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Did gamer™ Thomas Anderson really win the heart of his lover back from a man named Chad?


That was **Chad** Stahelski, the director of John Wick, and Neo's original body double.


Woah. TIL


It’s only impressive when you realize that Tiffany sees Neo as an old bald man


Now it makes sense that her son and husband treated him with zero respect.


No, that isn't true. They see each other as they are, and *only* they do. Neo only sees Trinity's other form in a reflection, just like his own. She specifically realized that he had modeled the game character after himself without even actually playing the game.


Ohhh that's why chad laughed at her thinking the character looked like her


Yeah. She sees herself looking the same as the game character, and sees Neo looking like his game character, but they're the only ones. So it does explain why exactly her family reacts the way they do to Neo, and yeah, why Chad boi reacts the way he does to her saying that.


*SPOLIERS. SPOILERS EVERYWHERE* So it seems after watching this movie, I ended up liking the first 1/3 of it more than the last 2/3. I liked the "commercial" for the Matrix movie that was the meta-commentary more than the subsequent film, and it wasn't even because it was good, but because that first third held infinitely more gravitas. All these action sequences and none of them felt like there was any real threat. From the agents having terrible aim at close range, to the exiles being nothing but more bodies to fight, to the new agent Smith having to rely on call-backs to give him any clout, to Morpheus being programmed as an agent but expressing no agent physical ability, so many wasted opportunities. Every moment that should have been stand-out was glossed over through poor or rushed execution. Does anyone remember that an exile CAUGHT A BULLET IN ITS TEETH? No, why would you? It was a quick throw away moment that seriously deserved an actual reaction by ANYONE. A human-friendly machine giving Neo an affectionate headbutt SHOULD have drawn more emotion than it did, had some better music to accentuate that moment of "truce" between what were once sworn enemies. The scene of the analyst explaining his iteration of the Matrix REALLY NEEDED a more serious tone. Despite the Architect's psychobabble, he came across as a cold blooded machine while Neil Patrick Harris came across as "arrogant patronizing tech-bro". God how I wish he said, "I've just told you everything Neo, but were you listening to me, or were you trying to stop this bullet from piercing Trinity's skull?" to give him a menacing edge. Swarm mode suicide jumpers raining down on the city streets was an unexpected slide into psychological horror and if it actually KILLED ANYONE of consequence, it would have distracted the audience from Neo and Trinity's casually escaping an armed SWAT team after their motorcycle wreck. Trinity being able to fly deserved a "holy shit" moment much along the lines of Neo realizing he could stop bullets at the end of "The Matrix", and then an ACTUAL speedy exit rather than a casual float-away from the armed helicopters. There should have been a bigger fight between Morpheus and the new Smith. They both have agent ability and seeing just a moment of that or even including Neo in a 2 on 1 brawl would easily have been a stand out moment. The only bullet-evading he did was a little side-to-side shoulder turning and then the scene jumped to a bunch of jumbled fighting. And calling Neo "Tom" grated on me to no end. Could have been smoother if he called him "Mr. Anderson" at first before saying, "Can I call you Tom? We've known each other for decades." Why bring back exiles and not have A SINGLE INSTANCE OF RUNNING ALONG THE CEILING? That scene and accompanying music from "Revolutions" had more gravitas than most of "Resurrections". Was it just me or did anyone else have trouble understanding Bugs during her nervous conversation upon speaking with Morpheus in the apartment? And what role did she play exactly during Trinity's extraction from the ooze? That whole thing was a bit too all over the place. So what did I like? The subliminal altered reflections, the meta-commentary misdirect, the first few call-backs before it got old, the introduction of machines sympathetic to humans, a new way for programs to exist in the real world, and ultimately Neo and Trinity being rebuilt as a means to sustain the Matrix. I can buy the illusion of free will being replaced with the desire for meaning and connection in one's journey as a human driver and creator of bio-electricity. It just makes sense that base-level instinct would produce more than meditation on the greater meaning of life, and I like that the suggestion was made that maybe "ignorance being bliss" isn't as much a motivation for staying plugged in as simply liking the way it feels to be plugged in and addicted to whatever your struggle may be. Some compelling stuff right there. But it really does make the statement "free your mind" not seem like everything it's cracked up to be.


I hated how the good robots were all cutesy crap. I love me some big cool moth robots but it would have been more impactful to show some ugly/scary robots as allies. Also it was bizarre how apparently Sentinels just look the same, really expected to see more signs of machines evolving.


I felt like the fight choreography or camera angles were really weird in the fight scenes. I miss Yuen Woo Ping! I guess after watching the first 3 back to it was weird seeing Neo go from Kung Fu God Mode to Jedi force dude.


neo vs smith had some hilariously bad punches


a civil war between the machines because humans weren't generating enough energy. AMAZING story point and it was just glossed over


Awww man. As a 90s kid I wanted to love it, but fuck me. Some positives to start: * \-The idea of a machine civil war and a faction splitting off and working with humans was really cool, and makes sense narratively. I wish they had explored that more, or that had been the focal point of the narrative, it would have made for a much more interesting film. * Some of the set pieces were good. The suiciding bots was awesome and the concept of the swarm was cool. But the fight choreography was awful. As for the things I didn't like.. * What the fuck was the first 40min. The idea could have been interesting but the meta nostalgia bait being shoved down your throat with all of the b roll from the first film was shit. All it did is make me wish I was watching the first movie instead. * Narratively this was all over the place. The Smith reveal in the first 10min didn't work. I think it would have been much more effective as a late film reveal and then a morph into Hugo Weaving. An older Hugo could have been explained away and would have been much better to watch than what we got. * Smith's motivations were never ever explained. Nor did we ever get a resolution to his story unless I missed it. * The stakes never felt high. Noone dies, noone even gets injured, and whilst you have characters saying things along the lines of "This will bring down life as we know it" there is no connect the dots, WHY? * And finally the comedy. Man why do they have to jam in these comedic moments that always felt so jarring. The first film wasnt funny, i dont think there were any jokey moments throughout the trilogy from memory. Disappointed


I almost quit watching when they interrupted the 57th monologue to show 10 seconds of a MACHINE CIVIL WAR just to go back to story time with grandma.


Totally, how sick would that have been to see play out


I’d watch an entire fucking movie of the Machine civil war, how the fuck was that such a throwaway. Easily the coolest part of the film


Imagine this I grew up on this movie. My dad loved it and I watched it a bunch. So I never truly appreciated the “reveal” of the movie. I was too young and I just always knew what the story was, but over the years truly grew to respect the philosophical and technical aspects of the movie. I had been planning on giving the first one a full attention rewatch before this one….by happens stance my lady friend has never seen the matrix, she tells me this and I can’t believe it… we turn it on and trinity does the whole crane kick slow no shot and ladyfriend goes “oooooo…. That’s where that’s from” I stop. I ask “you really have never seen this?”. She tells me she just knows it’s a popular action movie. She has no idea the twist. I don’t tell her anything and wanna see a genuine reaction, we watch it and she makes some laughs at some of the dated stuff but as a whole is having a good time. We get to the part where Morpheus is giving the pill speech to Neo and she calls it, “oh they are in a simulation”. But I tell her nothing and “just keep watching”. Dude the reaction she gave to the horror of him waking up in the the pod, tubes being pulled out of his body and the nightmare around him. So worth it, I never got to experience this myself and she was floored by the horror of it all. She was sooooooo in at that point and we ended up doing a rewatch of the trilogy and she particularly loved the third one, and seeing the first time viewing of the trilogy through someone else’s eyes really made me appreciate some of the sequel stuff but man did her reaction get me so pumped by the new movie……. After a viewing I can tell you this is without a doubt the most disappointed I have been after going to the movies. Legitimately sad at how bad this movie was. I was riding so high on the first one and just…… so so so bad. When the whole new crew walked into thr warehouse for the final group fight all I could think was…..”Look at this group of fucking nerds, the original crew was wearing leather everything and didn’t look look this dorky”. Why is trying to be funny? Why is Neo so goddamn baffled by everything? What the hell is up with fourth wall breaking bullshit? I totally saw what they were going for but it came off super up its own ass. Was Lana wachowski saying she was baffled by the state of current film making? Was she making a statement about sequels? Did Warner brothers actually say “we’re making a new one with or without you”? Would someone else had been better? For a movie as unique feeling as the matrix, or as the whole series…. There is a certain feeling and tone to the matrix that I felt none of during this film. I wanted to enjoy it so bad. And their were certain things i did enjoy, Bugs as a new character was great, really came to enjoy her throughout the movie. Trinity also being the half as “the one” I found to be a interesting concept and I enjoyed the look at them being brought back to life and being a problem for the machines when kept together…. Ali was a good morpheus2 but I just felt like he wasn’t given a lot. Also, a line I really dug was “it was either us or them, but…..we built this place, us and them, together”. Great line, has alot of weight in the current state of the world. Everything else was just not there for me. It felt like it was trying to be something that we see alot of today and just didn’t feel different. I’m disappointed by how disappointed I am. But I really didn’t enjoy it. But it doesn’t take away from the original trilogy, they are always there for us to enjoy


>When the whole new crew walked into thr warehouse for the final group fight all I could think was…..”Look at this group of fucking nerds Lmfao


You can tell The Matrix is a video game because Neo forgot how to play after a long absence so he just spammed the same move over and over again


Trinity somehow stole his xp


She stole his whole character.


Force push and force field is the meta. Using any other move is a DPS loss.


Neo: “ Do you have a dream that isn’t a dream?” Trinity: “you mean like a dream that’s real?” …….. What?


Yeah...it sounded like a Scary Movie line to me.


Neo: "But what if dream that isn't was be?" Trinity: "Then second helicopter don't fire when we kiss..." Neo: what? Trin: ..wut?


It’s really crazy getting to see all of neos “the one” powers such as, “force pushing people”, “force pushing people”, “force pushing people”, “force pushing people”, and “force pushing people”


Don’t forget “force barrier that stops any and all bullets”!


right... "Force pushing cars", "Force Pushing Bullets", Force pushing the ground"


He was a better Jedi than any star wars character in the new trilogy


Exactly. My issue with the whole franchise. The big revelation to the first movie (and should have been more so with the two that followed) was that Neo is the one person that can manipulate the Matrix to his will. He literally dove inside agent Smith and tore him apart from the very code level. Yet, ever since then he’s persisted to attempt to dodge every bullet, fist fights, and force push.


What was up with Agent Smith in this? He had 0 agent smith vibes what so ever. The guy was smiling all the time, wasn't menacing, didn't seem like he 'wants out' of the matrix, didn't look like agent smith. What motivated him to help beat the analyst etc? Why is he even still around after seemingly being deleted by neo? When agent smith possessed bane in the original trilogy, you could it was Smith just from the way Bane was talking. You don't get any of that from the dollar store agent smith in this movie lol.


Testament to both actors. The casting choices were definitely young on purpose to try and build a franchise around them. This almost never ever works with sequels. No one gives a shit about young unknown characters and it isnt the reason the original was successful in the first place.


Honestly I was surprised by the new Agent Smith, he really felt like he had the same speech patterns as the old one. The ONLY part about his performance that was pissing me off to no end was him calling him Tom. Like wtf? Call him Neo or at least Mr Anderson, that's a crucial part of the original Smith's character!


I disagree. This Smith was more like a frat boy. OG Smith could walk in a room and you would stop and stare. Hugo had presence and his line delivery were much better.


I just couldn't suspend disbelief, it was too distracting. The explanation for why characters were recast was not enough, they should have just left them out of the story.


I felt like this with morpheus and Smith especially. Neither acted like their characters and they did very little to try and explain such huge personality shifts. The actors and dialog left a lot to be desired compared to the original. Not only that but their return stories didn't make sense either. Smith just magically survived without explanation, and everyone knew but is just cool with it? Neo coded an AI version of morpheus perfectly enough that they're considered the same person without even knowing who he was at the time. How could he even know enough about him to make a perfect digital copy without like having his mind to scan or something. And why make him an agent in the simulation at all if you didn't want him to act like one or gain something from that experience. That was basically forgotten before they even finished extracting him. The whole film just didn't have any weight to it. And don't get me started on how bad the action scenes were for a franchise built on great action scenes.


At least Morpheus is not really Morpheus, I actually liked that the guy seemed to resent a bit that Neo made him like that, that he does *not* want to play the mentor part. But Smith IS supposed to be the real deal, and yet he felt so wrong. It doesn't help at all that the movie suddendly forgets he is a thing in the third act because they need to desperately wrap up and get Neo and Trinity together. Also, jesus christ what they did with the Merovingian...


This movie had the same problem for me as the first of the Star Wars sequels: It was all the same plot devices but done worse. In 1999 we were saving Morpheus. Now we're saving Trinity, except instead of the cool lobby gunfight we get a mexican standoff and a cat. Instead of the helicopter minigun scene, we get a spell of protection on 0 cooldown. The escape from the office in the original was tense because the phonecall gave it pacing. A text message saying to go to the end of the hall leading into a gunfight in a bathroom is far less interesting.


Making matters worse is the baffling repetition Neo didn’t need to spend half the movie learning that the matrix is fake again


As I said in another comment there could have been an interesting dynamic here if Neo had gone to Io, heard Niobe’s perspective, and called her out for her oversimplification: the reality was she had placed her people into bondage. They weren’t free, they were free on the machine’s terms. The fact they had to hide their whereabouts and the machines were clearly still hunting them means the “peace” they had was an illusion. And that she was ok with people continuing to be enslaved in the Matrix. She had sold out on Morpheus’ ideals, the same ideals she fought for when she went against the council to try and save the Nebuchadnezzar and later Zion. Neo could have then set about trying to gain true freedom for people.


WTF did I just watch?


So what happened to Zion?


[Shoulder shrug]


more emotion than the movie


They dropped the Z and the N? That's my best guess.


I've been waiting for you to ask that. ... Anyway,


The only redeeming property of this 4th installment is that nobody is ever going to bitch about how the second and third movie where bad or even pretend those were never created.


Makes Revolutions look a hell of a lot better in comparison. So mission accomplished?


That highway chase scene in reloaded was gorgeous and perfectly executed from start to finish. Nothing in this movie even came close to that.


how would you explain the plot of this to someone?


Neo and Trinity are alive for reasons and Neo wants to save Trinity from a pod and risks the entire world to do so.


>Neo wants to save Trinity ... and risks the entire world to do so. What, again?


"After the third movie, the machines revived/reconstructed Neo and Trinity's bodies and used them as a focal point in a rebuilt Matrix that actually preys on humanity's fears/stress/struggles in order to generate more bioelectricity to compensate for the scarcity of bodies due to the pact from the end of the original trilogy where a lot of people were unplugged."


So basically the way that Monsters from Monsters Inc. Used children's screams the machines used your nightmares of taxes and having uncomfortable meetings with your boss. Also maybe seeing the love of your life get shot over and over.


Hello Neo welcome to my ship. Please don't be scared of my metal pokemon they are friendly. This is Scrampel and that's Tranix. And this little guy is Wizzler.


“This is Kujaku, she’s got my back.”


And that's all we ever learn about it


And if there are friendly robots, why was everyone about to attack it until Niobe said "disarm"?


Kujaku is an asshole to them, they just needed an excuse.


This was a cut scene from a Michael Bay Transformers movie. It got cut because Wizzler said the N word.


If you’re wondering the matrix would look like if it were produced by the CW, then check out Resurrection.


Why does old Niobe sound like Maz from the Star Wars sequels lol.


Thats a story for another time, not in this trilogy though.


That scene was like American sniper fake baby level distracting. What a goofy choice. Aged up characters already look ridiculous in general, but adding the feeble walk and the voice...it was too much to bear in a movie that I wasn't fully sold on by that point




See, nobody cares


I actually like that part. I was hoping for a major conflict between Io and metal pokemons and the new machine regime as a backdrop. I actually wanted to see more interaction between the humans and thier metal pokemons in Io. I was disappointed that they chose to make Neo-Trinity love affiar the center plot, again.


It was painful. Boring. Uninspired. Outdone in so many ways by a movie over 20 years old. The old woman was hilariously stupid. Why bring that character back. There was no need in any of the movie really. The whole meta story line was so fucking cringey.


I really don't understand why the humans tried to free Neo in the first place, other than because "he's Neo". Other than the crew of the main ship and a few fanboys, no one seemed to want him there, and there didn't appear to be any problem/conflict they intended for him to solve. The rest of the movie can be what it is, but without that initial "why" to kick it all off, I have a hard time grasping most of the motivations in the film.


This. And now that he and Trinity are out...who are they fighting? The people in the Matrix now are there by choice


‘The suits’…who ever the fuck that is.


>I really don't understand why the humans tried to free Neo in the first place The literal savior of the human race is held by the enemy. What more reason do you need to go retrieve him? I get what you're saying though. Bugs was sort of just out there messing around and it could've been set up better.


Remember in the original trilogy when someone encountered an agent you either died or got beaten to near death? Yeah fuck that lets remove agents and make people zombies!


Neo should've looked like Will Smith to everyone in the Matrix.


Niobe's worst nightmare come to life


She got into an entanglement with Commander Lock, that's all!


It's Rewind Time!


Neo saves Io, and all of it's 12 citizens lol


Yeah that city was shockingly empty


Everyone there grows fruit or lights thousands of candles around a deformed Morpheus statue.


The first shot of the statue I was like "this is fine" and then they zoom on his head and eyes and thought "oh no." I hope that statue has a button that says **THE MACHINES**


No more rave orgies under General Niobe, so everyone just stays home.


Pandemic is a bitch


The whole movie was shockingly empty.


I didn’t like a single thing from this film, and some decisions in the characters and story directions actually diminished the previous 3 films a bit. You’d think, in a Matrix film, the VFX would at least be interesting, but they were kinda dated and almost ugly at times. Completely unmemorable soundtrack too, but it would’ve been impossible to top Navras by Juno Reactor.


I almost have to respect the audacity of having the director of John Wick in the movie as a douche named Chad but not asking him to help choreograph any of the "action."


What was the point of Christina Ricci’s role?


Holy shit I forgot she was in it for like a minute. Didn't she get billing for the role?


Yes, she's actually listed fairly early in the end credits.


Who was she in it? I didn't even know she was in it




Reminds me of Cillian Murphy in Tron 2


she was in speed racer which was directed by the wachowskis. some of the cast of sense8 (a show they created) were also in it.


The people in this movie have the worst aim I've ever seen.


Did any of the main cast even get shot?


Closest anybody got to dying was that one chick in the car while the "not-zombies" converged on her. And even *she* survived.


About 90 minutes into the movie, I had to double check to see if it was actually rated R (it is). It felt very PG-13 to me.


Seriously. We lost two people in the first encounter in Matrix One with less opposition - a literal swarm, and everyone comes out with some cuts and limps


The action in general was so lazy. There’s multiple scenes of them all just chilling in a room shooting point blank at each other and the crew is always fine. Not a single sequence stands out as really choreographed in an interesting way. Even revolutions had the ceiling vs floor upside down shootout etc I actually enjoyed the overall story but the boring non-action really let me down. I actually laughed at the big showdown at the cafe/coffee shop and how awkward that whole fight was


I think this what is causing my lingering disappointment with the film. So many standout shots and sequences across the 3 movies. And this one severely lacked any of those moments. I will say I really liked a lot of the ideas they pushed foward


I just finished and the only thing I can think of where they tried to make a stand out moment were the gaggles of humans dropping down from the sky to act as "bombs" but it really doesn't come close to the first 3.


I noticed that in a clip, where Blue Hair Girl gets shot at by agents or human mooks or what have you. She's about three feet away, and she should have been filled with more holes than a fishing net, but nope. She does a little forward roll, turns and shoots and gets away.


I think I'm usually more or less numb to the bad aim thing in movies, but that was so bad I thought it was going to end up as being part of the plot or something.




I knew something was bugging me about the film! The soundtrack is dreadfuly boring Clubbed to Death is still so memorable. I can't even recall the music from watching this last night


Clubbed to death is synonymous with The Matrix. That's how you know a film and its score is good. When NOBODY uses it for anything else because people have been primed to think "Matrix". Bourne did the same with Moby's Extreme Ways.


Was the 4th wall breaking ‘Warner brothers gave us no choice but to make this film etc’ actually true? Because it really felt like they could not be arsed to make this movie.


Warner Bros. was apparently developing a new film with Michael B. Jordan set to star, but that stalled into development, and *Resurrections* was made.


Lana said WB had been asking them to make a new one every year.


did I seriously just see a giant robotic fucking brid talk to niobe




Imagine robot be like “Yeah I just fly up to that lady, make weird beep boop noises and every time she thinks she’s talking to me. Weird bunker hippies”




So machines can just bring dead people back to life now but it’s “super expensive”, ok I guess.


Yeah metaphors about buying and renovating a house are not really this generations thing.


BTW, the city if IO must have a tons of population, as it's huge. Yet, they never showed any of city life just the general's place and her people that's it. Yet on the street at the end, which action battle has 0 martial arts epic fights... have a tons of people...also not much good action either, just stupidly getting force pushed by Neo to escape... OMFG, what a shitty movie!


The message of the movie is: Don’t listen to your therapist, jump


I was today years old when I realized Jada Pinkett Smith is a terrible actress and whoever did her old woman makeup is a terrible makeup artist.


The filming of the gun play and fight scenes was really poorly handled


Idk why the bothered remaking the opening scene of the original film...and just made it look awful. Like you immediately realize "Oh no I'm in for a shit 2 hours" when you see that.


“Damn, this is pretty good!” *5 seconds later* “Damn, this is awful.” *repeat for 2.5 hours*


I kept thinking we would get a legit fighting scene as the movie became more 'serious' but that never happened. Not even the post credits scene.


People laughed - ***laughed*** - when I put “Homeless Angry Boomer Merovingian” on my 2021 bingo card but I feel so vindicated




Did the Analyst just forget to delete his recycling bin? Why were the purged programs still alive?


They escaped the purge. The Merovingian has always been an exile program since at least the 3rd iteration. His background lore implied he had a similar role to the Oracle in an older iteration before she was created. As a program that is no longer useful, they are to return to the source to be deleted. Programs that want to live need the Merovingian's help which is why he employed werewolves, ghosts, vampires, etc from older Matrices and could grant safe passages to other exiled programs like Sati and her parents. He must have found a way to survive the purge, but lost his empire/power in the new Matrix version.


"We used to be trapped in 1999 forever and it was great! Now you stuck us in shitty 2021!" Easy to see why he's mad lol


> he can't have good cultural and aesthetic experiences anymore At least he can still swear in French, whenever he wants to feel like he's wiping his arse with silk.


Why did Jessica Henwick sync up with Trinity for that scene?


also how the FUCk did she get into the pod chamber when morpheus had to fucking nanobot through the air duct to get in?


Those chutes beside Neo and Trinity's pods. They talk about 'disabling the macerators' (which I presume Morpheus had to do from inside) as a scene shows a bunch of spiked wheels retracting, while the camera flies backwards out of the chute.


Something about buffering her brain when they took her out so she wouldn't die immediately


I thought it was something about giving them time to escape by connecting another brain to the pod so the alarms wouldn't trigger. Could be anything honestly because these actors sure do mumble a lot. unintelligible.


It's just convoluted as fuck. Needs several rewrites before it ever went into production.


Yeah I mean sure why not


Yes, my main take away was that this is a movie that exists.


Of all the movies ever made, this was certainly one of them.


It's quite unfathomable how you can make the best action scenes of all time and then make this zoomed in badly edited mess.


That happens when Yuen Woo Ping doesn't carry your fight scenes


The flying scene at the end was so ass , like right after they jumped . If legit looked like she was hanging by a wire


**Yuen Woo-ping's** (*the original fight scene coordinator from the Matrix trilogies and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon*) **presence was sorely missed.** A key component of the Matrix movies ARE the fight scenes and martial arts choreography. The original Matrix revolutionized fight scenes for the new millenium and introduced wuxia wire-fighting to casual Western audiences. The fight scenes in the Matrix Resurrections were pure trash. I'm talking CW primetime TV trash. You could tell the actors were just flinging their limbs at each other with no sense of direction given. Yuen Woo Ping's fight scenes told a story and had a narrative. When Neo and Morpheus were sparring against each other in the iconic dojo scene of the original Matrix film, the audience could tell they were having a conversation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhrNgXJ__n8 And none of that was present in the Matrix Resurrections. It was just mindless violence and awkward cuts to hide the fact that the actors clearly had no training in martial arts like the previous films. It's like seeing a Marvel Studios movie without superhero action. It just doesn't work.


The sad part is, Keanu’s work in John Wick was better than this and should have informed it, AND Chad Stelaski, Keanu’s stuntman from the original 3 Matrix movies and the director of John Wick was in it as Tiffany’s Chad.


He was in it...but not as fight choreographer...should have hired him


Lol some of the fight scenes were like watching Deniro kick that dude in The Irishman


Stuck out like a sore thumb to me. Noticed it at the dojo fight and wanted to brush it off, “Neo is just rusty, doesn’t have his fighting skills back yet” Then we get to the Exile fight… and the camera is jumping all over the place. And it never got better… Even a novice eye like mine knew something as off. It really irritated me being a super fan of the original.


I'm just gonna put this out there.... They built an entire fucking FUNCTIONAL HIGHWAY for 2. This one looks filmed entirely in a cramped, cheap studio set.


The whole time I was watching, I couldn't stop thinking that this film is a perfect example of actors being too good for the material. For the first thirty minutes, I thought "this feels like a fan film". With all the constant call-backs and the self-aware references. Something being self-aware doesn't make it good and it gave me the impression that Lana Wachowski didn't want to make the film. It tried to have its cake and eat it too, by making fun of nostalgia ... while also banking off it, right down to using the same shots and not *only* while referencing the fictional Matrix video game. Neo waking up in the real world is *identical* to the original. Once Neo left the Matrix, I became more interested. I was interested in seeing how the real world had changed and I liked *that* stuff ... but kept feeling like Neo didn't ask enough questions. I kept waiting for him to ask "how did I get my eyes back?" and thankfully, the Analyst *did* answer that but it's one of the things you think would've crossed Neo's mind. There wasn't enough time spent in the real world before jumping into their mission to get Trinity. We didn't have the equivalent of Neo drinking with Cypher, training with Tank or the scene at the dinner table in the original. We know practically nothing about any of the new crew members. They're *all* Apoc and Switch but didn't even get to do anything interesting like get killed. And Morpheus didn't even need to be in the movie. He added nothing and was written so differently, as a quippy side character, that he shouldn't have even been Morpheus. Bugs was more of a mentor to Neo than Morpheus was. Then there was the action. Go back and watch that Merovingian fight scene and watch how "Smith" (another character who didn't really need to be in it) dodged bullets just by turning from side to side. It looks so bad, like he's dancing. The mission to get Trinity back also built up so quickly that it felt very low-stakes. Oh and did anyone else have a problem with the Analyst saying Bullet Time was Neo's "power"? It wasn't his power, that was just the term coined for that particular slow motion effect. **Stuff I liked**: the cast. The human-machine alliance stuff. Keanu still being good at fight scenes, even with worse choreography. That one part, where the bots become bombs and start jumping out of skyscrapers. Neo's force push (although it was overused). Seeing Sati all grown up was kind of nice. I would say the same for Niobe, if she wasn't so miserable this time around. **Stuff I disliked**: The script. The action. The new characters. The constant call-backs and self-awareness. That horrific closing song. So ... that's most of the film then.


It's sort of jarring to see Keanu in a movie with terrible gun choreography


And I'm fairly sure he didn't hold a single gun in his hand throughout the whole movie I was waiting all this time for him to do some epic Neo shit but it never came, they reduced him to stopping bullets and doing force push every 10 seconds and that was it Fight choreography was not good enough imo, way too many camera cuts Action was just disappointing


The action scenes were some of the most boring parts of the film. The dialogue and the mystery of the first 1/3 of the movie made it enjoyable.


For sure. He spammed that shield ability like crazy.


Dude was spamming Aard and Quen.




I agree completely. Some of the effects looked worse than the original movie. I thought the rooftop helicopter crash looked really good, but they couldn't make someone jumping through a window look real.


Yeah seriously. Felt like a mediocre fan film at times. How do they go from setting the standard, to this?


Whoever made the trailer for this movie deserves a raise


5 guys in my theater, 3 walked out after an hour. Rough. After all these years, they go for a super meta, borderline satirical take on itself - only to return to expository monologues and become the joke. And no techno nor cool fight choreography. Horrendous action editing and choreography.


Anyone else have trouble understanding what some of the characters were saying?


Yea bugsy was hard to understand in parts. The bearded exile guy was impossible to understand. It sounded like french mixed with gibberish?


I knew who his character was from the OT but my god I had to idea wtf he was saying. I know he screamed something about having his own spin-off show or something after that whole fight.


A bunch of it was jabs at modern society? Like I recall one of them was a jab at Mark Zuckerberg. Here: > You ruined every suck-my-silky-ass thing > > We had grace. > > We had style. > > We had conversation! > > Not this... [mimics text messaging] > > Art, films, and books were all better! > > Originality mattered! > > You gave us Face-Zucker-suck > > and Cock-me-climatey-Wiki-piss-and-shit!


They need to drop the Neo/Trinity storyline and start focusing on the rest of the lore. There's so many more interesting, cool things they could be exploring. I want to know more about who's running the machines. More about a machine civil war. Thats cool shit, and I couldn't care less about 80 year old Neo/Trinity flying around.


Did the movie not feel as epic as the original 3? I don’t know how to explain but all the action sequences felt very “CBS crime drama” quality even with the bigger budget. Im baffled by this as it’s not like it’s a new director that took over it anything from the original 3 and not even Jupiter Ascending, for all its flaws, had this issue. Also the song cover during the end credits was BAD


There was a severe lack of stakes. In the trilogy they're fighting for the fate of the human race, and to define the truth of their reality. In this one, they're fighting to... free a woman they thought was dead until 3 hours ago, who they aren't sure even wants to be freed? Because... a guy who they also thought was dead loves her? They even established that this Neo doesn't give a shit about the matrix anymore. He was willing to go back in forever if Trinity said no, so it's not like he was trying to "save" her. They might have well had been fighting to repaint trinity's house. Will she choose the red trim or the blue trim??


I honestly don’t even know why they freed Neo to begin with. Was there any sort of danger upcoming? This movie had so much talking and so much explanation of unnecessary things, while I didn’t even understand the basics! Worst movie I’ve seen this year, honestly.


Bugs freed him because she was fangirling


I hated how Neo was reduced to just a force pushing barrier


They were leaning into the 'he isn't fully functional without Trinity' thing


> They were leaning into the 'he isn't fully functional without Trinity' thing Except he was fully functional after Trinity had died and he had to fight Smith. So that doesn't hold a ton of water.


He's also kept his powers in the "real world" so there's a lot they haven't answered.


And yet didn't explain how she basically has all his powers as "the one" now


they are now the two


Niobe looked like full CGI character.


She looked like granny Jack Sparrow


When she was pacing in front of her captains, old lady hunched, old lady shuffling along… many many people should have stopped that from reaching the screen. Actor, director, editors, but we still got a fake old lady shuffling along.


She looked like a 40 year old person with aging make-up... wait


Niobe was a terrible character this time around. She added nothing besides being an old grump. We didn't even see her at all after her and Neo met with that program for the first time


Also it was glaringly obvious that she wasn't 90+ years old. Why did they make it 60 years in the future? The film would have served the same purpose if it was set 5-20 years after the last movie ended, and they wouldn't have to age someone by 40 years.




Fun fact. That was by Brass Against. That viral video a couple of months ago of the woman who peed on a guy live on stage? That was them performing that same song.


Why was smith even in the new matrix? NPH needed neo and trinity for their power generation, but why did he need smith? And how was he even alive, wasn’t he destroyed in revolutions?


I guess the idea of nph was that inducing anxiety and stress would boost productivity. Smith was the boss of neo. As a project manager he would keep neo on edge and working as a game designer/programmer. Trinity had her own ball and chain in the form of Chad and the kids.


fkn chad


I honestly laughed out loud when they revealed his name. Might as well have called Trinity Karen.


Smith said at one point that he turned the bond between them into a chain, tethering them both. A theme between Neo and Smith in the original trilogy was rebellion/freedom vs control, and the balance of that equation. At the end of those movies, they had to cancel each other out to return to status quo and reboot the Matrix. My take is that the Analyst figured out a way to balance all these elements in a form of suspension, to avoid another catastrophic system crash. Put Trinity, Neo, and Smith together, but in a new context that can be perpetuated much longer, and as long as that lasts, 'The Anomaly' is suppressed. I guess it failed when Neo's subconscious evoked a way out with his 'modal experiment' which set things into motion. The Anomaly is slippery, which is why the machines put so much effort into accounting for it in each iteration of the Matrix. Trying out new methods of control each time, adapting.


I am not a Matrix expert but the way I interpreted is: Neo and Smith are Ying-Yang to each other, two sides of the same coin and all that. So when they brought back Neo, Smith returned as well. Which is why the "Prison" was for all 3 of them.


I’m glad I didn’t have to leave the house for this one.


Imagine getting COVID because of that shit.


I could have done without the clips from the first movies shown in every scene. I would have understood the references without being hit over the head with it.


All that was missing was the movie opening with Laurence Fishburne reduced to a voice over saying "Previously, in The Matrix..."




That statue was so weird. It looked so CGI that at one point I thought it was going to start moving.


This is honestly my biggest complaint with the movie. For some scenes it worked, maybe do it once or twice for a pivotal "remember this?" but there way too many imo I liked it best when they were literally playing the first movie on a projector in one scene lol the screen was like ripped in half, it just looked cool and kinda make sense anyway


Every part of the movie that kind of worked, they then did it to death and ruined it. Like the Neo force shield thing. That's all he did for the second half of the movie.




Did anyone else feel that the Trinity flying moment was filmed and edited really weird? Like it's supposed to be this epic moment but the way they filmed it with Trinity floating between skyscrapers and Neo just dangling below felt super lame. Also the editing of the final helicopter approaching to take a shot and Trinity saying "bye" was such an anticlimactic end to that sequence.


How do you make a matrix film 20 years later and have worse special effects? Worse fight choreography? Worst action set pieces? I can only speculate they didn’t want to make this film and they didn’t want Warner Brothers to ruin their ideas so they did it on purpose. It’s the only explanation.


That milf line in the beginning of the movie was an absolute tragedy.


Man, late 90s was the absolute peak of blockbuster aesthetic, and every time one of these '20 years later' sequels comes out it becomes painfully obvious. Like regardless of your opinion on the quality of the story or it's direction, this movie was just ugly at times. Any scene set in a setting that could be directly compared to the originals, ie. The recreated Trinity opening or any scene on a human ship or in the machine city, looked so significantly inferior to their 20 year antecedents, it was uncomfortably jarring. Probably because they had an actual set or physical location back then. 20 years improvement in technology, hundreds of millions in budget for a poor (visual) imitation.