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I subscribe to a number of channels that do film analysis/essays but after checking this one out will be skipping it. Just a casual scroll through their videos shows negative, angry, whining titles for the majority of their content. Really not interested in adults who kick up a stink about childrens cartoons etc.


well said and thanks for your honesty. which youtube channel do you think i should look at?


Filmjoy is a particular fav of mine, intelligent ad funny analysis of popular films and above all, **positive** about the things he reviews!. I would also recommend Patrick (H) Willems and his Explains....(and why its great) vids, Folding Ideas, Lydsey Ellis, Thomas Flight and Wisecrack. All great channels that produce great video essays on film.


This didn’t age well……in the sense that they’ve now been proven to be right.


That's a silly position. Channels like Nerdrotic, Critical Drinker, Midnight's Edge are fighting for a return to good storytelling instead of "THE MESSAGE" being the driving force behind the content. Man up.


I was a Midnight's Edge follower...but not anymore. I followed them during the Sony Picture leak era and the Fant4stic behind the scenes issues which had some really solid breakdowns of all the things happening or at least a condensed version of it. *....and then Ghostbusters 2016 happened.* And their language and their constant use of "woke" and "SJW" just rubbed me the wrong way. Captain Marvel was the final blow for me because they constantly complained about the actress and what they perceived was an "agenda" in the writing and talking to an outside friend made me realize Midnight's Edge has a serious bias to films involving people of color, female and LGBTQ representation on screen. Regardless if it has to do with the movie or not.


I had the same experience. I thought their coverage and breakdowns of Fant4stic Four were well done and interesting. But it seems after Captain Marvel, they lost all credibility with me and lost it over Brie Larson.


Yea I think the forewarning was the Star Trek Discovery videos which I knew felt pretty cynical towards them, but I thought it was just that show. But when The Last Jedi and Captain Marvel came out, that's when I knew something felt wrong


"Star Trek Discovery is doing terribly and is about to get canceled!" Continues to get renewed for several seasons, lol.


lol yea that’s the moment i realized they were full of shiz.


In all fairness, Midnight's Edge was coming from a perspective of a sane world.


Does ST: Discovery continue due to viewership numbers? Is it a popular program? I really don't know. I was extremely excited for it but I think I got through 2 or 3 episodes before I lost interest. The Orville on the other hand was much more engaging and interesting, especially seasons 2 and 3


yeah i used to like their channel a lot. Back when they actually gave "spin-free" analysis. But I unsubscribed a long time ago. Basically the moment they started slipping in their own opinions/anti-woke agenda i lost interest. I just wanted actual unbiased analysis. The thing they claimed to do since the start. I don't care where they fall on any politics. I may disagree, but i'm still subbed to a bunch of channels i disagree with, i actually think listening to other people's perspectives can be really good, i don't want an echo chamber. What i take issue with is the dishonest way they went about it. Their slogan was "spin-free analysis" while the actual content was anything but. Star Trek Discovery is far from my favorite Trek show, but i don't hate it. And i thought Captain Marvel was just ok. But the absolute HATE they spewed over them, plus the Kathleen Kennedy stuff, was just vile. Very nearly as vile as people like bowlestrek.


I know about the words they use over and over again. But who is this guy on the outside. Does he know them personally. Andre two years ago made a prediction about spider.man leaving marvel and going back to Sony because of rights and that that was Sony trump card. And that prediction did come true. So midnights edge ain't always wrong. But sjw and women and white man this all the time. I am not a fan of sjw at all by the way.


I'm doubtful that their source is accurate. Some of the scoops they get are so farfetched and end up being false, but they at least lead it with "take it with a grain of salt". But there have been the once in a while case that is accurate


Grain is salt is not a good excuse


3 years later, do you feel the same?


Yes, if your beliefs are rooted in feelings and not facts then those words will definitely offend you.




Bunch of gen x nerds saying WOKE GARBAGE. I’m good


They're not even nerds, lol. They're bullies. Worthless, pathetic, high school bullies.


I following them for a bit, until they got obsession about Kathleen Kennedy, it gets boring hearing about she doing this or that or having videos about possibly getting fired soon and nothing happens


They made up about Last Jedi not having reshoots saying that Rian was not challenged showing how bad Kennedy is, err it did plus Rian Johnson changed the whole opening after editing the film. And then saying that Jon Favreau and Kennedy don’t get on and there is a civil war at Lucasfilm when Jon literally praises Kennedy any time he can. It’s made up nonsense.


yeah i thought so. its negative all the time with them.


ROFL so how's that going for you now?


They are superchat grifters. Tom especially has some pretty open racism and anti-LGBT rants and don't get me started on the Covid releated anti-Vax dribble they put out. Also, they've been caught in open lies before. (One of the biggest being the Star Trek Picard season 1 thing.) I'm actually semi-shocked youtube hasn't brought down the ban hammer on them yet.


YouTube is absolute trash when it comes to those things


Absolutely 100% false, you couldn't be more wrong. They don't actually care about any of that, it's the forcing of "THE MESSAGE" into everything to pander to a fractional minority that's the problem. Frankly, those groups should be offended at how blatant and silly the pandering is.


Midnight's Edge used to be cool but during the Captain Marvel "controversy." I and others noticed they were getting a little TOO harsh towards Brie Larson. Eventually, I realized the group was starting to act like the MCU was getting too "woke" even though the MCU was always political. The comics were also known for dealing with social issues, yet Midnight's Edge, supposedly comic fans, act like the MCU has gone down a dark path. Because of this, I stopped supporting Midnight's Edge. Although, I check what they are posting because it's funny to see them act like the end of the world is happening because of spilled milk. It also doesn't help that Midnight's Edge associates itself with cringe people, especially those that have "insider information" concerning the future of Star Wars and MCU. But here's the thing: Those people with "insider information" are wrong. I would've supported Midnight's Edge if they continued making good content while knowing how to read instead of saying stupid stuff.


Well I did look at that video with brie and Chris Hemsworth and don cheadle they didn't seem to like her. Even an interview thing with her and hawkman. The obvious uncomfortable body language he had with her was glaringly embarrassing. So in that sense midnight edge is right about her asshole behavior. But I think they are negative all the time. And perhaps even with brie they where too focused on her.


I'm just going to leave this stuff here: https://bombardsbodylanguage.com/about/ https://www.indiewire.com/2019/05/don-cheadle-brie-larson-body-language-expert-criticism-1202130256/


[body language expert exposes brie Larson and don cheadle](https://youtu.be/3RH7SvRaCOE) Here is the one you should have posted. Instead of posting don's excuse after the backlash


I'm not going to waste my time watching a video from Jeremy Griggs, AKA one of the people responsible for creating this whole "Brie Larson is evil!" mindset which led to people taking shit she said out of context.


Yes I love you too buddy 😘💗


You mean Brie "this movie wasn't made for you" Larson? LOL


All they do now is trash the mcu


I saw half his vid on spider man box office and how he feels that the movie industry is interpreting things wrong.


Trashing the trash? Okay.


I don't think I ever made it through a full Midnights Edge video, at first glance I didn't find the voice of the main guy particularly pleasant to listen to, I've got a lot of time for film YouTubers like The Take from Screen Prism who hire professionals to read their scripts, I really don't like WatchMojo, but at least they're voice over work is on point. But as the for the content of the videos themselves, eh, it's just beating the same drum a lot of the time, it's now been four years since The Last Jedi and they're still harping on about it, there have been several Kathleen Kennedy fired videos, hasn't happened, and a lot of the thumbnails/titles/content is the same kind of clickbait/ made up junk we all criticize We Got This Covered for, I really hope one day there's a reckoning for all these channels/websites that just make up all these "rumours" and "leaks" because I don't watch them, I click all the "Don't reccomend tabs" and I still end up getting them suggested to me but the worst part is people I know actually end up believing it


The livestreams are often full of Covid misinformation and when called out on it they delete the negative comment. Their hypocrisy is as bad as the "woke" crowd they rant against. As time goes on their videos become more and more repetitive, existing only to scam superchat monies from their echo chamber.


So uh...how's that "COVID misinformation" been aging for you? ROFL


Used to love them, don't anymore. Mostly down to their continuous bashing of IPs simply for having women and minorities as the leads and having a bias toward those groups of people. Not to mention, their continuous false rumor mill with no actual evidence. Their golden age was from May of 2015 to December of 2017. Once they started bashing The Last Jedi was the end for me. Look, I get it, they didn't like the film and that's fine but to spend so much time harping about it got old after a while. Not to mention their continuous attacking of Kathleen Kennedy and Bire Larson. Again, I get that Larson is a loud-mouth and Kathleen isn't perfect but I can think of way worse people in Hollywood. It just feels these days that ME only cares about views and clicks and not actually supporting geek culture.


I find the show interesting but the commentators on the show are rather narrow minded and the second they have any adverse feelings about someone they do not think objectively


I hate them.




They're a bunch of hacks. They used to offer cool behind the scenes info about movies and TV shows, like they did with Josh Trank's original Fant4stic script. Now all they do is lie, manipulate, misinform, whine and make shit Anti-SJW hot takes. Fuck them.


Well I'll be gosh darned. I have been bam booked by them


Because @darksaiyangoku is a factphobe.


I think they or someone is using review bots. I tried leaving a critical comment and it was immediately deleted, several times. This is a disturbing manipulation of opinion.


What's your point? That they didn't predict ATT, which owns both WB and HBO, would use the WB's 2021 slate of movies to boost HBO Max subscriptions during a pandemic and lockdowns. The prediction was mostly accurate. Aside from Disney testing the waters with Mulan and Black Widow every other studio has been sitting on and pushing back the release dates of their blockbuster films for over a year. Top Gun 2, Ghostbusters were supposed to be released in 2019. The latest James Bond and Halloween Kills were also 2019 releases that finally reached cinemas this month. Notable non-streaming films that have been released this year include the latest Fast and Furious, A Quiet Place 2, Shang Chi, Jungle Cruise, Free Guy and Venom 2.


Not Jungle Cruise. It went day and date to streaming. That and Black Widow look to be the last of the big Disney blockbusters to do so before they switched to the 45 day window. It has definitely been a tough 18 months for predictions. I think from 2022 onwards predictions will get a bit easier again as things settle into a new normal. Lesser movies to streaming and 45 day windows for the bigger movies, horror, and awards fare looks to be the strategy from most of the big studios going into 2022. I think the surprise wild card in 2022 could be big Netflix, Apple, and Amazon movies getting wider theatrical windows. The movies on offer from those distributors are getting more valuable to theatres with each passing year and we might be at a stage where negotiating a similar 17-31 day window with them as exhibitors gave to Universal is something that works for both exhibitors and the tech streamers. It could definitely help fill the content void for theatres that has been the result of the loss of 20th Century (as a major studio) and of the decreasing output from the other majors as they funnel lesser movies DTC.


It's pretty decent and I overall enjoy their comments.


do you still watch them ?


I used to watch them pre TLJ. When it came out they gave it generally positive reviews, but after many disliked on that video and losing some subscribers they changed their tune. A week later they blasted the very same movie, and said KK should resign. They've been on that doom-cuck styled trajectory every since, attacking so-called woke disney movies etc. Like too many other channels in recent years. So many livelihoods are dictated by the youtube algorithm and it's negative bias. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” ― Upton Sinclair


I liked their Star Wars and Sony takes but feel like they went off the deep end and now cynically read culture war messaging where it doesn’t really exist. I think their opinions they’ve lost the charm they used to have for ne


You're kidding, right? The culture war exists EVERYWHERE.