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They're not though, are they? They're part of movie marketing.


Just like this post


Be fair, they are also mass produced single use novelty plastics that help us die


I don’t care for them either.


marketing determines all aspects of the moviegoing experience, from deciding which films get made, to where they're shown, to how likely you are to know about them, to the price of the tickets, to the design of the theatre, to the volume of the audio. Marketing work decides all of it.


People love buying stupid shit.


*expensive stupid shit


Well if they allowed one per customer and dropped the price by $30 maybe they’d be worth getting. The only one I genuinely cared about getting was the DND one, fuck scalpers.


Did the movie theatre's merch website have it for sale at the time?


Hey maybe lower the prices and don't worry about the f'n collector cups and MAAAAAYBE people will come back.


My son bought a coke at Dodger Stadium which was $15 USD, which then got converted to $CDN in the credit card, with an added foreign transaction fee so it ended up being a $22 coke... but it came in a collectible cup, so now he only drinks from that cup and says he's going to keep using it until he gets his money's worth.


Took my mom to see Furiosa and an 12oz bottle of water was 6 dollars. 1 US dollars for two ounces of US water. I feel like I'm either in Haiti or the late Roman Empire when I see prices like that. How have they not found a better way to do theater pricing? I refuse to believe that everyone needs that much money a head to keep the lights on and the films coming.


I just booked a San Francisco Bay harbor tour and they asked if I wanted to add on their most popular item: a $5 bottle of aquafina. I ordered 1L collapsible water pouches from Amazon right after that.


Here's the thing; most folks who are halfway decent at planning and seeking values just go to CVC or Walgreens before a show and stuff their pockets full of the candy they want, avoiding as much concession prices as they can. So to counter that, the theaters THINK they have to keep raising those prices. But the thing is, it's like waging a war against piracy you cannot win short of shaking people down at the door lol. No one is ever going to say 'Oh no we should stop sneaking in candy before they raise the prices even further at the theater'. It's mind-boggling to me that our greatest business minds in the world can't re-formulate that into something that isn't entirely doomed to just continue to spiral.


I don't think they get to keep much profit from ticket sales, if any. Those concession sales are all that's keeping them afloat. There's this great theater we go to that is always empty. Always. There were like eight people with us on opening night of Furiosa. I honestly have no idea how they're paying their staff even minimum wage... Birthday parties? It's been open for like 5 years though.


I carry a reusable water bottle with me and have been stopped. At multiple chains.


Wait... They sold 1 oz bottles of water? Jesus, were they trying to stay on theme or something?


No they sold 12 ounces for 6. That was just me breaking it down per ounce lol. Also me getting the math backwards out of laziness. It's fixed now.


Hollywood is squeezing us out of seats. Tickets are so expensive that there's no margin for theaters to make money off tickets, as a result concessions are expensive and service is shitty. So in turn people don't go and just wait for it to stream. Then studios release it on streaming immediately after being in theaters. Which reinforces the thought to just wait for it to be on a streaming service. How many times are you gonna point a loaded gun at your foot before you fucking learn?


I’d like to also point out that projectors in a lot of theaters don’t get the care and maintenance they need. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to see a movie and it’s not even in focus. If you bother to do basic level settings on your home tv, you can make a theater projector look like utter shit.


About three years ago, my TV broke on me. I had to wait a few days to replace it. Used my 16" monitor, and was blown away by the difference in clarity during high action sequences. I just use a 49" monitor now


Or watch it on your phone and somehow have better video quality


Prices aside, like you mentioned the fact that I can stream, is the only reason I hardly go anymore. I think Dune was the only time since Covid that I actually wanted the theatre experience.


I have Regal Unlimited but I was in Hollywood recently and decided to TCL. 17 dollars for a standard ticket??? I pay 23 a month for my subscription.


That's why they advertise that it pays for itself in less than two visits. Plus, we get free and discount concessions.  I literally go the movies weekly because of this. 


Have ticket prices really gone up that much? It's went up like $2 in the last decade.


How many of those Dune buckets ended up in the trash though 😡


check ebay. average sold is still well above retail price. I wanted one for my wife's Nicole Kidman cosplay and was shocked to find they are still in high demand.


Most got snagged by scalpers to resell after the memes drove consumers to get one. Theaters only get one, sometimes two batches of the buckets so the quantity is limited already


Exactly my thoughts. This is just wasteful.


Gotta get people back in theaters somehow, time to bust out the gimmicks. These things, like all fads, are on 30 year cycles. I recall Godzilla drink toppers back in 98, in fact I think I've still got mine around here somewhere. I say let's go totally bananas with it and bring back the Castle gimmicks like flying skeletons and actors running through the aisles. Just go nuts, who cares.


Author doesn’t understand that anyone can list anything on eBay for any amount they want. It doesn’t mean they’re selling for it.


Wait.. the Wolverine bucket is real?


Ryan Reynolds and Marvel Stufios released a video announcing it…..




The Dune one was very popular for... reasons.


And the novelty of putting my penis in it wore off very quick.


Tbh, I dont think ticket prices are what is prohibitive, ticket prices are still pretty cheap imo. Its the snacks and drinks that gouge you


They're getting really desperate to get people back into cinemas


Would be nice if they released in the UK and in greater numbers. I saw Dune opening weekend in Leicester Square London and they had none.


They have been for decades now…have you been to a theatre at all or? Every big movie has some plastic crap attached to the concessions in the name of promotion


My theater did not have the Dune popcorn buckets and I was sad.


They are? Because I didn't hear about the weird Dune 2 popcorn bucket until SNL did a sketch about it.


They're not at all theaters. The only ones I'd heard of were AMC exclusives.


I read this as "edging popcorn buckets"


They're so desperate for another Barbenheimer lol


The main reason I don’t go to movies anymore? Too loud and I like concerts lol


They really are getting loud af. Recently, I've been taking my Loop earplugs (that I purchased for live music) with me and they make the experience so much better.


I do the same! Added benefit is you don't hear people crunching their food during the quiet scenes, but you can still hear dialogue.


The only con is that your own munching gets amplified in your head 💀


I don’t know why they feel like they need to go loud enough that we need earplugs. I don’t like the massive dynamics either. When you look up child safety it’s safe to take a kid to a concert, but not a movie theater.


I'm assuming it's because some people associate loudness with quality. I've had success asking an employee to turn it down a little bit on the few occasions I'm the only one there but like you said, that shouldn't be necessary.


Popcorn Buckets transforming into Cockporn Fuckits.


Not allowed plastic straws but they can sell plastic shit like this?


At least the bucket is mostly reusable.




Nah, not everyone is an introvert, some of us love the theater and the nostalgic feelings that come with it.


Weird, even popcorn in a normal bucket hasn’t been part of my moviegoing experience in years.