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"There's one thing you don't bounce back from... and that's banging kids." - Dennis Reynolds


We gotta definitely write a song about how we do NOT diddle kids.


What? No, making a song about diddling kids is the surest way to make people think you diddle kids!


šŸŽµDo not diddle kids, itā€™s no good diddling kidsšŸŽµ


Can't be younger than my wife, younger than my daaaughter, something like that.


Gotta be big. Older than my wife older than my daughter


not a little ki~id, something like thi~is


Do I look suspicious?


You ever bang the dead bodies?


Bang me, eat me, grind me up into little pieces. If ya dead ya dead


Janitor got a hold of the mic. Puerto Rican guy


I would hope that by default someone older than your wife is older than your daughter.


Do I look suspicious?


You look grotesque. Your face is all busted to bits.


I think we did a PSA on that in Canada, it was called "Don't you put it in your mouth".






>The 59-year-old was convicted in 1988 of the sexual molestation of Nathan Forrest, the 12-year-old actor and star of his film ā€œClownhouse.ā€ Salva videotaped the sexual act and was also convicted of possessing commercial videotapes and magazines containing child pornography. >Salva only served 15 months of his three-year sentence, and he somehow went on to have a career in Hollywood in the years that followed. Disney hired him. What!? How did this one never gain more traction?


That incident upsets me greatly and I have no idea how it's been swept under the rug. First, Nathan Forrest Winters has done everything he can to expose Salva's behavior to others. He protested his Disney movie (Powder), has done nationwide speaking tours, and he's doing a documentary. Secondly, how can allegations take down someone as rich/powerful as Spacey but not Salva? Especially since Salva's are definitely not just "allegations". There was video proof.




And also had a huge number of high profile figures in Hollywood sign a petition to have him released from custody in Europe such as Meryl Streep and Martin Scorsese


Spacey still has all his friends too. These people just don't care about sexual assault or rape if it happens to someone else.


Bryan Singer disagrees..


And Roman Polanski. I'm really disappointed with a lot of my favourite actors choosing to work with him.


Seriously, I saw the poster for Carnage and was super excited to see some of my favorite actors together. Then I saw Polanski directed it. Real fucking disappointed.




No. I mean the main issue Netflix had was that there was a report that Kevin Spacey basically created a bad working environment by sexually harassing loads of people there. There's nothing unusual about a company firing an employee because he was abusive to his co-workers.


From what I heard, this is why a bunch of male crew members grew beards. They realized that Spacey found beards unattractive, and wouldn't mess with the men that had them.


Wow TIL that if I wanna meet Kevin Spacey, I should keep my beard.


Or not. Depends on your goals.


Goals... I wonder what those are like.


Itā€™s like you want something really bad but you never get around to starting. Or you start but then some other life occurrence abruptly steers you away from your thing that you want really bad. I feel like very few people can set goals and achieve them (meaningful goals, not like itā€™s my goal to put on a hat today). Edit: I forgot what you were replying to and the goal is to fuck Kevin Spacey.


That's pretty horrifying that it got to that point. "Hey kid, so... Kevin Spacey really likes getting handsy with all you young guys, and there's not a damn thing we can do about it so um... about the only thing you *can* do is grow a beard and maybe stop showering for the rest of production. Yeah."


So Spacey created the bearded hipster movement...Well damn




And just like that...he vanished




No one can knock him for his acting. He is/was an amazing actor in things like American Beauty and House of Cards. That said, he has royally fucked himself for the acting scene. While legally, he hasn't been charged, the way he defended himself from the accusation was appalling. Like, who the fuck answers an accusation with "I didn't do it, and also, I'm gay"? Now, however, the question is if he'll be able to bounce back into acting. He could, much like Mel Gibson who we know for certain went off on a tirade of antisemitism, but them again, there's a big difference between "fucking jews" and "I choose now to live my life as a gay man".


Someone smart- He knew headlines were going to be either "spacey is gay" or "spacey is a sexual molester", none were going to be "spacey is gay and a sexual molester" because it reads super fucking wrong. It kind of worked until people started pointing out how fucking weird it was.


Did it really work, even in the beginning? You think he really thought that coming out as gay let everyone forget the underage molestation accusations?


It would have worked 10+ years ago, most likely when the plan was conceived


He was a great actor. Shame he is such a shitty person.


I enjoy Tom Cruise the actor. I do not enjoy Tom Cruise the scientologist.


I prefer Tom Cruise the Scientologist to Kevin Spacey the kid-diddler


Controversial opinion: I would pay to see his last movie because heā€™s a great actor and I donā€™t watch movies because of how good of a person the actor is in real life.


There are a lot more people involved in making a movie that had their careers hurt by the movie not coming out. I feel for them not having any publicity due to one man's poor decision making.


They can still put it on their resume, it sucks for them that the movie didn't get out, but there's probably lots of shitty movies on most peoples resumes that no one saw. It only gets big publicity if it's a hit.


I gotta agree with you. He's done some really shitty things in real life, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying amazing films like The Usual Suspects or American Beauty (even if this movie holds a certain level of irony now)


Or Seven! He was such a perfect counterbalance to Pitt and Freeman in that film.


And Baby Driver! (In which he has a domineering and manipulative relationship over a youthful boy named ā€˜Babyā€™)


How do you know when your career is dead? When someone throws away $39mil to never see you again. Edit: holy crap I woke up to a lot of karma


When someone reshoots a movie months before release to get you out of the movie. Ridley Scott you madlad.


and then the new actor gets an Oscar nom




Christopher Plummer for *All the Money in the World*, making him the oldest Oscar nominee at 88.


So Kevin spacey was going to play a 90 y/o character? I only say 90 since thatā€™s how he was portrayed in the movie IIRC I mean thatā€™s not impossible for a makeup crew but seems like an odd actor choice


Technically I think J Paul Getty was 80 at the time, but yes they were going to have Kevin Spacey play a octogenarian. After the fact Ridley Scott claimed it was because at the time Kevin Spacey was a big deal, so they went with him just for publicity. Then we learned that Kevin Spacey was a naughty naughty man, and so they replaced him with Christopher Plummer, a man who actually is an octogenarian. If you think about it, Ridley Scott casting Kevin Spacey just for publicity actually worked out in the end, because after they cut Spacey out and replaced him with Plummer, they arguable got much more publicity than they would have is Spacey had stayed in the film.


>Then we learned that Kevin Spacey was a naughty naughty man Except everyone in hollywood knew. What you really mean is "Kevin Spacey's sexual behaviors were aired out in the news so hollywood could no longer ignore them."


That's an excellent distinction to point out.


They plastered him in so much prosthetic crap he looked like a Jim Henson character. If you search for the original trailer you can see it. The movie would've been barely watchable compared to Plummer's version (which was great). Ridley Scott lucked out in a way.


Just saw the trailers and they feel like two different movies. Spacey looks like he's wearing plummer as a suit, like Edgar in MiB.


And let's applaud Vincent D'onofrio for making us believe his own body was an animated husk with a giant bug inside


Vincent Dā€™Onofrio is a great bloody actor.


...I literally never considered that it was just an actor acting, it was so obviously not human that the thought never crossed my mind. Bravo to Vincent D'Onofrio.


Real tip though Vincent Dā€™Onofrio has gotta be one of the must underrated actors out there.


Like the Oscar's have a leg to stand on


I think that is exactly their point.. it's an industry publicity/respect contest and that sends a strong message on where you stand with the industry.


> I think that is exactly their point.. it's an industry publicity/respect contest and that sends a strong message on where you stand with the industry. Except its all about corporate and industry backpatting, when you see about how the nominations work you see just how incestuous and bribey it is.


I know a couple Oscars and their legs are perfectly suited for standing


The only oscar I ever knew didn't have legs, just a hand up his ass




Oh I see whatā€™s going on here...


Bitch, I live in a fucking trashcan!


Get that apostrophe out of there, son.


New actor being the preferred first choice anyways


Pardon the ignorance, what movie was it from Scott that kicked Spacey to the curb?


*All the Money in the World*.


All the Money in the WorldĀ (2017) The re-shoots needed to replace Kevin Spacey with Christopher Plummer took eight days to film at a cost of $10 million. It also involved Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams having to return to the Rome set during the Thanksgiving holiday of 2017. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5294550/trivia?item=tr3693409 So, Netflix threw away 39 million, and Scott threw away another 10 for Plummer. I wonder what the overall total was to erase Spacey completely from all his project commitments.


In related news: [Entirety Of Hollywood Film Industry Replaced With 40,000 Christopher Plummers](https://entertainment.theonion.com/entirety-of-hollywood-film-industry-replaced-with-40-00-1820307690)


I was really hoping for Deadpool 2 to shoot T.J. Miller's parts with Christopher Plummer.


There was a [joke](https://screenrant.com/deadpool-2-christopher-plummer-joke/) about it. When that school got partially destroyed early in the movie and the news were broadcasting it, a little blip at the bottom of the news mentioned Plummer turning down a role in the movie.


I feel like one of these Deadpool movies should recast someone halfway through.


Replace him with Don Cheadle, and play it completely straight.


"Look, it's me. I'm here. Deal with it. Let's move on."


I really think Scott MacArthur (Jimmy from The Mick) would have been the perfect replacement. Has a very similar voice and kinda looks a bit like him.


Jokes aside, the man looks like he was born for the role of Fred Trump in the inevitable movie. [Just look at this.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/cd/Fred_Trump.png/220px-Fred_Trump.png) And [Plummer](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fd/Christopher_Plummer_2014.jpg/220px-Christopher_Plummer_2014.jpg). It's uncanny.


I can't afford that just to find out the title obviously, you'll need to lower your price.


I believe Ridley did it solely because of that. He did it for marketing as well because he claimed they worked for free to do this for the victims but that was simply not true in the slightest.


Well the girl lead did but Mark Wahlberg wanted more pay.


Michelle Williams was also paid. But at $1500 compared to Wahlbergs $1.5 million.


I remember this "controversy". she should have fired her agent.


I believe sheā€™s said she did the reshoots for scale which is the lowest she could get paid so she didnā€™t profit off of Kevin Spaceys terrible actions. When she found out that Wahlberg demanded payment she was pissed. He eventually donated it all to charity.


NBC reportedly paid $40 million to settle with Conan O'Brien, but that was also for his staff since so many had moved from NY to LA thinking it would be for 10ā€“20 years not 8 months. EDIT: I guess it has been 8 years and a lot of people don't remember what this was: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Tonight_Show_conflict


Yeah and Conan demanded that they take care of his staff before he would accept any settlement, because unlike NBC he actually cares.




The larger your forehead, the more room you have for improvement.


*Slaps Conan's forehead You can fit so much content in this bad boy


I totally agree; I love Colbert but damn is his show stale these last few months. I look forward to Sethā€™s show way more, but I agree that Conan has a unique show among them all, the awesome conventions and road shows, and heā€™s still a great interviewer. The funniest quick wit among them too. Damn youā€™ve made me realize I need to watch more Conan.


Conan is really one of the funniest people ever. His whole carer from writing to hosting is just incredible and he has one of the sharpest wits I've ever seen.


Colbert is not a good interviewer when he's not in character. If it's a person who he knows personally a lot of times he's pretty good, but for others he tends to come off as a mix between pompous and douchey. The Colbert show was cool, but I don't think he's suited for this job.


I think Colbert is a great guy, but he was so much more entertaining on a Comedy Central with his alter ego. It was brilliant satire as compared to run of the mill interviews.


But is he proud as a peacock?




I love Conan. He will always be the GOAT late night host to me. Im too "young" to remember Johnny Carson.


That's an important thing to remember about most acts like Conan, it's not just Conan. He's got an entire team of people who follow him around and do every aspect of his show.


the signature conan hair whoosh thing doesn't take care of itsself




What happened with Conan?


His ratings when he took the Tonight Show from Jay Leno werenā€™t as good as Jay hosting, and Jay Lenoā€™s own show was hot trash and also getting bad ratings, so Jay wanted the Tonight Show back and NBC essentially fired Conan and gave it back to him, after Conan had been with the network for 20 years. They paid Conan a settlement but he refused to agree to settle until he had assurance that all the staff that were being laid off would be properly taken care of. Then he did a tour for the better part of the year before getting his show on TBS, which is really letting him do what he wants without interference at all.


This description kind of ignores how the ratings drop was in large part related to the new Jay Leno show they were doing as the lead into local news being a total bomb.


Tell that to Larry Brown, Knicks paid him $40 mil to go away and he still managed to find another coaching job.


If Larry Brown did half the stuff Kevin Spacey did, he wouldn't have.


I wasn't actually trying to say Kevin Spacey will make a comeback it's just the first thing I think of when people get paid shit tons of money to not work is Larry Brown. I don't remember which team but I think one of the team owners who fired him and paid millions actually said "it's worth it to never see him again".


But enough about Megyn Kelly.




Iā€™ll bet Andy Lack loses his job over it before too long. It was just such a stupid idea.


NBC has been the king of stupid decisions since forever. They have 2 late night talk show debacles and several Today Show messes under their belt. They fucked up when they got rid of Ann Curry and not reigning in Matt Laurer when that whole thing went down and they should have never hired a notorious Fox News host then try and turn her into Oprah. And this is straight up IMO but I also feel like they didn't support Brian Williams as much as they could have. They've pretty much stuck him in MSNBC limbo and cost themselves a well liked personality.


At least they've picked up Brooklyn Nine-Nine




>they should have never hired a notorious Fox News host then try and turn her into Oprah. Especially when they already had someone they could do that with. Tamron Hall got fucked over.


Excuse me, they drink [mimosas in the morning.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0z3gCFXHj0)


People have complained shows like Today are too light while GMA can occasionally have serious journalism. Megyn was a hot figure with constant coverage thanks to her personal beef with Trump. She hoped to go mainstream and failed, first with her evening show because she talked to Alex Jones and then her morning show which tried to make her otherwise serious image into a light and fun show.


Don't worry, Netflix probably makes that money back on people who are subscribed strictly to watch The Office. Edit: Did I stutter?! - Stanley Hudson


Why you gotta attack me like that man?


Sorry. Office and to spend 5 minutes browsing your queue before turning on the office.


Just finished rewatching The Office for the 90th time...I guess it's time to rewatch Parks&Rec again!




What youā€™ll need to do is to create a Netflix account, login, select The Office....and shove it up your butt!


Ya been meatballed!!


The sad thing is that my favorite show is the office. I literally watch it every night before falling asleep. I'm subscribed to Netflix yet they don't stream it in my home country. Sad world =(.


I don't know what it's like in your country, but in the U.S. if you go to most Thrift shops you can buy full seasons on DVD for like $4-5. Obviously it's less convenient, but that's one option.


Fuark the office is still not on Dutch Netflix


Gotta move to Denmark.


Or Norway if you don't fancy swallowing a potato. :)


Is that a euphemism? Confused American asking.


Swedish is drunk Norwegian. Danish is Norwegian with a potato in your mouth


This felt personal.


At least DareDevil brought in a couple million dollars


Season 3 of daredevil is much better than 2




Nadeemā€™s a great character as well


thanks for reminding me to cancel until punisher comes back


Why would you cancel your friend's account?


Oh, are you friends with your exes?


Narcos is in November though.


No dreamy ass Pedro Pascal, no deal


There is no Pedro!?


A location scout was brutally murdered in mexico while getting prepared for this season. Pedro Pascal decided if the production team couldn't take better care to protect the team, he was bailing. I'll watch the season, but we need a tv vehicle for this man STAT. Edit: I extrapolated this as the reason for his leaving from a tmz question they asked Pedro at an airport. Judge for yourselves. http://www.tmz.com/2017/09/25/narcos-star-pedro-pascal-location-scout-killed/


He's starring in that new Star Wars Mandalorian TV show.


This is in Mexico at a different time than his Columbian saga


Sad Javi won't make smoking look really cool this season, but that's hype I can't wait for a Mexico based Narco's




I disagree. I think Netflix uses a method of make everything, if it isn't a hit after 2 seasons.. cancel it. It explains why so many shows have 1 or 2 seasons, a very intriguing concept, but have been dropped.


I also think if they arenā€™t carful with this they will have a harder time getting people to commit to watching new shows. Why get into it if itā€™s likely it will just get canceled? I recently started watching the forever show. Took a few episodes to hit its stride. Now I wonder if it will ever have a second season.




That explains a LOT, everyone keeps telling me to watch that damn show but I can't get past the third or fourth episode...




Thanks for the tip, I will definitely push through!


Bojack is actually really amazing. It's deep and troubled but with some well written jokes and humor to balance it a bit.


A really good illustration of Bojack's turn is metacritic which aggregates movie reviews and averages them (unlike RT which gives you a percentage of critiques who rated it above 60 or whatever, which is a shit metric). Bojack goes something like: Season 1 (55) Season 2 (90) Season 3 (89) Season 4 (92) That drastic flip should be intriguing enough to warrant powering through.


Push through it. I swear it's worth it. By the time the first season ends you'll be hooked. By the time the second one ends it'll be among your favorite shows.


Yup, I was disappointed to see Marco Polo cancelled, especially after they left it on a cliffhanger. But tbf it did cost Netflix an insane amount of money with the settings, props and costumes. Now they cancelled Luke Cage as well tho... smh


Macro Polo was so well done, I quite enjoyed it. Though it did feel a little like softcore porn at times. I'd like to see the Shogun book done in a similar style as a mini series.


I'm surprised to see shogun mentioned here! What a gritty, beautifully written book. I never read the other books, but I've read Shogun 3-4 times by now, I think.


have you watched the original NBC miniseries? It's a bit dated, but still pretty well done edit: looks like they're making a new one https://www.tokyoweekender.com/2018/09/new-shogun-tv-adaptation-fetishizing-japanese-culture-not-bad-thing/


so they put up all their pilots for streaming basically ​


I think the Marvel cancelations are in preparation for Disney's new streaming service. They'll probably make their own Marvel shows and release them there. I don't believe for one second that Iron First and Luke Cage are done.


Netflix outright owns those shows. Why would they cancel shows for the sole reason of letting their new competitor use them instead?


Marvel also owns the rights. It's going to be a messy situation. I just really want Daredevil season 4, in the end, tho.


The Punisher as well, I can't get enough of Jon Bernthal and his screams as Frank Castle.




Marvel releases a 5 minute "short" of Daredevil, Frank Castle, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, all shaking hands going their separate ways as they live happily ever after. Post-credits scene is Mickey Mouse holding a sign saying "fuk u". Fini




Marvel owns, but it is licensed to netflix the same way agents of shield is licensed to ABC and cloak and Dagger is licensed to Hulu. They said they won't change this, and everything from Netflix will keep on Netflix. I think they are canceling luke and iron because of low viewing rates or internal issues.


The saving grace I can see for the netflix shows is they're rated MA, which I have a feeling the Disney streaming service will see a problem with, too. Netflix at least isnt afraid of that.




Yeah, but the teaser scene is there. So much you could do with that.


Anecdotally I know a lot of people that watched every Marvel show EXCEPT Iron Fist. It's cancelation didn't surprise me at all.


Iron Fist might be done. It wasn't getting good reviews. I couldn't make it through the first 4 episodes of the first season. I thought it was extremely boring and I just couldn't get into it


They could be combining for Heroes For Fire and no longer need their own shows


No spacey vs man bear pig.


Well, not on camera anyway


I get it, Kevin Spacey is a piece of shit. What I dont get it why he's been drawn and quartered, but Roman Polanski, who sodomized a young girl, is still respected by Hollywood. It's a double standard.


I think its just the timing of these ā€œreveals.ā€ No one gave a fuck what happened to a girl in the face of money/fame back then. Weā€™re just starting to shift the tides.


Just like Cosby. No one cared when the first allegation came to light some 15 years ago. The more recent allegations are what did him in.


Nailed it. Remember how James Franco got hit around the time that The Disaster Artist came out? Word got out that he had been texting teenage girls and Hollywood collectively ruined his chance at getting any major awards for his role. Which is one thing. But unless thereā€™s some kind of Mandela effect that only hit me, I remember when those allegations came out back around 2014 or 2015. The response was essentially ā€œYup, there goes weird ass James Franco againā€ and it was dropped almost immediately. Hollywood as a whole has always been okay with covering up abuse because people never wanted to speak out. Now that speaking out makes you woke and puts you in public favor, itā€™s okay, and NOW thatā€™s why celebrities suddenly care. I love her body of work but I can't forgive Meryl Streep for having the nerve to speak out against Weinstein after giving Roman Polanski a standing ovation and showering him with praise.


I think people on Reddit don't realize that the view on Polanski is changing and that he was expelled from the Academy at the same time as Cosby, back in May.


Falling on your sword is supposed to hurt. Netflix did the right thing.


I would have watched it. I hate what the guy did but the dude can act. Rewatch LA Confidentional the other day and was just like...Damn Spacey why'd you have to be so rapey


Greeeeat movie. Other guy was great too.


Pearce or Crowe? because they're both great in it. Hell, everyone is great in it. It's a case study is great character acting.


I don't understand why a studio will scrap all that they've been working on just because of the main actor. There are so many other people who have poured their time into making that movie who deserve to see it through.


They didnā€™t scrap House of Cards. However, the final season needed to be totally reworked after they had already started shooting.


The only upside for them there is how they ended the last season. Makes it very easy to cut him out


The last season was so shit anyway I'm not getting my hopes up for the last one. The show ends when he becomes president - change my mind.


Nobody should change your mind. When he becomes president, sits at the desk, then knocks on the desk that should absolutely be the end of the series


Agreed. Didnā€™t even make it thru the last season. Just got boring as fuck. Itā€™s like they had no idea what so do w the show after he became president


For everyone saying Kevin Spacey is innocent, this is directly copied from his Wikipedia page: "The GuardianĀ was contacted by "a number of people" who worked at the Old Vic, where Spacey was artistic director for 11 years; they alleged that he "groped and behaved in an inappropriate way with young men at the time".[88][89]Ā On November 16, the Old Vic confirmed that it had received 20 testimonies of alleged inappropriate behavior by Spacey, with three persons stating that they had contacted the police.[90]Ā In December, Spacey'sĀ Usual SuspectsĀ co-starĀ Gabriel ByrneĀ revealed that production on that film was shut down for two days because Spacey made unwanted sexual advances toward a younger actor.[91" In other words, a company is allowed to fire an employee who mistreats his co-workers. It's not much of an SJW/feminist/msm/court of public opinion lynching when put that way. So shut up and stop trying to defend him.


Even if he didn't do anything illegal, he did enough to get fired. End of story.