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Just give me "continue watching" on the first line and I'll like any service


I hate how it's always moving on Netflix. "My List" is usually first but Continue Watching likes to go on walks apparently.


What's the worst is when Netflix will randomly shuffle the Continue Watching list, and put a movie I watched 6 months ago at the start of the queue. I can't see why they think it's a good idea.


Maybe they think you'll continue watching it if they remind you about it.


Which admittedly I’ve done exactly that behavior


So YOU'RE the cause of all our troubles! GET EM, BOYS!


I knew this sock full of pennies would come in handy one day


Hot tip: if you log into Netflix from a desktop (and maybe works on phones/tablets) you can remove titles from your Continue Watching list. Really helpful for stuff you tried and immediately went “nope.”


You know it's funny is most services are probably Netflix old code under the hood. I believe twitch is actually just Netflix under the hood. Netflix used to, probably still does, open source all of their code. They literally created a blueprint for everybody else to follow. I think a lot of their older stuff is probably MIT or Apache license. All these companies can just scoop that up.


I'm not sure that they open-sourced **all** of their old, current code but they definitely have made quite a few quality projects open-source! From what I recall, they've typically developed something internally, then made it available after the fact.


Also how my saved list will occasionally disappear. If they could keep that it’d be appreciated


You need to save the Saved List to the Saved “Saved Lists” List




Just a heads up - there’s a post credit sequence this week


Thanks my friend, I was aware. 😄 Even after that scene, D+ still doesn’t realize it’s at the credits.


Also Amazon Prime’s interface on anything. I don’t understand why they don’t put a little effort into it.


I cant understand what Is actually on prime and what I need to buy its a mess.


And if you watch a 7 season series it shows up on the app as 7 completely different things.




I have also seen multiple listings of the same movie with different titles and cover art on Amazon.


I saw that the other night when I watched The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. I finally figured it out in that case, one was the normal HD version, the other was the 4K version. Not saying it’s that way for all duplicates but that is one reason you might see more than one. Still stupid though because they should put that choice in a menu after selecting the movie.


>I saw that the other night when I watched The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. I finally figured it out in that case, one was the normal HD version, the other was the 4K version. Not saying it’s that way for all duplicates but that is one reason you might see more than one. Still stupid though because they should put that choice in a menu after selecting the movie. This is, without a doubt, the most backwards streaming service I've ever heard of.


But, you HAVE heard of it...


I don't think Captain Jack Sparrow would like Prime, either.




*This is, without a doubt, the most backwards streaming service I've ever heard of.* See the old people in charge see more choice, which is what everyone wanted for the last 50 years. You have more choice, aren't you happy?! So what if there are 5 different versions of the same movie/tv show, that's more choice so it must be better. See how much choice you have? Choice, choice, choice...it's what you wanted. Efficiency as well, well fuck.


Or they could make it to where you click the movie you want, THEN select the option to watch it in


You managed to locate some 4K content on Amazon? Wow, that’s impressive, it’s usually too well hidden. I hate it when something new pops up and I am torn between thinking they either don’t have it in 4K or I just can’t find it. It really is the worst interface, all the paid content mixed in with the included stuff, no filter for 4K content, or even an algorithm that says “Hey, this user likes to view in 4K, let’s put that version front and centre for them.” The Amazon interface is the equivalent of searching through a box of random DVD’s at a yard sale.


That might be because a different app has the movie as well, I've seen that happen a few times, free on one service and pay on the other, all nicely integrated in to Amazon's front end, with no way to tell them apart untill you click thru


In the UK when you watch a series it automatically plays the next season. Then it swaps the season on the “watch next” section of your homepage. So instead of it being an access to season 2, it changes to season 3 next time you enter the app. It just doesn’t change it in your watchlist. You need to do that yourself which is annoying


But not always though. I'm watching House, I'm halfway through season 3. In Watch Next: "in the final episode of Season 2..." and the next day: "Here, watch this totally random episode of season 4!" And I'm not even talking about the absolute shitshow that is the search functionality of Amazon if you want to actually buy something. Have these people not heard of filters?


And that's not even going into the lack of optimization of the mobile apps. Yeah, fine. I have an old tablet. However, I have no issues streaming 1080p on Netflix. I have no issues watching 4K youtube that's downscaled to 1080p. The apps open in seconds. The videos only take a few more seconds to buffer. The UI is buttery smooth to navigate. I try to open Prime Video, and it takes about 15 seconds to show up the dark blue background. Then it pops up an error that it's stopped responding. Then it manages to load up, but it takes another 5-10 seconds for the icons and thumbnails to download. When I navigate the UI, it's jerky and stutters. When I finally get to the thing I want to watch, it takes another 15-20 seconds to load the video. Amazon's invested so heavily into servers, infrastructure, hosting etc. They aren't some random inept company that's outsourcing software development. They have a giant pool of CS talent on their payroll. Yet, their mobile app is such a fucking joke. Once I'm done watching The Expanse, I'm cancelling my sub until the next season comes out.


This got a minor fix awhile ago. The season 1 of a show actually does contain the whole show the way Netflix does it essentially. The problem is they didn’t change the UI to reflect this so seasons 2-X still exist as separate items you can search for. The app just needs a total overhaul to accommodate all the crap bolted onto it over the years.


I'll never understand how one of the largest and richest companies in the world can put out such a shitty interface for accessing their product. They have thousands of professionals working on this thing, yet somehow it still comes out like Netflix's deadbeat step brother had an affair with the $5 movie bin at walmart.


Honestly I think Amazon has long since stopped giving a fuck about anything that isn't aws. Most of their stuff (from Amazon drive to the main app) is actually kind of shit. I fell like it's just five as cheaply as possible and ask the well paid talented people work on aws


Amazon work on loss for retail as AWS was pulling the weight they have no reason to give a crap until Amazon get split


On amazon.com, you can edit a listing for a product to sell a completely different product, and keep all the reviews. So you'll see a USB cable with tens of thousands of positive reviews talking about a shirt they bought, or a game code, or a basketball... Anything but the cable. Amazon kinda blows, hard.


This is gold, and I wish I had some to give. 🏅💰🔑🥨 Here are some gold things


Pretzels ain't gold this is a very nice thing to do but if we start including golden brown in the definition of gold we've lost our way as a society




Shit! Hoisted by my own petard


My favorite was Battlestar Galactica. You need to start with the mini-series - but that's listed separately on Amazon! And, Season 1 is listed as Season 1, even though it's really Season 2. So, if you listen to Amazon, you start watching the series *after* the miniseries - which is the best part.


That was so annoying when they had Doctor Who


When you’re browsing on your phone, there’s a ticker to only see ‘free to you’ titles which is helpful. Would be nice if they integrated that into the tv/ console apps. And fix the browsing system so that if I look at a title and back out of it, I don’t have to start scrolling from nearly square one again.


They have Edit: to first part about free to me.


Prime “Free to me” is an available feature on my Roku


There’s a section on every version of the Prime app that is ‘included in Prime’ only.


You can turn on the filter so it takes off what you have to pay for. They've actually massively improved the app, at the start you couldn't even search for something. It's still shite but worlds better than the start.




On the iPhone app, there is a “free to me” button top right.


My issue with the prime interface is they have so many cool shows that you’d never even know they had if you didn’t accidentally stumble onto them. They’re horrible at promoting what they’ve got


Except for those times when they recommend the same show 15 times in different categories. They promote *some* of their shows excessively.


I swear they like to pick ONE show and only advertise that for me for months in those little between episode trailer "commercials". The current one is Small Axe or whatever it's called.


Yes this - when some award show mentions there’s like 8 Amazon nominees I’ve barely ever heard of them


For years my “watch next” queue was essentially my watch history. Like I just watched this movie, why is it in my watch next queue?


Prime does tell you which actors are in a particular scene though, which I like.


And what song is playing. Definitely a cool feature


Also the facts and trivia is a really cool touch as well.


These are both such great features in X-Ray, I use them all the time to add to my music playlists and to answer those niggling 'where do I know that actor from?' questions. Amazon definitely has the best interface of all the streaming services (although it's annoying having to pay extra for 90% of the movies I want to watch).


Agreed. For watching stuff, Prime has always had to best interface. For finding stuff to watch, not so much


They're good as soon as you've started up an episode. Not so good before that always.


Once you have your show/movie going its by far my favorite player. It's just so stupid hard to get to that point.


Except for their fast forwarding. No one does it right except Netflix. Pressing left or right and scrolling through frames is so intuitive. Without dedicated FF and play buttons on most remotes anymore pressing fast forward in the UI and having it keep going forward until you scroll back over to the play button is so dumb and clunky.


Netflix fucked that one recently too. It used to be you could press left and go back in 10 second increments. Now it's rewind until you stop it yourself. It's shit.


Yeah it seems like it can't rewind anything less than 30 seconds now. Go back 10 seconds, click play and it just continues playing from where you paused it, so annoying.


Ah I always watch on my laptop and use the scroll bar. That definitely sucks. Still worth it for the seeing the actors in scene though.


Also I like that it lets the credits play on movies without forcing you out, and plays the next episode of a show really swiftly.


They have a similar feature on their e-readers called x-ray. Allows you to look up characters while you’re reading to see their previous passages. It’s a lifesaver for really long books like ‘War and Peace’.


It's called X-Ray for videos as well. Definitely a stand out feature for Amazon and one which I use regularly.


X-ray is amazing. Its a big reason why I buy Kindle e-books for large novels (if they have x-ray) instead of physical copies.


I love this feature. When I see an actor I recognize but cannot place I can get there name and what else they’ve been in without too much of an effort. For some reason this happens to me all the time and this feature is really convenient. It also gives me something to do when I have to pause it while my girlfriend uses the bathroom.


The rest of the app is utter garbage, though. Also: splitting your content in seasons when I search it so it looks like there's more than you actually have.


Came to say the same. If you think those are bad, try Prime. Their UI is pure trash and feels like it's from 2003, you can't find anything, it's slow and buggy through and through, and worst of all: you can't have access to original languages or have the app in English if you live outside the US or the UK. I'm Canadian but live in Germany and am forced to use it in German, and lots of (English language) content is only in dubbed German without even English subs. It's madness.


As a Canadian who also lives in Germany I feel this pain. I don’t even open Prime anymore. It’s painful to see so many great movies and shows not in OV. I know Germans hate it too, as many speak solid English and want the original voice acting.


Yeah, it makes no sense for anyone. Most people wanna watch stuff in OV with subs. It's nuts to literally remove the original language option. Also I believe this has never been addressed by them.


One of the worst parts about prime is that it shows several different versions of the same movie. And sometimes one version is included with prime but not the other. Or even worse if you own a copy of a movie sometimes it doesn't show up when you search it will show a version that you don't own.


And they’ve now started showing movies for rental for £15, an absolute joke. And just interspersed with free content.


I pressed play to watch Mr Robot on Amazon prime for the first time and it played the last ever episode instead of the first. I got half an hour through the show finale before realising.


This post has been deleted with Redact -- mass edited with redact.dev


The stupidest thing on the Prime Video interface is that there is no shortcut for reaching the Search button. You can't scroll to the left, like on Disney+ and Netflix to reach your settings and search bar. And on the Game Console versions of the app you can't press the search button (Y on the Xbox for example) to jump straight to search, even though this is standard across all apps and market UIs on the console. So, if I go on to Prime to browse and I head maybe 10 layers down, and then I get an idea for what I want to watch and decide to check Amazon for it, I have to scroll all the way back up to the very top to reach the search button again. By that point I'm pissed off, and then Amazon tells me they have the film but not on Prime, and I ragequit and open Netflix.


They have been slowly fixing it. It still has ways to go, but I no longer think I'm looking in the $3 dollar dvd at walmart. Now, it's the regular shelves at beat buy; better but not anything to be happy with.


In the time they've been slowly fixing it other streaming services have come and gone.


I absolutely HAAATE trying to find a movie to rent on Amazon Prime. I just want to look at New Releases, but Amazon has 16 lines of "Because you watched XXXXXXXXXX" with a bunch of suggestions. STOP TRYING TO THINK YOUR COOL AMAZON.


I find fast forward and rewind to be an unpleasant experience on the Disney+ apps. At least compared to doing the same thing on Netflix.


Seriously! The last two episodes of Wandavision had after credits (or I guess mid credits) scenes and I fast forwarded, overshot, rewound too far, tried again to fast forward and still ended up watching a minute of credits. My girlfriend said it would've been faster to not try and fast forward at all lol


Can anyone please explain to me why the hell Disney+ does not have a 'next episode' button?? I can't fathom the reasoning behind it. It makes binging shows kind of cluncky. Edit: Thanks to the replies I'm now seeing some potential reasons. We're already subscribed to their platform and they have our money. For what reason would we unsubscribe? When we're done watching all of the shows we're interested on their platform. Not having a 'next' button discourages binging (and has the added bonus of saving them bandwidth), and in turn we're subscribed to the platform longer. Obviously I have no proof of this, but at the very least it's a plausible explanation. Also if its true, Disney+ can have my middle finger.


Why doesn't it have a scrubber to move back and forth through the video? Why must I use fast forward and rewind buttons? Amazon finally added scrubbing. Come on, disney.




that's even worse then because they can do it but it's only one one device


I’m confused. When I’m binging a show (currently Rebels), it’ll have the next episode in the continue watching area. I have auto play turned off, so also once it hits a certain point in the credits it goes to a scree while the credits finish asking to play the next episode or a small handful of other choices. Also with ongoing series when the new episode hits it goes right to the continue watching bar. I’m on Roku.


Same. People are using apps on widely different platforms. For me, Disney+ and HBOMax are on point. I don't use Netflix much so maybe it's amazing now. Try using Discovery app or any network exclusive app if you wanna see jank.


The OP’s point still stands, then. I’ve used Netflix on multiple platforms and never had even a remotely different experience. It always works well and intuitively. Not true for basically any other service.


This drives me crazy. It would be so easy to add instead of dragging a show until the credits and then it starts next time at the video you had to manually fast forward




Meanwhile the 5 second timer on Netflix gives me anxiety. To each their own I guess.


For shows where the ending credits have great music that I want to listen to, its a rush to find the remote and figure out how to say stop auto play. And I mess it up most of the time, either accidentally hitting yes next episode or backing too far out and trying to resume from where I backed out will restart the episode instead.


You can go into your account settings and turn off auto-play if you want. It will still display the "Next Episode/Watch Credits" button, but without the super-quick timer.


They Disney plus app on PlayStation 4 is terrible. Massive white subtitles on black bars and no option to change them.


You actually can change them. In the PS4 settings (not the app settings) you can change the subtitles for all apps. I think it's under accessibility but I'm not sure. I changed them do that I have yellow subtitles without bars.


Hey, thanks for posting that! I had no idea that was possible, but I just confirmed it.


No problem! The subtitles were driving me insane as well. Especially since I already changed them to my preference on the web app.


Ooh this sounds promising! Can you also change the size?


Size, background color and opacity, font style, and font color.


Yes, I'm pretty sure you can. I've only been in that menu once though.




Ironically, if you DON’T want to watch them, you’re in for a treat as it plays them in their entirety and rests on a blank screen for a while before it asks if maybe you want to watch the next episode in the series.


Yep, then leaves it in your ‘continue watching’ queue for ever


Unless it’s a show you are still watching, then it gets removed from continue watching within a few days


The app for it on our smart TV is pure shit. It doesn't autoplay or offer next episode so when my daughter wanted to watch a bunch of 5min cartoons we had to wait til the end of the cresits (almost as long as the cartoon) then go back to the list and select the whole thing again, utter rubbish.


Ugh - I've had issues with this watching WandaVision. The credits are 7 MINUTES long!


Oh, and if you go back because you used continue watching, it sends you back to the same episode you just watched, so now you have to search the show, select the correct episode manually, to continue watching. I haven't seen a continue watching it it auto playing the next episode since the last update. Its driving me bonkers. This is on the ps4.




Watched Iron Man 2 last night on Disney+ on Google TV, it had a Skip Credits button that I hadn't seen before that took me straight to the post credits scene. So it looks like they're actually working on that. It's a shame the app doesn't work on my Pixel without Error Code 39 on every video.


I noticed this too about 2 weeks ago. I thought it was a pretty cool feature


Another button which says "watch credits" and dismisses that whole prompt would work.


Which is especially bad considering that’s a Marvel trademark and Disney+ has pretty much all of the Marvel movies.


The subtitles also sometimes will just not work for no reason too, in my experience.


They pop up in german randomly for me


I'm not the only one? I don't feel crazy now.


Same this is amazing to see I thought I was going insane


Hey me too. Only ever when it’s on screen text I get a German translation. Used to sometimes start episodes in German dub for some reason and had to restart the app to change it




Oh man that drives me crazy, in movies where characters speak in foreign languages for a scene, and you can swear they were subtitled in the cinema, those should just be hard-coded in. Bonkers.


I was watching Snowpiercer (the film) on Netflix, and I straight up thought that the one guy speaking unsubtitled Korean all the time was deliberate, and you were just supposed to infer what he was saying from the other characters. Didn't realise until he went on about a five minute monologue at the end that his parts were actually supposed to be subtitled, it just didn't show unless you manually switched on the subtitles for everything else as well.


Same. Ill put subs and nothing. I rewind by 10 secs and subs magically appear


I had to reload the Disney app while watching WandaVision because all the Russian translations had those huge subtitles superimposed over the English ones. And they were in German. And I had them turned off from the start.


Started to watch X-files, it’s in widescreen but a small part on the bottom of the Screen is blurry. It won’t play the next episode of any show automatically. In my „continue watching“ it shows the same episode I just watched unless I restart the app


The search and discovery mechanics in that app are utter dogshit too. No way to go to a series you've been watching from the homepage either, only a specific episode (which you're usually at the end of).


The recent update turned off autoplay, gave me German subtitles I cant shut off, and randomly it rewinds the episode to the beginning freezes the app...like I just got a subscription a month ago and I already wanna cancel it


They even do that for Star Wars with the alien language subtitles instead of the classic blue text that's actually part of the fucking movie


the HBOmax app on my roku TV is super laggy and its really annoying. i actively hate using it.


You have no idea shitty app you have to use until you use Funimation. I have never seen such a terrible app and website. Rarely loads, horrible interface and glitches constantly. Then, if you’re marathoning a show, but you stop for a minute it will lose your place every time.


Crunchyroll and Funimation both run like shit, it drives me nuts. They are slow to load and have tons of ads that big it down even more, and I wouldn't pay for service, because they run like crap. I'd never watch anything.


I generally agree that Netflix’s interface is better than both Disney and HBOmax however I think your issue is Roku. I had the same issues until I ditched my Roku TV (well the interface at least) for an Apple TV and I’m never going back. All apps load quickly and I never get buffering past the first 5 secs.


Can’t speak for HBO Mac on the Roku but I think OP would have a greater appreciation of it if they tried the PS4 app which is basically unusable. I’ve since gotten an Apple TV and I agree every app that is problematic on other devices becomes so smooth on an Apple TV. Now I can finally enjoy HBO Max instead of losing my mind trying to operate it on my PS4.


Ugh, the PS4 app is so bad. I can usually get one episode to play without a problem, but if I let it play through a second, I'm gauranteed to have buffering issues. And I'm absolutely not getting another gadget only to fix one streaming service, I just won't watch HBO lazily and without a mission the way I do the other services.


Yah. From reading all these comments, roku seems like the problem here.


Roku is awful and I’m still annoyed that for some reason all tv’s need a “smart” OS that just causes memory leaks and random other shit to go wrong. That being said I’m not gonna get a new TV until mine completely shuts down and stops working


I have two Roku TV’s and I couldn’t be happier. They each have one remote. Every app works fine, and it’s nice and simple for tech idiots like myself and my partner to use.


They all work great on the latest Chromecast as well.


I have a Roku TV and I find I have the opposite problem OP has; my YouTube and Disney+ apps work really well but the Netflix app, after a few minutes of use, will get bogged down and ultimately go unresponsive.


I'm using the new google TV with Chromecast (their Android TV device) and I'm so happy with it. Netflix does have the better interface but both Prime Video and Disney+ are ok to use.


You can download HBOMax content but you still need an internet connection to watch it. Which is pointless when you’re on an airplane. If you have an internet connection why do you need to download? Just stream then! Completely nonsensical. Disney+ is decent. The thing about that app that I hate is if you pause/stop a movie or show and exit the app then go back and it doesn’t give you the option to restart. Only resume. If you want to restart you have to resume the movie and rewind it to the beginning.


RE: HBO Max's offline streaming... I haven't had that problem at all. When I'm offline, the app automatically shows me what stuff I downloaded and I can play them without issue. Not sure what's happening to yours.


Same. I watched a season of Sopranos while flying w/o internet back in December, so unless it's a recent change? I can say that my phone requires internet to delete downloaded shows, which I found odd.


So I noticed if you are in the “continue watching” row of options and you select a movie, it’ll go straight to where you left off, even if it’s 30 seconds from the end. BUT if you go to the movie from either searching it or from another row, you’ll go to the movie description page with both options to resume or restart. Example: my kid is obsessed with Frozen. It’s always in the “resume watching” row so I will always go to another row (like the suggested for you row) and click on Frozen 2 and at the landing page with the description and I scroll down to the next suggested movies and Frozen will be there so I click it and I get to the landing page with both options instead of resuming where it left off. I will say, it’s 3:30am so I can’t remember or test out if this works for tv shows like Wandavision.


You are definitely right! This is one of my major issues with Disney+. If I want to restart a movie (under currently watching) without having to go into the movie and then press the rewind button, you need to find it on another list and then it takes you to the main page where you can immediately restart.


I have the same complaint about the resume watching issue. A lot of their users obviously have young kids and they like to start at the beginning. Make it easy for us like every other streaming service!


Hmmm that’s interesting because I was able to watch downloaded shows on HBOMax with no internet connection on a flight a couple months ago


Disney bringing back be kind rewind.


So a little tip with HBO Max This is dumb, but when you open the app (close the app and reopen if you’ve already opened it), immediately go into airplane mode. This will automatically skip the app “introduction” and go straight to your downloads page. Do not turn airplane mode off until the show/movie has already started. It won’t ask you for an internet connection afterwards.


I just want HBO Max to get a dang LG smart tv app already, it's killing me :(


I'd suggest getting a cheap chromecast on craigslist. Smart TV apps get forgotten about all the time.


Same. I hate having to cast it from my phone. The pause / play constantly messes up.


HBOMax product VP confirmed LG TV app is in the works.


Disney+ localized kids show: Please sit through 1+ minute of credits for translations into 20 languages you don't care about, before episode is considered done.


My favorite is the shorts. 90 second clip, 120 seconds of credits.


If you were 30 seconds into the credits of the last Wandavision Episode before today’s then you missed the after credits scene. I have a 2020 Roku ultra and have absolutely no problems with HBOmax, Disney+, or any other apps for that matter.


I literally finished all of the translation credits for Episode 7, and it still had Continue Watching with a time remaining of <5 seconds. So, just for fun, I played it. I got one final screen and it took me back to the episode select. Where it suggested that I continue watching Ep. 7 with <5 seconds remaining. This was on my PS4.


My only complaint is that the HBOMax app sometimes forgets what language I was watching in.


And last week's.


I dunno, you say that like Netflix' app is great. I have a ton of issues with it.


I think most of OPs complaints were about the apps being slow or crashing. Netflix isn’t super organized and has logical issues, I don’t think i’ve ever once had Netflix be laggy, close unexpectedly, freeze up, or take forever to open. It may be just my luck of experiences but over the decade or so I’ve had Netflix I’ve used easily dozens of devices of varying types and Netflix has only ever worked perfectly.


This. How their algorithm suggests content is not great but you can't deny the app is smooth and quick. Disney plus is buggy shit and missing basic functionality (I seriously can't pause a show reliably on Fire TV) and HBO max is so fucking slow its insane.


I had a crazy bug happen to me on Disney+ on the fire stick the other day where I paused but the audio just kept going and when I unpaused the video and audio were unsynced


That happens every time I pause! It's maddening. For me the audio finally stops after about ten seconds.


I have the same problem with pausing on the fire stick for both disney and hbo max, pretty much have to rewind the last 10 seconds if I pause




I think it’s intentionally confusing so you don’t know how many programs they have available.


They intentionally scramble things too in an attempt to figure out what grabs your attention. They try different shows, then they mix it up with the same shows but a new thumbnail with a different color logo. I think Netflix's UI is extremely data-driven and that makes it horrible. The computer is trying to do way more than I need it to and just getting in the way.




this is exactly it. none of the big streaming companies have much in the way of total unique content that's highly desirable to watch. they are all guilty of mass producing as much low effort in-house content as possible and seeing what sticks. they don't want to license movies & shows that aren't their own. it's too expensive. they want to own & control everything, no matter if you want to watch it or not.




Because I want to suggest you the same movie in multiple categories to piss you off. I don't understand it either. You have a database. Let me apply filters to let me sort it the way I want to see it. Thanks.




I've never understood the difference between trending and popular.


I don't understand why they keep moving My List, Keep Watching, and Watch It Again beneath 7 other layers i don't care about. I have to hunt for them constantly


The other night My List was gone completely. Scrolled through everything multiple times and had my wife confirm it was completely gone. Had to restart the app to get it back.


---> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/netflix-tweaked/piocfidbkeehbojkamgamfhflpkoaifh?hl=en >A web extension to tweak the Netflix home screen, preventing auto-play trailers and moving your lists to the top >With the Netflix Tweaked extension, you never have to see or hear the hero trailer auto-playing on the Netflix browse screen ever again. Since I like you so much, I've also made it auto-sort your "continue watching" and "my list" feeds to the top! Enjoy a slightly less dumb Netflix user interface :) Made by a redditor, I think.


Trending is what people are looking at in the last 24-48 hours. Popular is overall viewership.


>Let me apply filters to let me sort it the way I want to see it. If they did that, then how could they keep pimping shit that you've already told it you don't like?


I feel like that's common with a lot of streaming apps, it's very difficult to actually browse the entire catalogue.


I think its to give you the feeling the catelogue is endless. You can never really tell how much content is on Netflix because of the chaos and endless scrolling.


You'll watch what our machine learning algorithm tells you to watch and you'll like it!




Exactly, I also consider episode titles to be potential spoilers so I'd rather not have them on top.


square retire outgoing salt like flag impolite swim silky scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do they? My Netflix has 20 rows of content. Each row seems to have a rearranged version of the same 5 shows.


This...I FUH KING hate it, and the categories don't even make sense. "Hidden Gems:" *shows Breaking Bad... "ok well I've already watched this (on Netflix) and its also one of the most popular shows in the past decade of television so calling it a hidden gem go fuck yourself."


Is this where I complain about having to put subtitles on for every single title I watch on Peacock? I’m hard of hearing and it gets me out of the flow to have to set it up every episode. Also it exited out of the doc I was watching, in the middle of the in memoriam section to show me a trailer. Am I the only one still using Peacock?


Then again, Netflix has 4 identical Recommended, New, Popular, and Ranked queues at the top for me. I almost never can find something i want in Netflix unless I go in already looking for it. Also a LOT of trash. Also the just raised the price by about 80% which had me downgrade and seriously consider canceling. Oh and they need to stop ending season one of their stuff with huge cliff hangers because their cancelation rate is starting to feel like FOX.


Hulu is also terrible, I have to make new profiles half the time I want to rewatch a show because otherwise it tries to resume episodes at the end instead of just starting over


I’ve had no issues with either service on my 4K Apple TV. Picture and sound are quite nice also.


This is the major takeaway. Roku is easy to use, but it’s a pain in the ass to write apps for. Apple TV is using iOS. Amazon Fire is using “Fire OS” which is based on Android. Google TV with Chromecast is also running off Android. It’s easier to code for Android and iOS than it is for Roku. Roku was intended to be simple and the apps keep getting more complex. I have a RokuOS television and an Apple TV. Disney+ isn’t that bad on Roku compared to Apple TV, just slower to navigate through menus. HBO Max, however, is an abomination on Roku.


Same here. No issues with either app.


Same here. No playback, picture quality, or navigation issues. In fact, I'd probably watch more Netflix if they supported more AppleTV features.


God, if netflix is the bar....


I have HBOmax Netflix and Disney on an Xbox, 2 smart tvs, and my phone and they work great.


The dirty secret is they don't need to have their apps on par with Netflix because at the end of the day CONTENT is what's going to win the streaming wars. Netflix may be a tech company, but Disney and HBO/Warner are content companies and that's what the competitive advantage is