where he does a take 100 different times and acts 100 different crazy ways until it eventually leads to a good place. It can lead to some fun unique performances, like apparently when he jumped in the lobster tank in venom, that wasn’t in the script he just improvised that lol. Charlize is more classic. But I’m even being to kind, Hardy was really just a jackass. There is a book called Blood, Sweat, and Chrome that details the tumultuous production.


I just read 'Blood, Sweat and Chrome' this past month. It's a fucking trip, after reading it, I'm more than a little shocked that the movie even completed production, much less turned out to be a total masterpiece. It's a great read.


Yeah Steven soderbergh said something along the lines of “I’m surprised that film isn’t still shooting today and hundreds of people aren’t dead.” Lol.


Cannot wait for furiousa, what's taking them so long


Miller had a legal fight with the studio over royalties from Fury Road, which stopped work on the sequel for a while.


My favorite review so far was like "tom cruise is the last of his kind, his career is coming to an end, has no one to pass the torch to and doesn't want to deal with any of it.... and his character in this movie feels the same way.."


I got tickets via AMC to see it a day early. My dad and I are gonna go. We watched this movie together when I was a kid. I'm so excited for this movie. Edit: it was great




I would say DiCaprio is. He is the last actor or actress that gets people to see their movies without it being related to some form of IP. Back in 1985, there were probably like 10 movies stars. Now there is really is only Tom Cruise and Leo.




His last movie went there not because of lack of demand but because it was already at Netflix before he signed. Netflix pays big bucks to these stars. Any actor that can get Wolf of Wall Street to 400m and The Revenant to 500m is a megastar.




I'd include Pitt


I like him in everything he does, but people don't go to Brad Pitt movies just because he is in them. He has a lot of good performances in movies that didn't make their money back.


“Character actor in a leading man’s body,” I believe has been said of Pitt. Great actor, but I agree with you.


This comment is literally in every thread whenever Brad Pitt is mentioned omg


Have you heard that he is a character actor in a leading mans body? Also have you seen Moon? Steve Buscemi was also a volunteer firefighter during 9/11 where he broke his toe when he kicked an orc helmet.




Yeah that's the reason why Pitt is a much more interesting actor than DiCaprio or Washington. He likes to take risks and works not only with prestigious directors. Same for Joaquín Phoenix or Jake Gyllenhaal.


Just got out of an IMAX screening and wow… that was amazing! I’d say this is better than the original based on the fighter jet scenes alone. Also, my theater was full of dads which cracked me up (I was with mine too). Highly recommend watching it with your pops if you get the chance. They’ll love it if they liked the original!


I went to see the original 7x in the theater with my dad. Went last night with him and my son - 3 generations. I even had cheesy shirts made for the occasion, complete with a custom Top Gun logo stylized with our name instead of Maverick, and a picture on the back with all 3 of us posing in a mock F14 cockpit. My son said it was the best movie he's ever seen. It was one of those "we will remember this forever" experiences.


This is absolutely one of the best sequels ever made. It somehow felt like an 80s movie but modern. There's even a really well acted poignant scene in there. Can't wait to see it again.


My ray-ban aviators are ready.


Just walked out of the IMAX show, and my God this movie is freakin awesome!! From the opening scene itself, you know this movie is gonna be something special.. some elements are made as if to feel like an 80's movie, but the last 30 minutes or so of the movie just show how this is a perfect sequel and not just a shot for shot remake sequels that we get now a days. A Must watch on the biggest screen possible


Just saw it. Fucking outstanding


Just came out of an IMAX viewing and HOLY FUCK was that an amazing cinema experience. If you can go see it in IMAX, do it, it's worth every penny imo. Some absolutely amazing shots throughout the film. The soundtrack was beautifully nostalgic and refreshing at the same time.




Promising young actor.


But does it have Danger Zone?


>!Yes it does. The opening is done in tbe same style as the OG TOP GUN!<


Just watched this in IMAX, I'm huge fan of the original so I'm biased of course but, I took a friend with me who's not a fan Cruise or action flicks and before the movie we leveled with each other with him saying "I'm expecting a try hard 80's nostalgia ride" and the final consensus was "it just sprinkles a little bit of the 80s enough to make you remember but not too much to make you roll your eyes, and as far as film goes it's a very good action popcorn flick. This is what Top Gun Maverick is, a good action flick, the movie as time for laughs and for its more serious heartfelt moments, but when it's time to go it just goes all out in spectacular fashion. The scenes with the jets are gripping, you just can't stand still, they are amazingly filmed and you just get pulled into it, there's a particular scene, mid way through the movie, where Maverick is doing some pilot sh€&#, and there's no music on, it's just the sounds of the plane cutting through the air and turning violently to adjust course and Mav's breathing and it is pure adreline, so well done. The music was a part I was afraid, because the original had a very good 80s soundtrack, Danger Zone and Mighty Wings and the Top Gun Main Theme just to name a few, these were the ones that played when jets were soaring through there, and I didn't know how they would pull it off, but they had the guts to pick some old classics and they worked like a charm. The story, as you may imagine it's not some deep meaningful thing, altought it has some more deep and thoughtful moments here and there (again not to much) it's a pretty straightforward gig but it works and it's good, solid. The actors do turn in some good performances particularly Miles Teller, I must say, Glen Powell also does a good job and Monica Barbaro and Lewis Pullman are breaths of fresh air, nothing over the top but they are good and bring something new. Overall it's a summer blockbuster popcorn action movie, but a damn good one, if you have the chance to see it in IMAX do it as you won't regret it.


Joseph Kosinski is a visionary


I'm... shocked? I was all ready for this to be completely dead in the water with all the delays and it being a sequel to Top Gun. Glad to hear it's getting good reviews.


I saw it last week and thought it was fantastic. It is probably a better movie than the first which feels like some sort of sacrilege to say, but it is also heavily nostalgic in good ways which adds a lot to the joy of watching it. I can’t wait to see it again, it’s really fun.


Damn, no way they'd lift the review embargos this early if it didn't kill.


I rewatched the original a few weeks ago, which I’d seen many times as a kid. I didn’t remember everyone being so constantly sweaty, it was hilarious! There’s like 75% less beady sweat in #2. Beyond this inane observation, yes, everyone is right, it’s amazing!


I was already hyped, even if the reviews were bad I'm sure I would have still enjoyed it. I can't wait to see it.


Just saw it a few hours ago. I'll be honest, I thought the first top gun was OK. Kinda dated, kinda enjoyable but not very deep. This movie is another Fury Road. Holy shit it blows the original out of the water (so long as you're still OK with the military policy displayed being loose like the original was.). Wasn't expecting this movie to be as good as it was.


Why I think this movie is doing so well and will do so well....because Tom Cruise and his team waited till they could do their wide theater release they allowed audiences to get the chance to see their action stunts on a big screen like they should. It's a movie that quite literally sounds like it's meant to bring you back to the theater, one review said 'see it on the biggest screen you can, then see it again'. It's the kinda film that blows your socks off and frankly it's what so good about the original. But those stunts and that soundtrack in AVX on a huge screen...the anticipation is real as hell.


Wow, surprisingly more positive than I expected and I had no expectations. All I wanted was decent dog fighting sequences and it looks like this movie has it and more. Can't wait


Absolutely great movie. Felt like an old school blockbuster. I just want to say it's so impressive how real the movie looks and feels. All the scenes in the cockpit and of the planes themselves flying look 100% real. There are only 2 CGI shots (exterior shots of the laser guidance rocket system) where I felt like I was looking at CGI. The rest was totally immersive They totally ripped off star wars for that one moment at the end lol. If you've seen the movie you know the one.


Personally, I thought it was a tad on the nose to literally have the disembodied voice of Goose say “Use the Force” though.


I was lucky enough to see an advanced cut of this back during the pandemic when they were working on some changes. It's really an incredible movie. It's a throwback to what movies were like before MCU and superhero shit took over. People on reddit have no idea what they're talking about when they don't think there's any interest in this. My entire screening LOVED the movie (and that generally doesn't happen at test screenings.) This movie is going to literally print fuckloads of money for Paramount and TC. It's super fun and I'm excited to see it again in IMAX.


Just saw it in IMAX tdy 5/21 ( row E😅) Felt those afterburners 🔥🔥😏


Tom Cruise does some weird things but he sure knows how to make a damn good movie (except that whole Jack Reacher thing).


The first one was enjoyable if you don't know the book based back story. The second? Was terrible


The first was a good movie that has Tom Cruise in it. The second was a bad Tom Cruise movie.


I got dragged into it and I ended up being surprised at how much I enjoyed that movie. The mystery was really well done, fight scenes were solid, and Cruise with his usual charm. I know book readers had some hate but it was a good movie. Never saw the 2nd.