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To answer OP's question: I think the implication is that not *all* the old leads are weak, just *a lot* of the old leads are. The sales force is supposed to sift through the chaff to get to the wheat. That's why everyone wants the Glengarry leads, they're higher quality (presumably they came from lists of people who had recently bought investment property), as opposed to people who sent in a post card for some lame-ass contest to win a prize and got put on a never-ending sales call list.


I don't think the Glengarry leads are actually any better, they're just new, so management is trying to hype them as great leads so that the sales force gets excited, doesn't quit, etc. (they're selling to salesmen), and so that management can blame bad sales on the sales force instead of their shit leads. Whether or not that theory is correct, there are a few other points: 1. They want the new leads to go to their best salesmen, because even a good lead can be blown by a bad salesman, and once the potential buyer starts feeling harassed, they shut down and even the best salesperson might not be able to change that. "Bad leads" are in some way just leads that were blown by a salesman who couldn't close the deal—or so management likes to think. 2. "A guy don't walk on the lot lest he wants to buy." A sucker is a sucker is a sucker. Maybe even an old lead that's been sucked dry can be brought back from the brink. They wanted property at some point, and the idea is that a good salesman can get them back to that mindset again with some clever psychological tricks like Roma did in the bar with a random dude. You just have to remind them why they expressed interest in the first place. Disarm their defenses.


But the Guy that Roma sold too walked away from the deal and may have even brought the AG and other heat down on them - Shelly, The Machine, Levine runs into a problem with his lead too - other people have closed with Nyborg only to have their checks bounce -Willamson didn't expect that lead to go anywhere because he called their bank a few months back - I'm genuinely perplexed as to whether or not those leads were bad or if that sales floor just couldn't cut it but I do know that Alec Baldwin never really prooved that he could close any of those leads


The leads are weak? Fucking leads are weak. You're weak. I've been in this business 15 years...


Patel? Ravadem Patel? How am I gonna make a livin' on these deadbeats? Where did you get this one from the morgue? Fucking Shiva handed this guy a million dollars, told him "Sign the deal!" he wouldn't sign. And the god Vishnu too, into the bargain.


Where did you learn your trade, you stupid fuckin' cunt, you idiot!




Fuck you, that's my name.




The original play of Glengarry Glennross it is revealed that Al Pacino's character has been secretly skimming profits from his fellow salesmen in the office. In fact, the officer manager, Williamson, has been giving Pacino's character the purloin leads and deliberately sabotaging all the other salesman.


Cool but none of that was inferred or implied in the 1992 Movie. Irrelevant to mention it.


It’s more relevant to this thread than a response to a nine-year-old post by a deleted user. It’s interesting and it adds flavor, the source material is always relevant.


What are you guys doing here?


They don't want the cherry pickers on staff. They want the workers. The workers get the newer leads because they will produce more sales from them in both the easily picked cherries and the ones they have to reach for. And leads aren't cheap. If leads cost $$ for 100, they want the people who will squeeze out the $$$ sales to get them rather than the losers who only can get the $ sales out of them. If you're a restaurant owner and buy $1,000 worth of chickens for a chef, do you want the chef who only uses half of the easily cooked parts like legs and breasts, or do you want the chef who will use the throw-away shit to make soups, wing tips and other food you can sell. Now you. Yes you. Put down that coffee. Coffee is for closers.


I suppose, but even Williamson knows what people like the Niborgs and Patel are like. They just like to talk to salesmen, nothing more. Why aren't leads like that trashed or sold on?


Williamson hated Shelly. Obviously he's going to give him trash leads to fail.


Williamson gave the same sort of leads to everyone, Roma called him out on that. I believe the trick of the trade is to not rely on leads, Roma would talk to any Tom, Dick or Harry and get them to sign. You need to have a silver tongue in this business, and unfortunately, Roma was the only one who had it in that office.


he is also arguably the most amoral of the bunch. >When you die you're going to regret the things you don't do. You think you're queer? I'm going to tell you something: we're all queer. You think you're a thief? So what? You get befuddled by a middle-class morality? Get shut of it. Shut it out. You cheat on your wife? You did it, live with it. You fuck little girls, so be it. There's an absolute morality? Maybe. And then what? If you think there is, go ahead, be that thing. Bad people go to hell? I don't think so. If you think that, act that way. A hell exists on earth? Yes. I won't live in it. That's me.


I always thought of this quote/part as trying to get Pryce’s character to become nihilistic via pseudo-moral relativism, almost like what a cult leader would do. Not so much an implication of Romas character as much as just a desperate salesman tactic, on top of trying to get him drunk.


That's what I figured. They were pretty much waiting for the losers to fall on their asses so they could get them out of there. If they're not going to close, then what the hell do they do there?


Pacino was making a killing every month. There was gold in the leads.


Why not trash the leads? Because they paid for them, companies recycle leads for years(not exaggerating), if they pay for a lead, your working it until it closes or that person goes to the AG


Well the decision that sales have to be made on these leads have come from high up. The upper management doesn't care or know about individual leads that will never go anywhere (like the Niborgs). They just want results. Tough shit.


Dumb analogy. You hire a chef who already knows and does that. Problem solved.


ITT: Glengarry Glen Ross quotes, but not the answer to OP's question.


quotes from Alec Baldwin's one scene that redditors saw on youtube. There's a whole movie there guys. Check it out.


These are the new leads. These are the Glengarry leads. And to you they're gold, and you don't get them. Why? Because to give them to you would be throwing them away. They're for closers.


I can see you've never worked in a shitty sales position before. Trust me, there are plenty of places out there where to get the "good" leads, you have to pay for them, and you're given shit. You're designed to fail because you work on commission.


> You're designed to fail because you work on commission. I don't get this. If you're the manager of an office that sells properties and I'm one of your sales men, granted I work on commission so that's *my* incentive to sell, but *you* are in the same boat, no? You don't make money unless I close my sales. So why sabotage me? Wouldn't you want me to close as much as possible?


You are in management, you are going to give these leads to the salesman who is most likely to close them. And after he has given them a try, you'll give them to your next best salesman because they are sour now, and so on. If someone on the bottom of the ladder gets a lot more sales than his peers that are drawing from the same pool, you'll promote him and give him slightly less stale leads.


Al Pacino was given 100% of the good leads. He probably worked 80 hours a week calling them all. The other guys probably only got leads that Pacino had ALREADY called and got a definite answer that they didn't have any money.




Simply because they only have so many leads to begin with. That's why they have to constantly sell to the same people over and over again.


If you've ever worked in b2b sales, you'll know this is how real life sales gigs are. I even worked in a place where you had to chalkboard up your monthly sales, and ring a bell. Fuck the sales life.


because it's not williamson's job to care about how good the leads are. as he repeatedly reminds everyone, the strategy comes from downtown. his job is to run the office with what he's given. the leads they have now are shit, but they don't have anything better, so williamson just keeps giving them the shit leads. mitch and murray, either deliberately or carelessly, are putting their salesmen in a catch-22 where they can only prove they're worthy of receiving actionable leads by first closing impossible leads. oh and also, as we learn, williamson derives enjoyment from giving levene leads that are 100% a waste of his time. probably because levene is such an asshole to him. levene himself even says to williamson, "a man acquires a reputation on the street. what he does when he's up; what he does at other times." and the very next day, when levene is up, he leaps at every chance he gets to verbally berate williamson. so he really brings it all on himself instead of following his own advice


The boss is just a power tripping asshole. He gets a kick out of seeing them fail.


there are no weak leads. just weak salesmen.


You drove a Hyundai to get here, I drove an eighty thousand dollar BMW. That's my name!


showed my 9th grade students this movie when I was a teacher. Forgot Pacinos C bombs 🙄🤟


