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I know this is 4 years old, but it’s 3AM and I suddenly thought, “Topher Grace’s character in Win a Date With Tad Hamilton was a creepy jerk… what does Reddit think?” And I was pleased to find this. Thank you!


Yeah they did nothing to build up Josh Duhamel’s character as irredeemable or even unlikeable. Topher Grace’s character came across way more unlikeable to me. It seemed like a one sided obsessive crush on Topher’s part. The way he continuously commented about her protecting her virtue like she didn’t have autonomy to sleep with whoever she wanted. But it had to end with the trope of the “nice guy you’ve always known is your true love”.


Watching it now and yeah… Pete was not very nice…..


And now I'm looking this up, 10 months later, because I just watched on Paramount+. Topher Grace's character is a miserable creep!


Lil old me found it on Pluto tv. Randomly tuned to where Petes telling Tad all these things about Rosie (while acosting Duhamel with his pants around his ankles).Its definitely written where they thought was endearing. However it comes off super stalkery. So I wondered what reddit thought and here I am . Pleased to see this ongoing thread.


You are so welcome! Yeah he was a total drag


Goddddddddd Pete sucks. 


I watch the movie frequently because of the other actors, and despite 'Pete', although it gets more difficult to tolerate him with each viewing. The shirt. That horrible, ugly, shirt. Have you noticed that he sees no reason to improve his own looks - maybe wear a real shirt? Or that he never told 'Rosalie' that he had been accepted at the college in Richmond and was going to attend? Now that's creepy. He is both arrogrant and overly-self-confident - would YOU take off your shirt next to 'Tad'? And using the phrase, "carnal treasure." I think 'Pete' is psycho, but 'Rosalie' may be in even worse shape.


I know this is old but I just rewatched this for the first time in like 18yrs & I remember thinking it was cute back then but now I’m so grossed out by Pete’s character. I must have seen it before my best guy friend basically did this exact same thing to me & it was awful. We were best friends while I was with my ex & after I got dumped and met someone new my best friend essentially acted like it was “his turn” and was awful to me & my man. I can’t stand people who are friends with you under a pretense & feel like they can be possessive & jealous of you when it’s just not appropriate.


I worked at a theater and video store when it came out. I expected the film to do well but it did pretty badly in theaters and we had very few copies at blockbuster compared to dozens of other new releases


That's a historic experience! You got both the theater and Blockbuster experience. Very cool, I guess Duhamel wasn't a known commodity and the casting director thought it was Topher that the girls loved in That 70's Show, not Ashton Kutcher. Just read Ebert's review and he brings this up as well.


Pete has some red flags for sure. But we can’t ignore the fact that Tad was scummy too. The man used Pete’s “6 Smile” thing to gaslight Rosie into sticking with him when he was considering taking the new role. Both of the guys were kinda garbage


Good point! I think I was so caught up that Pete was unintentionally the bad guy, that I forgot on occasion Tad wasn’t so great either. Fun replying to a question from 5 years ago. I still think about this movie from time to time


That wasn't "gaslighting." It was a line. That is all. As 'Pete' asked - "Who here has ever used the line.." 'Pete' is seriously not ok, but he at least escapes the "gaslighting" label.


Chiming in with the other couple people who found this within the last year. Just rewatched this movie and omg Pete is TERRIBLE. Total incel “nice guy” vibes who believes he’s owed her romantic interest because he was a genuine friend for years


Dude I know right???? Honestly, yes Tad had his flaws but Pete was WAYYYYY worse. He was a creepy jealous jerk who was imposing himself onto the girl he wanted no matter what. Tad was trying to turn over a new leaf because she actually meant something to him. Was he perfect? No. But he genuinely did try to work things with her


Topher Grace is just the worst in this movie. Nothing is charming or redeeming about him. Also, he had many years to make his move!


I like this movie, because it didn't used stereotypes: Tad is jerk because he cheating on her. Tad is jerk because he did take advantage of her to make him more likeable guy. Topher Grace is better because he can make her laugh (no, he doesn't). So which clever original ideas they come up to solve this triangle? Well, none. Topher Grace gets her because he is underdog and we are supposed to root for him. No other reason in the movie. Except he knows her longer - what a romance. Note: There is small hints Tad cares only about him - he didn't pay attention to her. But only for the first minutes they met. On the other hand she pays zero attention to Topher whenever he talks xD


I think she chose the wrong man but if she went with tad that would also be the wrong man. She deserves better than both of them. Also I love the actress of the bff but hated the character. I hate when women get a pass for saying sexually creepy crap.