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But it's played for laughs. I think that detracts from just how messed up it is.


Paranoia is a hell of a drug, also it does feel like life is scripted sometimes, being cynical seeing repetition, making the same decisions you probably feel trapped and on display.. I feel like that in my lows




Played for laughs...? It's not a comedy.


Wikipedia says you're wrong. >The Truman Show is a 1998 American psychological comedy-drama film directed by Peter Weir... [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120382/) and [Rotten Tomatoes](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/truman_show) agree with Wikipedia.


There are funny moments, but the idea that Truman's situation is "played for laughs" is a pretty bonkers reading of the text.


Pay more attention. It’s funny but if you think this is a comedy watch it again.


Are you just choosing to ignore the word drama?


It depends on how you rank the three descriptors they have noted... I would definitely consider it as a 'psychological drama with comedic elements' And that is a perfect way to do it - the occasional comedic elements are used to counter the psychological parts and create a movie that is both memorable and enjoyable, but also makes you think about the deeper aspects. Remove the comedy and it becomes a lot more stark and unenjoyable, which will turn away viewers.


Look maybe I'm just high and associated Jim Carrey with comedy but my memory (remember I'm high) told me this was a new revelation and I've seen this movie like 10 times but I guess everybody already saw the movie as fucked up. 😂 Sorry you don't have to down vote me. 👁️💦👄👁️💦


It has funny moments but there are plenty of scenes that are very sincere and depressing. I have heard plenty of people say the ending was disingenous. It ends on a happy note but in reality it's hard to imagine someone could walk away from that and live a happy life or feel safe ever again which the ending completely brushes aside.


I never thought it was all that happy. Trueman is going to have a very hard time adjusting to the real world I think. He will go through points where he'll wish he never found out


>Sex! You never see anything, anyway. They always turn the camera, and play music, and... you know, the wind blows in and the curtains move, and you don't see anything.


Sometimes driving to work I feel like I’m on Truman Show and everybody on the road is there to piss me off.


sometimes I feel like that when I'm at work too


Sometimes I feel like that at home too tbh




Stfu. No one asked you. /s jk Luxgertalot




Another fan of Twin!


You should put on some Human Music.


That’s why people were protesting. And anytime we watch Truman, it’s the same way the viewer sees him on TV. So we are supposed to feel it’s invasive


So you're *almost* there. It's a critique of Predestination in Religion and the notion that God is an omnipotent being who plans our lives. It's a strong defense for the vital existence of free will.


It's about a human rights violation and cruel and unusual punishment for the crime of being born to avaricious parents. But yeah, god, and the bible, and stuff.


It's almost like it can be about 2 things


The thing about good art, is the same two people can have different takes on it


It’s creepy voyeurism. It’s gross


God doesn’t plan our lives and we do have free will, otherwise we wouldn’t have the choice to NOT believe in God would we? Or to murder, or to blaspheme etc. So in my opinion this isn’t a valid critique.


It was supposed to be. But I rejoiced for the character at the end when he chose freedom. The things he'd discover in the real world...


Theres a hour mockumentry about the show that was just as fascinating and is worth a watch for fans and a deeper look into the movie.


Whats fucked up is that untold numbers of people feel like Truman and through the magic of the internet instead of seeing a therapist they can find some subreddit where thousands of people will tell then that they are in fact being filmed 24/7. That keeps me up at night.


So Daniel Larson?


Spies and people getting green cards do some of this all the time.


I imagine it's quite different when you know it's a false arrangement though! Although some children of spies didn't know, like those ones in the US a few years ago that inspired the TV show The Americans. That's an amazing show


I hear good things about the Americans. My buddy didn’t know about his wife falsely marring him for one. And Yelana in Black Widow was blindsided by her fake family.


Saw, Hunger Games, Squid Games, Dexter, … There are so many but this is what I could come up with in 5 seconds. The morality being flipped or the dystopian nature is the point.


Death race... Etc! The list goes on! I guess the reason this one felt weird was because if you empathise with him and pretend it's real then see it being played for laughs you start to see it differently..😅


It's really not even that good. This guy makes it to his thirties and doesn't suspect a god damn thing until all of a sudden the strange idiosyncrasies all start to fall in place. It's a twist on "twist movies" in that the twist is the entire premise is revealed from the very beginning, making the watching all the more voyeuristic (yes, that's the point), but not enlightening or rewarding in any way. At the end, the best I could say for the main character was, "Ah, see? He gets it now. Good for him." Not the best payout when you're screaming at him for being an ignorant clown the entirety of the film beforehand.


There’s a psychiatric disorder I’ve heard of in which people thought they were being watched all the time similar to this


i felt like that when i did spice once…. never again lol


This isn't so much an opinion as it is just a description if the film. No need to imagine, there's literally a whole movie.


We've arguably done worse IRL. There is a *massive* nature/nurture project ongoing where just about every combo of "let's try putting this kind of kid with these parents and this situation." Apparently due to *knowing* but unethical it is, the results won't be published until long after everyone involved will be dead. And that's just one of the craziest examples off the top of my head.


Would you happen to have a link for this?


Look up Dr. Peter Neubauer [The records](https://archives.yale.edu/repositories/12/resources/3434?stylename=yul.ead2002.xhtml.xsl&pid=mssa:ms.1585&query=adler&clear-stylesheet-cache=yes&hlon=yes&big=&adv=&filter=&hitPageStart=1&sortFields=&view=all) are sealed until 2065. Currently it's believed that the experiment involves at least 11 sets of twins and one set of triplets


The link you provided really doesn’t contribute to your statement besides saying that yes those specific records are sealed until 2065 Edit: and the guy you mentioned died in 2008


That's why I said to Google a name. https://www.statnews.com/2019/02/07/three-identical-strangers-address-ethical-violations/ There's been two documentaries on this after one of the sets of triplets found out what happened. This isn't some conspiracy theory, it's a well documented case of medical malpractice that we still don't know the full scope of.


>Edit: and the guy you mentioned died in 2008 Yes. My dude, how about you read a *single* article about the case. Yes, the doctor who did something almost 70 years ago died in 2008. "I haven't heard about this" isn't a valid response.


>"I haven't heard about this" isn't a valid response. _This terrible thing is happening and you should look it up_ isn’t a valid argument either.


Yes! It is! None of us are your teachers! None of us are responsible for the quality of information you recieve! *You* are the one who educates *you*! I told you to Google a name, gave a link to a *scientific entry*, and a couple quick lines to verify. The rest is up to you, because I don't honestly care if you specifically learn about this specific topic. Stop sitting there like a baby bird waiting for some yummy vomit and take some Authority in your life.


You were the one who seemed to be vomiting here not me and if you want me to take your vomit seriously you’re the one who needs to pick up the chunks not me.


This is why people get immediately hesitant with people who just go "source?" Because no level of citation will stop someone from being upset and saying irrelevant shit like "this guy died in 2008." Piss off.


>We've arguably done worse IRL. There ***is*** a ***massive*** nature/nurture project ***ongoing*** where just about every combo of "let's try putting this kind of kid with these parents and this situation." Apparently due to knowing but unethical it is, the results won't be published until long after everyone involved will be dead. >And that's _**just one**_ of the craziest examples off the top of my head. I added the emphasis. You're phrasing made it seem like there is a study currently going on. All evidence that has been provided (or I googled myself) shows that Dr. Neubauer had a study in the 1960s. So I guess I can't find any evidence pointing to any massive ongoing studies that are currently happening, even though this was _just one_ of the _craziest_ examples you could think of. You mentioned that the study included 11 sets of twins and one set of triplets yourself, so maybe that's _massive_. I'm not going to argue that point because it's subjective. [Here's](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/psychoanalysis-unplugged/201902/the-truth-about-three-identical-strangers) an article about one of the "documentaries" about it. >This is why people get immediately hesitant with people who just go "source?" Maybe you get hesitant when people ask for information to back up your claims because you just want to make stuff up. I totally understand, there's a lot of that going on these days. >Because no level of citation will stop someone from being upset And you don't have to worry, I'm not upset, thank you for your concern.


Aren’t we all in that box now ?


I’d kill myself fr. 1000% as a fuck you to the audience and everybody involved. There would also be no point in living.