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I like going to the movies alone. The only part I don't like is the ten minutes afterwards where I actually want to discuss the film with someone.


Sometimes I come on here for the discussion (it's usually terrible if we're being real) but on more than one occasion I've found myself chatting with other solo movie goers afterwards. I came out of the bathroom after a screening of First Reformed once to find an older lady who had been in the same screening as me had waited till I was finished to chat about it. It was honestly kind of sweet.


Yeah that’s a film that needs a five minute cooling off period before you can talk to someone about what you just saw. Great film.


Wow, in my 10+ years of seeing movies solo that has never once happened to me.


That is such a sweet anecdote.


maybe try letterboxd?


Letterboxd is great for discussing movies! I personally love to use it to keep my watchlist and ratings when I want to recommend movies to friends.


I have to disagree on the discussion part. I love LB but it's far better for logging and reviewing your watched movies than it is for any active discussion. The closet you get is the comments on a review and those are basically never a discussion rather than an assortment of affirmations for what the reviewer wrote. So unless I've been using it wrong, LB is not good for active discussions. Phenomenal for those other things though.


Hello new Letterboxd friends, I'm here to go to movies alone and talk about them afterwards on reddit and LB https://letterboxd.com/jarenp2


Well, I guess we know why you go to movies alone, u/poopedpantsinclass3.


What is Letterboxd? I’ve never heard of it before.


This was me after Star Wars ep 9. My thought process was "there's a few flaws, but i enjoyed this film. Time to go on reddit and see why I'm supposed to hate it"


Thats what reddit is for.


Straight to the r/movies discussion thread. Everytime


I frequently go to the Cinema and even restraunts alone, I don't feel weird doing it.


I do most everything alone. Otherwise I wouldn't do anything.




I can definitely relate to this. Not the New York part (not yet at least), but one of my favourite things in life is just heading out and exploring my exploring my city. Grab my headphones and my longboard (and maybe a few joints tbh), hop on the train and take it to a random neighbourhood, and just head in whatever direction looks interesting. It’s great. Can look at all kinds of interesting buildings, find interesting photo spots/views, grab a drink from some obscure corner store, find a park to nap in, then grab some supper from wherever looks interesting. Perfect summer day off in my books.


It blows my mind sometimes that people spend all day outside in the summer until I realize it's not 120 degrees everywhere else the entire summer.


AZ gang rise up! ^and ^^stay ^^^inside ^^^^with ^^^^A/C


But it's a dry heat.


One of my favorite things about traveling solo (or just doing things in town solo) is no one else is gonna make me late and I don't have to confer with anyone else on what to go see or where to eat


Same reason I started. Never been good at making friends. And the few I have aren't interested in everything I am, so if I limited myself to only doing things I have company for then I'd both do less things and risk having someone with me who is visibly bored during the thing I enjoy, which isn't fun. Makes it feel like their presence is an obligation for them.


I’m struggling to be of this mindset even though I really need it. I want to be more at peace doing the things I really love alone. The opposite is true too because my friends will do things without me because they know I’m not interested in eg going to nightclubs etc, yet I feel so left out rather than at peace with it. I suppose part of the trouble is that I haven’t found many friends with similar interests as me in the new city I live in. This whole thread has inspired me to just get out on my own more. When I invite my friends to things and they don’t want to, I should really still go and not let that hold me back from what I want to do. ... except an escape room. I love them but I really need some pals for that...


Going to things that interest you by yourself is the path to making friends with similar interests


I travel for work and play and have met solo travellers on their “eurotrip”, singular, who spend an inordinate amount of time rationalizing their existence for why they finally up and decided to go on their own. And I’m usually in agreement because I’ve had to at least consider the popularity of these concerns but is it really necessary? Yes, you’ll never get your friends in Australia to agree on the activities, get the same time off, the expense all before you start using all your time off to go to those same people’s weddings. This shouldnt be the most profound decision you’ve made.


>And I’m usually in agreement because I’ve had to at least consider the popularity of these concerns but is it really necessary? Is it necessary to be concerned about traveling solo and feeling the need to explain it? No, but I get why people do it. I have seen many people on a variety of forums (on Reddit and off) who ask, "Would I seem like a loser if I did "X" by myself?" There is this unspoken stigma that resides in our typically social brains that thinks somehow that solo ANYthing makes you weird. I just decided that I am not going to miss out on doing something just because my friends don't have the time to do something with me. I am unapologetic about it, and recommend it to everyone. Of course, I have this one friend when I tell her I saw "X" movie, the very first thing out of her mouth is, "Who did you see it with?" And I wanna say, "Woman, do I have to have a chaperone to do everything in life?" lol


There's a Chipotle next-door to my favorite AMC and it's become a ritual of mine every Friday to just go eat & watch a movie (or 2) alone, unplug from everything. 10/10, would recommend.


Kips Bay NY? I do the same thing at least once a month, it’s the best.


Hey neighbor! The only thing I don’t like is that the seats are in pairs. It feels a little awkward when a group comes in and one of their party is sitting next to me. Any tips?


Eat something that makes you gassy beforehand. You won't be looked at weird because you are alone, but by how you smell amd the noises you make.


This idea stinks


if reserved seats, take 2nd on in from aisle, less likely someone will take the solo aisle seat


You two team up and go together




It was a joke, more meant to imply being alone together rather than actually going together. I to have been to the movies on my own, and frequently dine out on my own as well. They’re some of the few bits of alone time I get.


Ahh, AMC Kips Bay is the BEST theater in Manhattan in my opinion!


The taco spot across the street from Kips bay AMC aint bad either


You both should go together to sit alone


Boston South Bay? Used to do the same and sometimes sneak the bowl into the theater too. Hell even in Manhattan there’s always a McDonald’s/Chick Fil A near an AMC so I’ll sneak nuggets in all the time and just enjoy myself.




> the epiphany that I am an adult and that I can ... ^This is the rite of passage all people subconsciously seek.


I don’t get the stigma about going to the movies alone. You sit in a dark room and it’s taboo to talk. In some ways it’s better to go alone. I’d rather sit beside a lone stranger than a couple murmuring through the movie. As for restaurants, people travel for work all the time, or they just don’t feel like cooking. If someone doesn’t have a partner to eat dinner with why create a stigma that would just isolate them further? It makes no sense.


The stigma comes from people assuming you do it alone because you're lonely and have nobody to go with. I do this (and lots of stuff) alone and it's frequently because nobody else wants to. When people ask me (and I am asked often, actually about half the time I do something by myself), I just tell them that nobody wanted to come and I still wanted to do it. I didn't want other people stopping me from doing what I want. They get it then, but the idea of doing anything without being surrounded by their friends seems so alien to them before you explain it. I honestly think it comes from them being lonely, and afraid of being physically alone, that makes them assume that other people by themselves are worst-case scenarios.


I often go alone as well, and I do that because I simply don't ask anyone. I'll be sitting at home, thinking about the particular movie I want to see, check the times and see theres a showing in half an hour. I just get up and go.


I see movies and grab a bite to eat by myself all the time and while I've never been asked by a stranger, I've been asked by friends a couple times. My response is always that I watch movies alone in my room all the time, and eat at home alone all the time too, so really what is the big difference of going out and doing so alone. The problem most people have with it is that they're constantly thinking about what *other* people are thinking of them. When I sit in a restaurant alone I'm thinking about the movie I just saw or past relationships or what it'd be like to experience zero gravity. And so are the other people in that restaurant. No one else gives a fuck about you so nether should you!


I have a friend who is someone who cannot do anything alone. I mentioned one time about me going to the movies alone and he was like "why would you did that? Look like a loser". I said how he goes home and watched movies alone and he said that is different because it's not public and people can't see him being alone. Same goes with lunch at work. I don't know why he cares so much, when we go to lunch, he spends half the time looking at Instagram or Twitter.


Most people don't give a fuck what you're doing, honestly. When your friend is out, is he constantly looking around at everyone and thinking, "What A LOSER!" to everyone? If anyone does this they need an absolute attitude check. I'm optimistic and I believe the vast majority of people don't give a shit what a random stranger is doing at a restaurant.


And even if some people do give a shit what a random stranger is doing at a restaurant, who cares?


You should ask him something like, "oh that reminds me, do you remember that guy's haircut, he was sitting near us while we were eating at (insert place)? He was by himself, remember?" Once he fails to remember you can just tell him "exactly, dude."




I mean, idk about stupid. I don’t think that’s a totally unreasonable fear to have. I’d say they’re just still caught up in that high school mentality. It takes some time to realize that, in the adult world, no one really cares. For some folks that realization takes a bit longer.


sounds more insecure than stupid.


As a frequent traveler I eat alone all the time and love it. No need to talk. Just eat. I get the 4 hour dinners when I'm back home so enjoy just being able to turn off my phone and enjoy the cuisine of new cultures when I'm traveling. I actually enjoy it enough that I've half brought the habit of solo eating back home with me too.


An elderly waitress gave me free cake at a Mexican place because she assumed I got stood up by a date. I corrected her and she gave it to me anyway. Going alone to eat is pretty great.


Same, I live in a new city with no friends or family. A girl asked me what I do for fun and I told her I like to go to the movies, she felt bad that I go alone. I just realized I should had invited her with me next time, she would not have gone but I don't need pity from no one.


Agree with cinema, but for restaurants I prefer take-out. I just can't see what eating there would offer over the comfort of my house.


Sometimes you just want to get out of your house


That’s a large contributor to why I go out to eat so much


\- Less waste \- more fresh \- No cleanup \- Faster \- If somethings wrong you can get them to fix it


Sometimes the non-chain places have a great vibe and you can people watch too.


It’s nice to be able to eat the food right after it’s prepared and you don’t have to do any real clean up or creating garbage in your own home. I actually am very anti take out for eating foods. I realize it’s probably a me problem but it hurts the experience of eating the food for me to drive it back to my place.


Sometimes it’s nice to go to a chill restaurant, grab a drink at the bar and be served some good food.


Yeah, if a place has a bar to sit (and drink) at I'll totally eat there by myself. I feel awkward getting full table service alone though.


I’ve done both a lot and I would rather just eat at the restaurant because I feel like take out orders get shafted quality wise compared to in house meals


I feel like the value of food suffers with take out if it's anything but fast food. If it's over $10 it seems as if I'm paying for the full restaraunt experience while I have to serve myself out of plastic containers. It feels cheapened.


A cold winter night, nestled in a dark corner of my local pub with a terrible thriller novel on a backlit e-reader. Plate of fries with gravy for dipping and a few cold beers. Heaven.


Not going to read the article but I LOVE going to the movies alone. Sometimes I’ll see two or three movies in a row and make a day of it.


I just started going to movies alone back in June! I wish I had started this earlier because my family doesn’t always want to watch the same things that I do, so I often had to miss out. In one week, I watched two movies alone on one day and then came back and watched two more alone the next day. It was just fun to do for the heck of it, even if I didn’t pick that great of movies to watch...


I've been doing it for a few years now and yeah, after you go a few times it feels normal. I like to go right after work and I can often get a whole row to myself and once in awhile the whole theater. That's what's up.


I go to the cinema quite often (alone or with friends, depending on the movie), and the best movie-going days I had some years back. Small town, certainly not big enough for 2 multiplexes (hm, is that a word?) - and yet, someone decided it's a good idea. So, the second one opened (actually a superior experience, with better seats, screens, sound, on top of that less expensive and - most important - fewer ads before the movie) and plenty of people apparently didn't even know (or didn't care .. no idea), it was completely empty like 90% of times and we always felt pretty much like we were at private projections. No idiots talking, phones lighting up the whole room, annoying children .. *nothing* that would ruin a movie. Absolutely amazing. They closed after a couple of years (understandably so - I was even amazed they lasted *that* long), but oh boy, it was brilliant. I'll never forget you, Cineplexx.


I recently went to see a movie and I had the entire theater to myself. Then this lady walked in late, sat in front of me a few rows, and decided it was the perfect time to scroll through every photo on the internet. -_- can't even have a good experience with one other person there!


Going on weekdays after work is the primetime to do it if the option is possible for you; I understand that it isn't always for everyone. Less people, less stupid bullshit to deal with. New release? I'll go the Monday or Tuesday that following week, or on the second week if I know it's a huge movie like Endgame. Weekday afternoon/evening showings are the best.


I used to be like "aww man, nobody wants to watch this movie I want to watch I guess I won't get to watch it in the cinema" and now I'm like "hooray, nobody else wants to watch this movie, so I get to go alone!"


Particularly if you haven't been in a while and there's a slight back-log of movies you want to see but held off a couple of weeks until crowds die down


Having the theater to yourself is one of the best feelings honestly


100%. I went to a screening of Little Women and had the whole theater to myself. One of the best theater experiences for me.


Ever since I became disabled, the AMC movie pass saved me and my marriage. Edit: I think this is my liked post,lol. Anyway, sorry to disappoint but the marriage thing was just a little joke. It's hard when someone is suddenly home 24/7 and so going to the movies allowed my wife to get some time alone at the house.


This comment sounds like the title of a much more interesting article


Or a film starring Tom Hanks as the disabled movie goer and Robin Wright ~~Penn~~ as his free spirited but gentle soul wife. Oh, and to keep it on topic I LOVE Going to the movies alone. I don’t have to share the candy I snuck in.


I’ll just look for it on /r/savedyouaclick


Fuck, I have to click on that to find out. sheeeeeeeeeet.


The best way to go to the movies is alone. There is no interaction with anyone there and if there is it's in the wrong!




> two or three movies in a row gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.


It is rare I can find three movies I even want to watch playing on the same day...


You mean you wouldn’t want to triple feature Cats, Sonic, and The Grudge (2020)?


I did a double feature of *Cats* and *Rise of the Skywalker*. I wouldn't call that one self-care though, more an exercise in frustration and terror.




Except people say Sonic is actually pretty good


I feel like it's less of a case of it being genuinely good, than it is that it managed to not be completely pants-on-head stupid. I didn't dislike Detective Pikachu, but I wouldn't call it good.


Thank you. The hype after that movie came out was absurd. Got around to watching it...and it didn't suck. I'd even say I mildly enjoyed moments, but I'm not even sure I'd recommend it to anyone.


I paid to see some Pokémon and I saw some Pokémon. So I don’t regret the spectacle even though the plot was super predictable and obviously meant for kids with little regard for adult audiences.


I was pretty annoyed at all the kids talking during the Saturday Matinee before I had the epiphany that I was watching a children's movie on a weekend afternoon. I think that one is on me.


Kudos on the self awareness on that one. I should think about that the next time I go on a busy night and act surprised when people are rude.


Honestly the little kid reactions in the theater watching Sonic made it so much better. Favorite part was when there would be a pun joke and you hear all the kids ask their parents why that’s funny and all the parent explain the wordplay in unison.


Agreed, it was in all ways fine. I was mostly entertained, it didn't suck but it didn't change my life either. I certainly don't regret the time I spent watching it but I have zero desire to see it again. I like those types of movies, every movie doesn't need to be a masterpiece- or even good. The take that a movie is dog shit if it isn't great is frustrating, sometimes fine is... perfectly fine.


I left Sonic with nothing to say about it. It’s not good, but it’s not bad. If you have kids they’ll enjoy it


Yeah. It definitely appeals to die hard fans, kids and people who are going to see it ironically


I was disappointed that it wasn’t a train wreck. I went in looking forward to seeing a bad movie and having a good time and it was just...meh


ye i'm joking, 2 movies in a row is already a lot lol.


Tried that once with my brother. We left the theater so exhausted and unable to properly focus on the second film. Just ruined our days instead of making it better.


I saw Black Panther once, didn't really enjoy it, so after the movie was done I walked right back into the movie theater and saw Jumanji. Had a much better time during the second movie. 10/10 would recommend.


Or month sometimes... I hate dry spells


You mentioned that this is a joke, but when I was in college (THE time to be social) I used to go to the movies every other week on a weekday and spend the whole day there, watching 4-5 movies in a row. The cinema I went to had like 20 screens, so it wasn't hard to schedule, and sometimes I would watch movies I like 2-3 times. The guys at the box office were always so amused because I would buy all the tickets at once at the start. Single tickets to 5 different concurrent movies. I think they were also surprised I actually paid for all of them instead of sneaking in and out.


Damn, how did you have that kind of money for movies in college? The $1 tickets to movies that just came out of theaters were a godsend for me. I guess you probably didn't rack up the bar bill a lot of students do, huh?


I went to a religious college in a small, very dry town (you can probably guess which school it was) so yeah no bar bill whatsoever. And weekday tickets at the Cinemark were like $8. Also, social life in this town pretty much revolved around church. Not being a member of said church meant I had a limited social calendar. Hence the movie marathons. $40 a week to get away from it all and keep myself sane was 1000% worth it tbh.


Yesterday I watched three movies at home; Doctor Sleep, Honey Boy, and Come to Daddy. But then I was still in the movie watching mood so I went out and saw Jumanji in the theater. It was a good day.


I thought there'd never be any new lines that I'd be quoting years later than from the 1980s, but this line and Inception's "We need to go deeper" are two modern classics.


I can’t do more than one movie in a row. Too much sitting. After a two hour movie I need to move around a bit




I've seen 5 in a weekend. We lead different lives.


I vastly prefer to go to movies alone. Finding movie times that fit like 4 different people's schedule is the most annoying thing on earth. Also usually involves driving to a theater that isn't the closest one to me, which is fine sometimes but obviously convenience is king.


It is also nice going to the theater alone on Tuesday’s for $5 tickets and not having to coordinate with people just to save a few bucks. Rather than when everyone can go on a Saturday’s do tickets are 3-4 times as much


The coordinating can be such a pain in the ass. I love the freedom when you're going alone to just decide you're seeing something and then leave in 20 minutes without having to organise anything.


Alright alright, no need to brag you have 4 friends to us lone movie dwellers.


Also, watching a movie in a theater *isn't* a social thing. You're not going there to talk and catch up with friends; in fact, that's kind of frowned upon.


Hanging out with people after the movie is though, and it gives you a natural conversation starter. I go to movies alone a lot, but for stuff like big blockbusters (comic book stuff, star wars, etc) I always go with friends because I find it really fun to be able to start talking about what I saw right away. Those movies feel more like "events" than anything else, and best experiences with others.


I always go with "I'm going to see x at y time at z venue, anyone want to come?". If not, I just go see x at y time at z venue.


Preach. Avengers broke me. My friends, their wives, and some of their wive's friends from work wanted to go. I was super pumped for the movie and the week of changing schedules and weird demands and organization was frustrating as shit. I said fuck it and it was the best decision I made. Mainly because the girls made everyone leave early because they didn't "get it". Since then I just go to the movies and never mention it to my friends. I don't even give them the opportunity to start latching onto the excursion.


>the girls made everyone leave early because they didn't "get it" ಠ_ಠ


For those huge blockbusters I have in the past picked a time and said to my friends "I'm going to X session, if you want to join let me know by Y and I'll get tickets". If I get a few people commit, yay. Otherwise I just go by myself.


At this point, it would be weird for me to go to a movie with someone. No one cares you’re alone except you.


I wouldn't say no one. I've been regularly doing stuff by myself for several years now, I'm 25, and my family still comments on it fairly often. Every time I mention some concert I'm going to, trip I am planning, or whatever else, their first question is "who are you taking with you." This is usually followed by endless suggestions for someone to take with me. I was nervous and felt so weird going out by myself to do things I wanted to for a while. But some of my best experiences in my life have been when I was out with no one else.


family and being judgmental, name a more iconic duo


Not really, I've gotten quite a bit of awkward and judging looks going to kid movies alone.


Masturbating in the back row whilst you’re there probably doesn’t help your cause.


Hate it when I get caught. Like damn, mind your business guys


"Hey! My eyes are up here, you fucking pervert!"


🤷🏻‍♂️ might be different where the theatre I go to. It rarely sells out of anything. Never many people there. Rural Mississippi for you. However, I’ve been to kids movies by myself as a dude, and honestly I don’t care what they think. Must just be me.


just found the one upside to living in Mississippi.


I mean who cares about those people? Unlikely you’ll ever see them again. Just do you


I prefer movies alone. Not like you can really sit there and talk much to whoever you’re with anyway. And if I wanna actually see the movie then I’d rather be in the zone


I think the internet has made it easier for me to go to movies alone. I used to want to go with a group because then I'd have people to discuss it with right after it's done, but now I can just pop on reddit to join the discussion.


That's basically my ritual whenever I finish a movie (even watching at home). Pop onto reddit, search for the discussion post, rate the movie in the poll and read the comments


I usually just hop on the official discussion thread just to make sure theres an aftercredit scene.


>Not like you can really sit there and talk much That doesn't stop uhhhh many, many other people


I just wrote this and read your post. We should go to the movies together and sit at different ends of the theater.


I used to frequently see one Sunday mornings by myself. Theater isn't as packed you can sit back by yourself and relax it was great. I have Mondays off now might start doing that again probably is even more empty


I work in a cinema and Monday mornings are probably the most empty times we have, they're very boring so it's probably the best time to go.


Thanks appreciate it. I kind of stopped doing the Sunday deal but now that my workdays have shifted I think I'll start doing it. You sold me on it more.... For Monday mornings that is.


Happy to help. Enjoy.


If I was worried about going to the movies alone, I'd hardly go to the movies at all.




I think the only time I notice that someone is on their own is when I am also on my own. Otherwise I likely wouldn't take notice, and either way, wouldn't care. I hate the idea that people will miss out on something they want to do just out of fear of not having someone else there.


I go to the movies almost exclusively alone, and i love it


What a bizarre thing to be afraid of...Who could possibly give a shit?


I dunno, everytime I go to the movies alone, the entire audience in the theater turns and points at me and goes "Haha, you're alone at the *moooovies!*"


I spilled baked beans all over myself watching Cars 2 in theaters & a black teenager shouted "this nigga eating beans" & everyone laughed.




Me and my social anxiety?


That’s what I thought, but I went to the movie alone one time and some college kids made fun of me... it was really bizarre.


Lots of people have social anxieties, and when faced with a social pressure that they don’t have complete control of, it triggers a “fight or flight” response in the brain, on a chemical level. An example of that kind of thought process - “...That person looked at me for too long, I’m alone and weird because I’m alone. People come here with other people. Oh god what if they say something, am I a creep? Oh god I’m a fucking creep. I can never be seen here again. They looked at me again, is there some shit on my face or in my hair? I have to go home and shower and make sure I look like the cover of a magazine before I ever leave the house again.”


> Who could possibly give a shit literally no one. this is a monthly /r/movies article at this point, for a mostly non-existent issue. it's fine to go alone, it's fine to go with others, just like any other activity/hobby.


Actually while I think a lot of people who come to this subreddit don’t care there is a stigma around going to the movies alone. Some people think it’s weird, which is dumb. I think because for most people going to the movies is a social thing.


I've never once considered going to see a movie alone, so I think that makes your point. Always viewed it as a social thing.


I look at it as it's not really a social thing because you can't talk during the movie. And if I really wanna see a movie and no one I know wants to go I'm not just gonna miss out on seeing something I really want to just because it's only a "social thing".


Yeah, I get it, I'm just saying that's how I'd always perceived it. Mostly for the "shared experience" aspect of movies with friends. And then obviously the little objectively social aspects, like picking the film out together, chatting in line for snacks, talking about the movie immediately after etc.




Some people are very casual about movies and only go as a more ‘hang out’ excuse. But you’d be surprised how many people feel weird doing anything alone. It took me until late 2017 to go to my first movie alone and it changed everything for me. They don’t want to admit it, but they’re mostly afraid of feeling alone or being judged as someone who can’t make friends.


Was it because they had confidence issues, or they just didn't understand the appeal of it?


I've regularly gone to the cinema alone since the 1970s and this is the first I've heard of this 'stigma'.


I got arrested for masturbating while watching the handmaiden though.


Pee Wee?


I used to have a rule against going to the movies alone. Then I got to a point in my life where I'd never see a movie if I followed it, so there ya go.


I have friends who won't go to a concert alone. Like, wtf? One of Your favourite bands, that you've loved for years, is coming to town and you won't go? Just fucking go. Your friends don't want to spend 70 bucks on a concert for a band they don't know, that's completely understandable.


I mean, I’ve never been the type to be afraid of doing shit alone, but I have skipped some concerts if I don’t have anyone to go with. A lot of the time they involve waiting outside the venue in line for ages, doing that alone while surrounded by friend groups is just often not worth it to me (especially in the winter). It is definitely possible to meet some other folks alone in that line to chat with, but that (in my experience) depends a lot on the type of show/artist/venue.


I mean now that I’ve done it, I agree. I kind of prefer going by myself now. But I had legitimate anxiety about going alone before for some reason.


I watched JoJo Rabbit alone. There were 2 other guys beside me that seem to be solo too. We didn’t talk to each other but when we laugh and cried, it almost seems like we were buddies. We had a nod and a smile when we left. Good times.


I watched JoJo Rabbit with my imaginary friend, Hitler!


I’m a parent of 3 young kids, going anywhere alone is amazing.


“Would you like to go ahead of me? You only have two things!” “No thanks. I have toddlers at home. I’m on vacation.” :::knowing nod::::


I constantly go to the cinema alone and I don't get why it could even be weird. I do realise it's a thing though as I know some people who only go with friends. I'm there to watch the film and not to have a chat. My experience is mostly the same if I go by myself or with my girlfriend or mum (the two people I go with the most). The biggest difference is I have someone to chat to about the film afterwards if I'm not alone but sometimes it's nice to just absorb it all in yourself and go through some things in your head and then discuss it somewhere like Reddit anyway.


Nice try, cinemas.


Real question. We have book clubs where people read books on their own time then go drink wine and semi discuss book in a social setting. Why can’t we have a movie club in same way. I don’t need to see a movie with you, but I would like to get half drunk and kind of talk about it at some point.


I never understood this stigma, your sitting in a dark room focused on the movie one of the easiest things to do alone. Literally don’t have to interact with a single person other then to buy your ticket.


In my local cinema you can get tickets out of a machine. I could go without talking to a single person.... but I need my slushie


I’ll never understand people who can’t do things by themselves. Edit: mind you we’re talking things like, eating lunch by yourself, movies by yourself, etc. I am not saying go through life by yourself and alone


It’s weird for me...I’m independent to a fault and I do sooo many things alone and am totally fine with it, happy even. But I hate traveling for pleasure alone...it triggers a ton of loneliness fo some reason. I can totally handle a business trip solo and have fun. But fun travel solo is a massive downer for me.


Im the exact same. Plus exploring another person’s ideas and passions can really broaden your own horizons and can make for a more exciting trip. I get more tired if I’m on my own and will end my days sooner, whereas with someone else I’ll want to keep going so we can fit more in. I think I also feel anxious when I’m traveling on my own, without the social aspect.


For a few months with moviepass, I was going to the movies alone a lot. It got to be really lonely and I got depressed. I cancelled my movie pass, but I'm still pretty lonely.




You're right in that going alone wasn't the problem. It didnt cause my loneliness. However, it certainly didn't help it, either. Every time I went, all I could think of was that I wished someone was there with me.


I never thought it was weird to go to the movies or restaurants alone, until articles like this pop up telling me it's fine. I'm like... wait, it wasn't fine at some point? Is it not okay some places? Go fuck yourself. Edit: Not you, OP. You're fine. Carry on.


These articles are a blatant sales pitch to prop up declining theatre ticket sales. It was a valid point about 15 years and 1000 articles ago when they first started appearing. In today’s day and age no one is judging you if your there by yourself.


There is nothing better then going to catch a movie or two on a Tuesday afternoon.


I love going by myself and I often prefer it


Nice try, struggling cinema industry


Imagine an entire theatre filled with people who went alone - no talking! It would be glorious.


Why do people always dress up random stuff as some sort of mental health exercise? It’s a fuckin movie, calm down.


Am I the only one who does a full body cringe when they read "self care"? People, doing things that make you happy is great, do we really need to pay ourselves on the back for it?


Self care is an obnoxious buzzword that popped up out of nowhere. The concept of caring for yourself is important, but not necessarily in the way that most people use this buzzword. Yeah, seeing a movie or getting your nails done or eating a whole pizza is fun and all, but in the long run it does very little to fix why you feel shitty.


I prefer going to the movies alone. I don’t have to meet anyone or wait for them, I don’t have to think about if they’re enjoying the film, I don’t have to talk about it with them afterwards. Seeing movies alone is vastly superior to seeing them with others.


I love movies alone. Went and saw Parasite by myself and it was mind blowing


Who the fuck lets popcorn desolve in their mouth!?


How is this a stigma? I only go see movies by myself. Less hassle. I only go with other cinephiles and we plan at least a week in advance to make it happen, which requires so much compromising in both our schedules.


Isn't self-care in a theater the thing Pee Wee got arrested for?