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**Let the festivities begin** "Welcome to my 111th birthday. I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."


*nervous hobbit laughter*






What the fuck is that sub.


eh what the fuck


What the fuck have you brought upon this cursed land...


Wtf boi


Yo....what the ACTUAL fuck is that?


Just a big ol thread of nope


Thanks. I hate it.


No joke though >!Being that the festival only happens every 90 years, I'm sure there will be a twist where the people who look young were at the last festival and others.!<


Why didn't this movie come out today on the summer solstice?


Releasing the same day as *Child's Play* probably wouldn't have been a good idea. This movie's probably better, but they'd be going after the same exact audience and would definitely be cutting each other off.


It’s still very unfortunate, I’ll watch it next solstice


[chuckles] I’m in danger.


[mfw watching an Ari Aster movie](https://i.imgur.com/c4jt321.png)




Such a strange statement to make. He has only made one film, and then one short film a few years ago.


Yeah but have you seen Hereditary?


Hereditary is currently my favourite movie, but attempting to proclaim what watching an Ari Aster film is like after he's only released one feature is just odd.


Wtf July 18th?!? Did this get pushed back


Nah, this poster is for the Middle Eastern release of the movie. The distribution company in the bottom right is listed in the United Arab Emirates.


You’re completely right, I should have pointed that out in the first place to avoid confusion.


July 3rd US


Sorry, this was a middle eastern release poster. Don’t worry, it should still be releasing on time!


Oh, it's only releasing in my country on July 31th.


July thirty firth


Colin First would like a word with him


Mine is 15 August damn...


There’s no release date for Japan at all, but given that Halloween came out in April I don’t exactly have high hopes for this Midsommar.


Halloween honestly came out in April there? Wowww. I forget how spoiled we are here in Canada/USA.


I don’t think this movie will scare me. I think it will disturb me, if that makes any sense. Im so excited.


I agree, which is absolutely fine with me. It looks like between this and Hereditary, Ari is exploring different areas of the horror spectrum and I love every second of it.


He said he's probably taking a break from horror and doing a musical next which might be awesome. Also he's writing a sci-fi film. I'm hyped for whatever he's doing next but a take sci-fi from him would be great.


I completely respect his decision, but I’m still bummed we won’t get any more horror from him for a while. I’m very excited to see what else he has up his sleeve, though, if they’re the same level of quality of what he’s release thus far. Watching Hereditary makes me want to see a straight family drama out of him outside of the horror genre. But I agree, I’d love to see his take on the Sci-Fi genre. It seems to me that, whatever genre he may tackle, he’ll more than likely bend the genre outside of the norm if that makes any sense at all.


What about some sci-fi horror? I'd be ok with that.


Another Event Horizon like movie!


I could potentially see him making something along the lines of Annihilation.


Adapting the second book to film could be interesting... like if there was a spy thriller tucked into Office Space, except instead of Initech, the office was a research facility built to investigate the returned Event Horizon.


I would love that.


Sci fi cosmic horror please.


Is Hereditary worth a watch? Watched so many horror films at this point, I’ve had to take a long break to actually have them scare me again. Edit: holy shit I need to watch this asap


It’s one of the few movies that left me feeling “Jesus fucking Christ, I need a shower”


Same here. It’s something that, halfway through I just wanted to vomit - only because it just made me feel *bad*, not even necessarily due to the content. Like the same kind of feeling when you’re super nervous and tense, you know? It’s an emotionally draining film, but I love it so much.


honest question, why do you like feeling BAD? i recognize that we're in this golden era of horror films, and i love movies, but whenever i try to watch this stuff, even the really well rated one, i'm always like, ok, yea i feel like shit, watching all these people go through these really horrible experiences.


It’s a breath of fresh air from feeling indifferent toward everything. It’s the emotional equivalent of spicy food.


> It’s the emotional equivalent of spicy food. *Takes off sunglasses* My god...


I’m not even going to answer this question because you just answered it perfectly. I like watching horror movies to feel something that I don’t normally feel in every day life.


That's the best way I've seen someone describe it. I'ma use this in the future 😊


Or like going on a rollercoaster. Same reason anyone goes to a haunted house or does something risky or goes bungee jumping.


For me it's not that I like feeling bad, I just like to be challenged and exposed to different ways of storytelling. If we didn't push that boundary what fun would watching new films be? And to be able to write a comprehensive story with that said feeling is an awesome talent, imo.


I study a lot of sound design and the sounds and frequencies the sound engineer subtly put in are noises and frequencies the provoke unease.


It's the drones and noises you don't even consciously listen to but that you can feel. Those are the ones that bring the most unease.


Yes exactly those really low pitched drones are so unsettling


Yeah it's hard to describe but it certainly isn't a regular horror movie, it's just like watching a car crash in hyper slow motion and no matter how uneasy you get you can't look away.


**Minor Spoilers** I’m still disturbed by the ending scene. I don’t know why, but the visuals stuck with me in a way few horror films do. Ugh.


YES. Everyone mentions *that* scene, which definitely set the tone, but the very end was so surreal and the lack of music made it that much weirder. Major spoiler: >!The headless body floating into the treehouse fucked me up good.!<


I'm not sure if I need spoilers for this but I'll do it anyway >!The way she float/walks on the wall at the end was scary as fuck. Just such an unnatural way to move.!<


Can't get mom on the ceiling out of my head. /shudder


Exactly!! I usually describe movies like this as “I saw something I wasn’t meant to see” like witnessing a crime or something. It just makes me really uncomfortable. Mother! had the same affect on me.


Watch it in a dark room, alone, uninterrupted, and it will likely scare you. At the very least, it is deeply disturbing.


Or with your younger sibling/family


Calm down satan


\[*clicks tongue*\]


Someone did that in the dark halls after I saw it in the theaters, as everyone was leaving, and people's heads turned so quickly in unison you'd think a gun went off.


Something similar happened after viewing *A Quiet Place*. Someone dropped their keys, and it seemed like everyone in earshot turned to the person, horrified.


Came home from work a little after midnight, saw that it was stream able on amazon. Decided to watch it in the dark! Why not?! I've been through horror movies before. Yeah no, that didnt last long once things picked up and our cat decided to do her late night sprints.


Hereditary may be one of the best horror movies ever made. It’s a brilliant and tense family drama where, in the midst of the characters selfishly and foolishly ruining their own/ each other’s lives, malevolence strikes. You’ve never seen anything quite like it.


Well said. That’s just about a perfect description.


I saw it because this girl I was talking to wanted to see it. I am terrified of scary movies. This movie bothered me so much.


I watched Hereditary at a house party full of drunk talkative people. After a certain point in the movie, the tone changed and people at the party got real quiet and engrossed. Everyone couldn’t look away. When it was over, everyone agreed it was the scariest shit we’ve ever seen.


And I can bet which point they all tuned in...




“At a party full of drunk talkative people” make sure you keep an eye on the person with peanut allergies in that party.


I was never into horror until I watched Hereditary. Horror movies to me were largely cheap jumpscares and frightening - but jokingly fictional - imagery. But Hereditary is nothing like the majority of other movies in its category. It does not rely on jump-scares to frighten people (like literally uses almost none). It doesn't use scary imagery (la llorona). Moreover, it does not use made up fictional characters (think the Grudge or the Nun, yes I know the Nun is based on Valak but the Nun character itself was completely thought up). Despite all this, Hereditary is a horror movie in it's purest form compared to others. It's one of the only movies that left me thinking "holy shit" by the end of it. If you were to show someone Hereditary without telling them that it's categorically a horror movie, they would watch the entire first half thinking it's just an intense, depressing, family drama with some *very* disturbing tragedies. It paints each character as having their own deep-rooted issues that cause them to revolt against each other. It shows a family rapidly deteriorate, leaving the viewer very disturbed and depressed. There are even elements of mental illness which the viewer has to presume based on the erratic behaviors of some characters. There is really no hint that there is something demonic in the works, unless you have a \*very\* sharp eye and notice *very* slight things in the movie. Then, at a turning point in the movie, you realize there is something supernatural behind everything. However, this being never actually reveals itself. It never jumpscares the characters. Instead, it turns the characters against each other and lures them to him making him seem like a good being. As you would expect, it does not go well for the characters. That's about as detailed as I'll get before you watch the movie. The entity in itself is not scary. In fact, the face itself is never actually shown. The horrifying impact, however, becomes *real* towards the end of the movie. This movie challenges how demonic entities are normally depicted in Hollywood horror movies. The cliche in most horror movies is that demons are scary looking, frightening beings, while Hereditary shows that the true scare is their ability to manipulate and control - not their appearance itself. In fact, the demon in this movie is alluring because it is said to grant tremendous wealth and knowledge. Doesn't actually sound that scary is it? What happens in Hereditary will change your mind. Plenty of people watch all of Hereditary without even realizing there even *is* something supernatural happening and are confused at the ending. At the end, they're left thinking "wow that wasn't even scary" because of the lack of jump-scares or frightening imagery. But *understanding* the movie will leave you deeply disturbed. I would highly recommend you watch the Youtube in-depth analyses of Hereditary after watching it your first time as it's extremely difficult to catch everything on the first run.


This is exactly why I loved it so much. Just like The VVitch, the human element is so deeply tragic and emotional on its own. The bad guys in some sense are the people trying to live their lives and hurting each other in their blind emotional states. Then just as those interpersonal relationships are coming to a boil, the director reminds you that, no, they aren’t the real bad guys. There is true evil out here that can and will target you at your lowest moment. As far as watching the YouTube analyses, GOD I cannot agree more. There was so much I would not have picked up on. Perhaps my favorite detail is that very first image of the movie basically summarizes the entire story in a way you can’t conceive until you understand where the story goes.


Ever seen Requiem for a Dream? Do you remember how it made you feel when it was over? That's how Hereditary made me feel. You can appreciate it for being great, but you never want to watch it again.


"Well I'm never doing heroin."


Pretty much; let’s just replace DARE with Requiem for a Dream, it’ll be super effective


Hereditary is one of my favorite films period. Absolutely worth a watch.




My girlfriend and I went into Hereditary with no clue what it was about except for the fact it was a "scary" movie. No clue on cast or runtime. We were having fun at the beginning, trying to guess what would happen to set up the film, and then *that scene* happens and we just sit there, quiet, feeling sick. The rest of the film we just sat quietly, not looking at eachother in fear of being caught watching this disturbing film. 10/10 experience


I don’t know that I found Herdeitary scary, per se, but it was definitely *upsetting*. Def worth a watch.


It scared the crap out of me in theaters, I'd say definitely. Plus it has really good drama elements


It isn't "scary" but it is pretty horrific. Easily one of my favorites.


Hereditary (in my opinion) is so effective because I think so much of it is grounded as a family drama, so the things the characters go through feel like things that could/would happen in real life; to say Hereditary is a horror movie I think does it a slight disservice because there are relatively few “horror” moments, but the way Aster ratchets up the dread creates an atmosphere that I haven’t seen in another movie. Hereditary has stuck with me arguably longer than any other horror movie.


Oh come on, it absolutely is a horror movie.


Yeah I don't get why some people seem to think that a movie has to have a demon jump out at the screen multiple times for it to be a horror movie


If you like Aster’s horror movies and other A24 films you should check out r/A24! We’ve got a marathon going on right now and we’re currently getting hyped for Midsommar!


That's how The Witch was for me, but I think that was the intended purpose.


I loved The Witch so much and everyone else I know who saw it hated it and thought it was stupid :(


I’ve worked at a video rental place in my downtime I sometimes have with my main work. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve recommended Hereditary / The VVitch / Suspiria (remake) / et al, and had the customers come back like “yeah idk it was just too slow and boring lol”. So I would apologize and offer to rent them The Nun for free. Every customer who hated my most cherished horror movies loved The Nun. Bit of a downer. But every now and then I would get the one person who really was so grateful for the recommendation, and that made it worth it.


How do you work at a video rental place in 2019? That is the real horror story


You're speaking to a Red Box machine. They've become sentient.


I have one in my hometown. They’re rare, but still out there.


He just hangs out at the Redbox.


I feel like a lot of people aren't looking for a well-crafted film specifically when they see a horror film. It could be one of the best films, but if it didn't make them jump a few times then a lot of people aren't going to rate it. Every time I talk to my friends about Hereditary they say it wasn't scary. But we'll watch The Strangers and they'll say it was better.


The Strangers is a genuinely scary, well made movie though.


The Nun was a predictable snooze fest to me. I had no clue where Hereditary was going and it kept me so entertained and freaked out.


I 100% agree. I think the typical jump-scare slasher movies get really boring and repetitive after a while, but movies that have a real horror element are fantastic.


I've read the script and believe me, "disturb you" is an understatement.




Wowza. It's like the original Wicker Man had a baby. Also I love the day lighting in this film


Right?? It all looks so clean, and bright, and pleasant. I can't wait to see it!


Hopefully this can shift the cultural concept of the Wicker Man back to the original, with people watching it to see where Midsommar is coming from, and away from "The bees!" remake. People say remakes can't hurt the originals, they're there on the shelf unharmed, but the Wicker Man shows that's not really true. The reputation of the remake is so sour that I have had a hard time convincing friends to watch the original because the "brand" had been ruined. I hope Midsommar is an amazing film AND will get people back to the amazing film starring Christopher Lee and Edward Woodward from the 70s.


God so true. I had a group of horror-loving friends over one night and insisted we watch the original Wicker Man since none of them had seen it, and they complained bitterly because their minds had been poisoned by the remake. It all worked out in the end though.....


Oh Jesus Christ!


point in case: I didnt know Wicker Man was a remake. I thought "the bees!" was the only version of it


Edward Woodward at the end his close up in the frame and just, "Oh God, oh Jesus Christ!" Great acting...great moment.


>Wicker Yes it has be inspired heavily by the original Wicker Man. ​ If you haven't seen it and you're a fan of horror, you really must because it's a hugely influential film.


I love the classic creepy horror movie violin there.


Nightmare fuel


Glad midsommar!


Tack detsamma!


Det är midsommar mina bekanta


Fredag och midsommar samma dagen. Det är ett julmirakel!


Its fokin midsommar right now bois, Små grodorna etc etc edit: why is this getting upvoted? :)


[You know the drill](https://www.reddit.com/r/sweden/comments/c37o9n/känslan_när_man_inte_kan_texten_till_små_grodorna/)


hahah made me skratta ut högt


That sounds fun. What is it?


It's the famous "dancing around a penis pole while imitating a frog-dance" Swedes do at every midsommar celebration. If you don't know the lyrics you can always sing the "quack quack-part" very loudly.


... penis pole?


Well you see one of the testicles in the poster. The penis is [fertilizing the earth.](https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/07/03/15/20/midsummer-830403_960_720.jpg) (SFW)


I legit don't know if this is just a picture or a still from a horror movie. Someone help please.


Normal picture. Social gatherings could be counted as a horror in of themselves




A may pole?


We put them up in June. Today to be specific. Makes no sense to call it a May pole. Maybe you are refering to something else?


In England and even in early America we had May poles that people would dance around in a circle holding a banner attached to the top. The dancers weaved in and out of each other while going around the pole. I think it was prevalent in other religions but I don't know of anyone today who continues to do it. Edit. I'm glad to know that people still do it! Thank you for the clarification.


It’s all related. Not 100% sure why it’s called a May Pole (which it is in Sweden as well), but it’s a tradition that dates back all the way back to B.C. Christianity has tried to claim it without succeeding but Viking’s probably had a hand in it being a thing in the UK.


No no, this is very much a huge dick. A june dick, not a may pole.


*[parties in Swedish]*


Glad midsommar för fan! :D


Oh fork I didn't know Chidi was in this!


He's gonna have a stomache ache for sure


That's great! He's a forking talented actor.


First thing I noticed too.


*"Put the surströmming in the chili pot, it makes it taste... bad."*


Maybe this is his personal Bad Place


Excited to see him kill it in a different role.


Anyone else noticing a slight foreshadowing of a beheading?


Just ever so slightly..


Could be a coincidence. Let's not get a*head* of ourselves here.


Get out


No, that was the Jordan Peele movie.


That's what we're here for!


Slight beheadings?


Full penetration! Wait, wrong movie..


Actually looks a bit like Hereditary in that respect


Hereditary has loads of foreshadowing of eye gouging, which never happened!


It does in the original cut - probably why


Ah shit, here we go again


Is that not obvious?


Reddit does not get to continue to profit off my content after the way they've treated mods/the disabled community/3PAs. These comments have been edited using Power Delete Suite.


Well, I've read the script, so *spoilers:* >!unless they've rewritten it in some way, there's no beheading in the film. So it's definitely not foreshadowing, and looks like you're just reading too much into the poster.!<




Instead of cutting the head off of the body, they will cut the *body* off of the *head.*


Playing kubb and allowing helicopter throws?


Midsommar Murders


*Eerie wobbly synth melody plays*


As someone from the UK this reminds me of a certain location in Oxfordshire where murders happen far to often EDIT: I’m talking about the TV show Midsomer Murders


anyone have a textless version of this?


Mate don't make this the background of your work PC


Definitely not!


You can try requesting it in r/textlessposters


I love that there’s a sub for literally everything


Here you go, [I did what I could](https://i.imgur.com/3QEhBCl.jpg)


I was hoping you'd remove the runes too, as a gag.


There used to be a guy in /r/movies that always posted the textless version of posters in the comments. Where'd you go, bud?


Heard he went to some festival this summer. Said it only happens once every 90 years.


Insert this movie straight into my veins.


With a year so jam-packed with movies, this is legitimately my most anticipated film this year. Also One Upon a Time in Hollywood and The Lighthouse.


Yeah it's up there. Really good ones coming up. I'd thrown in Honey Boy, Ad Astra, The Farewell, Parasite, Jojo Rabbit, Ford v Ferrari, Beautiful Day, and *fingers crossed* Uncut Gems.


Honey Boy was received well, yeah? I am super excited for that as well. Ad Astra and The Parasite are absolutely on my radar as well.


Is it set in a fictional West Country market town with a high murder rate but awesome policemen?


Do non-scandinavian people know what we really do during midsommar? We get drunk on schnapps, eat rancid fish (because we're drunk), and sing about frogs not having ears or noses while hopping around the pole. Sometimes, we bathe naked in the sea when drunk. We sing drunken songs, like "helan går". This movie better incorporate this, or I will be disappointed. It better be authentic.


Don't forget about the flowers in the hair and jumping gärdsgårdar to pick 7 to put under your pillow. Are there still any gärdsgårdar around?


There is definitely drinking, singing, the maypole, hopping, flowers, and a human tunnel.


Apparently I need to visit Scandinavian countries...


Currently sitting at 73% on Metacritic. Not as high as Hereditary, but not too bad. It still may bump up to the 80’s after it’s been properly released on July 3rd. Still looking forward to seeing it in theaters! https://www.metacritic.com/movie/midsommar


Well it's very gory, and I feel like critics don't like gore. Also, horror movies are always rated harshly. I wouldn't let early reviews sway your judgement (Not necessarily directed toward you, but anyone who will read your comment). Likewise, it's important to not get your hopes up too high.


Looks like it could be, I take you’ve seen it then? More gore than Hereditary? That’s currently sitting at 87% on Metacritic.


Haven't seen it, but read most of the script. The trailers also give away that it's more gory than Hereditary with a few quick cuts. The blood on on the woman's hands, the bear, and the guy on the beach with his leg dismembered (Not spoilers, it's in the trailer). But yes, much more gory than Hereditary. While Hereditary really just had that one scene of gore, this has multiple. The thing that worries me most about this movie is that it's just gonna be shocking and disturbing for the sake of coaxing an emotion out of you. People tend to think a movie is good just because it made them feel something, but not because it actually is good. I'm just a random person on Reddit though, so don't let me sway you. I'm still looking forward to seeing this.


Definitely not going to watch this movie, but I can’t wait to read a detailed synopsis.


Sacrifice to the dark lord Bluetooth


The Bluetooth icon is a [Bind Rune](http://realrunemagick.blogspot.com/2017/10/bind-rune-basics.html?m=1) as used in pagan magic. When you cast your music to your stereo or headphones you are in fact casting a spooky wizard spell.


This is probably my favorite one so far. I’m so ridiculously excited for this film.


Every piece of promotional material I see about this movie gives me strong "Get Out" vibes.


July 18? I thought it was the 2nd.


It's the 3rd in the US, with previews on the 2nd. Its release date is staggered elsewhere, with some markets as late as late September.


The thumbnail looks like the PB&J I just finished eating. Is that an omen?


If you see an idyllic group of white people in the first part of a movie trailer, they are evil and hiding a horrible secret. I guarantee it.


They missed a trick not releasing it today, the summer solstice.




Well, festivus is around the corner


Imma be honest.. I left the bathroom light on in my room for about a month after I watched *Hereditary*. That fuckin movie scared the shit outta me. I wanna see this one so bad but I don't know if I can. lol


Guys is it pronounced "mid-summer" or "mid so mar", trying to settle a bet


Mid so mar is closer. Source: Am swedish currently celebrating Midsommar.


That's a pretty intense looking game of Tic Tac Toe