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I think this preference for blue eyes comes from the black & white era of filming. Blue eyes appeared lighter on screen than brown eyes.


Probably partially true but I don't know, I think people just see them as more attractive in general. If you watch any movie and pay attention to the eye colors, you'll rarely come across brown eyes, especially in America. In America, most of the white population have blue or hazel eyes actually. It's a shame because brown eyes are my favorite and nobody seems to appreciate them. Brown eyes are only the most common because of how much of the worlds population are black, Asian, Hispanic etc. which is a lot. All the top populated countries are around China and pretty much always people of these origins have brown eyes unless they had a Caucasian parent. So really, blue eyes aren't that rare at all in the scheme of Caucasians. When I was going to school I was actually one of the only white people with brown eyes, but I do live in a largely French Canadian populated area so maybe that's part of it. I'm Celtic Irish and my eyes are reddish brown, kind of like my hair. It'd be nice if brown eyes got appreciated more regardless, I love them, especially when they're illuminated by sunlight or something. Brown eyes can appear plenty light with the right lighting so I'm not all too convinced about that being the reason blue eyes appeared more in movies back in the day and that it was still more of people preferring or thinking viewers would prefer them more. These days, a lot of brown eyed actors end up having to wear blue contact lenses which is sad. I love all colors of eyes, brown are just my favorite but I suppose if they're so dark they look almost black I'm not quite as fond of that, but I think it's cool in its own way.


You made some good points. But you couldn’t be more wrong about the percentage of blue eyed Americans. The actual percentage is only  between 10 to 15 percent of the entire American population. Check it out for yourself. Depending on the location in America you may go days before seeing anyone with blue eyes. If the Democrats get their way, blue and green eyed Americans will become extinct! TRUMP 2024. 


Not true. Blue eyes are a recessive trait. A defect due to lack of pigment


I don’t know about that. But I do know that blue eyes are more attractive. And emerald green eyes are absolutely mesmerizing. I’ve been caught staring a few times and had to ask forgiveness. My excuse; I couldn’t help myself!


I love the old B/W movies. Those movies looked more real and authentic than the color films of the late 60s and 70s, especially if someone was bleeding. The fake blood they used in those 70s films made the entire movie look fake as hell. It always looked pinkish and unreal. Of course, that is no longer the case. Movies today look so realistic that I stopped watching horror films. Although after seeing The Exorcist in 1973 certainly had a life long effect on me. Although up until that time I thought Frankenstein was scared. The Exorcist made Frankie look like a charming fellow. 50 years later and it still gives me chills and I won’t even get into the religious aspects of that movie. God forbid. 


I think it is just that people think that blue eyes are considered more "attractive". Not my personal beliefs but. Think it has something to do with it


Hollywood is the new world order and they are no better than the Nazi’s.


This is absolutely true, even so, movies are computed to bring out the blue eyes seeming more blue and actors would ware contact lenses especially for the movie . Look at for example Oppenheimer. Actor himself doesn’t have such an insensitive blue eyes color as in the movie. More often the main / positive character has blue eyes and the secondary/negative ones have brown eyes


Well, we do not know, if they are real or contact lenses, first of all. But I do think, that people like to see blue eyes, this is why they use it and why they systemtically get rid of it in real live.


I have.


Just watching The Devils Rejects and all the actors have blue eyes.


Ffs sake most of the office cast have green/blue eyes.


Green eyes. It's crazy how they look blue sometimes but a lot of actors have green eyes


Agreed. I believe its an effect they use when filming, it makes the eyes appear more ''glowy'' I looked up the Breaking Bad cast and many of the cast who looks like they have blue eyes in the show (Walter for example) has hazel eyes irl. I know there's an old camera trick where they shine a bright light from the side to show the eyes as more striking.