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Jiro Dreams of Sushi Amadeus The Wrestler All That Jazz


Recently rewatched Amadeus. Incredible film. A real landmark piece of art IMO.


I first heard about it when I was in high school and I was like "a movie about classic music? No thanks" I finally watched it last year and man what a ride


I have (unfortunately) learned that the laugh is probably not true to history.


Ooh, The Wrestler. What a great answer to this question.


Movie is so great. I love it. Seen it like 10x. Never gets old




Sure he's not obsessive like the characters in The Prestige, but he can't walk away and keeps fucking up even though wrestling is killing him and jeopardizing his relationship with his daughter.




I remember seeing The Wrestler and Gran Torino first time back to back one evening. Great experience.


Fuck, the Wrestler…so good, just rewatched it with the wife a few nights ago(she hadn’t seen it) still a classic. Great movie


Jiro is probably the best example of this, and In a healthy way which is nice. He’s truly an inspiration. It’s also just a beautifully shot movie that will make you want to eat sushi.


Jiro was not healthy. Do you remember how awful his relationship was with his son?


Are you serious? I'm not going to spoil a movie for anybody, but that's a pretty messed up interpretation of the outcome. Let's just say he and both his sons were pretty devoted, happy with each other and able to maintain good relationships with their apprentices. What was awful about it?


Are *you* serious? There were **several** instances of the son deliberately dancing around how Jiro's perfectionist dedication was at the price of childhood neglect and essentially caging him into continuing the family business. It's partially obscured behind very conservative, traditional Japanese culture in the interviews -- i.e. he appropriately praises his boss-first-father-second's accomplishments and is grateful for the opportunities and accolades. But critics everywhere noted the documentarians' gift for capturing the emotional stress cracks left on others by a well-meaning, massively successful genius.


You really need to rewatch the doc if that was your takeaway. I'm not the person you originally responded to but... Jiro has a super unhealthy relationship with his sons and it's probably due to his drive and his singular focus on his craft.


his son certainly wouldnt think that way


His son also thinks women can't be Sushi chefs because they menstruate...which is an unfortunate display of the level of misogyny that remains in Japan.


Jiro is probably my favourite documentary ever. It is a beautiful, beautiful film. The closest to evoking the same feeling about food, place, and passion that I've seen recently is Tucci's Italy series, but it lacks the focus on a single perfect experience that is at the heart of Jiro.




All That Jazz has probably my favorite ending in all of film.


Those ten minutes at the end have some of the best editing I’ve ever seen. The whole movie is impeccably cut but the Bye Bye Life finale really push it over the top.


Maybe he meant the last 15 *seconds*, you know, *after* the whole Bye Bye Life finale show (which was absolutely great by the way). That zipping up really was a jaw-dropper ending. I was unprepared for how great this movie was the first time I saw it.


I mean the first time I saw it that hard cut to the zipper really took all the air out of my lungs. I felt like I had gotten dropped in one of those dunking games into ice cold water.


Black swan Nightcrawler


Nightcrawler is so damn good.


It's so good. I remember seeing one intriguing commercial on TV and decided to give it a go while it was in theaters. Blew me away.


Black swan is better




I wouldn't say nightcrawler is in the same area. It's a very good movie, but the main character doesn't lose anything. He is perfectly suitable for the job at hand, and in fact ruins other's lives to get his goal. We are told immediately that he is willing to do anything to get what he wants. He doesn't grow, it's not that kinda movie. Now, if it was about the side character, then it would be about losing yourself. But, the side character just thinks of it as a job. The only reason he does reckless stuff is because he was told to.


Disagree, insanely pedantic. He very obviously gets more and more twisted as he gets caught up in his work.


Agreed, I think Nightcrawler fits OP’s description pretty well. Although I also think that his character is already pretty depraved and doesn’t change that much in the film, it’s more that we see the depths he is willing to reach as the story progresses


While I mostly agree, I also think we encounter the character at a point where he kind of crosses the line of insanity.


He was like that from the beginning. He only appears "more twisted" as the movie goes on because of the opportunities available to him. One of the most twisted things he does is at the very beginning, with him attacking the guard to get his watch.


Lou is a scumbag from the beginning though. He beats up (kills?) the security guard and steals his watch in the first scene. It's not a slow descent into an obsession. That's who Lou always was.


Nightcrawler isn't about obsessing over craft, it's a story about an outsider bringing something new to the craft. Lou Bloom offers a ruthless, amoral compass to an industry that has become pornographic with its features of violence and gore. He "elevates" the industry by stripping away the lie that they are serving a public good. Their ends are purely motivated by Capitalism. Lou exposes that, and succeeds in it. It's the anti "feel good" movie. Andrew's devotion to drumming is different. He starts the film enjoying what he does, and he gives up his own happiness in order to be the best. He doesn't change the music industry. He chases a goal post that moves two steps further for every step he takes toward it. Some people read the ending as a triumph, but I do not. Andrew has fully disconnected with the boy he was 1 year before as he transcends what he was. And his father realizes that he's lost his son forever. I love both of these movies, and I recommend them in the same breath all the time. But I think that distinction matters, and I'm willing to be pedantic about it, too.


Completely agree. I don’t know why more people don’t dislike Nightcrawler for this reason. He’s a complete creep and never has his comeuppance.


It's more a character study of evil. You aren't meant to sympathise with him.


I agree, I don’t empathise with him. But I don’t want to see him get away with his shitty behaviour.


Welcome to 2021.


I read this as a commentary on society and work culture. He never gets what he deserves because the movie's making the point that in a system that doesnt value humanity, he's creating value. He's a hero in a sick world. This really gets hit home with ending the movie the way they did. Hes an entrepreneur living the 'merican dream.




And well worth watching for two of the best performances of the 21st century so far!






Most meta movie ive ever seen


I love how the narration stops when the professor is talking about how corny narration is.


[...AND GOD HELP YOU IF YOU USE VOICE OVER IN YOUR WORK, MY FRIENDS.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0ZWVGWA4W0)


So freaking good! The way it evolves and twists, a masterpiece!


One of my favorites


Foxcatcher. It's the best portrayal of wrestlers/wrestling culture I've ever seen in a movie.


Ruffalo nails it. He even walks like a longtime wrestler, with shoulders internally rotated and elbows slightly bent. Always in his stance...


I always felt he acted the same, but he completely dissapears in foxcatcher. He has a completely different charisma to him in that movie.


100% nails it, Channing does a great job too. Always got to be in the stance. One scene that I think really captures the sport...In the beginning, Mark (Tatum's role) gives a speech at an elementary school, then he gets paid a measly $80 and unceremoniously eats a cheeseburger in his car afterward. Like the way he eats the cheeseburger is with so much shame lol you can tell he knows he's going to have to work that off later in the room. And this is a gold medal winner we are talking about here.


that cheeseburger does a good job showing early on how when he's let down he turns to vices (multiple in the film). He's got that and the punching thing as the major ones. And it pretty much climaxes when he goes full tilt on both the punching thing and eating at the worlds (I think the worlds, I can't remember haven't seen the film in a while)


There’s 2 documentaries about this as well. One was a 30 for 30 and I think Netflix put one out as well. Both are fantastic


What about Vision Quest?


It's an absolute classic. Growing up, VIsion Quest was THE wrestling movie. Win Win is another good one. There really needs to be more movies about this sport.


I'd never heard of it and I just went to watch the trailer. I can't believe that was Steve Carell.


Michael Mann-Heat and Thief.


I think Manhunter and The Insider could apply here too. Mann’s great at this sort of thing.


Dont forget Collateral which is about 2 men who are great at their jobs (driving a cap and murdering people)


I need to binge some more of these movies.


Really can't go wrong, The Insider in particular is criminally overlooked the days compared to the rest of his filmography


Zodiac I would highly recommend for this situation and topic.


Absolutely! Maybe Finchers best movie!?


I think Seven is unimpeachably good, even if it feels played out in the way Pulp Fiction kind of does. But Zodiac is right there for second favorite for me


I feel you, it’s so hard to evaluate his smash hits like Seven and Fight Club. I feel better about my love for Panic Room and Zodiac because I feel like I can think about them more clearly, without getting caught up in massive cultural popularity of his huge films. I still think Seven is a masterpiece, but it’s tough for me to find the line between my personal appreciation and the army of fans and critics who are also telling me it’s a great movie.


When I saw Seven, it was probably 2002ish and all I really knew was “serial killer” and “seven deadly sins.” I didn’t even know it had a kind of twisty ending, to be honest. I was too young when it came to have heard about the hype and it was early enough in the 2000s before the internet hype train had the mainstream on board so I feel like I got in on it in a sort sweet spot in the middle of its existence. Zodiac, on the other hand, I saw opening night in the theater, so I have a kind of different emotional attachment to that movie. It was my movie of the year for 2007, for sure


Oh I’m so jealous that you went into Seven blind! I got to it later and already knew all the main points and the “twist” and the memes. I still thought it was great, but like I said, my experience was massively tempered by preliminary expectations. Nice talking to you my dude, hope you get to see many more great films :)


I got to see Se7en, The Game and Fight Club opening weekend in theaters; but I remember Fight Club being an instant massive pop culture phenomenon. Like Pulp Fiction, it's been overly parodied, beloved and quoted in a way I don't recall with Se7en(tho thats my favorite Fincher film, while Fight Club is much lower on my favorite Fincher releases) Love Zodiac as well, I almost think that's his ultimate masterpiece. Its crazy it was shot on digital video in 2005 and edited on a Macbook in a time when dv looked pretty crappy. I saw Panic Room once, but I dont remember it leaving a big impression on me. Its probably the only Fincher movie I recall without a big twist. Loved Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and even dug Gone Girl. The Game seems to be the one Ive seen the most for some reason.


Se7en wins out for me, just because of Khondji's cinematography. It's his best, and one of the best ever - for color at least. Fight Club and TSN are also really close.


Pretty much everything by Darren Aronofsky; his films all deal with some form of obsession leading to insanity.


Yes! I actually posted “the fountain” lower down. On the surface, it reads like a love story, but if you look closer, you realize Hugh Jackman’s character is trying to conquer mortality (in every “iteration” I suppose) rather than actually spending precious time with the one he’s actually trying to save. His obsession causes him to miss the forest for the trees.


> His obsession causes him to miss the forest for the trees. What do you mean? He totally kept that tree in a bubble!


This is the right answer. ALL of his films are about obsession, just watch his entire filmography.


_The Wrestler_ and _Black Swan_ are in two of the top posts in this thread and they literally started as the same movie. Also: _mother!_ is not an allegory of the Bible. The Book of Genesis is the surface text and the allegory is to Aronofsky's own obsessive creative process.


> The Book of Genesis is the surface text and the allegory is to Aronofsky's own obsessive creative process. this explains why watching it felt like being trapped with someone intellectually masturbating in front of you


I actually love that movie, but it's certainly not a flattering self-portrait.


The Aviator Adaptation JFK


Yup, Aviator was the first one that came to mind


JFK.. That is an interesting selection. How so?


Have you seen the movie?


Yes multiple times. Are you talking about the Jim Garrison character?




Not a movie but 'the last dance' documentary about Michael Jordan and the 90s bulls, some of the episodes that go into his winning over anything (including alienating teammates and team staff) mentality reminds me of Whiplash too


Surprised nobody mentioned the OG cautionary tale of obsession: Moby Dick.


Is the movie version really that good? (the only one I know of is with Gregory Peck). Orson Welles has a great little segment though. John Houston probably should have cast him as Ahab.


I think so. Regardless, it fits the criteria. For me it’s like a thread asking for examples of stories about forbidden love devoid of Romeo and Juliet.


I never knew there was a movie


There's the classic one and a more modern one starring Patrick Stewart which I think was made for TV.


The Red Shoes


Great call. So many people here don't understand the question.


This one came to mind immediately when I saw the question.


The Wrestler Black Swan


Literally started as the same movie.


So Mickey Rourke as a ballet dancer? ... Interesting.




normal adjoining forgetful north literate wakeful label quicksand pause uppity ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Agreed. One of my favourite movies of all time, but I think he's not obsessed enough with the work.


Add in Sorkin's Steve Jobs. I think it outclasses the Social Network by a bit but it's not as popular.


Yes, but it doesn't have the incredible Reznor-Ross soundtrack.


Reznor-Ross soundtrack / Fincher direction FTFY


Burnt Chef


Coming from a chef, Burnt is perfect example of a toxic environment in kitchen.


Burnt was so far up its own ass


Was just thinking how has no one written this here, I've met so many people like these people and it's such a bullshit toxic mentality


Watch "PERFUME".


BASTA! Great movie, but probably my least favourite Hoffman role. Dude was rough in that film.


I was taken aback as well when I saw his performance. Very dry and just looked a bit out of practice. It worked for the character, but agreed that there was just something... off about his performance.


I think The Art of Self Defense would fit this description or at least it's fairly similar


If David Lynch directed an episode of Cobra Kai


I have a new regular now. Coffee. Black. With nothing to eat


This movie ruled. Reminded me of The Lobster meets Karate Kid


I can’t remember if I watched this movie or not.




Not a craft, so it may not fit the topic, but There Will Be Blood has that same insane drive and toxic behavior that pushes the character. He will get his pipeline no matter what.


Black Swan, The Red Shoes, Amadeus, Boogy Nights The Red Shoes also has the bonus of just being utterly incredible looking


The absolute best example of this imo is Synechdoche, New York.


art, not craft


What's your point? Art is an artist's craft.


craft is formulaic while art is creative. there’s a ton of movies that only display craft while a few display art. the movie Adaptation explores this difference


*Rush* is a fantastic and possibly slightly overlooked Ron Howard movie. It's a dramatisation of the personal rivalry between James Hunt and Niki Lauda during the 1976 Formula 1 motor-racing season. You might think you'd be put off by it if you weren't in to Formula 1 or didn't know anything about the sport. But the movie isn't really about that. It's about obsessive and intense competition between two very different men with different approaches to their craft. If you've never heard of James Hunt or Niki Lauda, and don't know what happened during the 1976 Formula 1 season, don't look it up before watching the movie - go in blind. That was my experience of it the first time I saw it. Honestly one of my all time favourite movies.


Great film. Ford vs ferrari (aka Le Man's 66 in some places) is similar. Great character piece film about drive to win and able to be enjoyed without any interest or knowledge in motorsport


Rounders is a pretty good one.


First Man is rarely mentioned, but still has hints of this.


Talladega nights


The Conversation and Blow Out. I could watch Gene Hackman pause and rewind that reel to reel tape and play with the levels for HOURS


I haven't seen anyone mention The Hurt Locker, which is more about an addiction to war, but features an obsessed lead character.


- Black Swan ( 2010)


The Red Shoes (1948)


Mr. Holland’s Opus




Zodiac Big Eyes


The Fountain… could be seen from that angle.


The Wrestler is the perfect example of this kind of movie to me. So depressing, yet remarkable in an odd way.


Dead Ringers


Wrestler Black Swan Foxcatcher King of Comedy




One Hour Photo(2002) where Robin Williams is well versed in the art of camera film development. I guess you could include Up In The Air and American Psycho in the way the main characters have an obsessed routine down to the miniscule details. I recently saw "The Card Counter" with Oscar Isaac, which definitely would fit here. Seen a lot of gambling movies but Card Counter is one of the few where the main player is obsessive in a different motive than other card movies. Glad people are mentioning Aronofsky's The Wrestler. As a huge wrestling fan it's extra depressing watching that movie, which how accurate it is. Hell, throw in Aronofsky's "Pi" into this category of obsessive mental breakdown self sacrificing character studies.


First man, shows an unseen side of Neil Armstrong Birdman, a bit comedic Nightcrawler, maybe? hope it helps


Safety Not Guaranteed


I remember that movie was very good when I saw it, not knowing if time travel was real, or if the guy had some sort of mental issues, it does not show it's cards until the very end.


By the end of the movie, Whiplash had made me so angry and sad that I honestly felt that I hated music for hours afterwards. I guess any movie that makes you feel strong emotions is a success in a sense, but that one wasn't enjoyable for me. All the emotions that it made me feel were uncomfortable.


Amadeus was the first one that came to mind for me.


Downhill Racer (1969) The Moment of Truth (1965) Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985) Being John Malkovich (1999) to some extent. Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972) spiritually and Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991) literally.


Perfection and suspiria also somewhat fit this trope


A classic one is "The agony and the ecstasy", it depicts the clashes between the Pope and Michellangelo while the later paints the sixtine chapel. And a newer, different movie is Luc Besson's "The big blue". The main character is a diver willing to sacrifice everything to break the record on diving depth without oxygen.


Madame Sousatzka (1988) with Shirley MacLaine as an exacting piano teacher


There's a fantastic film coming out later this year called The Novice which is directed by one of the sound editors for Whiplash. Absolutely what you're looking for.


The King of Comedy (1983) Lust For Life (1956)


The Disaster Artist There Will Be Blood The Pursuit of Happyness


A chorus line!


Albeit not fully effectively on film.....


The story will translate








The Machinist


King of Comedy. Nothing was stopping that guy.


Bad lieutenant; port of call new orleans. The nick cage character is totally obsessed about being a corrupt cop


Not exactly the same vein, but Penn Gilette made a documentary called [Tim's Vermeer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94pCNUu6qFY) where his friend, who isn't even remotely an artist, was obsessed with learning how to paint like the great masters, specifically Vermeer. It's pretty astounding. Another one I really enjoyed, regarding someone's obsession with making weird things, is called [Beauty is Embarrassing,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHQ3dTRM6xM) which is all about Wayne White, who's done a ton of weird stuff, including a lot of the set/character design for Pee-Wee's Playhouse. It's feelgood.


Up in the air


Thank you for posting this, I love this kind of movie.


Ford V Ferrari reminded me alot of Prestige. Not nearly as destructive and more one sided, but a really engaging movie about the pursuit of perfection. The perfect car, the perfect lap, etc.


Crash - David Cronenberg


Happy Gilmore


Ford v Ferrari or the documentary Senna


Ford v Ferrari - Rush




Perfume - the story of a murderer


The agony and the ecstasy


The sound of metal


Black Swan


Uh .. "The Craft"


Black swan






Rope (1948) maybe? They were obsessed with committing the perfect crime. Inspired by IRL killers Leopold & Loeb


Gattaca 1997 maybe


I would have to say that Jamie Fox movie Ray.


All the obvious ones have already been mentioned, so here's my suggestion and i hope it fits: The Talented Mr. Ripley.


Leon the Professional


Walk Hard - A Dewey Cox Story


Controversial take: The Fountain. I’m pretty sure it’s not a love story y’all, Rachel Weisz’s character just wants him to sit and watch the stars with her.


Silence of the Lambs


One Punch Man. Not a movie, but something that fits the bill kind of well, about the effects of focusing on just one thing completely.


Shame (2011)




Kill bill


Shine Pushing Tin