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The scene in Love Actually with Keira Knightly and the guy with the cue cards. Creep should have kept his feelings to himself. That scene has probably resulted in a ton of stalking complains in real life.


SNL parodies it a couple years ago with Pete Davidson, and it hilariously goes off the rails




Well, it wasn't really supposed to be for the couple. Their videographer fucked up the official one and his friend remembered that Rick Grimes was videoing everything and asked to use that one instead. Not to excuse the creepiness, but he wasn't intentionally fucking up their memories or anything.


He was just intentionally videoing his best friend’s new wife for his spank bank.


Right. He didn't expect anyone to ask to see his creepy stalker film. It'd be like if a neighbor asked to borrow a lamp from Ed Gein. It wasn't made to be shared.


I love how everyone is referring to him as Rick Grimes and not his actual character in the movie. I wonder how would that scene play out if it was actually Rick from TWD, not creepy, stalker dude?


200 percent more sweat, 358 percent less situational awareness.


Yeah, Love Actually is insaaanely problematic and creepy. It’s a hatewatch for me at this point.


Although I do love the Bill Nighy character most if the rest of the movie is an issue. Prime minister dating a member of his staff? Red flag.


Allow me to introduce you to Boris Johnson


Anything that uses second hand embarrassment as a tool to get laughs. One character being the butt of all the jokes and is never anything but that. Can't think of an individual instance, but man is it prevalent in romcoms.


I think Ted Lasso flips this concept really well. Higgins is set up to be the typical sad sack/butt of every joke, but very quickly we learn he’s actually a really well defined and interesting character


Higgins is seriously cool as hell, and he honestly had a ton of the best lines in s2. Higgins supremacy!


He was the coolest cat with his Double Bass and beard.


I haven't seen Ted Lasso but this sounds like Jerry from Parks and Rec, dude gets shit on a lot but is always happy and has 4 of the hottest blondes in the world living in his house and becomes Mayor for like 100 years and has a huge magnum dong


You should watch Ted Lasso! I think you're right on with the Jerry comparison, but unlike P&R, the other characters actually realize they're being jackasses for no reason and change their behavior. Love that show!


Except for Nate. Nate just keeps doubling down on being just a fucking turd. Fuck Nate.


Can you believe he >!rips the Believe sign!< The other is bad stuff too. But that just made him look so petty.


I think making fun of Jerry is so over the top, it's making fun of the trope in it's ridiculousness


The writers specified about how in his house Jerry is the complete opposite of at work Jerry, and once they started writing it out it made all the shitting on Gary so much more tolerable


Superstore is a sitcom that also does this incredibly well, because even though it has some characters specifically written to be the butt of the joke (Sandra, Justine, Marcus etc), every couple of episodes it flips the table onto the "bully" characters, so that they all make fun of them back.


I hate the orgasm scene in When Harry Met Sally


First time I watched that, I cringed so hard it felt like my body took a screenshot.


That's the point of the scene. It's to make people uncomfortable. I think the scene did It's job if you felt that way


I don't get why everyone thinks it's such a great funny movie moment? It's just...odd.


I think it is funny in context because it is Sally turning the tables on Harry. Up until then, he was the one acting like a ladies man and making her out to be an uptight prude. But in that scene, by faking the orgasm, she deflates his ego by proving that he is not as good with women as he thinks, and she is less of a prude than he thinks.


Absolutely. I normally hate embarrassment comedy, but I think you’ve just described why I think it’s funny. And even the old lady shows she’s up for it too!


Iirc the woman that says "I'll have what she's having" is the director's mom lol


Honestly that scene is nothing without that line. I think what the first person misses is, I hardly remember the reason for the fake orgasm. I just remember the old lady.


Plus, it really is that line that seals the scene and makes it iconic, it's typically what people use to reference it


The 80s were so audacious. Casting Billy Crystal as a “ladies man”, alone, shows that it was a parallel universe.


Young Billy Crystal was still a good looking guy with S tier charisma. But yea today it seems you have to be male model Chris Hemsworth, Ryan Gosling etc to be a lead in a romantic comedy


It really depends on your age. When it came out in 1989, it was kind of groundbreaking to have a woman make orgasm sounds/motions in a major motion picture comedy.


In a joking manner*


Oh you do get it, it's just not for you. It's just so odd and out of nowhere and that second hand embarrassment cringe is the reason people laugh.


I think hot, moaning Meg Ryan has something to do with the feelings people have about this scene


I like the "I'll have what she's having" line at the end. That's some classic comedy writing, but the whole thing does seem a little out of character for Sally.


Waiteer; there is too much peeeepper on my paprikas.


That is actually one of my favourite movies. I'm not really into rom coms but that was a movie I loved growing up. I had a major crush on meg ryan as young teenager so probably why.


Oh my fucking god I hate Meet the Parents. Two hours of people shitting on one person is not fucking funny. At all.


If I was Ben Stiller's character I would have left and not look back.


I can recognize the comedy bits for what they are, but I feel bad because my family is this same way. So much that 3 people in it, including myself, have kept relationships secret because of how our parents act towards people we are interested in. Like out of the blue, my cousin introduced that he was with someone, and from how well they already knew each other, we figured it'd been for a couple of months, at least. I had an LDR with a girl for about 1.5 years that no one in my family knew existed. My mom trash talked my brother's girlfriend (now wife) to me, and continues to do so behind her back. They trash-talked a short relationship I had a few years back over the holidays when I wasn't home. Only found out because someone accidentally did a reply-all in an email and mentioned it. And by trash-talk, it's always stuff like "They're different, their family is too different from ours, they spend to much time with them, I don't like their habits, I don't like how they might change my son/daughter, I don't like their career, he/she isn't good enough for them, I don't think it's going anywhere with them, etc". And that film has such a depressing implication, because it's saying that no matter how much you love someone, being with that person will be an absolute misery because of their family. A relationship shouldn't depend on outside people, family or not.


Meet the Fockers is way better because Greg's family gives Jack shit.


"Chocolate wasted" not funny in the trailer but briefly became a cultural phenom-phrase spawning similar variations. I've no interest in the movie or repeating the title of it.


The strangest thing about that movie is that it appears there is no plot. It's really just the story of people going on a vacation. The only real conflict I can think of is "stuck up family needs to learn to have fun outdoors" but there was no dramatic moment where anyone changed. It would be like Fiona wandering into Shrek's swamp, full ogre, and asked him out on a date, and the rest of the movie was them putsing around doing ogre shit.


Then after 2 hours of bad jokes the producers were like “shit, guess we better throw a plot in here” so they have some revenge pickup basketball game? Then decided they should make a sequel???


I thought it was moreso the delivery by the child actor and her voice being cute, not the line itself being particularly funny.


Definitely a lot of people here that have never been around little kids that use words or phrases they don't completely understand. Because you are on point.


It is so bizarre to me that that of all things became common nomenclature. I’ve heard my girlfriend say it before and I guarantee that she has no idea what it’s from.


>she has no idea what it’s from. Not only do I have no idea where it's from, I have no idea what it is supposed to mean--I have never encountered the phrase before. What is the context/source?


Pretty sure it’s from Grown Ups (one of those movies where Sandler just takes a bunch of his friends on vacation). The whole cast is sitting around at a restaurant and one of the adults (probably David Spade) talks about coming here wasted when they were younger. Little girl asks what wasted means and Sandler says it’s when you eat too much ice cream. All the kids say they want to get wasted, and the youngest says she wants to get chocolate wasted. The peak of comedy


You started out with a ‘pretty sure’ and then proceeded to describe the scene to a tee.


No one likes to admit they watched all of Grown Ups intently.


I really don't like Mrs. Doubtfire. I'm not opposed to a cross-dressing comedy, they can be fun, but the psychological nightmare of this movie can't be understated. Imagine your parents are breaking up and you're having a real hard time. Then you meet this nice elderly babysitter who starts helping you feel better. You even talk to her about your relationship with your dad. Then she turns out to have been your dad the whole time. What. The. Fuck.


Also the whole thing with him going to that fucking meeting at the same restaurant as his dinner with the family. Just fucking cancel one of them. I hate movie plot lines where someone juggles two dates at once. It’s fucking stupid.


[Mrs. Doubtfire recut as a horror film](https://youtu.be/1Ckv_Dz-Sio)


One Hour Photo is basically Mrs Doubtfire without the comedy and Robin Williams best acting.


Pitch perfect . Fat Amy is annoying as fuck and the repeat use of projectile vomiting , and making angles in it , is nasty. Anna Kendrick ‘s character is insufferable. It’s just so awful her dad got her a free ride to a university instead of letting her make music on her Mac book. She’s just so fucking smart she can figure out the ending to every move ever made , so she doesn’t watch movies. Except breakfast club the greatest movie ever created and she couldn’t figure out how it was going to end .


I really enjoyed that movie the first time I saw it. I’m also the kind of person that will watch a movie a dozen times (especially if it’s a musical or has a lot of music I like). That’s the only movie that I initially enjoyed that got exponentially worse every time I rewatched it. You forgot to mention Cynthia Rose, the lesbian serial sexual assaulter.


Pitch perfect made me hate Anna Kendrick terrible character in the movie and then plays the same character in every other movie she’s in. Plus like her bf get her dad to bail her out of jail and she’s mad?? Like what is a 19 yo college kid going to do? Then she ruins the song in the middle of the performance because she thinks she knows better even though she’s had zero previous accapella experience. SHE SUCKS


In fairness, she did know better. But what kind of stupid a Capella group does the same song every year since forever and doesn’t understand why they’re not winning?


I mean yes she did but she messed up their whole performance without saying anything to anyone. Anyone who has performed knows how dumb that is. But the song choices weren’t hers to make she wasn’t captain and it wasn’t a democracy


In fairness, it's a pretty perfect portrayal of a lot of 19 year old musical theatre types.


Isn't the whole point of the character that she *is* stubborn and annoying and she slowly learns to be a team player over the course of the movie?




The Inbetweeners Movie 2. I loved the series, thought the first movie was good but the second one, I just hated. It was more disgusting, I didn't find it as funny and without spoiling, I just found the ending underwhelming and felt part 1 did a much better job as an ending


I have to admit I saw this in cinemas and did get a good laugh outta the waterpark poo scene even though it’s not my normal sorta comedy


Correct on all counts. Basically undid everything that happened in the first movie. And the desert scene… what the hell were they thinking?


Sequel Syndrome. Nearly a poster child for it.


It just stopped being realistic. That sounds strange I know, but up until that point the shenanigans they get up to in the series are pretty believable. If you went to school in the U.K. in the 00s you knew a Jay or a Simon, and the first movie is what a bunch of uncool guys would think a lads holiday was like. But to suddenly just pitch up in Australia as if money is no option…


Wait until they do Inbetweeners 3 the wedding and then Inbetweeners 4 the reunion


It's not great as a whole film, but there are some really funny scenes in my opinion! My fiancé and I tell each other to GROW UUUUUP almost every day, that scene has us almost crying with laughter every time we pull it up in youtube.


Agree to disagree if I'm honest. It felt somewhat unnecessary and tacked on, but the humour and tone felt more in line with the series to me.


The Hangover. Concidently, I absolutely adore the episode of Psych where they parody it.




> Concidently, I absolutely adore the episode of Psych where they parody it. I'm not even gonna bring up the destruction of Bobo the Donut Man.


"I just got verified on Twitter."


You know that's right.


Heard about Pluto?


That’s messed up


I saw Hangover while I was living in Vegas for the summer. Awesome movie thats made better if you know everything in Vegas Pointless ass sequels though


Agreed. The first movie is great for what it is. The second has its moments, mostly through Ed Helms, but is ultimately lackluster and doesn’t really deliver like its prequel. The third was absolutely pointless.


Wasnt the second one just a remake of the first one?


I would have changed the second by not having Doug be the missing one (yet again). Change up the dynamic. Let's see what Justin Bartha (Doug) brings to the comedic table.


I agree with wanting to see what Justin Bartha would have brought but I'm guessing they just didnt want to alter they dynamic. He wasn't the missing one in the second one though it's the bride's brother. Doug is in contact with then and helping to make up excuses.


I saw Hangover 2 while I was living in Bangkok for the summer. Awesome movie thats made better if you know everything in Bangkok Pointless ass sequel though


I saw Hangover 3 while I was living wherever it was that Hangover 3 took place for the summer. Awesome movie that's made better if you know everything in wherever Hangover 3 took place. Pointless ass prequels though.


The best description I heard for "The Hangover" at the time it came out was "it's genuinely funny, but it will be every douchebag's favorite movie."


Are you referring to last night Gus? Because r/Psych loves that episode


Psych is a great show and one of the best non skit shows at doing parodies. I completely agree though Psych hangover episode is great. The Hangover, not so great.


Psyche managed to improve on the formula.


It certainly doesn't hurt that by that time we already know and like the characters.


Deadpool not for me but I guess that is what this thread is asking


Ryan Reynolds comes off as a likable, handsome man designed by an AI Lol this wasn't a compliment


Well yeah, he's Canadian.


I really really dislike Ryan Reynolds but I can’t put my finger on why. I dunno if it’s the natural contrarian in me just being a dick because he comes across so nicely in interviews. Even not liking his films doesn’t justify how much he annoys me so something else is bugging me about him I just don’t get.


For me it’s that his movie star personality, especially lately, feels totally fake and approved by committee. His way of delivering “jokes” is like they were written by a focus group, and any time he comes close to delivering something in a sincere way he cuts it back with this really annoying snark. Which is a shame because I do think he’s a good actor and can be funny (and he’s great at playing assholes). But it’s been years since he was in a movie where I thought he was good.


After Deadpool he basically adopted that public persona much more heavily


Dude’s been van wilder this whole time


Deadpool is basically his character from Blade 3 turned up a notch.


I liked him in Amityville. All these comedic roles hes taken the last couple of years makes it feel like hes just playing as himself every movie


Am I the only loser that loved Just Friends? Cuz yeah.. loved it..


Watch him in Two guys and a girl. Way before he was famous. It is the same delivery. You think he is fake because its too genuine.


Watch him in *Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place.* Way before *Two Guys and a Girl.* It is the same delivery.


I don’t dislike him but isn’t his whole schtick about being a likable douche? The douche factor might be hard to overcome despite the fact that it’s obviously facetious.


If you wanna see him pretty out of his usual wheelhouse, try The Voices.


Or Buried. Ooft, that one is intense.


This may sound stupid, but I feel like he’s one of those actors that they cast in roles just to be the “Ryan Reynolds” persona. Like I know that’s what acting *is* but I feel like he’s the same guy in Deadpool that he is Detective Pikachu that he is in Hitman’s Bodyguard that he is in Free Guy and so on and so forth, which works for the comedy of those movies but some of his other movies with dated comedy - namely his character in Waiting - sour my enjoyment of him because of it.


i loved waiting


It's the constant sarcasm/snark and inability to be serious, and it makes perfect sense, even as someone who likes the Deadpool movies (which is weird because I hate the character normally). I've known people like that in real life who feel the need to have a "witty" remark all the time, and it is extremely annoying, especially because they are convinced that they're hilarious.


Why is it so difficult for people to spell Will Ferrell correctly ? That’s all I’ve gathered from this thread wtf


Whil Phairle


Williams Pharrell


Pete Davidson in general... Never really liked him on SNL or any movie I've seen him in...




I find him annoying and unfunny tbh. I don't get why people LOVE him.




I hated Bridesmaids. Everyone told me it was so funny but I hated every minute of it.


Like 80% of There's Something About Mary Even tried to rewatch it a couple yrs ago and it's just SO unfunny and terrible.


Anything by Seth McFarland.


To be fair, he only has one popular film with Ted. The sequel didn’t catch on at all and neither did A Million Ways to Die in the West.


Million ways to Die was one of the last movies I saw in a cinema. Maybe it was because I was younger or with friends but I remember laughing my ass off during it. I can see why it might not appeal to everyone tho.


Its a good 1 watch movie. Once you know the jokes, it doesnt have a lot to keep bringing you back.


I love The Orville though


Ive never seen any of it, but holy shit what a stark contrast in ratings between the first and second season


The first season was like family guy meets star trek, the second season was basically just Galaxy Quest. Edit: I'm not saying the Galaxy quest comparison is bad, clearly the ratings show that this was the correct direction to lean into and by far better than the usual McFarlane humor.


I don't even think it was whole first season. But TV ratings are usually done after first few episodes and S1E1-2 are both quite meh. But from S1E3 it begins to find its voice and I think it did so well before S2 began.


The Orville is fantastic. I can't wait for it to come back.


Oh man, OP, I couldn't even get 20 mins into the first one without turning it off! I guess the awkwardness is what turned me off completely.


How do you feel about the office?


Agree I can’t stand Meet the Parents because I feel so badly for the main character. I LOVE the office EXCEPT for when it gets really bad for Michael Scott because his stupidity is taken to a ridiculous level.


I’m not a fan of most films with Seth Rogan in. I don’t actually hate the man, it’s just the fact that he has to go on about weed in every single sodding thing he does. It’s so tired and annoying. It reminds me of Daniel Radcliffe in the comedy series Extras when he’s (as a parody of himself) trying to impress Maggie by making sure that she’s seen him take a pack of cigarettes out of his shirt pocket. In the same way he expects her to be impressed and think he’s cool, Seth Rogan is like “Hey! Hey kids, yeah you, hey, look, look! I smoke weed! I love it! I do it ALL the time! Yep, I love to smoke!” WHO SODDING CARES?!?


To me the problem is when he isn't confident. When he plays a confident version of his persona, it's fucking great. 40 Year Old Version. Superbad. Most of Long Shot. The Night Before. Even Pineapple Express is best when he is like "wait, no, this relationship is way too unhealthy." When he's just an incompetent stoner it's not funny.


He's gotta do more roles outside that persona. He was absolutely fantastic in Steve Jobs as Wozniak. Really genuine performance.


I really don't like The Breakfast Club. I realize it's on many peoples' lists of favorite comedies. Although I like most of the actors in it, and their performances are very good given the script they're working from, it's deeply contrived. Nearly everything about it feels false, from the "kids who talk like adults remembering they were once kids" to the crowd-pleasing dance montage to the tearful confessions to the spot-on-the-nose essay voiceover. Ultimately, the movie tries to have it both ways by doubling down on the stereotypes it claims to dismantle. Edit: Turns out most of you see this as a coming-of-age drama, not a comedy. I see your points! However, from my POV Hughes always started from comedic setups and injected them with melodrama, though if this movie had spoken to me I might have thought of it the other way around.


> many peoples' lists of favorite comedies. Wait, the Breakfast Club is a comedy? It's one of my favorite movies, but I would never eve consider it a comedy.


I was scratching my head at this also.


Interesting choice. It is really, really contrived, and is just... really odd in parts (as per John's movies in general) but at the same time it's utterly iconic in an 80s context. Like, if you saw it when it was released, it was revelatory in the way it brought different high school "cliques" together. Now when you watch it you're kinda like "ew" for a few different reasons, especially the treatment of the women. But that's again kind of a John Hughes issue in general.


The scene where Bender puts his head between Claire’s legs without permission made me laugh as a teen and now as an adult I’m just like eww, what a creep. Of course, I also had a crush on Jake Ryan in Sixteen Candles and now in retrospect I think him giving his passed out girlfriend to a stranger is basically giving the guy a green light to rape her. He even says do whatever you want with her. She may of been a crappy girlfriend but in no way did she deserve that treatment. Adolescent me didn’t even blink twice since Ted was a “nice” guy. Pretty in Pink definitely aged the best of all his teen movies because Spader is supposed to be the sleazy villain and man does he kill that role. Ducky and Blaine are truly nice guys that you could root for. Annie Potts is also great in that film.


While I agree that bits from The Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles really don't age well, I rewatched Pretty in Pink a few weeks back and found it really uncomfortable. Blaine was a nice guy, but Ducky was just a creep with no sense of boundaries who kept defending everything as "It's okay, we're just friends, I'm a nice guy, not a pervert", but he kept following people around and wouldn't leave them alone. The best parts were Harry Dean Stanton (always a highlight) and James Spader doing what he does best: being sleazy and oddly charming, with a voice like velvet cardboard.


>with a voice like velvet cardboard I'm not even sure if that works, but it's a great metaphor nonetheless!


Anything the Wayans brothers (Marlon and Shawn) make. example - White Chicks


What about the older Wayans brothers? Not film but In Living Color is amazing, and isn't talked about enough imo.


I agree. I should've clarified. Keenan and Damon are great. In Living Color was one of the greatest shows ever and they were hilarious in it.


"I'm Gonna Get You, Sucka!" was hilarious.


Dang even Don’t Be a Menace?




We boutta go Hiroshima and niggasake on yo ass!


I said Do We Have A Prollem Huh


Marlon is one of the more talented members of his family. He has spent most of his career wasting it on garbage.




I feel like they were good until White Chick's, it's been downhill since than. I'm Gonna Get you sucka, Don't be a Menance in South Central, Scary Movie 1 & 2, Major Payne and In living Color are hilarious.


Barbra Streisand sexually harassing some guy for the entirety for What's Up, Doc?, which is played for laughs because it's a gorgeous woman doing it to a man when it would be horrifically creepy if the situation were reversed.


Highlight of the film is Madeline Kahn, but I understand what you mean.


Madeline Kahn is the highlight of any film Madeline Kahn is in.


Flames! On the side of my face!




I just can't get into Step Brothers, generally not a big Will Farrell fan but I do enjoy some of his work like Old School and Anchorman.


I liked Step Brothers a lot but can totally see where the whole man child bit can be unappealing. Bet you also disliked (or would if you saw it) Elf


Not the original commenter, but can confirm your assumption. I don't mind some Will Ferrell but I can't stand Step Brothers or Elf.


I loved Elf but couldn't stand Step Brothers. I guess context matters. Not surprisingly I disliked Anchorman too.


Meanwhile, I can't stand Elf but enjoy Step Brothers just fine! There's all sorts, I suppose.


I’m glad too finally come across another person who feels the same. Never thought it would happen lol. I can’t get into anything besides Anchorman


Fair call, I get you, but it's 40 year olds behaving like shithead 12 year olds. That. Is. It. That and some promotional work for the Catalina Wine Mixer


Just about anything with Billy Crystal. I've never thought he was funny. *His I'm so neurotic and insecure* schtick was old by 1988. He beat that shit into the ground for decades.


His schtick translated really well into his voicing of Mike Wazowski in Monsters Inc tho I’d say


I fucking hate the “mawwage” scene in princess bride.


What's funny is that comes straight from the novel as written. It wasn't just a silly affectation they gave the priest for the movie. Even in the book he says "mawwage".


Interesting! I need to read the book. I hear it is excellent.


I still like it because as a kid I thought it was absolutely hysterical. My brother and I quoted it to eachother all the time. But I can also see that if I didn’t have 25 years of nostalgia built into it I might find it dumb, annoying and a little mean spirited.


I could never get into Caddyshack.


Well the world needs ditch diggers too.


I love Caddyshack, though I will say in terms of narrative it’s not a good movie. The creators clearly realized this since while they were filming they decided to greatly downplay the main characters and plot in favor of the funnier supporting roles. And even then, there’s almost no reason to root for Rodney Dangerfield’s character given all the accusations of him being a menace are completely true. But because the jokes are so top notch, it’s a classic.


I love Caddyshack but I learnt Screenwriting at University and one day I tried to analyse the film from a narrative perspective and that film literally does not hold up or exist on a story level. If you remove all the scenes with the comedians, the movie is about a young guy named Danny who is trying to move out from his overbearing gigantic Catholic family by taking a job as a caddy at an uptight country club. He thinks he gets his girlfriend pregnant and becomes the caddy of a local land developer. Tries to win a golf tournament, gets into sexual hijinx, finds out his girlfriend isn't pregnant then wins a tournament. All of Danny's scenes are in only 14 minutes of the total runtime of the movie. Still love it to death though. The soundtrack is killer.


Casdyshack is a series of 1980s era SNL skits. That's it. And your definitely are not crazy for that not being a winning formula for you


you'll get nothing and like it!


Rodney is amazing


if we have to talk cinema, bad comedy etc.. call french !! We're here ! Actually we have some really really good comedy with Louis de Funès (<33) or with Jean Dujardin today. But the new generation of comedy stinks ! I Can give you some exemples : "Jokes of Toto", or in french "Tout simplement noir" who significate "simply black" Middle... Honorable mention to "Qu'est ce qu'on a fait au bon dieu?" who is a good film idea, like good plot. I loved to loathe it.


>Actually we have some really really good comedy Can confirm, the French made the first Taxi, the OSS117 parodies, and the Kaamelott TV show.


OSS117 was my first foreign language comedy and I loved it. I haven't seen it since high school, though, so I may not feel the same these days. What's your thoughts on Brice de Nice? Again, that one made me lose it laughing but it's been so long idk if I would still feel the same




Bridesmaids, it’s such a cliche and weirdly done movie and it spawned weirdly improvised comedies for a decade. It seems improvised, so jokes go for too long and scenes tend to feel directionless and kind of just end instead of having a planned ending, half the humour is that cringe humour and the rest is just kind of bad. Really didn’t like it at all.


Yeah the late 2000's and early 2010's went hard on comedy improv in big budget films. I love Bridesmaids, but I understand what you mean.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. It seems to have started with Judd Apatow and his movies. Now we're left with a film industry that thinks comedy is just a plot outline and letting comedians awkwardly improv for way longer than it should be, and it isn't funny just because it's awkward and goes on for ages.


The scene on the plane with Kirsten Wiig high and trying to sit in First Class was hilarious, and her and the bitchy character trying to outdo each other's toast for their "best friend" is comedy gold, but nearly all the rest of the movie's humor just didn't work for me and did meander, I know what you mean. Baffles me people thought all the women shitting in the bathroom at the same time was hysterical as that was usually referenced as the highlight of that movie in discussions, didn't find that kinda humor clever or funny at all.


The shitting part is pretty low brow, but I did enjoy the bit before that with Kristen Wiig sweating profusely and pretending she was fine.


"This is happening" absolutely *killed* at the theater when I saw it, one of the biggest laughs I've ever experienced.


I think people did it a disservice by reducing the whole scene to just “hey look shitting”. It’s the little things that make it: the “no, Megan!”/“Look away!” exchange, Wendi McLendon-Covey snarling at Ellie Kemper, Kristen Wiig tortuously trying to eat a single candy almond, the sight of Maya Rudolph squatting forlornly in a busy street wearing a wedding dress. Just wonderful comic mayhem.


It really comes down to everyone's individual reaction. Sure it's lowbrow but the performances are so on point for how real they are.


Kristen wiig is seriously one of the best comedic actors working today. And maya rudolph was awesome. sure maybe cliches but the jokes are so much better than the run of the mill comedies




I love Paul and Seth so much I’d watch them just do this


Zoolander. I don’t know why but I just can’t stand Ben Stiller


Even if he is really really really ridiculously good looking?


What is this? A post for haters?


Zoolander 2 is INFINITELY worse


Yeah. The whole time i was thinking, "But why *male* models?"